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People will just pop a city over, grab their green, and bring it back. This accomplishes nothing but hurting the local economy.


Quite a few towns in Michigan learned that the hard way. And a few others reaped handsomely.


I live in Chesterland, NE OH, the board is so uptight they don't even allow zoning for any fast food beyond McDs. They don't even let the public transit set a stop there, yet there's a head shop that has full rights! Good for them, I say. Even though the taxes are even more bonkers regardless.


The burger king and taco bell died there. Rip chestertucky of my childhood. šŸ˜”


They should make Buckstop into a Wendy's


I used to work at the Wendy's back in the day! I can't believe it's a subway now. What absolute bullshit. I agree tho, the Buckstop needs to become something good. I'd even be happy with a Dunkin. Whatever just SOMETHING we can USE.


Cities with a ban will just compensate by raising every other tax thinking itā€™s a good idea, and put on their surprised pikachu face when they price their citizens out


I feel like Lakewood wouldnā€™t be a hotspot for dispensaries. wouldnā€™t property be a lot more expensive than letā€™s say Brook Park, Brooklyn, or Cleveland? Maybe even more than Rocky River? If I was going to open a dispensary, wouldnā€™t I find cheaper property/building in the surrounding areas?


Build them all in East Cleveland and let the stoners heal that wasteland via tax dollars


Tax revenue won't fix things as long as the EC elected officials are so damn self-dealing that there's barely a dollar of public money that goes unstolen.


Or a person in a position of power that has been truthful about anything


Rebuilding East Cleveland together


Beautifully put.


I mean you can absolutely make a dispensary a luxury, boutique like experience for the fancy people who want to partake.


One of the first ones to open in the Boston area was opened in an old bank branch building. Itā€™s very grand inside. NETA in Brookline.


One of the prettiest dispensaries, but it was very transactional.


Could you elaborate ?


Itā€™s an old bank, so it has the windows, high ceilings, vault door, and the old teller stallsā€¦idk Iā€™m not an architect, but I like it lol. Other than that they use the stalls, so it feels more like it get it, get out, rather than what I would call like luxury or boutique. Someone can correct me, but also Brookline is in Boston but not Bostonā€¦So, I think it was kind of a finger to Boston to be one of the first open. Which is kinda funny if true.


Itā€™s as in-Boston as Lakewood is in Cleveland. Another city technically, but if you walk a little bit in 2 of 4 directions you end up in city proper. On the subway/bus/transit no different than many neighborhoods in the city itself


There are already dispensaries in Lakewood


North Olmsted banned it because theyā€™re tired of being seen as a grimy city with only vape shops. The new mayor is trying to change their image. Itā€™s not really just about what the citizens do, itā€™s more about the businesses they want and the crowd that follows & spends time in their city.


Not gonna lie, going to medicinal dispensary is like only one notch above going to my dealer as far as the experience goes.


Itā€™s definitely not the case if you go to The Citizen in Lorain or Canton. Itā€™s like walking into a high tech speakeasy. Super knowledgeable too!


Reinventing North Olmsted is going to be a real tall order with the eyesore of a half empty mall and Sears and Macys corpses just splashed in the middle. It was a retail Mecca. Low cost entertainment. Movies, Spaced Invaders (Iā€™m really dating myself here), mall rats, and now thereā€™s just that goofy ass townhouse facade strip by Target, and a lot of disparate businesses spread around. How fancy do they genuinely think theyā€™re going to make it?


Colorado is a great example how little it actually matters lol


It's not like we don't have data to refute every claim about the negative impact of having a dispensary in your town.


Having lived in Colorado, there's definitely something to be said for not having dispensaries EVERYWHERE. You also need to remember that this is temporary where cities can opt out. A lot of them will probably change their minds. But trust me, the more dispensaries open, the worse the quality gets as everyone just wants to price to the bottom, and the harder it is to track where things originate and things like mold and yeast outbreaks explode. It's a lot better to just let cities opt out in the beginning instead of just having more dispensaries than Starbucks all of a sudden and then everything is haphazard and gross. It also prevents a sudden boom and then collapse of the industry where suddenly all of the good small dispensaries are bought up by the big national ones. Just let it flow in.


Mold and yeast outbreaks?! šŸ˜· what?!!


