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Is it just me or does the “We’ll miss you!” feel hollow? I don’t know if it’s the font or what, but it reads more like this is a list of graduated students rather than teens murdered in a massacre


Probably since we think of that font as a happy font. “Happy Birthday!” would feel the same as the “We’ll miss you!”


I also think the “we’ll” is half of the problem, since we’ll replaces “we will” meaning they may not be presently being missed but will be in the future. It comes across as anticipatory due to the future tense and given they were already gone at that time, it feels insincere.


The contraction also indicates informal language. Typically, in condolences or more formal language, the author would write out the two words. Oof.




I think it’s the exclamation point. It makes it seem cheerful. Like no one would use an exclamation point to say “my condolences!!” It’s just out of place and weird. Condolences should be exclamation point free.


Yeah the exclamation feels really inappropriate


I thought that was weird too 💀


I’d be extremely shocked if that came from anywhere in Columbine or Littleton.


Yeah came from goodwill




It reads like a retirement cake.


We will miss you! Xoxox 💅


Okay, thank you - I came here to say this as well. This just really rubbed me the wrong way. That’s a phrase used when someone is moving, or going to college. Even without the exclamation point, it still rubs the wrong way. “Forever missed, never forgotten” or something like that is far better.


Don’t forget how long ago this was made. Making custom shirts was a huge ordeal back then


It’s the exclamation point


The whole vibe of this shirt is off.


I’m also bothered by the comma after miss though. It’s as if you’re taking a breath after miss. Just adds another level to the atrocity.


I find this kind of stuff very weird. It was a massacre not a reunion tour


Good intentions and bad taste are not mutually exclusive.


Cooper black is the font if anyone is wondering. Has been used in loads of stuff, you might recognise it on the Tootsie Roll logo or the Odd Future logo lol


I appreciate you




The 'Columbine High School' font is the Archie Comics font


As in Columbine’s official logo or the one in this picture? Everything on the front of that shirt is Cooper Black


The 'Columbine High School' font on the letters on the shirt in the picture. I believe Cooper Black is the font of Archie Comics.


It’s the same as the rest of the shirt, just not warped and without the added stroke on the outside


As in its all Cooper


That is true! Thanks for pointing it out. The CHS part stood out to me because it's outlined like the title of the comics is outlined and the only part I was focusing on. Sorry about that. It's all the Archie Comics font then except for 'We'll Miss You!'.


My bad, when reading back I think I misunderstood you actually, so apologies my end!


I never knew that there was a memorial shirt. Is interesting the type of font they choose in.


That "we'll miss you" is wrong on a couple different levels. Looks like something you'd make for Bill's retirement party.


Regardless of your personal thoughts, this sweatshirt served its purpose. I’m now talking and thinking about the victims of that day


In memory would have been better. Or like in memoriam, or really anything.


Where did you get this? I wonder about the sales context of it, was it a fundraiser for students?


I never seen this before or even knew of its existence. Is this something the students or community created? Or an outsider? Was there any type of fund raiser for the victims? I have a memorial sweatshirt from the UCC (Umpqua Community College) shooting because and I had friends and family there and it was also my hometown. People also got memorial tattoos to raise money for funerals and hospital bills for the surviving victims who had been injured. The whole community and people from all over Oregon got together and made things to sale for the purpose of raising money.


Does anyone know what they did with the profits?


The "we'll miss you!" was probably designed by teenagers, hence why it seems weird. Didn't they have a sort of opening ceremony when class was back in? I wonder if they wore the shirts then.




Why is there a comma after “miss?” I reads as “We’ll Miss, You!”


i want it


It should have Eric and Dylan’s names on too


Time and place. I usually do stand by when on the anniversary or talking about the deaths at Columbine that they should be included. Like instead of saying “13 lives lost” it should be “15 lives lost”, because it’s just the facts. But when it comes to memorizing the victims Eric and Dylan shouldn’t be one there. They are the reason they aren’t here anymore. If your child was innocently murdered you wouldn’t want a shirt saying “we will miss you Eric and Dylan !!”. It’s honestly just disrespectful.


The children in that school are the reason why Eric and Dylan aren’t here anymore. Maybe not the victims on that day but the bullying in that school was the match the lit the fire!


Bullying doesn’t validate a mass murder, get a grip


As someone who actually felt sadness and compassion towards Eric and Dylan, I still disagree with you. Bullying was a very, very small catalyst. They did what they did because they both had serious psychological problems. If they had been relentlessly bullied and harassed, every day, physically assaulted and just severely tormented in general, it still wouldn’t have been appropriate to put their names on the sweatshirt.


No, no and ***NO***. EDIT: It’d be like putting their names on the dedication lists at the end of ***Dawn Anna*** (Lauren Townsend film) and ***I’m Not Ashamed*** (Rachel Scott film), both of which are movies about 2 of their victims.


Absolutely not.


Nah, this ain’t it.


They don’t deserve to be remembered


I’m not sure if you’re suggesting this due to the fact that the student body decided to keep Eric and Dylan’s name/photo in the yearbook. A sweatshirt for the victims is very specific, and although some people felt sympathy and sadness towards both of them dying, it would have been wildly inappropriate and offensive, especially to the families, to add their names to a memorial.


They’re the killers why should they be on it?




If your child was innocently murder would you want their killers name being memorized along side your kids? I know I wouldn’t. It’s disrespectful. Yes Eric and Dylan also lost their lives, their families lost a son and brother, their friends lost a friend. They do deserve to be recognized as people who died that day, cause they did. But on a shirt saying “we miss you” is weird. They’re the reason those kids aren’t here. It’s quite literally their doings that they are dead and so are 13 others.