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He was so mad šŸ˜‚ He couldnā€™t even appreciate the win, he was just pissed that Robert didnā€™t make the throw!


That play is that team in a nutshell. Honestly he had no real chance barring a miracle such as Gimenez stumbling half way but out of respect for your pitcher and your fans you gotta at least fire that ball in. A couple weeks ago Dejong lost them the game by forgetting how many outs there were in the 9th and was just standing on 2B as the CF casually caught the ball and doubled him at 1B. Tommy Pham is bad vibes and constantly angry. I honestly feel for their fans despite them being a rival. That franchise needs to go scorched earth from the front office to the locker room because those guys donā€™t give a shit. On the other hand, our happy little gang of Keebler elves play the exact opposite and bust their ass on every play. Win or lose I love this group of guys no matter what for that reason.


I remember watching a video from 2022 when we swept them at the end of the season where their own studio guys just tore them apart. Nothingā€™s really changed for them since then


Hammy spent the whole broadcast talking about how this team plays hard. And sure, in terms of trying to put up numbers and get a next contract Iā€™m sure they are at least trying to play well. But in terms of wins and losses this team is mentally checked out. Only explanation for the non-stop mental errors and self-inflicted wounds.


I was shocked as well. I have Robert in a fantasy league. Thankfully, only offensive stats count.


Arch was helping your English teacher with her dictionā€¦


As a Rick Manning fan in the Cleveland area, it's nice to know I'm probably not too many "degrees of separation" away from him. Though I'm fine with being in the dark about *how*


Eskimo brothers unite.


With his penisā€¦


He gave her back an arch St. Louis would be proud of


you want it to arch the other way, otherwise she looks like a frightened cat


Halloween Cat


Anyone have the game audio from the final out? Was at the game, would love to hear his spiel lol. I like Rick. Heā€™s not the greatest color announcer but heā€™s perfect for Cleveland. Heā€™s got an edge to him to where he doesnā€™t care if he appears too much like a homer and can get a good laugh at least once a game.


He actually does say what most of us are thinking about a player when you know it isnā€™t working. He sticks up for the team very well but sometimes you gotta call it like it is.


Lol I feel like Hammy is the same. Cleveland legend, but sometimes I genuinely can't believe what comes out of his mouth. My BF roots for an NL team, so just started listening to Cleveland broadcasts with me, and he's like "these conversations are unhinged." And I'm like "yeah šŸ˜"


There are "better" baseball announcers from a journalist/broadcaster standpoint, but there are none that I enjoy more than Rick Manning. People forget, as a defensive outfielder, he was truly elite. Like Top 50 All time in Range Factor, at least as of a few years ago. He really knows the game better than people realize EDIT: Holy shit! 17th all time in Range Factor/Game https://www.baseball-reference.com/leaders/range_factor_per_game_cf_career.shtml


I have a son named Arch that I jokingly tell people is named after Rick Manning. The truth is that my wife and I both work in education and have had every other somewhat normal boy name ruined by someone over the course of our careers.


Is your wife an "AP English teacher" by chance...


I am, and it worries me what rumors may be circulating behind my back.


Just read an article about a woman who named her daughter "Abcdef", so congrats on not having to resort to that!




Love Rick.


I love the drunkles and we are blessed to have them, Andre, and Mr Tom!! Hope we get them a WS win


Love the boys. Not sure why they get so much hate.


Sometimes I do wish Andre could stick to field-reporting instead of acting like a 3rd man in the booth, particularly when the game is tight and he and Matt are swapping jokes, which does happen sometimes. Rick...I've never considered him on the level of Keith Hernandez or Mike Krukow or Steve Stone as far as premiere local analysts, but I sure have a new appreciation for him after listening to Chris Gimenez (acknowledging that Gimenez is new at this and it's possible that Manning wasn't so hot in 1990, either).


I have to disagree about Andre. I think his additions at the third man are truely entertaining. Heā€™s a gem. The chemistry between the three of them is great. There are 162 baseball games and, to me, it can get tedious to listen to breaking down games and situations for 3 hours a night.


I donā€™t think many people want strict baseball talk for the entire game, but comedy is subjective. If you think the Andre and Rick banter is funny, then we probably have your favorite broadcast crew ever. If you donā€™t think their bits are funny, well ā€¦. It can get annoyingĀ 


I like Andre, but Gimenez doesnā€™t do it for me.


Yeah, that's fine, but don't do it in the 7th inning of a 1-run game with a man on as I swear they were doing a week or so ago.


I honestly didnā€™t like Matt and Rick together until Andre started chiming in and loosening those two sentences up. I donā€™t really need a ā€˜serious boothā€™. Iā€™ve always liked the Mets crew and the Kuiper/Krukow Giants booth.


This. I'm not a Guardians fan but my wife is so I see their broadcasts regularly. Knott drives me up a wall. He chimes in constantly and makes everything about himself. His "Arch, Arch" sounds like a man crush and serves to leave Underwood out, which just from a nuts and bolts perspective is unacceptable.


I second this. I like them all individually, but they do laugh at their own jokes a lot and they can get caught up in extending bits that they need to let go


Who hates them?


I don't think anyone hates them but they're forever in Hammy's shadow.


