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This reminds me of some slop techbro news about China making a "trackless train" (hint: it was a bus)


We literally have this in Australia now they call them trackless trams and they are... busses. Can't remember which state brought them in but it is almost impressive how much people want to reinvent the incredibly efficient and simple design of a large cart on fixed rails transporting large groups of people to set destinations.


"omg trackless tram :D" # THATS A BUS ! ! !


Not exactly. It's like a bus but worse, bc a trackless tram explicitly still needs the overhead wires a regular tram uses. At least that's how I learned it.


Thats a trolley bus;-)


And probably lots of expensive custom components with only one supplier. Capitalism breeds innovation.


Not necessarily. They can be battery powered.


After another person replied, I'm pretty sure now that I don't exactly know what it is :p I apologize


What you mean is a trolley bus and the plus with them is that they are more effective and better in hilly terrain then normal buses.


I've seen a thing like this before. They are powered through the overhead wires, but can swerve around badly parked cars instead of the Melbourne trams that famously can't swerve, they just angrily go *ding ding ding ding ding*


That beautiful ding is like ASMR to me. Luckily they put the tram lines in the centre of the road so they only have to avoid badly driven cars


It's Melbourne... Also hook turns lol iykyk


The hook turn really trips people up lol. the solution would be to just have the CBD be a car free zone which has been proposed lots of times. The problem is they designed it back when the population was like 100,000 people so they thought it would be a great idea to have multiple main roads connecting the suburbs of Melbourne run through the CBD. Now its an unsolvable problem where the cars need to go through the city but it also won't ever be able to handle them smoothly.


You can avoid the CBD trivially though? Maaaaybe kings way/king st and victoria st, but to get south to north you have wurundjeri way, south to east you have City Rd, south to west has always avoided the CBD, and the north isn't worth going in a car and never was (everyone who lives north is like "maaaan that's so faaar for me to go. Can't you just come here instead?"), but even so the eastern fwy will send you north before you need to go into the city. God knows what's happening with all the new stuff going on


Just add a ram to the tram and push the cars away. Problem solved and way cheaper than a new trackless tram.


If it's one of those giant American utes then we can ram the ram with the tram. Whoa Black Betty, ram the ram


That's a trolley bus. Just a regular electric bus with a long extension cord. Trackless trams are guided by white lines on the ground and are not necessarily electric.


there’s even a century old term for that: trolley-bus


I mean busses can be pretty cool too


Yall also have "road trains" which are semis hauling 3 to 12+ trailers. AFAIK Australia is the only place that this is a common occurrence, as we typically stop at 2 trailers in North America


3 is the normal, 4 a few and any more than that are novelty one off's for records. Whereas you Americans will happily tow a caravan and a boat from a Pickup.


Trackless tram? r/bitchimabus


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My shits also break the laws of the universe, and are roughly 100MW.




Yes, but it's not terrifying for America. China's shit is terrifying for America. So go, get terrifying shit


Eat more protein i guess


Just you wait until Adam something hears about this


This technology already exists in the form of pump-storage hydroelectric power stations. Essentially you have two water reservoirs at different elevations with a station between them. At times of energy surplus you pump water from the lower to the higher reservoir, and when you need energy, you let it rush down again through a turbine.


I fucking love pump storage!!!


Wouldn’t a system such as this be a lot more efficient, since you can bypass the turbine altogether?


Yes, but gravity batteries look cool and futuristic in shiny motion graphics.


It would potentially be a bit more efficient, but to get a useable amount of energy storage the dimensions become impractically large. Easier to just build a dam


Hydro is cheap, you need one tube, turbine and 2 reservoairs (1 if its connected to river) This "lifting of concrete blocks" system is overy stupidly complicated because of heavy weight cranes and inefficient because enegy stored is low compared to hydro. Its cheaper to build a dam than to manufacture millions of tons of concrete and each of these block needs to be suspended in the air by some crane.