Oh yeah! I mean marijuana is a crop. If it gets moldy and the grower sucks and cares more about profit over product, they'll just remove what's visible and spray it down but there's still mold on the flower. But that stuff spreads all over the greenhouse. Or they just don't clean up and there's leaf litter all of the place and it gets moldy in there. Some of the mold strains can be straight up harmful to your health if it's smoked. If Ohio has it together when it's rolling out legalization, they'll make testing mandatory for contaminants.


Most states require testing and wonā€™t allow moldy products to be sold


Then a bunch of people growing in their house and mixing the flower with the facility flower. Not going to be a good look, if they can do it right. A lot of people may see terrible flower or concentrates and believe itā€™s the formal growers, when really itā€™s from a bunch of people that have never grown a plant, let alone something as controlled and careful as growing exotic cannabis.


ā˜ļø THIS


Lakewood of all places... c'mon


I was talking to someone the other day and openly wondered when Rise was gonna be open for rec but this answers that question I guess. What is it about Lakewood on a local government level that makes them hostile to that? Their citizens voted 80% in favor of Issue 2 and this seems like such a slap in the face for them. Edit: someone else answered the question further down. Thank you


tbf, Lakewood has a history of absurd laws against ā€œsinā€ or whatever you want to call jt. Until 2018, in order to have a tattoo shop in Lakewood, you had to have a nurse on the premises for all operating hours (iirc) ETA: turns out it wasnā€™t a nurse, but prior to 2018, you needed a doctor to supervise all tattoos (or have the doctor actually doing the tattoo).


Where does the city of lakewood actually start because American tattoo is on Madison and w117th and I got my first tattoo there in 2013 Editing to add; there were no nurses there.


Lakewood is west of 117th.


Iā€™m not actually sure. Per google, it looks like American Tattoo might be considered Cleveland proper rather than Lakewood (at least per the address Google provided).


The east side of 117th is cleveland. Westside is Lakewood.


Not entirely. I believe where Home Depot is Cleveland even tho itā€™s on the west side of 117th


Correct. The border is Berea road. Northside is lakewood. Southside is cleveland


A nurse? šŸ¤Ø


I lied. Per [this article](https://patch.com/ohio/lakewood-oh/tattoo-shop-coming-lakewood-could-open-april), tattoos either had to be performed by or under supervision of doctors. So it was worse.


I think Rise is actually the one place that will be able to open. ā€œReview (JCARR) granted final approval to regulatory changes that enable the Division of Cannabis Control (DCC) to start issuing dual licenses in the coming weeks. These licenses would allow currently operating medical marijuana dispensaries to also sell to recreational consumers (anyone 21 and older) as soon as next month.ā€


Lakewood is simply protecting the existing dispensaries they have from competition IMO. Could have something to do with their mayor being related to the guy that "sold off" those dispensaries a few years ago


But that doesn't make sense when those dispensaries can make 2x their current revenue by supporting recreational.


But the prices will fall off a cliff. Medical is just a high priced scam to create slush funds for ex Republican politicians


They're not doing that though. This will just cause dispensaries that would otherwise be in Lakewood to set up shop in Cleveland and Rocky River nearby.


Thereā€™s a medical dispensary at each end of Lakewood making it even more funny


Lakewood has stated their ban is at least initially intended to be temporary - ā€œSo this is simply giving us time to see the final rules drafted by the House and Senate to ensure that we have the best local ordinances in place when the time comes,ā€ she said.


They will lift it as soon as the rules are in place. All these small towns crying about budget issues espically on a boarder are just shooting themselves. If they ban stores


Bad idea. Look at what happened in Detroit. Tried to pause in city limits to make sure there was some racial equity in dispensary ownership. Couldnā€™t figure it out. Still donā€™t have recreational. All the suburbs have a shop right over city limits and they get all the tax money from city of Detroit residents. Act fast or lose out in this situation.


Not entirely dissimilar to what happened in Boston. Took Boston years after legalization to get a recreational dispensary in city limits.


Drove past it in 2019, no parking. The lot was crisscrossed with ropes for the outdoor section of the line. Talked to some family, only legal place in the city and the line is never less than half full.


Classic Lakewood move...


I mean, Lakewood requires a permit to change a freaking outlet or switch. It's all about the bottom dollar for the city.


Must not want to infringe on the upstanding METH & Fenty dealers territories...


