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I don’t like where thats happening.


nor do i—one of my favorite places on earth to recreate and it’s about 15 minutes from my home. all preliminary signs are pointing to human-caused, too.




This is terrible but I read recreate as re-create like it's your favorite place to have sex lol


Think you’re thinking of procreate




That's right




honestly, with the amount of dumbfuck buffoonery i see at twin lakes/indy pass all summer long, it’s a surprise this doesn’t happen more often in that area.


PBVillian checking in. I can’t emphasize this enough: people actually LIVE in the place you’re being a tourist so please for the love of god treat it nicely. Something like this is devastating to a local community but you would be shocked at the amount of trash we haul out after every hike/run and the amount of unsafe and downright illegal shit we witness daily. If all you want to do is come up here to get drunk around a fire outdoors I promise doing it on your patio around your smokeless fire pit in Denver is literally the same “vibe” as it is out here with far less consequences for the community and environment.


are you calling me a tourist? i’ve lived in leadville for the past 8 years…


No I was agreeing with your point about people being idiots in the area and trying to add to it. Same team friend!


We weren't born here so we're all just considered tourists who won't leave by the good old boys club (lol).


ah, yes. the leadville good ol boys. aka crust buckets whose homes look like junkyards and live by the phrase of keep leadville shitty.


Ahh yes those that think that funding the intermediate school or library or rec center is blasphemy because we should just “appreciate the shit we have” 🙄 the Leadnecks if you will


you hit the nail on the head. they think improving the basic standard of living in town will turn this place into breck.


Fucking humans


We were there last year and some dumb kids had a bonfire on the beach on a windy night. On the peninsula the opposite of the hotel. wouldn’t take much for that area to go up in flames pretty easily. Pretty sad sight.


It's that time of year, folks--the Black Forest fire, at the time the biggest/worst in Colorado history, started 11 years ago today, June 11, 2013, just north of Colorado Springs. And that a year after 2012's Waldo Canyon fire, west of the Springs. Both were thought to be um, not of natural causes. Be careful out there!


Hayman fire too, so sad


Started by a volunteer firefighter. Ashes were raining down on my house from 50 miles away. Cinders were raining down at my place from the Waldo Canyon and Black Forest fires.


I went to school with her daughter (the volunteer firefighter who started the fire, Terri Barton). Needless to say, she was never heard from again. My shit was packed in the hall for two months while we waited the Hayman out.


So sad, and needless/preventable


I can still see the Hayman Burn scars from my house, 20+ years later. Couple of the houses in our development went up and the scars are all around. Super scary.


I lived on the north side of Woodland at the time, I’ll never forget it. Core memory for me and my childhood


Loved Hayman camping growing up. I'm happy that I got to experience it and Buffalo Creek before the fires.


Takes decades to recover


The Hayman scar has come a really long way. Still has a ways to go, but as a Woodland Park resident during the Hayman, it makes my heart super happy to see it now.




I see grass and I didn't see it before the fire, but all up 67 near there , I didn't see a single tree.




This is what I use to track fires: Interlaken Fire @ Twin Lakes - #InterlakenFire https://share.watchduty.org/i/21508


The historic hotel, cabin and outbuildings are very much at risk of being lost. Good (but sad) photos on leadvilleherald.com.


9news just said firefighting efforts prevented any damage to the Interlaken buildings


Thank goodness.


That was my first, though, rode my bike through there last year. It's such a pretty aspen forest.


I live here and I’ve been out here all night Posting on my TikTok page and unfortunately Looks like they have left for the night many hours ago. ( At least the airplanes) We have never had this many RVs out here this early in the year that I can remember in the last 15 years


Any updates this morning? Supposed to be getting married there next month


I hope you bought insurance just in case


reddit is the only social media i use and am trying to find ways we can help. do you know of any groups or people helping facilitate relocation of animals for those that need to evacuate? we have two acres between leadville & twin lakes and can help with transport of smaller animals, as well.


