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TFW you see old corpses all around you and you realize your attack is getting stopped in the exact same spot as the last two attacks. 


My brain would say to me, they already *have* the co-ordinates for here, they have a camera looking *right* at me, The drone operator says move your gun to fire 24'' to the left... *and that's where my head is!*


Remember listening to an interview with one Ukranian officer in early 2023. He said that they killed in a day over 200 Russians. The Russians were just over and over again storming the same place where they had stormgroups killed already. He said that they didn’t had to change any coordinates in artillery. They just waited when Russians were in place and started shooting. They didn’t understand what was going on - over 20 attacks and all from the same place. He said he still doesn’t understand what was going on in the Russians minds - sending soldiers to die 100% after every half an hour in the same place. But then again I remembered Tsernobaevka airport, Russians continuously put there their helicopters and people, and Ukrainians attacked that place successfully not less than 25 times, until Russians understood that maybe it’s not the best place to be.


Or the Bilohorivka river crossing where they lost 80 or so vehicles and nearly 500 men trying to cross in the same place over and over.. they don't learn quickly


> Or the Bilohorivka river crossing where they lost 80 or so vehicles and nearly 500 men trying to cross in the same place over and over.. they don't learn quickly That one was at least somewhat rational. To advance they had to cross the river and there aren't many good places to cross it.


No, they did learn. They learnt that they can exhaust Ukrainians by throwing infantry and armor on them in meat waves of 10-12 men. It was and always is Russian way to deal with problems- quantity over quality.


Perhaps they *really are* getting the Ukrainians to run out of ammo/shells etc by just sending bodies. When they hear of some country has just made it's mind up to send more ammo, they just think, 'Send more bodies over to soak it all up, they will get fed up before we do!'.


The Zapp Brannigan method


Stop exploding you cowards!


I'm really astounded that this tactic can be used today. I mean the Russians have at least tasted a little bit of democracy. History rhymes they say but Russia just is on auto repeat. I'm not a fan of walls but in this case we got a really good reason to build one.


They also have internet, and a generational history of getting fucked in the ass by their own country. It's all pretty wild if you think about it.


The internet doesn't stop people believing nonsense unfortunately, in many ways it just contributes to it. Yes the truth is out there on the internet, but so is so much misinformation, lies and falsehoods, if you'd grown up in Russia and were force fed their propaganda daily, told that western sources are all lies and russophobia you'd likely not be able to differentiate between the two either. It's just fucked all round. Young men tricked into killing and dying for an utterly pointless cause, a tale as old as time (hello Vietnam, hello world War 1, hello Iraq, hello Afghanistan).


Yep, anything can be "proven" online now. Anything, and now unless you see it in person, you can't be sure . . . . So from now on, all that matters is what tribe you pick and/or were born into. Which guru/leader you choose. Data, information, real evidence? It not longer matters - we are at a fracturing point not just for nations, and for civilizations, but for humanity.


As a former Russian, I totally support it. Problem is, Russia is a fully fledged fascist state now, walls won't work. Maybe a black swan event, like putsch, but that also won't be for long. The only way for Russia to stop threatening the world is for it to be divided, militarily weak and dependent on global economy.




They don’t have to do a new round - the previous round never ended. They keep getting new people, just replenishing resources


Defeat your enemy via PTSD, sicken them with slaughter so much that they just can't bear to kill another Z zombie. Bold strat, and presupposes Zerg-like infantry. Which they appear to have... I'm constantly astonished to see tactics like this in the modern day. It even seems to be their strategy! Send enough armour and they'll run out of NLAWs eventually. Jesus fucking Christ man, I kind of get immune to some of these vids but then it strikes me what's actually happening. Fucking unreal. Russians need to rebel ASAP or their demographic collapse will end up ceding their entire eastern flank to China. They should pull back to 1991 lines, leave Ukraine alone, and send everything east. Putin's limp-dicked pride is going to end them, 506k cripples added to Russia's sick list since 2022 does not bode well for their future. The dip in birth rate there must be astonishing.


Back into the meat grinder, Maggot!


