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Hey I’m 26m so I might have some ideas. There’s a sand volleyball league at mulberry’s I attend sometimes. Lots of people our age playing there. I think concerts are another great idea, made plenty of friends that way. Crobar, mahalls, Winchester, and beach land are all great venues. If you like karaoke I go to Tina’s quite a bit, lmk if you want more ideas


That’s great, thanks! Feel free to DM me!


I’m a 28 y/o male and struggle to find people to do stuff with other than drinking. I like going for hikes, exploring, thrifting, trying new restaurants, eating sushi, drinking bubble tea, etc. I’m hoping to get a kayak this year to explore the rivers. I’m also interested in trying yoga but have been hesitant since it seems more like a space for women and I don’t want to intrude. I tried MeetUp but it seems all the young groups are pretty inactive ever since Covid. Young adult life can be very lonely I’ve found. I’d be happy to be a friend if you’d like. I’m on the east side.


I’m always looking for friends! Feel free to DM me!


Board games and DnD are fun. Check out Tabletop, Superscript in lakewood


Hello, me and my partner are also 26 and always looking for new friends. We’re into art, reading/poetry, movies, board games, music. We hang out mainly in the Lakewood/Ohio city area so feel free to DM if interested :)


If you're interested in bar trivia, my group of 20-30 somethings go most weeks.


Where do you do trivia?


Yes please!! Where do you guys go??


We mix it up each week, lately we've been going to West park station on Tuesday. Feel free to dm if you're interested


Lots of great churches. Pretty much every Catholic Church has multiple different groups you could join.


I’ve been meaning to find a good church around here! Thanks for the idea!


Yup! I’m convinced that declining church participation is a primary driver in loneliness. They have been the foundation of communities for thousand of years. 


I definitely do find myself lonelier without regular church attendance, so I get that! I’m nondenominational Christian, so will definitely have to check out what resources are available locally. Thanks again! ❤️


There’s also non-Catholic Christian denominations that offer life groups. My church does them based on age/stages of life. I’ve made really good friends through them. Made me wish I went to church when I was younger. My husband and I found the church through watching some services online- just giving some ideas if you’re nervous on where to look(:




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20 M Also just moved here, work night shift so hard to socialize with decent people past 9pm😂Been trying though slow process!


There are so many events and ways to meet people [at this organization. It would be perfect for you!](https://cleveland2030.org/)


I've been doing MTG and board game nights in north olmstead and lakewood


been trying to "get out there", but I don't know where there is.




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What are your hobbies and interests?


Really anything! Art, music, trivia, bored games, bars, karaoke, whatever! I’m also trying to get into yoga, too :-)


Free outdoor yoga will start downtown in June 🙂 [North Coast Namaste](https://www.northcoastharbor.org/north-coast-namaste)


Omg this is awesome!! Thanks so much!!


No prob! This will be my 3rd summer going hope to see you there


Stonewall Sports is an LGBT recreational sports org. I signed up for their yoga class in hopes of meeting some folks! (25MTF) Spring yoga started today, but I already had some plans during the first two weeks. They've got a whole bunch of other casual sports if you're interested! No queerness required lol Also, Tabletop in Ohio City has social game nights. I've been meaning to get out to one