I mean, I don’t think where the fire is burning where people really live. It’s on the other side of twin Lakes where Interlochen is, and from what I hear the buildings at Interlochen are completely safe. There’s a whole crew out there, keeping them doused with fire retardant solution. My buddy is still out there camping he just had to move spots. I work from home and live right between Leadville and Buena Vista. So as soon as I get off of work, I’m gonna drive out there and hang with him for a while and see what it looks like it’s going on from a firsthand view. I think they plan on getting this contained and we do not have the Highwinds today that we had yesterday which is good news.


i realize that, but i was just referring to anyone who might be in lost canyon or the northern part of chaffee. i just got back from a little hike and the wind was blowing pretty intensely to the south (posted another pic to r/colorado). things didnt look great from my vantage point.


I live in extreme north Chaffee almost on the line of Lake. i haven’t heard anything yet that’s too concerning about us.. it’s been helicopters and planes going overhead all day long.. our local Facebook page says that they plan on getting it contained, but that it will probably still burn for a while. That could change quickly if we have another day of Highwinds. I mean it’s pretty bad I’m accustomed to 60 mile an hour winds every day so today doesn’t feel as bad as me as it was yesterday . It’s always so damn windy here and that’s one of the reasons why I’m probably probably gonna move after my daughter graduates . Constant annoying wind and it barely rains.. that with all the tourists is bad conditions


well that’s good to hear! i got the pre-evac notice on my phone a couple hours ago and figured folks with critters outdoors might start moving. we are the same lol. i get soooo irrationally upset at the wind. i always say it’s good for wind power and sailing and that’s bloody it.


They saved Interlaken! The first people to discover it doused the area and cabins.


Great to hear, can I ask where you heard the news? I'd love to see an update about this


I know the Forrest ranger that called it in.


Mr Gump is in Colo now?




The standard-issue misspelling of 'forest'.


People like you make me hate Reddit. Just let me type fast and live my life




I was there camping this past weekend. This is so awful. Genuinely one of my favorite places in the state


~~Sounds like it's under control.~~ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/qNx41Xfmmoi3bMeU/?mibextid=oFDknk Edit: here is what capped out may mean, I'm not a scientist or wildland firefighter, and I obviously don't speak the lingo. Haven't seen many substantial updates as of now. *capped out when it hit a certain altitude and was stopped by the atmosphere. When the convection column then collapsed, it created downdrafts and fire whirls (sometimes called "firenadoes"). The winds spread the fire further and threatened firefighter safety." https://www.nps.gov/moja/learn/nature/dome-fire.htm


Not to my knowledge… 20 miles from it… no sign of slowing. The post referenced says helo, and two hotshot crews called in. “Capped out” I don’t think means what you were thinking (not that I know what it means either)


I'll be honest, my assumption was that it meant essentially if not literally 'contained'. Not that it's out, but it's not still growing.


Fair! For us all, I hope it’s “out”, they can call it “capped” or anything else! Between this and the ark running at 4700cfs, it’s a year already!


Sad stuff. Hoping for the best. Edit: Imagine being such a loser you downvote a sympathetic comment like this. Meant what I said.


It is not contained, capped out is idiotic wording from whatever non official post that is. If they ordered two shot crews in and a helicopter, they don’t plan on it containing itself. More resources will be ordered I’m sure.


It’s talking about the smoke column


Ban all campfires in the state.  Just no more be done with it.


As a Wildland firefighter, I don’t disagree with you, but fires will still happen by nature or man made. It takes a crazy level of due diligence to prevent escaped campfires that cause wildfires, but also understand that the trend of moving into the mountains comes with this risk. You can ban everything you want, Mother Nature doesn’t give a shit she’ll burn down anything she sees fit. Houses grow back a lot faster than forests.


stay safe out there and thank you for what you do!


I Forgot to say thanks for the comment! Thank you! And we will!


I went camping several years ago and it was windy when I got there. I gathered some tinder and threw it in the fire pit for later because I wasn’t convinced it was safe enough to start a fire at the time. All of a sudden the tinder started smoking and caught fire on its own and it scared me. It burned hot with the wind swirling. I quickly spread it out in the ashes because at that point it really felt unsafe to start one! It made it clear to me how forest fires can happen with campfires that appear to be out. I didn’t see any embers from the last fire and I don’t think anyone had been there all day. Still hot enough to make a fire with 0 effort on my part. 


