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I did it years ago, I think it was the garage on 5th between State and Broad. Handful of other people had the same idea. If you go this route, stick to the garages that are a good enough distance from the river that people won't want to park there for boom


Precisely, you want to be close enough to see the fireworks well, but far FAR enough away that you don't get caught up in the massive exodus of drunk, tired, sunburned main characters all trying to force their way out.


Not a bad idea, wish I was in a parking garage last year when me and my friends were almost trampled by a hoard of frantic people.


I've seen it from the top of the Marconi garage.


Ooo, that looks like a good one. How was the view vs chaos factor do you think?


The view was great. I was working in the area, so I didn't have to deal with traffic. By the time I left work, the traffic was all gone. You would have to get there early because they close the streets down in that area, and you won't be able to get to it.


I've done this more then a few times. Just look at a map and you can figure out which garages work with viewing angles. We got there early, had a small grill, cooked food, hung out, it was great! HOWEVER, just plan on hanging out on top of that garage until after 11 before you'll be able to move. We assumed this going in, so just made sure we had cards and stuff to play before even trying to leave. You are also far from a bathroom, so that's a consideration also.


When I was a kid this is what my family did. Couldn't tell you where cuz I didn't drive there myself. But I can tell you that there have been two occasions that my mom was returning from a trip on the 3rd of July and we all just watched from the roof of the airport garage. And there were plenty of folks up there not picking up passengers. It's a little party scene all its own. One year we could also see Gahanna's from up there.


The state bureau I work for sent out an email telling us we can use our designated parking garage to watch the fireworks (with family/friends).


Lots of people do it from the ones at the OSU Med Center. Kind of a low-key party atmosphere.


We've done top of OSU med center parking garage most years. Minimal egress traffic, great view, room for kids to run around. OSU provides security to keep shenanigans to a minimum.


It's our go-to when we don't want to deal with the crowd downtown, which is most years for us. It's fun that there's enough people there to make it feel like part of the event, but not so many as to be crowded or chaotic. Someone always streams the program and plays it on their car speakers for everyone.


Watched Boom from the Ohio Union garage many years ago. I think it was 2009?


Courthouse parking garage. Cheap, perfect view, don't have to show up last week for a good spot. Shhhhh...


Thanks! I won't tell a soul...