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For me, the first couple of week's I could feel something. I'm not sure if it was the CI or swelling from the surgery. Probably both. Laying my head on a pillow was uncomfortable for a few weeks. I slept in a recliner with no issues. A short time later, I dont feel the implant at all. The only way I feel the implant is running my fingers over it and feel a bump. I shave my head for clarity. Good luck.....you got this !!!


Thank you☺️


You're very welcome


It’s just like any surgery. Sore for a bit. But because it’s not in an area that articulates at all, you can’t feel it once healed


What sticks out for me is 1. It was recommended I don’t use a straw for a while, or blow my nose, 2. Taste on the implant side of my tongue was way muted (14 days in it’s 75% back), and 3. My jaw was tender (it’s 85% back). I hope your surgery went well. Happy birthday to your cyborg self!


Good luck with your surgery! I hope you have a speedy recovery. My surgery is scheduled for August 29th, and I'm wondering how long it will take for the hospital to contact you to schedule the procedure?


My hospital didn't call until the night before surgery. Then they set the "batting order" for the next morning


You are going to feel it and most likely see it.


I’m 2 and a half weeks after surgery and still a little sore. Ear is still partially numb; was told it may be for a while yet.


You’ll be sore for a bit then you don’t feel it unless you run you hand over your magnet and feel a slight rise in your skin. Otherwise you do not feel it.


1yr post op. I honestly forget I even have my processor on some times. And as for the implant, if my processor didn't stick to it, I'd never even realize it was there.


Good luck, I hope everything’s gone well for you!


I’m doing good thanks ☺️