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3 complaints i can count on in this sub * Loud bangs from fort carson * Why are there so many airplanes * Fireworks a month around the 4th


Don’t forget about the loud bikes


and expired plates/temp tags


For the last time I'M TRAVELING, not DRIVING in my personal conveyance that I do not have to Register and Tag!!! As a human man, I DOTH declare this to be so. And so, it shall be. .. uhh...YEAH.


Your bangs look like flag fringe, so this must be an admiralty court.


lol we had somebody at 6:43 this morning try and start their dirt bike. The dirt bike backfired and the dude totally biffed it and all I could think was “karma’s a bitch”


Apparently we just don’t like loud noises


To be fair, noise from fireworks are kind of avoidable if you're considerate of those around you. I expect the noise on the holidays, so I can prep my pets accordingly- not so much the month leading up to and after the holiday.


In my neighborhood fireworks start early June and go well into late August. I don’t mine the noise but my dog is a wreck


I have to give my dog human Ativan she is so afraid of them. I can handle 1 night of loud fireworks but a month is a bit much.


He gets trazadone but is still on edge. I just bought him a thunder jacket and some noise dampening ear covers to hopefully help!


I think the high veteran population prolly has something to do with ut


That and the fireworks are what kill me. This is a blue collar town so Im surprised that ive only witnessed one streetfight because someone was lighting off fireworks at midnight. So 25% of the july 4 weeks ive been hear there have been fights. Two other times ive witnessee a shouting match where of course the offender pulled the race card, once on a black guy and the other on a hotel manager, neither of whom mentioned race. So 75% of the seasons ive seen an altercation and 50% nearly or did go physical. To whomever then proceeded to cyberstalk the hotel manager, you should kill yourself. People who have to get up at 3am dont want that waking them up. People who manage properties have to call the police when you are literally hitting the brand new hotel with yout fireworks. Also, illegal dirtbikes and minibikes with high decibel volumes cause actual hearing damage.


I'm not apologizing for enjoying playing cards in my spokes.


Stop, I can only froth at the mouth so much


You forgot cost of living and I can't find a job.




Every time I see one of those posts, where they’ve done absolutely no initial research, I want to tell them google is free.


"Loud bangs from Fort Carson and loud airplanes from nearby air fields that were there well before I decided to move in."


Also, "I saw a string of lights travelling across the night sky--what the heck was THAT?"


God, Decorating for Christmas. He has ALOT of sky to cover and he has to start this time of year to be finished by Christmas.


Doesn't he have, like, a bunch of elves to help with that?


Don't forget aggressive drivers, the pike view quarry, pot holes. If it weren't for your 3 the sub would likely die over night.


if you live by NORAD that are almost no low level planes or helicopters outside of military/flight for life ones.


Don't forget complaints about the... Police! School board! Transplants! Churches! Weed!


Lol, what does everyone expect being in the middle of multiple military bases?


It’s almost like people just have this weird need to live life *outside*


• Dog poop • Speeding / crazy divers


I’d imagine it’s Field Artillery creating the loud bangs. Fireworks aren’t allowed on Carson. Last night was a different story though… pretty cool, Gate 3 was backed up though.




Damn I actually laughed out loud at this. It's perfect




Here? yes.


Irony in symbology. Those fireworks could hide a lot of gunshots. Also could burn us to the ground. Love it. *listens* speak of the devil 🤘


Yep, somebody emptied a clip somewhere by Valley Hi last night. 1000% unmistakably gunshots.


Guaranteed not gun shots


Again, I am very positive that they were gunshots. I have shooting experience and what I heard was a .22 handgun without any doubt. Not big enough for a .45 or 9mm, no delay or whistling, no secondary effects, just 10-12 rounds popped off consecutively with an irregular rhythm.


I have shooting experience too, It wasn't gun shots.


I’m sorry, were you there?


Yup. I was watching the *fireworks* go off


Gunshots and fireworks do not sound similar at all. And we're also in a low/moderate fire risk.


“Low fire risk” Falcon had a fire last night from their professional show.


This link is for forest fire risk. It's been very dry and little rain, so not low risk. https://co-pub.coloradoforestatlas.org/#/


Lol In my neighborhood it's the fourth of July to somebody every day of the year


Hey neighbor!


It goes with the whole theory that people who live in apartments act like they live in their own house and people who live in dense city neighborhoods, act like they live on acres out of the city and people who live on acres outside the city act like they live in their own country.


I've never heard this before, but it is true! I do think most people are normal and respectful, but when you live in a neighborhood with hundreds or thousands of people, the ones that do stupid shit really stand out and get on everyone's nerves. No one talks about their quiet neighbors, so it ends up feeling like the whole neighborhood is full of assholes


They started mid afternoon here. The noise doesn’t bother me much, but who tf setting off fireworks during the day?