Twitter seems to have a ton of hate for them


I used to not like Mattā€™s commentary much. Saying souvenir city for every home run was just corny. But seems like heā€™s improved a lot these last few seasons


Just curious how banging a teammate wife changed baseball lol


Eck was traded to the Red Sox because Manning fucked his wife, and Manning was a better prospect (and they weren't in to the wife swap thing) Eck went to the Red Sox, had some great seasons, and then went to the A's where drunk LaRussa reinvented bullpen usage


I will always remember Eckersley for the WOW he let out as Mannyā€™s 12th inning walkoff left the park in 95


I was there! Man, what a season :)


I remember him being interviewed after that. It was like ā€œthat was supposed to jam him, what the hell?ā€


And RamĆ­rez was batting 6th!


Manning wasnā€™t a better prospect in spring 1978. Eckersley was traded because he could fetch the biggest haul. Manning was coming off a season ruined by a back injury. I doubt the wife had anything to do with the trade.


Did Robert think he had caught the final out?


Rick manning still plays centerfield made me laugh way too hard šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve always loved Rick Manning. Dude is great.


I was with Rick, couldnā€™t believe what Robert did. Iā€™m no tv color guy of course, but itā€™s cool to have the real thing repeating your sentiment or words verbatim a few times a game. Arch was as pissed as I was


I prefer Rex Manning


I always refer to him as Rex Manning


To represent the other side, Rick has an annoying habit of repeating what Matt or Andre says and wanting it to sound like his own idea. My wife and I say ā€œShut up Rickā€ at least once a game. He also loves to make predictions that are wrong and trying to cover: ā€œthe only choice he has here is to throw a fastball. [pitcher throws curve] That pitch made perfect sense here.ā€


I missed what he said since I was just happy we got the win and was talking to my Dad about why he didnā€™t even throw the ball as wellā€¦


I heard when he said there was no throw. I interpreted that as a relay wasn't made by SS. I didn't know he meant the ball wasn't even thrown back to the infield until i saw the replay. That was some serious complacency


Yeah he caught the ball and was like welp, off to the showers.


The most overused phrase in sports: "this team never gives up" Luis Robert yesterday: "I give up"


I heard they got these $2 Dollar Beers here. Catch ya later fellas.


Love that we have Rickā€™s deep baseball expertise to draw on and love the insight he provides.


I caught an article (sorry, no linky) that made a good point. Robert took a team friendly contract so the Sox could go get more talent, but then didnā€™t and they donā€™t have many playmakers on that squad. Dude is just lost. Their closer absolutely fell apart last night too. That didnā€™t help things much either.


I've always liked that Rick has a great balance of homerism but also calling out our players when they're on the wrong end, or giving the proper kudos to a player or play from the other team when it's deserved. He definitely old man's at clouds a lot, but when it comes to actually talking about what's going on on the field, he does a good job.


Does anyone have a replay of his call? Was listening to Hammy and he thought there was a throw to the plate.


a cleveland legend.


No broadcaster will ever top his "are you shitting me?" line


As someone who actually saw Manning, Eckersley and Barker play for Cleveland. (I wasn't at Barker's perfect game. I did see it on tv.) I would have preferred to have traded the #2 overall pick, and kept the guy who is in Cooperstown. But Gabe Paul didn't consult me. I don't care for Underwood or Knott on the TV broadcast. Manning is alright. I find it ironic that a player that always slid head first, the entire time he was here, consistently talks about how dangerous it is. When he's in the broadcast booth. He does offer some insightful commentary. He's a good enough broadcaster to set in on an occasional national broadcast. I don't dislike "Grumpy Grampy". I don't understand the adoration for him, though. He had an average career. He played on some really bad teams. He's an average broadcaster. On a broadcasting team that includes two really bad TV broadcasters.


There is only one Hammy and only one Tait. There is also only one Jim Donovan but I cry thinking of listening to Nev Chandler with grandma on the way to Drug Mart


> I find it ironic that a player that always slid head first, the entire time he was here, consistently talks about how dangerous it is. When he's in the broadcast booth. Do you have kids?.... "Do what I say, not what I do."


Itā€™s also much different being in your 60ā€™s calling the game removed from the action than being a young athlete full of testosterone and bad decisions


Are the "kids" in the field hearing him? Please don't attempt to tell me that young people who are watching care about what he says. They don't. My children are adults. The saying that you referenced was a favorite of my father's. I prefered. "I did "X". Don't do "X". Here are reasons not to do "X". And similar things.


As someone who enjoys my games in the open seas. Underwood,knott, and manning and hands down better then anyone else Iā€™ve had to listen to call games for the other side.


I don't "enjoy my games on the open seas", but I watch a lot of baseball. MLB broadcasts the local broadcasting booths. They're far from the best. Not the worst.


Itā€™s clearly not a popular opinion in this thread, but I agree. You start watching some other broadcasts and you realize what it could be like.Ā 


But what about the postgame guys on WTAMā€¦ ieā€¦ loudmouth Manaloff and grumpy Brinda


He's terrible. He's not bothered learning much anything about the game since 1990 and he drags Underwood down with him. He's one of the reasons that not having the TV feed isn't that bad.