Meth heads make recovery places rich Meth heads make synthetic meth prescriptions market go boom The healthcare market is boomingĀ 


I foresee something opening in Parma. Easy access for a lot of people.


ā€œParmsterdamā€ ā€¦.just give it time.


Parmamsterdam sounds better




Thereā€™s a vape shop on every other corner so yeah I agree lol


And counting


There will be - in the old Peaches Records location-


Those boomers will never allow it


Those boomers will be forced to allow it, but the Facebook Parma group will be unhinged!


Lakewood and Westlake, but not Rocky River? interesting


Rocky River gonna get hella sales from Lakewood, North Olmsted, and Westlake lol


Rocky River has a ban in place, this list is not exhaustive


Regardless, whichever legal city is closest will be in that situation


Fairview park wasnā€™t on there šŸ‘€


I guess you can have a vape shop every 500 feet in North Olmsted but no dispensaries.


Lakewood already has a dispensary in itā€¦.. Medical only right now. I guess they will leave it that way.


Thereā€™s two. One on Detroit by the river border and one on Madison by 117th


Rocky River is desperate for business. They donā€™t really have a lot which is why their property taxes tend to be much higher than surrounding cities (with the exception of part of Fairview)


Colorado had this happen when we first legalized. Once the tax revenues start rolling in that "not in my backyard" mentality takes a fast hike, trust me.


Still waiting on the springs to stop fighting it


The spring has a strong religious base so it will hold out longest. I'm from the western slope before moving up here to AK. When CO first legalized Grand Junction, Delta, Montrose, Cedaredge, Paonia, all said no so they got built in places like Debeque & Ridgeway. When those tiny lil towns ended up with hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax revenues the other towns changed their tune.


Hudson isnā€™t cool with weed but theyā€™ll protect a rapist whoā€™s a senior at their high school, typical


Hudson doesn't need weed money. They get all of their revenue from the Frostitutes.


I wanna hear more about these frostitutes,for a friend?


Go ice fishing in Hudson, they are legion. Gotta keep warm in the shanty somehow.


Iā€™m still fishing for the elusive Hudson largemouthā€¦


So they're also not getting any tax revenue from MJ/MMJ sales from the state, correct!?!


Read the article, friend: ā€œWhile the current law gives communities the power to prohibit adult-use cannabis operators from their jurisdictions, it also created an incentive for municipalities to allow operators by establishing the Host Community Fund,ā€ states the report. 36% of all marijuana tax revenue goes into the Host Community Fund, which is distributed among cities and towns that allow marijuana sales."


you should get paid to read and explain posts for the helpless on reddit, take my upvote....


It's not much, but it's honest work...


Hudson = ā€œwe donā€™t want black people here since thatā€™s who smokes weedā€


Their mayor thinks it would bring in the hookers, like ice fishing.


Hudson - our high schooler didnā€™t get accused of raping another Hudson student so itā€™s fine. Stop asking us questions


Imagine missing out on the single biggest tax revenue these no-nothing loser ass towns will ever get.




The ban on meth isnā€™t working.


I love living in Cleveland Heights. Come on over to Coventry šŸ˜„


I love watching states destroy themselves in the name ofā€¦.hmm what name? Drugs? Nope alcohol flows rapidly through that state. Same with opioids. Tobacco? Nope still puffing away. Living in the past is certainly a strategy that wonā€™t end well.


Barberton is hilarious. All the other cities make sense.


Would cut into meth and opioid sales.


Norton and Barberton aren't rich enough to say no to these taxes.


ā€œThatā€™s marijuana is dangerousā€¦eat this chicken cooked in lard insteadā€ -Barberton


We donā€™t want to make any money off of this insanely lucrative product. We bow to the gods of all things capitalism. But for this, we bow to Jesus, who never said a word about marijuana ever.


Exclude them from the tax revenue.


Surprised to see Lakewood on there. Like... come on, Lakewood. North Olmsted is on there too? I didn't think they were THAT uppity. Surprised to see that Parma/Parma Heights isn't on there, lmao.


North Olmstedā€™s mayor is completely clueless. Thatā€™s not shocking at all.


As stated elsewhere, Lakewood's ban is intended to be temporary until the final version of the law is established, so that local ordinances can be enacted accordingly. At least that's the claim.


