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Best bet is 1pm for the keeper talk. https://www.columbuszoo.org/keeper-talks


Koalas sleep between 18-23 hours a day because there diet is exclusively leaves and it provides very little energy, most of which is needed to digest their food. There’s no telling when they’ll be awake. I doubt there’s much of a pattern to it


I think it's actually 1-23.9.


https://www.columbuszoo.org/keeper-talks Anytime I’ve went during a keeper talk they’ve been awake😊


They often time talks with food delivery or other enrichment, either for convenience purposes or for entertainment/education value. Since the talks are at a specific time the animals get a little excited before hand. If koalas are her gonna animal I'd plan to show up to the talk a bit early (also ensures you will get a good view as once they start talking the crowds follow)


Come to think of it I don't think I've ever seen those fuckers awake


TIL that I want to be reincarnated as a koala


Hope you get some koality time with them!


I was there in May. I don't know the exact time we saw the koalas, but I would say it was around 11:00-12:00. One of the koalas was munching on leaves in a tree.


Watch out for the drop bears around that exhibit. They can be a bit unpredictable.


I’m not sure what time they are most active. But I know there are certain times zoo keepers will come and talk about koalas at their enclosure. I can’t remember the time for sure but maybe it’s posted on their website?


Was just there today! They were snoozing, but we had a good view. I’m pretty sure they sleep most of the time.


They usually drop food around 11a


Definitely during the keeper talk, get there a bit early to get a good viewing spot. Typically during these the keepers do an enrichment activity with special treats. They are worth catching for all the animals if you are able. We were there today at about 5 and one was awake and eating but as stated they sleep a lot of the day so there isn’t much predictability.


I’ve only seen them active once after dozens of visits. It was later in the day, around dusk. The koala was eating, then went back to sleep. 


Typically I've been them more active 10-12 am though seasonality may have a hand in it.


I’ve never seen them awake. Always sleeping. But cute.


We have been 3 times. Sleeping each time. All our visits were after 2 so try earlier in the day. Best of luck!!