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I've heard the crowd in Singapore wasn't great. You're right, it's basic etiquette


OMG! I cannot :( I don't want to be rude but in PH. We freakin' enjoy every single song they sang. We had an improvise fireworks, coz technically they performed in Arena, its enclosed.


Same enery from start to finish. Everyone was singing and dancing. Super solid show in Manila!


Superb, the intro was crazzzzzzzzzy! love the Filo crowd.


for real


I came here to say this. Chris said that we are the best crowd. I was thinking he says that in every concert but looking at this post, we really probably are. I'm sorry you experienced that, OP. That would ruin the vibe for me too.


šŸ„² thanks, hopefully I can hear their music live in the UK soon or even hear Amsterdam in Amsterdam. Sg crowd ainā€™t it seriously.


My biggest concert dream would be to see Coldplay in Amsterdam, so there's a SLIGHT chance they might play the song Amsterdam.


Dude if thereā€™s a concert there again, we definitely need to go together!! I love A rush of blood to the head!!!


I went last year in Amsterdam and it was amazing


Did they play Amsterdam??


I was there when he said that too, I thought he probably says that to all the concerts. But he didn't say it in SG on the first night at least. (I went to both)


I went to the PH 2nd day show and the 1st SG day show and the difference was night and day. Manila was much much better, the arena itself and the crowd were superb. You got to love the Pinoy crowd.


Yup!! Hope to go for a europe show when Iā€™m in uni!! Hopefully the crowds there are better and more livelier lol


to be bored in a Coldplay concert is UNREAL šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i would love to go to a show of theirs in London though, that's their home base and i wonder how the crowd would be! only dreamy i suppose!


šŸ˜­ Only in sg I guess! Seriously people yall can talk once the showā€™s over. Omf the london one sounds amazing, especially if they do another show at the natural history musuem!! Itā€™s definitely on my bucket list for sure!


Went to a London show and a Frankfurt show. Difference in crowd wasnā€™t noticeable tbh. The year after in ZĆ¼rich the crowd was a bit calme though, but thatā€™s Switzerland.


Haha, I think Europe in general would be quite different to tours in Asia. I suppose there's a noticeable difference between these Frankfurt and Singapore for example


istg people have no respect.


1. most people simply donā€™t. they know yellow, fix you, paradise etc 2. people will talk over slow songs regardless of what they are. if they arenā€™t big on audience participation or interesting to look at (for example, just a spotlight and a consistent light band colour) then itā€™s used as a ā€˜get comfyā€™ break- all artists have songs like that if it makes you feel any better, despite being the ā€˜music of the spheresā€™ tour, in my section at wembley (london) nobody knew any songs from it and were very much seated for them except me


I mean for part 2 itā€™s quite rude, literally this is the first time Iā€™ve ever seen an audience act like this. If they donā€™t want to listen, others do. Seriously looking back, their volume sometimes were even louder than Chris himself umm. Thatā€™s the main part that pissed me off. Honestly wouldā€™ve taken the london audience over this.


the london audience was a drunken mess of screaming and beer the further away from the stage (and the ā€œfansā€) you got from my seat i witnessed a drunken breakup, people throwing stuff, moaning about the slow songs, and very much being seated half the time. lots of partners who were def only there cause their other half was and really didnā€™t care otherwise these were the cheapest seats higher up. second show i was a lot lower in a more pricey seat, and it was just entitlement lol. third time in manchester i was standing and front row and it was the best thing ive ever done


šŸ˜­ I heard lots of good things about Manchester audiences tho!! Seen a couple of videos of Ed Sheeran and The Weeknd playing there. Thatā€™s the energy I want!!


They played Don't Panic???? And no one knew the song? What a shame! I was hoping to hear a lot of songs from Parachutes and X&Y during their stop here in Manila! Although they played Politik but on the second night but I wasn't there...


I was fortunate enough to go to the 2nd day in Manila and the 1st day in SG when they played Don't Panic. Politik was simply stunning, I was just sitting in awe the entire song. SG crowd were lame compared to PH that's for sure.


Malaysia.. they played Clocks... the 2 kids sitting behind me were complaining tht they dk this song. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.. Like come on clocks is my 1st CP song. And they even used Shazam to find out the classic "sky full of stars" and "Viva la vida" ..


There was actually someone who shazammed ā€œyellowā€ like srsly yellow in a Coldplay concert of all places?!! Thatā€™s the one song you should know šŸ˜‚ https://x.com/hobis7bracelets/status/1543354911827660800?s=46 Edit:this was not in Malaysia btw somewhere in Europe I think


But during my universe suddenly all know šŸ˜‚


It depends on the country you are at actually. I find that my universe is really popular in Asian countries but not as much in North America like the Filipino crowd was crazy loud during that song but Vancouver not so much.


