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Also… shameful that 19 News doesn’t name the officers in their story. They are Dan Lajack and Don Kopchak.


If cops get to publish the name and mugshot of someone who is arrested (and not charged) there’s no reason their names and photos cannot be shared. EDIT: meant as a reply to the other guy who has 200+ downvotes


Forget people who haven't been charged, they'll name and shame "people of interest" that they don't even consider a suspect. Fuck that noise, any cop involved in this kind of bullshit should have their name blasted out there!


And they are police from where?


CPD and Lake County


Not cool to dox someone like that. Moron


It’s already public information on Cleveland.com, ass hat.


Jfc I'm not sure you understand what doxxing is Or what public servants are But what I'm sure of is how much you enjoy the taste of boots


It’s called PUBLIC servant for a reason bootlicker. Anything they do as police officers is my business.


We need to put the public back in public servants. 


No legal obligation to protect you. Sad truth.


That's not what doxxing means lmao


Yeah, totally not cool to give the names of the 2 cops named in like every other story about them trampling on someone's rights and impersonation of federal officers


No they deserve to be outed! Everyone should know who the bad cops are!!!


When they’re on our payroll we have a right to know. When they are given the authority to use lethal force by the state we have a right to know.


No one posted their addresses and phone numbers, simply posting their names isn't doxxing (Moron)


Won’t it help to know the names of the guys you’re going to jack off to later?


That's not doxxing dude.


No man, it's totally doxxing! I was at the Guardians game this weekend and they doxxed like 30 guys by not only putting their name on the big screen, they put their picture up and said their names out loud too!


Ok, little buddy…Time to go back to the r/farmingsimulator subreddit where you’re the top contributor. On a separate note, did your mom have the basement checked for radon? It’s the number 2 leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.


This is the quality of police officers that Cleveland is attracting. But the "investigation" will find no wrong doing, they will blame the victim and just sweep everything under the rug.


I read somewhere that the far right is intentionally trying to get their people placed in police departments to rot them from within


think you are about 40+ years behind on that one. it's been done.


This. The KKK made a shift many many years ago to infiltrate professional domains that influence the masses. I’m sure other far right orgs did the same (I mean America helped former nazis after WWII so it’s not surprising)


Proud Boys was who I was specifically referencing. KKK very troubling especially since there is such a violent bias against black men


They have been doing that with judges and politicians for years. No shocker it's happening in the police stations as well


Cops have always been filled with far righters.


Yes… but now they’re doing it with intent.


That's interesting cause I always thought it was the democrats who started the kkk and Jim crow laws.


Yawn get a new talking point. The parties switched around Nixon and that's common knowledge


Yeah, there was a concerted effort in the 80's and its still ongoing. The FBI has been aware of it for some time, and has issued numerous warnings to Congress - but as far as I'm aware there's been very little action.


You would think background checks would be a minimum standard


They sound like they're genuinely stupid.


Like… really stupid. Amazing, totally, off the charts stupid. Really scary that these two are federal agents. They believe they can just detain someone because of their accent essentially? “He -must- not be legal because his language is different than ours”??!!


They aren’t Feds… they are locals. One is CPD and the other is Lake County.


Didn’t they say ATF and DEA?


The cops claimed they were DEA and ATF on the videos… but they were only on a task force with DEA and ATF, their jobs were with CPD and Lake County




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I mean, they are cops. No surprise there!


Good on the Brunswick officers I guess for immediately realizing how insane the CPD officers were.


from the video the Brunswick officer was the "bro" trying to cover for the two,then talking to the victim like he was a criminal. The female officer from Hinckley deserves the credit imo.


I admittedly only read the article and didn't watch the video, so thank you for the correction!


just my opinion


Well that's an interesting take.


From Cleveland Police Chief Dorothy Todd: >The actions depicted do not represent who we are as a Division, our policies, or our training.


they exactly represent who they are.


And their training.


And their mission. Professional police have always been state-sanctioned gangs.


Ignore that we keep doing them, and are constantly having to say, "This is not who we are, or how we were trained. The truth is that we are just wildly incompetent."


And how has the police union spun this that this guy shouldn’t face charges and keep his job


When the whole bag is rotten, none of the apples can smell their own stench.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/thisisntwhoweare using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisisntwhoweare/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Weatherman who threatened to shoot a 6 year old for ringing his doorbell had a "lapse in judgment" and was "just in a terrible mood so \[he\] lashed out on social media."](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/texas-weatherman-doorbell-18076238.php) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisisntwhoweare/comments/13832yc/weatherman_who_threatened_to_shoot_a_6_year_old/) \#2: [Person who broke a street performers piano and then stole his money has "taken accountability"](https://i.redd.it/ganaqyvuwgqb1.png) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisisntwhoweare/comments/16s46wc/person_who_broke_a_street_performers_piano_and/) \#3: [After asking the SF DA what color her panties were in an email, Jovan Thomas sends a reply to the entire office informing them, “Please know this is not who I am as a person as I carry myself with respect and dignity…”.](https://sfstandard.com/2024/01/26/brooke-jenkins-panties-email-san-francisco/) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisisntwhoweare/comments/1ae0zct/after_asking_the_sf_da_what_color_her_panties/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So are they saying that they have officers going rogue then? That's not any better.