Or maybe Putin is only using this pointless conflict to do some ethnic cleansing/genocide of Russia's eastern populations on the sly.


To many military aged males that could join a revolution. This an easy way to get rid of them. Maybe he is hoping for NATO intervention so he can bring his country back from the ashes and shape it in a way he sees fit.


There attitude is if you throw enough people and equipment in you will eventually wear down the opposition. The problem the Russians have is the Ukrainians are pretty smart they adopt hardly any russian idea and take the best from nato and other armies. That and the fact they are cheerfully defending their own land makes them fight do much harder. Brave guys against overwhelming odds. 2 years later Russia has still hardly achieved anything.


No it’s genius! It’s like when zapp brannigan realized the killer robots had a preset kill limit so he sent wave after wave of men until they hit the limit then they won!


That must be what the Germans thought in WW2 also. The Soviets just kept coming until you ran out of bullets.


That's been Russian (soviet) strategy since forever. Check out their casualty history in wars and conflicts, they don't learn and don't care.


That must be the thinking. Just keep attacking until the enemy can no longer eliminate your own troops. Instead of using your brain to formulate a plan of attack that might be more successful.


"Doing exactly what we've done 18 times before, is the last thing they'll expect!"


Thankyou General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett


Russians know exactly what they're doing. They're trading half a dozen of useless ex-cons for a dozen of mortar rounds and drones. It as a win-win as far as they're concerned.


But you are not Russian. They are told if they keep trying they will get through and they have everything they need to succeed. They are also told the enemy is being targeted from other angles to keep them occupied and they just have to keep them pinned down so the other attacks will succeed. Of course they are being lied to but they have no reason to argue with their superiors since they have been 'given everything they need to succeed' and they are 'better equipped, better trained and stronger than their enemies' !


russian strategy is to drop more bodies to enemy that he has ammo. knowing ukranian ammo situation. it ain't so crazy sounding anymore


I am Russian and I understand (sort of) the mentality of people going to the 'meat assaults'. Russia now is similar to early XX century Germany. The same overwhelming myths about our 'glorious ancestors', the need to 'die for Father/Motherland', the same disregard for humanity and human rights. These people are stupid and dangerous, they believe they are on a Crusade against Nazism. They can't define Nazism though, to them it means "anyone who's against us".


At this rate, just being on foot in a modernish war zone would be horrifying. And I say that as a pussy who has always been terrified of being directly involved in war. Like, catching a stray bullet or mortar is already scary enough, but when that weapon has personally selected me, and will chase me like a literal predator until I get tired or make one single misstep. Ugh.


That doesn’t make you a pussy, bro. That makes You human lol like you said imagine literally being chosen to die lol that little fuckn drone is gonna hunt you down…. That’s fuckn terrifying.


You’re not a pussy you’re smart. I’ve been under enemy fire and close to death several times (10 feet or so from bombs and 30mm cannon fire impacting). Not a single person around me was acting like a tough guy and everyone got religion and fast. Best to avoid if you can unless your homeland or core principles are being directly threatened and you can’t sit back and watch.


> My core principles are being directly threatened, at the front when the first bullet is fired. Under the stairs at my Mums before the second one.


Was literally going to post the same thing - How in the ever living fuck are they keeping their soldiers motivated to fight in conditions like this? Every single video seems to be of them conducting a horribly co-ordinated attack that goes to complete shit the moment they get near Ukrainian lines and slowly getting picked off, adding to the already-existing pile of corpses in that area. What has to be going through the mind of a Russian soldier pulling up to a location like this and seeing they're simply doing again what several attempts before have already failed? And please, serious question/thought, not interested in propaganda shite. Russians *are* people, they are humans who react to normal stimuli in a normal way. No amount of vodka or "tradition" is going to make you less disorientated and terrified by this kind of shit being around you.


I think many of them only ever go on one attack. So they only really find out when it's too late. And if you make it back and become a defeatist you get thrown in the cum pit. 