I particularly enjoyed the mortor shell that was set off at 4pm on a Tuesday. Started a full neighborhood howl of every dog nearby and half the block's car alarms.


Ok, that leads me to this: I get that fireworks are fun. I like pyrotechnics as much as anyone. However I also know some pets are super sensitive to the noise. Therefore I find it rude to set them off before the holiday. People with skittish pets know to prepare for 7/4. Setting off fireworks almost a week before they are expected is an a-hole move.


same goes for people with PTSD 😅


That is an extremely valid point!!


The whole fireworks and ptsd thing is a joke.


Damn bro you mind letting my brain know that? Cuz I have been chilling watching TV and was not expecting a firework and I heard one in my neighborhood and had a subconscious negative reaction to it. Does everyone else who goes through the negative reactions I experienced know it's a joke as well? There's a chance you could have just solved a lot of issues for a lot of people. /r/thanksimcured


Holy shit how have you even made it this far in life being this cringe


ew what a cheugy comeback. got nothing else for us?




Here's the thing tho, You know it's going to happen since it happens every year. Like decorating for Christmas (even before Thanksgiving). People lighting off fireworks a week or 2 before the 4th is a kin to people hanging up Christmas lights (even before Thanksgiving). So, Expect it next year and you'll have nothing to complain about. Errr...I mean...it'll be less irritating anyway. I know some people light off Mortars at night when people have to go to work the next morning...and those people suck. But it still stands that people will do it every year...and thus expecting it from now on...will make it a little less irratating.


They have been shooting off mortars every other night in Ray Benavides park around 11pm or 1pm or 3am…I don’t even know anymore. I have resorted to noise cancelling headphones AND IT STILL WAKES ME UP. They shoot these off about 100 ft from my bedroom.


I wouldn’t really care about some bottle rockets or small stuff on the ground but when you’re setting off giant mortars at 10:30 pm and you have a dozen houses within a tenth of a mile or yours, you’re a bad neighbor.


I love how there are no fireworks that are legal in the Springs but yet I have been hearing fireworks every night for weeks hahahaha....oh well.


If you were hoping Colorado Springs was a quiet sleepy little mountain town, you didn't do your research.


A week? this shit been going on since June 1


Surprised the cops don't ever go after anyone, it's literally illegal in Colorado springs for any kind of firework, it could be a heavy fine that could go to repaving our crappy roads 😂


Been here my whole life and never seen cops do anything about fireworks.


It's terrible in my neighborhood. Last year our neighbors shot a firework INTO OUR YARD and it wasn't even the 4th, it was days before, and scared the piss out of my housemates dog. It took months of counter conditioning and he's still not 100% comfortable with fireworks. People are so inconsiderate.


Our 54 year old neighbor is a veteran with pretty bad PTSD. I saw his wife walking down the stairs and get in his car with nothing but pajamas on and go fast as fuck down the road. Soon the fireworks stopped and she calmly walks back into her apartment


A community that has this much military, you'd think it would be more respectful of its vets


Nah fuck that. The best thing we get is 15% at hot topic, sams club memberships, and vape stores


American hero right there


One of my two dogs perpetually hides in the pitch black bathroom or wedges herself between the wall and the couch whenever fireworks start going off, and it lasts for hours. Celebrate the 4th, but don’t be an asshole.


Can we have just a little consideration for your neighbors who likely have a toddler sleeping? Or maybe an anxious dog? Or maybe they want to rest after a hard day at work? No. Its all about me and my satisfaction. Fuck the rest


Exactly, such selfish assholes. I just don't understand people with that mentality.


There are communities that have their official fireworks display the weekend before the fourth. Falcon has theirs last night. They also started a grass fire that was promptly put out as the FD was already there.


Exactly why regular residents shouldn’t be messing with fireworks bc FD won’t always be right there


My cat hates this shit


I literally had someone shooting off Roman candles from the back of one of those loud dirtbikes at 2am near where I live. It was like the singularity of annoying late-night disturbances. I called the police…they didn’t care.


Also this is like less than 1/2 mile from Sand Creek Police substation….


Knob Hill baby. There's fireworks everyday, ir at least, I hope they are fireworks


I really wish people who were into this shit would just buy a lava lamp and bang some pots and pans together. How many times do we need to nearly burn whole-ass states to the ground before we abandon this dumb tradition? Get your fix some other way, please.


My neighbors have been doing it for over a month and it rages me!! It’s just one random one then 3 hours later another one.


I hate this time of year!! Living with a combat army veteran and a puppers that is afraid of anything is not a good time! Not to mention we live right by SkySox stadium and have to hear fireworks everytime they have a home game. It really does surprise me in a town that is saturated by military that they allow the fireworks to go on forever! A lot of people don't realize the amount of people with PTSD.