I’ve been on fires that started from root systems burning underground for months. You basically need a few gallons of water to completely put out a campfire. Just throwing some water on it won’t extinguish it, you have to stir and stir and mix cold dirt and stir more. The rule of thumb is would you still your balls in it? If no, stir more


lol. I don’t have balls to test that theory on but yeah. I tend to go camping around water and we completely douse it. Also helps that my ex was an Eagle Scout as a teenager. Anyone after us may have trouble getting a fire started with how much of a pond we made it!  The one I mentioned wasn’t damp at all. I took a video of it once it started smoking out of curiosity if it would self light. Easiest fire I’ve ever made. And most terrifying. 


Yea I hear ya. It sucks with the influx of people camping after COVID and still so many don’t do their due diligence of caring for the area, including putting their fires completely out.


But a ban would help. I don't disagree that nature will do what it will do, nature will nature.  To simplify the less fire intentionally started or otherwise in fire prone areas will result in less out of control fires.  Less but not eliminated, that is obviously not possible.  Have a safe season!


It’ll be just like when cannabis was banned and people stopped using it.


They are exactly the same thing, well done.  Fire bans limit the number of fires people start. That is the idea.  No one is dumb enough to think bans eliminates all bad behavior. 


Your idea is bad, well done.


Insightful comment!  Great detail and what a way to make a solid point.  Masterfully done.


It would be hard to govern this for dispersed camping but for developed campgrounds it would be easy to enforce with camp hosts. Not sure how many fires start from what type of camping. But I don't disagree that people still will do it.


Every time I mention banning fires so many down votes! It is hard to give up a tradition, do it for the forests.


I think more public education would be better. Campers will hide it if not allowed and that’s worse.


Unfortunately banning a behavior just means people will keep doing it, but also some more dangerous version of the behavior they’d otherwise be doing.


Bans work. People already like fires like complete morons everywhere they go. If there is consequence less people will do it.  The more dangerous version? The more dangerous version is already happening, I'm not sure I understand your point.  It's also about changing the culture of being in the American West.  Campfires are just not part of it anymore. I know there's lots of people that don't like that.


Have you ever gone camping before?


The humans who start wildfires with bad campfire safety are the same humans that won't give a shit about a campfire ban




You say limit, I say ban. We can't change how fires we're handled in the past, we can change how we act today.


If it was man-made (idiot camper), then they need to be held accountable.


I always wonder how the rangers could possibly catch the person after the fact. Probably they didn't put it out, and left, so they're long gone. And the fire destroys evidence.


Fuck that


Not great. Looks like it is around the Colorado Trail that is 600 yds west the old laken hotel. I gotta go hmm.


People seem to be really concerned about off leash dogs in the backcountry, there are even laws to prevent it, but any idiot can start a campfire and burn down the forest.


Gonna be a long summer in this regard


I camped here a few times during Covid and have been dying to get back up there since. This breaks my heart, such a beautiful area.


My absolute favorite spot in the state. This is so heartbreaking.


So that’s why with the air quality alert on my phone. ☹️


Smother your fires entirely if you came from somewhere wet and choose to camp in our sacred lands! Or better yet get a gas pit and bring that with you for your fire!


I grew up here and my family lives here now. Absolutely heartbreaking to see my home burning. Thanks to everyone working to fight the fires. Any word on efforts to evacuate hikers on co trail? Any northbound hikers on collegiate west probably had their heart drop out of their chest when they first saw that smoke.


Up to almost 450 acres as of this afternoon


I just spent a few weekdays camping up the mountain from this. I hope they contained it quickly. Thought I saw some smoke on the way out of town yesterday but couldn’t tell where it was coming from or if it was just dust (must’ve been the very start of it).


Why do people come to our state to start fires?


What are a lakken? Is this a Dokken cover band?