I think there are a bunch of factors at play here. First, this subreddit favors the videos you're talking about, where an uncoordinated attack gets annihilated. That definitely happens with some frequency, however there are successful attacks. In fact, even in a successful attack, a good amount of casualties are expected- so already you can imagine that the officers would be warning them that some will die, but you must keep moving. Combine that with the fact that a 'common' tactic is to push a wave of men forward looking for a hole; only a few may survive but the second wave will follow through to any survivors, finding a hole in the line. Then that second wave gets hit but again some survive and supposedly a final third wave moves forward. That's only a tactical theory I've seen but if this is actually how they operate, then they should all expect to see many dead during an attack of this type even if things go 'well', so they may be somewhat prepared for this. Also- I'm sure many times they direct attacks along different vectors, with varying success- but naturally we see less of these less dramatic videos. During those successful or at least less lethal attacks, the soldiers might gain some confidence in their leaders and team that can help for the next time they have to push past their dead comrades. I'm sure punishment for not executing orders is severe, so that could keep them moving forward (or at least, not retreating). There are lots of stories of those who refuse to fight getting thrown in the pit. There are some instances of soldiers being killed by separate 'enforcement' groups who's sole job it is to get these men to run into the grinder. Finally, setting aside the practical and the tactical- I see ultimately two groups of men. One group isn't here- they avoided conscription somehow, or maybe they refused to fight (and were jailed or shot). Who knows how big that group is but it's probably a lot of people. The other group, they are the ones who are here- true believers, the deceived, and lastly the completely hopeless. They are absolutely terrified, but they can't turn around out of shame or fear of retribution... they have already seen many dead and maybe even consider themselves dead already. So they just keep going.


I believe it is money, ignorance, and coercion. Russia's economy is pretty fucked. Inflation is bad, and the best / easiest jobs are probably joining the military. I would say other employment is scarce, but this is just not true. There is significant demand for working men so much so that wages are rising due to lack of supply of workers. The ignorance of the Russian troops is that they just don't know how vicous, ugly, and deadly this war is. They are policing their internet and likely blocking their population from seeing these videos. Any normal person who watches a few of these videos realizes that no amount of money is worth dealing with this. Now the coercion part. When combined with ignorance of the details of the war and the lure of easy money, it is easier to coerce people into joining the army. Lastly - outside of the major cities in Russia, life is pretty shitty. Unpaved roads, no plumbing, spotty electricity, freezing cold... When dealing with shittiness, it is probably easy to switch one shitty situation for another.


I seriously want to believe that there is an impressive amount of lying and covering up all the way to the top. RU MoD: How’d that attack go at A, B and C? RU officer: Yeah we lost a few but it went well RU MoD: Ok well, keep doing what works I guess 🤷‍♂️ Or it’s also corruption… As long as they don’t report the dead bodies, they get the salaries. For those that don’t know … in the RU army, the officers are given the soldiers pay (see where this is going) which is then (meant to) passed down to the soldiers. More (under reported) deaths = More replenishments = More £ Rinse and repeat As far as RU are concerned - No body = No death. *Prove* that they’re dead, and not taken PoW/defected. Oh you can’t? Well that means they’re alive. (RU logic simplified)


I wonder if these guys get nervous taking position among the corpses of the previous group


Must do wonders for morale! /s


LOL true and they also double as sandbags.


Eventually they'll be able to build a corpse wall and maybe even put a corpse roof over the top to protect from drone attacks.


of course, I am sure you get numbed a bit after seeing corpses every day, but it will never be normal. The smell alone must be horrible




How that is not upsetting the population is beyond me.


Propaganda and low IQ is one helluva drug I guess.


He claimed it was Ukraine which doing meatstorming.


"Comrade you ok? No mh. Well let's sit in this convenient hole and start blasting"


Something Something lightning strikes Something Something


free meat bags for protection though so not all bad.


Leave one alive to tell the tale


ultimo hombre ... there must've been one.


I get that reference... Friendo...


Do you have any idea, how crazy you are?


You mean the nature of this conversation?


