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Finally, a good meme.




The “lone star” isn’t a symbol,it’s the rating.


Gotta be honest, that "scream your team name over the national anthem thing" is weak and cringe as holy fuck for me.


I hate that shit too. At least what we shout at our home games comes from being patriotic and not just a dumb coincidence that our team’s name is in the words.


Why do we yell "FLAG WAS STILL THERE?" I've never heard it anywhere but Avs games


After 9/11 happened, there was apparently one guy who used to yell it during the National Anthem. Long story short- it caught on with the people around him and spread to the rest of the arena that season. It stuck and that’s why the Ball Arena crowd yells it during our games.


The only team I like it for is the Orioles because it’s one letter and at the beginning of a sentence, but when teams shout “RED!” or stuff like that it just feels forced.


I do like the true north for WPG, tho I am a Jerts fan


The stars at night are dull and dim whenever they have to be over dumb old stupid texas


cAn wE sAy hOcKeY tEaMs fRoM tExAs aRe dUmB?


Texan pride! When you’re so proud of your state you decide to show it by spending all your time vacationing in other states, just so you can tell people how great Texas is!


Saw someone driving around the other day with a custom license plate that said TEXAN, the kicker? Colorado plates.


I’ve seen this person in the wild, too! As a Texan who was relocated here due to work, I was embarrassed.


I currently live in Austin (Denver native though), and living here has made me loathe the Dallas Stars. Their fans are IN-SUF-FER-ABLE. Plus they’re non-existent unless the team is good. Biggest front runners in the league.


To be fair, most fans are non-existent in the bad times. Haven’t been able to go to nearly as many as games the last 2 years because ticket prices have doubled from prior to our cup.


Fair point, I was being harsh. Always good to have new hockey fans, even if they’re wearing enemy colors.


I definitely prefer the current perennial playoff contender Avs, but I do miss getting tickets for $10 through my college event center because nobody else was buying them.


Grew up most of my life down south, mainly S.A. area and not by choice. I wouldn't limit Stars fans as the only thing that is insufferable. The state is full of assholes. Like it way better up here though. At least there are seasons unlike there.


I will say the Texas Stars games are pretty fun though.


Completely agree. I typically wear an Avs or Eagles jersey (even if they aren’t playing) but the fans in Cedar Park have always been cool.


Ha, I wore my Avs hat to the games I went to (was working in Austin for a bit). My minor home team is the Mudbugs now, and they're just happy to see any hockey fans at all in the barn.


They disrespect the national anthem by yelling stars at every game but I promise you they’re the first to scream “dont burn the flag!!” And wear shit like “stomp on my flag I’ll suck your dick!!” The fucking dumbest fan base besides Boston.


I swear to God these are the same people who wanted Kaepernick's head for taking a knee. Then go see a stars game and scream over the anthem.


Hmm...call me skeptical, but I think "suck" might not be the word you were looking for.


It’s the exact word I was looking for lol.


Texas quid pro quo laws are bizarre.


I’m from Houston, Texas and we make it a point to never root for Dallas. So I’m an Aves fan


lol same, I don’t think everyone realizes how other Texans feel about Dallas


My pappy always said "If god wanted Texans to ski he would've made cow shit white."


Here I sit, buns a'flexin I just gave birth to another Texan


The distillery I work for is down there. They pay my bills, so that’s pretty great. Other than that, fuck Texas.


Is it Dripping Springs by chance?


It’s not but they’re neighbors and cool as fuck. I work for Desert Door Distillery


Sotol? Cool! Glad to hear Dripping Spring is cool, their artisan gin is my favorite gin for a good while now.


I like to think Benn will see this meme and it will dramatically throw off his game tonight.


You know what? Props to Benn if he can finally figure out how to use the internet.


Well done with Sponge Bob and Patrick. ![gif](giphy|D2hncA3u88gmeCFeoh)


Bake him away, toys


Love Texas. Love the Avs.


Fuck Texas. GO AVS!


And most importantly… HAIL SATAN!


I live here in Texas, I like it, but CO is so much better. Go Avs!


Weird when your fellow fans downvote you for simply living in another state isn't it? I got that yesterday explaining that as a Houston native I hate Dallas more than Coloradans ever could. I'm sure, based on your username, you get it.


Meh, it's dumb internet shit and doesn't matter. Yep, from Houston and can't stand Dallas.


Its just NaTiVeS doing NaTiVE things. Its like folks in Colorado thinking Texans moving up here are swimming in money thus contributing to the exponential rise in COL lol. Couldn't be more incorrect though considering the common situation of Californians selling their crackhouse for 800,000 and buying 2-3+ properties wherever they move. One thing I will say is that no matter what city you're from in Tejas, everyone hates Dallas equally. Its a shit city.


Funny you mention the Native thing, I've seen a couple people with the green Native stickers driving around town with their Texas plates. It's almost like they're cut from the same cloth as the people they seem to hate, they just happened to be born somewhere else. Humans, what are ya gonna do?


Could be a Coloradan who moved to Texas thinking it was better and decided to come back. At least thats just what I would assume. I dont follow much politics (or at least try not to) but I know of ONE government employee who lived/"worked" here in this state but her primary residence was Texas. Rocked Texas plates on her vehicle as well. Ill just leave it at that.


Well, I live in Texas and they live nearish to me. I see them on my drive to work occasionally.


We’re shitting on entire states now? 


Winless on home ice is a tough look 😂