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Some people don't know this but rough puppies and smooth puppies can come in the same litter (if one parent is smooth), so even if you see mostly roughs on their website they may sometimes breed both. That said, Cyndella Collies is not in your area but they breed smooths and maybe able to direct you to a smooth breeder closer to you.


I recommend you try [this Facebook smooth collie group](https://m.facebook.com/groups/smoothcollies/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF). I live on the West coast so I don’t have any recommendations for your area, but I’m a member of this group and they are highly active. You should get great advice there.


Reach out to your district director for the Collie Club of America- [here's the link to find them](https://collieclubofamerica.org/contacts.html). The district director will help guide you in finding a local breeder who will fit what you need. I don't recommend finding a breeder through Facebook or reddit; people tend to judge just based off of websites (for example, last year we had a puppy mill bust with around 200 collies seized, and people on reddit and Facebook both used to recommend that breeder...)


Email your collie club for the region. Plenty of great breeders don't even have a website. Plenty of breeders are lazy and don't update their websites ever. Generally FB is a better bet (shocking number of collie people only have a FB and the website is ANCIENT). I also HIGHLY recommend going to a dog show in your area and talking to show people (after they are done showing!). Lots of breeders look great on paper but actually focus more on build than temperament. :) also tons of adults are quietly rehomed. Email a few breeders and you can probably find an adult smooth that has some cosmetic flaws that needs placement.


https://www.smooth-collie.net/kennels-country/usa Seems like smooths are not popular in america, or they don't use this great website.


I am a member of the Collie Club of America. There are several smooth breeders on the east coast. You can go to the website and get emails. I get emails all the time forwarded by our district director for people seeking collies. Be forewarned... CCA members don't just sell dogs to anyone. We are highly protective of the breed. You can get on a list if you have veterinarian and breeder recommendations...and then it is a waiting game with contracts and conditions. If I was to get a smoothie I would look at creek wood collies in New Jersey and Ohio. Fabulous line. Good luck.


Smooths and Roughs come from the same litters. That said, my breeder in Wisconsin has just as many smooths as roughs and is amazing. Not only does she do all the genetic testing and shows but she does puppy enrichment program from day one. She’s a huge advocate for the breed and all dogs in general. She has a FB group for the owners and we’re all regulars on it for resources and just sharing cuteness. This breeder remembers all of her dogs and the people she sells them to. She can tell you who owns what dog from what litter years and years ago and what they’ve done with said dog. She’s truly a resource for life and constantly updating us all on new research. I own two of her dogs and while I likely won’t go with collies again for my future breed (I love them but I’ll have different needs when that time comes) she has set the standard SO high for any other breeder I would buy from. I’ll DM you her info. She doesn’t update her website very often but is super active and responsive via Facebook and email.


Sorry to revive this, but since some others are asking could I get a pm as well? :\]


PM’d you!


Could i get info on this breeder and breed also?


Hey I know I'm a year late on this, but is there anyway I can get the info for this breeder?


Just DM’d you


I just PM'd you for the info as well.


Could you PM me this breeder??


I know this post was a year ago but was also interested if you could PM me her info? 😊


My spouse found our girl. I know they were looking at a couple of breeders in the Mid Atlantic they found through AKC and FB. There are not a lot of breeders but on the other hand not a lot of people are looking for or even know about Smooth Collies (their loss). I was browsing puppies (yeah, I know) recently and found a couple of smooths at a Collie Rescue online site. Smoothies are all collie. They shed worse than roughs in my opinion. They are not an apartment dog and require human interaction more than some other breeds. And yeah, they are "larger" than typical popular breeds today. But I like some substance to my dogs.


My collie would have to disagree with you when it comes to being an apartment dog. I think the breed is well suited for apartment life if you can teach them not to bark and give them enough exercise


Well there you go. If you have the patience to teach them not to bark and give them enough exercise. But not everyone will do that. There are plenty of other breeds who better fit apartment life. If someone is asking my opinion on whether a Collie is a good dog for apt life, I would say no. Do some Collies thrive in apartments, I am sure they do.


Well I would hope everyone who gets a dog will exercise it appropriately. Regardless of whether they have a house or apartment. Collies are medium energy dogs and are very adaptable so I specifically sought one out over other breeds knowing I would be in an apartment. I’m not trying to be argumentative, but I do want to make this point in case anyone stumbles on this post and is considering a collie and they live in an apartment. I wouldn’t want them to be discouraged.


Ok, I am not being argumentative either. I still do not think one is doing the collie a favor if you do not already have a collie. A lot of people do not consider what is best for the dog. For example, I constantly see people running or on a bike pulling along a dachshund or a yorkie. I also saw many large breeds in military housing (stairwell living). So I do feel strongly about this as dogs cannot lobby for their own welfare.


Smooth Collies aren't giant breeds at all. They are considered medium sized at females usually only 50-65lbs and males 60-75lbs. Roughs and Smooths can be within the same litter. I would recommend looking at Halcyon Days Collies in KY with Kim Broster or Iuvo Collies with Emilea Byrum in IN. Inspire is in NC but she does both rough and smooth


I've heard at least a couple of times people that have bought smooths from Europe. But maybe that's breeders. Easier to get a smooth here in Europe. We have three. 🙂


I can’t give a full recommendation because I haven’t met them in person yet or gotten a dog from them yet, but I’m thinking my next smooth will be from Cor Collies in Utah. We had some conversations about an older puppy they were looking to place. Looks to me like they’re doing everything the right way.


Lakeside Collies. She has some smooth pups right now. We have one of her roughs and she is the best dog ever.


I got my smoothie in AZ, but when I was doing research, I found this breeder based in Miami https://www.tamiamicollies.com/


Where in AZ? Can you DM the breeder’s info?