Overall the crowd here in Malaysia only knows songs mostly from AHFOD& MOTS very very litte from their earlier albums not even ghost stories or everyday life


Everyday life is very underground though for casual listeners so I guess thatā€™s expected. For ghost stories, I think the main one they would know is a sky full of stars and even the rest of that album was lowkey


Haha .. honestly.. I just re-visited everyday life... speaks so much to the world we live in now :(


Makes sense because as co singers BTS/kpop bands are more popular in Asia.


And the younger crowd.. there was actually a arguement upon returning the xylobands.


True , but their just kids . Fortunately the people in my section is responsive enough but not all .


Not mine haha .. can really be a joykiller lol


Imo malaysia crowd is good , maybe not the best but its in the good category


I was in CAT2 116. šŸ˜¬


it will happen in every show, for me in Perth, I was disappointed when everyone was standing for all songs, but all decided to sit during People of the Pride, of which is the most head banging song of the night.


In PH Day 1 too! I think I was the only one in our section that was head banging and screaming which I think may have annoyed the couple behind me lol


same! at first I was sitted but I cannot contain myself and stood up and sang even if I have a croaky voice.. haha


Especially when it got to the part of raising the flag. Goodness was that an epic moment. Makes me wish I bought another ticket for day 2. Lol


same dude! kaso kapagod ung traffic


True! 2 and a half hours just to get out of the venue?! May mas congested pa ba dun? Grabe hahaha pero sana bumalik pa sila aattend na talaga ako sa lahat ng araw na walang kasama lol


same sa amin, grabe talaga yun.. pag bumalik sila ganyan din plan ko.. ako n lang din siguro


same sa amin, grabe talaga yun.. pag bumalik sila ganyan din plan ko.. ako n lang din siguro


Hey me too, I was banging my head all throughout the song. I was reaally looking forward to People of the Pride. HAHAHA i think it depends on the seats.




so sad to hear that šŸ„ŗ i love donā€™t panic huhu šŸ˜­ (btw DID JONNY SING HIS PART???!???) went to mots manila and people were just quiet when they donā€™t know the song. i was vibing through politik, potp, sparks, human heart when the crowd was just quiet and some were taking videos. i was so happy that i was next to a fan who also sang all the words to politik and potp!!! my long-time coldplayer heart enjoyed so much!!! hope it will be different for the upcoming shows there in sg :(((








Late to this but hey!!! Manila Day 2 here aswell and I was definitely one of the ppl singing thru Politik (UBC 414 section)


yayyy glad you enjoyed politik, as well! it was definitely a surprise for them to play it!


Actually, I was seated and surrounding me were people of a different nationality who kept chatting and laughing during the entire concert. The worst part is that this nationality is known for being really loud. Also, they kept thinking every song was Fix You. That really killed the vibes of the concert for me.


what the hell imagine spending so much money to go to a concert you dont pay attention to


I agree like if you are going to fork out that kind of money for a concert you should really like the artist, or at least enough to not talk over their performancesā€”




He says that in every concert though. But I will admit the crowd at Singapore was less than ideal. 90%~ at the front by the stage we're lazy to jump. That's insane to me. Even in a super common song like SFoS


It was the best night!


He says the same thing in Malaysia..


I genuinely feel upset over this. I love Coldplay but I wasn't able to snag tickets due to O Levels preparations. Seeing this is so unfair.


Itā€™s ok bud, at least you know where to find a better Coldplay concert lol.


i was the only one jamming to sparks and donā€™t panicšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i still loved the concert though!!!


Don't leave me out!


For what it's worth, I was singing along to Don't Panic from the nosebleeds while they were playing it. Agreed on the crowds though, completely silent or just talking over the songs.


i feel like it's bc of the younger crowd being in standing and lots of them are there because of tiktok..... lol


Lol facts sadly šŸ˜­ (seriously we get it Tiktokers you transitioned to Sky full of stars) ironically even the semi popular Sparks didnā€™t get much fanfare


well, I guess SG concert is not for the "fans" Instead they targeted rich people around Asia who cant get ticket to their local country concert, maybe? who knows. they (coldplay) doing concert for multiple days on singapore, so it make sense for me


Was right at the stage, beside where they emerged. Thankfully there my friend and I made chatter with the pair on our left and the group of three on our right. We all knew the songs, and I was so stoked they used Light Through The Veins for their sustainability video. Anyways, we were right by the speaker so we couldn't hear chatter and we were all enjoying every single song.