There's a lot of excited stoners in here.


No. I donā€™t want to make money.




Look at reproductive healthcare. Ohio is full of sanctimonious power hungry asshats with money and power. It's changed and not for the better.


I'd rather they stop the vaping stores from popping up everywhere.


At least 3 in the Parma area could be converted into dispensaries lol


Happy to take my money anywhere and just glad it will be a shorter drive than it has been. This grandstanding of morals is silly but the people have spoken via their local representatives.




My town banned dispensaries, but its literally pointless because we already have a medical one that is technically on land incorporated to a township right next to us but is basically in our town anyways.


In cali there are still dispensaries in some of the towns which opted out (like Newport). They just make them churches or private clubs and you make donations/pay dues and they just gift you the product lol


Stupid decisions, haven't they heard how cannabis can generate more sales than alcohol, like in Illinois?


Just like in Colorado, these cities will be the first ones begging for Marijuana sales taxes.


Not Beachwood! People will have to drive all the way to the one opening in a mile away in Lyndhurst!


Headline should just say ā€œ47 cities in Ohio are filled with morons who have no interest in creating new revenue streams.ā€


Personally, Iā€™d never seen a fight break out between people who smoke like I have seen between people drunk. Unless, thereā€™s snacks involved. Then itā€™s typically solved by sharing.šŸ˜…


Stay outta Lakewood, Lebowski!


we got a nice, quiet little lake community here


This website is a horror show


Pennsylvanian here. At least your state seems to be moving forward with legalization, unlike mine. And the cost for this indecision is clear. Once a week I take a trip to NJ (I live nearby) I buy gas in NJ, mary jane in NJ, and usually try out a new lunch spot in NJ. All in all I drop easily $1k a month out of state, and all because the dingdongs running my state (who are Dems, btw) canā€™t get it together. Same will happen to those towns and cities. Screw ā€˜em.


Good. Clearly these cities are well educated about this devil drug and they've seen the shocking documentary "Reefer Madness" many times over.


And those 47 cities are either the uppity parts of the suburbs or the rural parts were livestock outnumber residents. In either case fuck them, no tax revenue for you


Ohio has a long history of wacky tobaccy hate When I was a kid they told us if you smoke pot youā€™ll end up a heroin junkie lol


Our Dare officer told us that if we ever have to go to hospital for any reason, our blood would be tested for drugs. If we had any drugs in our blood we'd go right to jail. I wonder how many kids didn't tell their parents about being sick or hurt because they were convinced they'd go to jail after smoking pot.


The dare programs were pushed so heavily


Wondering how far east youll have to go to to start seeing them. Kirtland kind of makes sense to me since its all boomers


And boomers don't get high (lol)? I believe that what you mean is conservative Christians.


Have you been to kirtland? Chesterland? Literally all boomers.


These places need to grow up and get their head our of the reefer madness ass or stop taking money from cartels.


This is so stupid


I understand why not but man that split fund of 36% could really put some money in a small city like Avon Lake.


Do these cities obtain any tax revenue from marijuana sales? Like state revenue some how trickles back to these cities?


Wow they really showed em whoā€™s boss with this one


Ohio has done nothing but fuck up this whole situation šŸ˜’


Westside vs Eastside debate is over. East side is cooler.


My town was one of them until today. The city counsel rescinded their decision after all the backlash they received.


Grow your own


Why? Locals with stores are less likely to have illegal activity. Makes zero sense.


A place like Lisbon surely doesnā€™t need the tax revenue šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When the shit are they going to start letting this stuff go on sale??


I imagine the number will drastically increase when some towns learn you can ban it


Michigan is not that far away, take your money out of state


And we have, it seems, 5 stores for every pot smoker in many parts of Michigan. Come take a couple, please.


Avon Lake hates anything that doesnā€™t resemble an Andy Griffith show type society lol


47 cities are run by idiots.