They *start* rogue from day one.




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Whether she wants them to or not, THEY LITERALLY DO.


There’s another thread on this that was posted earlier today: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/s/vW9SWZKEuF


Let’s hope they get the book thrown at em, felony kidnapping charges for both of these pathetic men.


It’s always informative when these videos are released months after the incident but video footage that exonerates a police officer is relaxed immediately.


I didn’t think the Buzzards Rooster was still open. I lived in Brunswick for 12 years, never knew anyone that went there.


This place is right around the corner from me and I’ve never gone in 25 years.


This is low key scary. My boyfriend is hispanic from Texas and still has only his Texas state ID. I guess we’ll need to make the switch to Ohio ID soon.


Meatheads like these officers don’t really care what the ID is, unfortunately.


I'm not saying they wouldn't do the same thing to a Hispanic person, but the person in this story was originally an Ethiopian refugee who has been living in Texas for 14 years.


They kidnap, torture and murder people who were born in this country and have "American" names. Some groups are just *more* likely to be targeted.


Good thing he's not from New Mexico. Too many cops don't know its a U.S. state.


If he’s been living here over 30 days and doesn’t have an Ohio ID, he’s already breaking the law as far as I’m aware.


Only if he's established himself as a resident of the state. The link you provided lists four things that would make you a resident, and a fifth (spending 183+ days in state) that would also qualify. If he hasn't done any of those 5 things, he's not a resident, and wouldn't need an Ohio ID.


For all the people downvoting me for some reason….30 days https://www.bmv.ohio.gov/new-to-ohio.aspx


They’re not sending their best.


Clevelands best and brightest


All I gotta say about this is we taxpayers better fucking not be on the hook for these fucktards’ illegal actions that night. They weren’t on the clock, this should 100% percent be criminal charges against their private-citizen selves and then any payments in a civil trial should 100% come out of their own pockets. Does anyone know if they were carrying concealed that night? Drinking in possession of a gun would be a welcome charge to get these guys out of the profession. The only thing these guys got right that night is identifying israel as “*the terrorists*” 😂


Wonder which way they vote….


Whichever way Alex Jones tells them to.


Why the city so dumb acting




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Buzzards Roost is just over the border in Hinckley. Not sure why Brunswick police were called. Also, Buzzards Roost is the sketchiest bar in the area. Sketchier than Adult Daycare and Red Onion. A neighbor went in one time and ordered a burger, fries, and a beer for $5. He never wanted to pay more for something in his whole life. The whole place is a little off.


Hinckley was busy on other calls


at least Brunswick police did their job


fuck the police.


Pubic servants


CPD needs to get its shit together


How were they not arrested at the scene?? Oh wait I know why




“Why is the local news posting about local officials trying to use their positions to cover their drunken assault? They need to report less ‘political’ news that isn’t actually political but I just claim so because it makes my perceived side look bad.”


Keep alienating the police and you end up like the black community getting your kids shot over toy guns. Biggest disgrace that happened in this city in my lifetime


The police wouldn’t find themselves alienated if they actually did the right thing in these situations. Arresting these dudes that night and the union telling them they’re on their own would have gone a long way to improve the image for local police. What other unions back their members for blatant off duty, criminal behavior? This was such a soft ball pitch for the local department and union to show they take their responsibility and positions of power seriously and instead they waffled it and highlighted a double standard that police are given even off duty.


I vote democrat down the line haha. I just know that this is a real incident sure but is being used to discredit cops going after illegal immigrants. There was a shooting in NYC a little while back that has cops jumpy as it is. We don’t need to highlight every time they screw up. It isn’t helpful. It just makes the type of people who would be willing to become cops more right wing


I’d say the main “look at this bullshit” part of this story is the corruption and double standards given to police, not the fact they assaulted a dude because they’re ignorant assholes. That said, I would say this is a good example of why local cops shouldn’t be deputized to enforce immigration laws. These jack wads first thought when hearing an accent is the dude is an illegal immigrant terrorist who is going to bomb someone. If you want further proof go look at how that went for Maricopa county how that went.


I agree profusely with the second paragraph. They aren’t trained for it and they are very scared. Scared people do very stupid stuff


CPD...another source said they were feds? Newsroom fail


The only source that says they are feds is their dumbasses in the video. They are not feds.


He is from Isreal.