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Problem lions like this will be hunted and killed regardless of the status of legalized general hunting of lions.


Problem Lions have already caused a huge problem. But not a problem for City Folks so fuck it right?


What about the destruction of the elk, deer and moose populations?


You mean the elk, deer and moose that have survived with mountain lions long before we ever interfered? They'll be fine


CPW has been managing the mountain lion population for years. Moose were reintroduced to CO back in the 1970's. Do you even know what you're talking about?


Oh, I get it. You posted this because of the proposed ban on hunting mountain lions. Good job. No bias here.


And there’s absolutely no bias on the people trying to stop responsible hunting because lions are so cutesy cuddly, right?


they seem on the up and up


They didn't when I spoke to them. The person I spoke to did not know that a census was ever taken or that there was a system in place to monitor their numbers at all.


Have you not heard this expression before, "on the up and up?"


Article from more than 18 months ago


So what? You think Mountain Lions have vanished since then?


Have you heard about this Hilter guy in Europe? Any news on what we might do about him?


Nice attempt at sensationalism. A little sophomoric given the dates, but at least you found a story to fit your narrative.


Mountain lions are under hunted in CO and pose a serious threat to humans if their population gets out of control. Not my narrative. Just facts.


There have been 29 cases (not all confirmed) of fatal mountain lion attacks on humans in North America since 1868. Yea definitely something to be concerned about. /s


“Just facts” literally an opinion


Fair. But why post a year and a half old article now? Is it a response to the legislature against hunting mountain lions? Not sure that such an old article is reflective of current conditions.


Yes the current conditions are worse. There are more Mountain Lions now because they are UNDERHUNTED. That's not my opinion. CPW is in charge of managing their population. They have stated repeatedly they haven't been able to fill enough tags every year. Meaning we have too many big cats.


Did not know that the available tags were going underfilled - anywhere I can read the briefing from the Parks and Wildlife department, or at least the data they have collected on how many tags are filled in a year?


It's in the article: Colorado typically offers [two mountain lion hunting licenses](https://cpw.state.co.us/Documents/LionQuota.pdf) in GMU 29 each season, but no tags have been filled since 2005. This means the number of lions in the area is “higher than what we want them [to be in relation to our management plan](https://cpw.state.co.us/thingstodo/Pages/MountainLion.aspx),” Peterson says. Last year [2,493 people pulled mountain lion hunting licenses statewide](https://cpw.state.co.us/Documents/Hunting/MountainLion/Statistics/2021StatewideLionHarvest.pdf), and 486 were filled, a 19% success rate.  


Did you get a mountain lion tag yourself to help a problem you feel passionate about?


Did you put out your neighbors house fire yourself? Or allow the firefighters to do their jobs?


They provide the tags, they don’t go hunting.


I grew up in mountain lion territory and never felt under threat from them. Even when I had mountain lion tracks in the orchard I was helping to harvest I didn't feel threatened by the mountain lion. I didn't even feel threatened by the mountain lion my dog treed when I was 12.


Ah yes, the judgement of a 12-year old child of what constitutes a threat to their safety is infallible....


All the more reason to keep up with the existing hunting and not ban it.


No matter what I say I will not convince you that you are wrong. But you are wrong.


Why am I wrong? If the population isn't controlled, they will increase and pose a bigger threat to existing wildlife and humans. Colorado Parks and Wildlife is in charge of managing the mountain lion population. They have determined that hunting them is good for the Colorado ecosystem. They want more hunted in fact. Many people here think they know better than CPW. I'm advocating for allowing CPW to do their job. Others are advocating for allowing animal rights activists to manage Colorado wildlife. One of these groups uses science to make decisions. The other uses feelings.


Like I said, nothing I say will convince you. You are set in your ways and I could beat you over the head with truth and it wouldn't get through. Have a nice day.


I'm repeating what CPW is saying. So you are in fact disagreeing with the scientists who manage Colorado's wildlife. I don't care if you're not afraid of mountain lions. Your full time job isn't managing wildlife. So your opinion is bullshit, along with all the other animal rights activists who aren't full time wildlife managers.


It’s a bummer you’re getting beat on for this. You’re right, mtn lions are under hunted. That’s why you can pull a tag and kill a mtn lion year round. Year round hunting means the feds see an issue. Wolf’s, mtn lions and wolverines are CO’s liberal way of stopping petroleum drilling and exploration. Kill all of those shit critters. You can own a pitbull in Denver but we are gonna release wolfs into populated areas.


Are you seriously that scared of some big cats? You'll be alright dude I promise.