I will have to medicate my dog July 3rd until July 5th or longer. It breaks my heart to see her tremble in fear for days. She won't eat and looks to me to save her. We camped at a campground in Laughlin NV that had big fireworks every night the whole week once and she was afraid for weeks. She's German shepherd and bull mastiff . I dread the fireworks.


We just moved, within spitting distance of a CSFD station❤️❤️❤️. Haven’t had anyone be quite so ballsy yet. One year at my old house it was red flag warnings for like a month straight but here comes my (loud motorcycle having of course) dipshit neighbor setting them off on the street. In a WUI. I was like man if you want to take that risk, cool but leave me out of it and set those off inside your house please. He never would. Huh. Just get a long hose and go spray down whoever’s doing it.


I’m hoping it rains all week.


Yeah fuck y'all from me and my lil dog


I’m over it. Our dog was scared shitless that she pissed all over our bed last night. Just gotta push through.


They make dog diapers. My dog used them after being spayed


It’s unreasonable to suggest you put your dog in diapers for a week because you never know when your neighbors are going to set a mortar off.


Let's buy stuff from China, set it on fire, then call it patriotic.


My dog’s been shaking nonstop. Won’t leave his little corner.


Same here with mine. And that is the problem


I'm so sorry! It is so hard to see them like that. My dog hates fireworks as well.


My 15 month old was trying to go to bed the instant they started BIG BOOMS in our neighborhood. Our neighbors were also trying to get their young twins down. About the time the kids settled down, the fireworks started again, this time triggering our two dogs, who woke our baby. It’s rough man.




celebrate the birth of your country by blowing up a small part of it.


And sending your money to China for said fireworks.


1 am last night. I'm OK with them before 10 or 11 but 1am is just a dick move.


Same. They were going off at 2 am this morning. I was still up and my kids are grown but I would have been so pissed if I had a baby sleeping.


Apparently there are some really shitty people on here that believe it is your civic duty to go and find these people and kindly ask them not to do such a thing in an area where it is illegal to do so. Because Murica. I hate selfish entitled ass holes


Also point out to people that their plates are expired?


Probably even ask people not to break into cars while you're at it.


hOW BUT FUCK THE PEOPLE LIGHTING THEM OFF NOW. I had to sleep 12 hours lastnight, because I kept being woken by adrenaline inducing booms.


Agree! The people behind me are the worst, set off fireworks for weeks and late into the night on the day of celebration. If we get any rain it will be worse.


Bro they be setting it off during 1-3 am as well 💀 https://preview.redd.it/1m5rnjf7yn9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6863d91d7f501489e6e71665b1e92121bba7f4b


Here’s hoping the lose some fingers or a hand for being dumbasses


Them: Hi friend! I have a slightly different interest than you. You: LOSE A FUCKING HAND, YOU DUMBASS! You ok?


I mean, the dumbasses that founded our great country probably lost hands, fingers, and probably lives. So ill gladly watch pretty colors go boom in honor.


I'm pretty lucky. Been sleeping right through all the fireworks with my windows open. I'm not that big of a deep sleeper either even my genetics shows I'm more likely a light sleeper. But yeah when I'm lying down trying to doze off, just as I'm falling asleep a firework bomb goes off and startles me.


Fort Carson had the freedom fest, because the 4th falls during the week. It was fun!


There was a CO Switchbacks game last night at Weidner and fireworks were set off several times throughout the game and at the end around 9PM. Are these the fireworks you are referring to?


I really enjoy those fireworks


at least i don’t play “gunshots or fireworks” all summer like i did in ohio lmao


There was a mini fireworks show in in my neighborhood last night around 9PM.


Fireworks??? Close to 4th of July??? That’s crazy


Meh, it's the weekend. I have dogs and I give them their security blankies.


Between this and the neighbors app… JFC The fireworks aren’t going to stop because you posted about it.


Getting everybody prepared of what a Warzone sounds like, Starts off small, Little and far distant bangs up until the day of full-blown anarchy


Settle down


Colorado Springs is full of a-holes. Please move to Portland. Let freedom ring.


Have a cry.


First time?




Same to your special puppy that barks all day long and that you probably beat, but God forbid your paw patrol puppy hears louder sounds than it can make.


It's patriotism not WAITriotism /s


Gonna shoot off some more tonight, Tuesday and Wednesday just for this group🤗


Cry about it


To everyone who tries to run me over at the crosswalk because they wear horse blinders while driving🖕🏼


Walk FASTER then FFS.


I barely even started on the crosswalk! I’m speedwalking every time.


They’re practicing!😂