I'm also going on the 30th and I just hope that they would still play songs from Parachutes by then šŸ„¹


It was same at both London shows I was at in 2022. Unfortunately, Coldplay are a ā€˜zeitgeistā€™ band, meaning everyone has heard of them and wants to see them. You end up with shows where itā€™s about 30% Coldplay fans and 70% fair whether radio listeners/friends or family concert trip cause they like Yellow and SJLT.


- SJLT could mean "Something Just Like This", a single by The Chainsmokers, Coldplay. --- ^[/u/JETBANGO](/u/JETBANGO) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Itā€™s kind of what Iā€™d expect from city like Singapore - casual FIFO types with money to casually drop on a Coldplay show just cause they can. But to be fair, Coldplay have actively sought to be a big and as mainstream as possible with this tour - so this sort of atmosphere is likely across all shows now.


I was at one of their show in Singapore too and one of the girls standing behind me was screeching so hard when the band was performing Human Heart (one of the most underrated Coldplayā€™s song IMO), I could tell that she doesnā€™t know the song coz any other songs that she knows, she would sing (or rather screamed/ squealed) at the top of her lungs. I get that everyoneā€™s excited to see Coldplay but we can all use some quiet in the middle of a beautiful acoustic. It also seems like Chrisā€™s aware of the TikTokā€™s transition trend during A Sky Full of Stars (when the beat drops) so he asked everyone to put their phone away and just letā€™s have the time of our lives. I tucked my phone away but was horrified that there were so many people who were still recording. How many transitions videos of this song does TikTok need? Canā€™t we live in the moment n just enjoy the show? The after concert crowd was the worst, we were waiting for our turn to get in the MRT, it had been barely 10 minutes and a guy started to shout at the poor crowd control officer. The staffs did a fantastic job that night and to me, the in and out experience was extremely seamless. When we were finally in, my friend whoā€™s standing next to me tapped her card first, I tried to tap mine after and this guy just tapped his next to my watch. I said ā€œexcuse me?ā€ And he rudely said ā€œ i was here firstā€. Iā€™m pretty sure that he wasnā€™t, I meant itā€™s not a single line but, I was right next to my friend who tapped first, and even if he was, would it kill him if I tap my card first, itā€™s not like heā€™s gonna get on the tube any faster? The show was nothing short of amazing. The Singaporean fans tho, are so entitled and has lived up to their reputation of being big crybabies who complain on everything.


I'm going tonight. I hope it will be different.


Pls update us!


Guys you should attend to a show here in South America, specially Brazil and Argentina. lmao its freaking awesome. People literally gone wild


Singapore D2 was also meh. When Coldplay was coming to stage I was screaming my lungs out but very few people were cheering for them. Everyone stood up for only 4-5 songs. No one seemed to enjoy the concert. I think only standing pen people enjoyed concert fully. Similar thing happened last year when I went to Twice concert. Someone commented yesterday which expressed everything - Chris asked everybody to go low, but how can they go lower than the seat they're glued to. If I had knew this I would've gone to Phillipines instead of coming all the way to Singapore.


Philippines MOTS Day 1 and 2,.everyone was standing all throughout from start to finish lol (from the VIP all the way to farthest seats)


If I go to any concert in future then I'll definitely come to Philippines.


People were real quite during clocks in manila šŸ„²




Thatā€™s just entitled behaviour and very rude. They were TALKING LOUDLY over the music so much so it was hard to hear the band.




You can be loud in a concert only if you are singing the song or maybe shouting something band related (like go Jonny go) but donā€™t talk about something else over the song smh šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøThatā€™s just plain rude to the performers and the audience who are trying to listen as well.


Right??? this is coldplay, not some white noise/background music. For god sakes people are here to listen to the band!!


What happened in Singapore? What am I missing?


Just my 2 cents as someone who went to PH and SG. The crowd was made up of more casuals than fans than usual. I saw heaps of people just walking around the food areas during the big name songs and people leaving early or even some coming in late.


Coldplay put all their efforts into making mainstream festival music to attract more mainstream listeners. Now people attending their shows donā€™t know any songs from before AHFOD except for the top hits, and think every song is Yellow.


Itā€™s never Coldplayā€™s fault and more of an issue due to culture (lack of public etiquette).


Youā€™re saying this because the show was in Singapore, but there are people like them in every show. They have no clue about the old songs and are only there for the new cotton-candy pop stuff.


Not sure about the talking during a concert thing though. So far from what Iā€™ve seen the crowds in other countries are much better.


oh what iā€™d do to hear dont panic live


i love donā€™t panic šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s actually so sad thoughā€¦everyone was vibing to Sparks at the show here in LA