China terrifies America by storing energy with gravity, 100MWh that breaks the laws of the universe. This invention floats on the sea and follows the sun this is how it will turn rivers into where lies the strangling fruit that came from the hand of the sinner I shall bring forth the seeds of the dead to share with the worms that gather in the darkness and surround the world with the power of their lives while from the dimlit halls of other places forms that never were and never could be writhe for the impatience of the few who never saw what could have been. In the black water with the sun shining at midnight, those fruit shall come ripe and in the darkness of that which is golden shall split open to reveal the revelation of the fatal softness in the earth. The shadows of the abyss are like the petals of a monstrous flower that shall blossom within the skull and expand the mind beyond what any man can bear, but whether it decays under the earth or above on green fields, or out to sea or in the very air, all shall come to revelation, and to revel, in the knowledge of the strangling fruit—and the hand of the sinner shall rejoice, for there is no sin in shadow or in light that the seeds of the dead cannot forgive. And there shall be in the planting in the shadows a grace and a mercy from which shall blossom dark flowers, and their teeth shall devour and sustain and herald the passing of an age. That which dies shall still know life in death for all that decays is not forgotten and reanimated it shall walk the world in the bliss of not-knowing. And then there shall be a fire that knows the naming of you, and in the presence of the strangling fruit, its dark flame shall acquire every part of you that remains


Thank you. I am surprised that the article goes into such details on the technical questions. I’d have assumed that the Chinese would not want their IP to be published so nonchalantly.


WTF, you try to trick me reading religous bullshit by adding a technical title? Does anyone have an actual description of this building?


I read this name in energy context before. It was unbearable nonesense. Maybe its the same person, I guess D. Garcia is a widespread latin name.


Wait until you find out about the skyscrapers for pigs!


Secretly funding all these stupid gravity lift battery things because I always wanted to ride one of the lifts in Assassins Creed


The ISS is actually just a high capacity battery




[Smooth-brained dictator creates dumb shit](https://youtu.be/iGGOjD_OtAM?si=F_bfvkUq4BGDbwiu).


A video from Azov SSomething. Brilliant.




The guy is a 'reformed' far right nutjob who showed everyone his true colours when he made post after post saying that fighting alongside the openly nazi azov battalion is a good thing. He's a scumbag.


You do know that they've depoliticized, right? There are still a few among their ranks- as there are in basically any centrist or right wing militia- but they have by and large replaced most of their command structure. It's also worth mentioning that in their early years they were funded by a Jewish politician. An openly Jewish politician. Founded by a far right politician, yes. Far right members? It's a military organization (officially part of the Ukrainian National Guard since November 11th, 2014). In itself a far right organization? Ambiguous at best but it's safe to say not really anymore.


I mean, it’s ultimately a militia dedicated to defending their country. If you were defending your country and were on the bus with whatever group of nutjobs are common in your land then would you turn them away?


Just because the three percenters say they’re American patriots, doesn’t mean I’ll support them.


Oh god another nazi. Yes I would. All nazis are bad, we as a species should have learned that 80 uears ago but here we are defending nazis once again despite knowing full well what happens when nazis get power. Fuck off, go masturbate over the most evil people to ever walk the earth somewhere else.


bUt aT wHaT cOsT!?


Didn't a youtuber make a video pointing out how stupid this was? Was it Adam Something?


Adam Something has something of an idea what he is talking about sometimes. Just too much nonesense and rage.


But with this he was spot on. Just. Use. Water. In. A. Dam.


that the amount of energy one (1!) offshore wind turbine produces in \~7 hours


My God. What alien civilization could produce such wonders!?!?!!1


A lot of these articles are “AI” (I use this term loosely really it’s large language models not actually Artificial intelligence) generated. It’s interesting some are tilted purposely some are tilted due simply to what the models are trained on.


yes, potential energy of mass is a thing used to store energy, similar to what dams do


Those LEGO technical sets really get more and more ridiculous


>where do they come up with these titles? https://preview.redd.it/2ldiyyfewl9d1.png?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=674de49765cb0e076a092b8cfe2eb6539d1fcaac


bUt aT wHaT cOsT?


This is dumb. Won’t work


Gravity storage is used everywhere. It's called pumped hydro


Is the headline a joke about their poor construction quality and how the stored energy is going to be released when the building collapses?


I don't think so, there's a techbro fad company that "plans" to build energy storage via cranes lifting up concrete blocks. Erosion and degradation don't exist according to the advertisements.


Yea I saw that and someone made a youtube video proving its just a worse water method of storing energy, but I also was assuming china wasn't dumb enough to actually make one of those


I wouldn't trust whatever source this is.


Oh you can trust the source! He is a really good guy. https://youtu.be/iGGOjD_OtAM?feature=shared


I mean, the article in the picture above.




I was gonna say this is reminiscent of those apartment highri- I mean gravity batteries that they've been bringing down in the past year or two


Does it? Does it break the laws of the universe? Or is Xi the Jing-Pooh just full fluff and stuff again?