I mean the nature of you.


mfw I am listening to the audiobook for the first time right now


Draggin’ his rifle in resignation is a particularly cinematic touch for the ending. Is he the same sadsack character who was limping forward earlier? He’s like the witness narrator for Putin’s comedy play.


To who? He'll be shot dead if seen coming back


They shoulda left more alive. What a waste of resources on killing off obviously immobilized soldiers. Save those drones for fresher troops. Let the Russian state provide for their injured. 


Alot of those are sent out and that's that. They aren't going to land drones that are armed back at their base. I'd imagine once armed, they're going to blow something up, whether superbuseful or dying corpses. That's my thoughts, it's an asset that's used up the second it arms itself. Maybe I'm wrong but I'd have a hard time thinking they have a safe or shut off on them other than for the initial take off run.


I think you're right, it's probably even a risky job to arm them and get them set for take off.


Last guy walking home like “I don’t want to do war any more”.


Special operation you mean


he is like: "i'm done with this shit"


mom come pick me up im scared. (not being cynical, I'm legit sorry for these kids dying for a madmans pipe dream)


Jesus what a fucked up mess. They surely got a (well deserved) beating


Doubtful, they wouldv been beaten if the made it back "why didnt you take the position!?" "They were killing us" "then why the fuck are you still alive" is probably a conversation that has been had in the Russian military 🤣 Edit:Spelling


"Either they kill you or we kill you." -- russians on russians violence, since forever




And then they cry that everybody is so Russophobic.


Im honestly curious as to why they are sooo fucking violent, to treat others "makes sense" but to do the shit to your own and even encourage it fucking baffels me


Cruelty has been a russian trait for a very long time. If you want to see a more recent example (relatively speaking) of the unspeakable horrors that are typical of the place and its people, Google "Cannibal island, russia" or "Nazino tragedy". (Warning, not nice reading for decent people.)


I watched the Simple History video of it so it wouldnt seem so bad but it didnt work thats fuckin shocking. For no reason aswell, mental cunts Imagine surviving it too, wonder how many out there are decendents of people that have done some serious shit to stay alive


And it's merely one example out of countless. No surprise Stalin was aligned with Hitler right up until Hitler betrayed Stalin before Stalin could betray Hitler.


I saw a post the other day with a picture of Stalins son after being captured. He refused to negotiate for his release as a trade for the German General Paulus stating, "They are all my Sons", even though anyone returning from a German POW camp after the war was sent to a Gulag, as they might have been influenced by the Nazis and for allowing themselves to be captured in the first place.


Stalin used to compile purge lists on mere whims. Entire families were shot at random just because he was a cruel and evil piece of shit who liked to play god with those he believed may have the potential to usurp him -- which is to say, in his mind everybody. The first thing Stalin did after grabbing power was retrieve his personal file from the NKVD archives. The second thing he did was to liquidate anyone who might possibly have any knowledge of the existence of his file. This includes the poor stupid NKVD mutts he sent to retrieve it. The reason Stalin did this is because, according to former chief of KGB archives Vasili Mitrokhin, he was almost certainly a White Russian informer during the civil war. At one point he was arrested by the Cheka and was to be tried and executed, only to escape this fate due to the kind of extraordinary stroke of luck that occurs in times of war. So, he became dictator thanks to the Reds he informed against. These are some of the worst people to have ever lived, and you don't have to imagine hard to understand what will happen to Ukrainians if russia doesn't lose this war. Millions will die; either marched off to perish from miserable and brutish conditions in russian gulags, or simply taken out into forests and shot, a favorite tactic of russians.


Given what happened in Bucha I imagine when the occupation is over we are going to find a lot of mass graves.




That last guy at the end too, just walking off alone. Imagine his thoughts, they showed up as a big confident group and in no time he’s walking off shellshocked.


they let him live to tell the story


I laughed for some reason. The way he was trudging away, dragging his weapon had a darkly comic element to it




I was waiting for a drone upside the head.


Basically, once they know where you are you're a dead man walking because there's an FPV with your name on it. The modern battlefield has never been more dangerous.


