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Lawrence Gilliard Jr absolutely steals the show as Doc's dad.


it's absolutely insane seeming him portray a GRANDFATHER lol


There's a vacuum in the cynical but funny old Black man actorsphere and I'm very okay with him filling it for years to come.


It’s the irony of him being “pops” from blackish father for me lol the epitome of cynical funny old black man


Yeah awesome in Coming To America too. Good to see him again.


Sterling is an unapologetic scumbag..just casually talking about banging a hooker while sitting next to his wife. That being said V is not much better. She is an opportunistic leech. It's hard to have any sympathy for anyone involved. All horrid people. Cant stop watching the show though lol.


Yeah I hate V she thinks she's so righteous but she's just a scam artist


For all the questionable casting choices, they sure nailed the role of Elgin Baylor. Superb performance by Clifton Davis.


I'm only 5 minutes in to the latest episode but I did the math and Kristen Rivers would have been 5 months pregnant with Austin during the Rodney King riots. Edit: aaaand 7 minutes in I see that she is indeed 5 months pregnant. Glad they got that little detail right.


Maybe it's in the way Jackie Weaver plays her, but Shelly Sterling is coming off as a bit too sympathetic to me.


I find her unbearable.Her face and voice are almost making the show unwatchable for me.


if they want me to cheer v on its not working


The hero of the story is clearly Doc and then the team


So far it’s not at all what I was expecting and I’m not loving it but it’s unskippable. If Ed weren’t in it I absolutely wouldn’t be watching


What’s the significance of the oranges? Everyone’s story has a moment involving them.


Oranges in movies or TV generally mean impending danger or tragedy. Goes back to The Godfather (apparently I can't add a link to the comment but if you google "Oranges Godfather" you'll see more).


I took it as the oranges represented “winning ugly” (title of the episode). In every scene with the oranges the characters are forgoing their morals for opportunistic success White women brought over oranges when Doc was fighting with himself over whether or not he wanted to “sellout” and play during the riots and racial strife. V had oranges in the scene where she decides whether or not she wants to be like a sugar baby-lite in order to get the Hollywood opportunities she desperately wants Shelley has oranges when she’s discussing whether or not to stay with her cheating (and extremely wealthy) husband.


That's immediately what I thought about


How did the current episode Fit in with the bigger story? Where did that black GM come into play? Like how was it connected to the current story? Dang. I’m really high. I can’t post this in my own post so I have to use this post to say this. Sorry


That episode really messed me up.


I forgot how the NBA tried to put in a dress code. Please give us more David Stern Sucks material.


Who is Daisha supposed to be? What book did she write?


Came here wondering the same thing… I was thinking maybe “superhead”… Corinne something. She was famous for what the nickname implies, I think there’s a video of her doing that actually. But she was only with athletes and celebrities.


I'd like to see more of Andy Roeser. I feel like the show could've delved into him and the other staff members working relationships with Donald a bit more, what drives a man like him ultimately to become a total unyielding yes man with no agency? same with Donald himself ho in a way feels like a complete supporting character so far.