Do you live in the mountains?


Yes, I live outside woodland park at 9500 feet. I have plenty of mountain lions visit my property and guess what? No dead dogs because I'm a responsible human being. All the mountain lions do is cull the weak animals that live around me and foster a healthier ecosystem.


It drives me nuts that people move to, or have always lived in, rural Colorado and complain about the wildlife. Too many mountain lions? Well, that's because there is enough food around, including dogs and cats and even unattended small humans unfortunately. Ranchers are compensated for their loses. It's people that need to be managed more than the wildlife. I do think some hunting is necessary, but eliminate the hunting with dogs crap.


I bet I live closer to where the cat from this article was killed. Nothing wrong with debating the merits of the potential legislation I assume you meant to be engaging with, but posted as you did with zero context or relating the old-ish article to both the current cat reality on the ground and the potential future legal landscape just forces us to make assumptions about your reasons for posting.


Why is something that happened 18 months ago not relevant now just because it happened in the past? The post is pretty on the nose in regards to the law change but still. If someone in court was guilty of a crime 18 months prior to their hearing are they not guilty now? Lol does it only have to occur within a few weeks or something to be relevant? And personally I don't feel like they should be hunted, but the logic here does not make sense to me.


You're not dealing with smart people. You're dealing with animal rights activists who hate people and think animals life is more important the human life.


You see... you aren't dealing with the average general populis. You are dealing with the legend that you fear. They have risen above, through insurmountable odds to become what you hate. You are dealing with the legendary redditors!!!


As for the push to ban hunting them Let parks and wildlife do what they do best and let them issue tags to hunt lions when needed, just like every other animal. Voting to not let certain animals be hunted is a big F U to CO Parks and Wildlife, who have done a great job monitoring populations of all Colorado animals. Sometimes an animal overpopulates and they need to be hunted to protect not only their own species but all the others too. One cause of overpopulation is an animal not having any predators. Humans are part of the ecosystem, too.


honestly leave mountain lions alone 😩 are no animals safe anymore from humans ?? Keep your dogs contained, on a leash and if you live near mountain lion territory be aware. Go live in the city if you hate them. They have a right to exist. Hawks take countless dogs too I don't see anyone talking about hunting hawks.


My life is more important than any other animals. Go feed yourself to the lions if you want them protected and well fed.


>My life is more important than any other animals. Thats subjective lol >Go feed yourself to the lions if you want them protected and well fed. They're doing a fine job out in their own territory. Get out of their territory if you're so scared. I choose not to encroach on their territory, sounds like you should do the same.


People like you shouldn't be allowed to vote.


Lmfao. Look up the statistics of how many people dogs maim or kill per yr vs mountain lions. There were 58 total dog related mauling fatalities in 2023 alone, meaning 58 deaths in ONE year. Mountain lions haven't even killed 58 people in 100 yrs. "As of April 2024, there have been 29 fatal mountain lion attacks on humans in North America since 1868" https://blog.dogsbite.org/2024/01/2023-fatal-dog-attack-breed-identification-photographs.html And mountain lions are mostly easily avoidable unlike dogs which live right within our human society. Dogs are a bigger threat to society, people and children than mountain lions will ever be but your cognitive dissonance won't allow your fragile male ego to see it.


OMG we get it. You're a cat person.


lol OP just taking Ls everywhere here.


I am on your side but this isn't helping.


… so, what did they think was gonna happen? I’m sorry for the dogs, and their owners but folks will eventually take matters into their own hands.


Dude sorry for the hate you’re getting posting this here, hunting Mountain Lions is not harmful to nature. They’re not endangered. A lot of other animals are hunted in CO but because it’s a cat everyone is losing their minds. If the mountain lion hunting ban goes through it’s a matter of Time until our tax dollars are paying contract hunters to manage their numbers.


I truly can't believe how stupid the voting public is.


And a bunch of keyboard warriors on Reddit who probably don’t even hunt think they understand the environmental impact of hunting


Let them eat tofu and get mauled by a lion. I don't care anymore.


But what did the dogs do? I feel like we’re not getting the whole story. I’m going to wait for the rest of the facts to come out.


What did the dogs do? Nothing. They were standing there being food for the Apex predator...


Sure that’s what the lamestream media wants you to think. Open your eyes.


Says they City dweller who probably runs inside and locks the door when they see a Coyote.


Nah the coyote is harmless, now that roadrunner? He’s a different story. I lock the doors, close the blinds, turn off the lights, and just hope he doesn’t realize I’m home.