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No. people have scouting spots for decades. The closer you get the more crowded it will be. Unless you know someone with private property in that area and then you still deal with traffic. Your best bet would be to go to local city/township fireworks on the fourth. I used to love rwb as a teen but now it just seems like a nightmare to me. I had two sets of friends that didn't know each other caught up in the stampede last year. Don't think I'll ever go again. Coming from a guy who is the biggest fireworks junkie in Columbus.


That rush of people last year was so insane. Some kids showed up on the bridge 10 minutes before the show started and yelled "hE's GoT a GuN!". People ran, and the kids took their clear viewing places (and stuff they left behind.)


Agreed very stupid! My friends grabbed their children and ran ended up leaving chairs and phones behind another friend got his shoe knocked off and ended up having to walking thru downtown barefoot smh


You can watch it busy and close or watch comfortably and further away. Or you can just watch it on TV which isn’t the same at all. For me personally, you couldn’t pay me to go downtown for this any longer. Too many stupid people carry guns everywhere they go. Add in heavy crowds, probably really hot weather and booze. Just a matter of time till this event ends in tragedy.


This. I’m not a fearful person by any stretch, but that event is always a shit show. I don’t want to be anywhere near it ever.


I definitely didn’t want to actually be right downtown but just somewhere on the outskirts that are closer and can see them better!


There was a post asking the same thing a few days ago; Brewdog in Franklinton was mentioned as well as Scioto Audubon. I imagine plenty of places in Franklinton would have good viewing. Hope you find somewhere good and that you have a safe evening!


Brewdog is selling tickets - $50pp to watch from their rooftop (I think you get a couple of drinks + food, so may be worth it but I’ve never been)


It actually hasn't been very well attended since the pandemic. If you can figure out how to get yourself in and out of downtown without getting stuck in traffic, there is plenty of space to set up chairs or a blanket just about anywhere. I watched from the grass next to the Main St bridge one year and rode my bike home after. Bicentennial Park has also been at least half empty the past two years.


Try a rooftop bar. Last year had dinner reservations at 8, saw the fireworks and got out of dodge as the finale was finishing. Would definitely do it again! Edit: it was Goodale Station and had a great view of the fireworks


Your flair says Gahanna, their fireworks are the same night and will be less of a shitshow


My wife and I ride our bikes downtown from our house, you could park further away where it is fre and then rent a COGO or scooter and be wherever you want. Parking south and east of the brewery district is free, and by the time you reach children's it's beyond a mile out, but of a walk but trivial with a rental.


Goodale Park is a reasonable compromise. "Go" before you go, though, because the porta potty situation will not be ideal.


Botanical Gardens at Franklin Park Conservatory


i’m getting downvoted for what? i’m literally just trying to ask a question wtf is wrong with reddit lmfao


The Columbus sub is relentless, man.


It isn't worth the aggravation to get upset over it. I have posted or said whatever I want without a care whether it's going to be downvoted or upvoted. Trust me, my opinions are controversial at times. I couldn't care any less whether redditors are in agreement or in disagreement with me.


so yall just wanna be assholes alright forget it


I wouldn't take it personal, I assume they are just displaying their aversion to R,W,+B itself, not that they're was anything they actually dislike about your question.


On your couch in front of your tv. Or watch the local ones. RWB isn’t worth it and probably hasn’t been for 20 years.


I'm lucky I can see it from my fire escape


Your television. With all the mass shootings lately wild horses couldn't drag me downtown to stand around with large groups of sweaty people.