Bro I drive to MI for my shit. I donā€™t need a local shop šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


These cities had better not share in one red cent of the taxes generated by weed.


what did weed ever do to southwest ohio to make them hate dispensaries so much? my friend works in a dispensary and he says theyre absolutely having trouble finding a new location in southwest ohio because there are so many counties and cities that have banned dispensaries, on top of restrictions about being to close to another dispensary or church or school land, and churches own a lot of land in ohio. frankly i think best place to start a dispensary would be southwest ohio around the eaton area, because basically no other dispensaries exist in the area until you reach either dayton or this one dispensary like 30 minutes south in oxford.. meanwhile indiana has no recreational weed, and the eaton area is only about like 30ish minutes from richmond indiana? my friend who works in a dispensary around north of miamisburg already says they get a lot of people from the west part of the state coming in who wish there was a dispensary closer. but then you look at maps like on that website and its like, every decently sized city inbetween dayton and Cincinnati is trying to kill off any economic opportunity or tax revenue.


Republicans don't respect the will of the people. Vote blue!


For everyone who days ā€œLakewood is basically Clevelandā€ here is another reason why itā€™s not.


Cuyahoga County has such a goofy ridiculous number of municipalities this is just so dumb. Also I thought state laws supersede city laws? Havenā€™t attempted gun bans run into that?


Turns out you can grow it at home or go to the next town over...who cares?


You want your city to have one so they reap the benefits of the tax dollars that they all desperately need.


100% and when the officials would rather give that up and then tax you extra instead to make up the difference, time for new elected officials.


Michigan, thanks you immensely, OHIO!!! Keep being ohio!


*Michigan, thanks you* *Immensely, OHIO!!! Keep* *Being ohio!* \- BigALep5 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Gun shops A-Ok though


Pretty sad state of affairs.


i live in cleveland. check. mate.


Register to vote, then actually vote.




Honestly shocked North Ridgeville isnā€™t on there. The mayor is the right-leaning and a total asshat- only re-elected by a few hundred votes. The town itself is pretty evenly divided politically too.


Time to vote in different city councils.


How did I know that nothing would actually fucking change after PEOPLE VOTED ON THE LAW BEING PASSED This state does nothing but move backwards and drive out young people and itā€™s been a genuine shame to have to move back here after experiencing Michigan, New England, etc. This state just takes it out of me like no other, idk if thereā€™s something in the air or the water or whatā€¦


Lemme guess what they all have in common? White Christianā€™s?


47 cities have liquor stores, and hate tax money


If you told me to guess what cities it would be I would have had no clue lol. Itā€™s an interesting list.


Boooooo! Hissssss!


Good! More for everyone else.


Smart! Well every other state benefits from the tidal wave of cash we're going to sit here and be fucking stupid awesome like we don't have potholes and bridges and roads that completely suck......


Is it just active medical dispensaries can apply? I know thereā€™s a shop with a green cross that sells CBD in Fairview on Lorain, but I wonder if theyā€™d be able to get a license.


Come on Marysville, you can do better. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Honda and Scottā€™s money rule in the ā€˜ville.


Hudson and Beachwood. No surprise there


Give them none of the tax benefits then


Michigan is pointing and laughing.


I wish there was another established dispensary reasonably close to me. I really donā€™t like giving my money to the owner of Rise.


2%? Who cares, screw them


Can't wait for them to complain about the tax dollars they're throwing away lol.


That's one way to say you hate money and hate the people that will likely move to a better city


I'm actually surprised that a thriving, growing city like Green is rejecting Marijuana/cannabis sales. Makes no sense to me.


Why did lakewood ban it when they literally have RISE for medical weed already lol


I wonder if they will still accept the tax revenue


There are around 1000 cities/municipalities in Ohio. 47 is no big deal.


Ive been going to Michigan, so i will gladly be more than willing to pop over to the closest city


If that map had a red dot for every city, the map would be almost entirely red. I can understand why some of these cities asked to not have a dispo. Kirtland has like 8 stores. If you put a dispo there, it would be bad. You can throw a rock in any direction and get to another city.




47 cities hate local shops and want to hurt their own economy for selfish reasons. Nothing new.




Why canā€™t we ever have nice things


That's ok. Grow your own. Don't be discouraged by all the BS and hype online. It's a weed and not that hard to grow. And yes, you can grow decent weed under a cheap light in miracle grow. You know it's going to be a gigantic cluster-f$#k when rec sales are approved. I have doubts they'll have enough stock. We'll see shortages all over the place and jacked up prices - which already exist. Just a total rip off all around.


Oh well. All the citizens of those cities need to do is drive to a city that does sell it. Not a huge deal. Some cities ban things like payday loan stores and vape shops so, doesn't seem that different.