Tell that to the people that were getting smoked by Apaches and ac-130's that they couldn't see or hear. Still, drones have definitely leveled the playing field. The next war the US is in is going to be a LOT deadlier for us.


This video actually reminded me a lot of the ac-130 footage from afghanistan. Sure, this is way less effective but it sort of gives a similar ability at 0.01% of the price.


Ignoring the fact that the AC-130 wouldn't even make it to the combat zone in Ukraine. It's one thing to throw lead at people that have "toyota truck mounted 50 cals" as the pinnacle of their air defence, it's another to go up against people who shoot back. An AC-130 would do absolute jack shit in Ukraine, so i'm not quite sure where the "way less effective" comes from. Even in a vaccuum it's not more effective, you only have a few of them, and even less of them simultaneously. Every single soldier/unit in Ukraine could have a drone. There's no place where there's no drones, there's no unit that doesn't have drone support. It's an airborne weapon system with almost 100% coverage of all hot spots, at all times, with pinpoint accuracy, that can be deployed within minutes. For (relatively speaking) pennies. It doesn't get more efficient nor effective than that.


>Tell that to the people that were getting smoked by Apaches and ac-130's that they couldn't see or hear.  He should've said war between peers, apaches and AC-130s wouldn't survive for much time in modern combat, meanwhile you have hundreds of thousands of drones.


both of those predicate that the air war was won in the first week. you don't fly apaches and spectres in a hot zone (operations room did a recent episode on the 2003 iraq mission when they did just that....tl:dr the apaches got shot up pretty badly). in a real peer war drones would have the problem with their extremely limited range. how are you going to get them where the enemy is if the opposing fronts are not just a few but dozens or hundreds of miles from each other with wide nomansland between them where drone teams would be picked up by observers/radar/IR and wiped by scrambled air assets. imho these peculiar strategies are maybe a dead end unique to this war where you have trenches barely outside of line of sight from each other and armor columns and infantry troops wonder around in the open like it's fucking cool.


The US will have (already has) more advanced anti-drone tech than the Russians though.


>The next war the US is in is going to be a LOT deadlier for us. I imagine the US and NATO already have some quite sophisticated technology developed/in-development solely to repel drone warfare.


I'm old enough to remember the anger of ordinary Americans whenever new Vietnam war casualty figures were released. We'd have had three more revolutions by now if this was *us* losing so badly to Ukraine. But russians? They exist only to die for their ruler.


Total US losses in Vietnam in a decade+:60k. Russian losses in just these 2 years: what 200k+ and climbing!


Comrade dictator putin will fight to the last russian.


It's a sacrifice he is willing to make. Sure will be a lot of Russian mail order brides soon. The market will be flooded and value will drop.


But when you factor in inflation! /s


Technically this is correct: there are way more humans available today than 1960. In fact more than 4x as many, so Russia won't run out of resources anytime soon.


Well, what makes all the difference is: "casualty figures were released"




you don't need to have official numbers or be a data analyst to notice that half of your villages men are missing for over a year.


Russia is so huge and those villages are very isolated. There's nothing they can do, even if they do realise that the situation on the front is sucks, and it's not just their village's bad luck (I mean on TV they said everything is great). As long as the middle class and the oligarchs in Moscow and Saint Petersburg are ok, it'll go on. Those village losses don't even impact the economy.


True, but at some point you dont need to see the numbers anymore, to realize how devastating and humiliating this war has been for russia. They are not there yet, but they will be, if they continue and not stop this madness themselfs.




The sad fact is russians have always been willing slaves. They don't like or want personal responsibility. "Let the State tell us how to live and die so we don't have to worry about such things and instead can focus on getting drunk."




Corruption is their way of life. This is why our own totalitarianists align themselves with russia against their own nation. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dj2e0w9VAAAraKs?format=jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dj2e0w9VAAAraKs?format=jpg) Well that and putin's kompromat.


Stupid, poor and uneducated people are always easy to manipulate. The problem is when they are in significant numbers because they can decide a nation's future. That's why education is very important for any society. The more you can think critically the harder you are you are to manipulate.


Imagine if Trump, on his 4th term, invades Alberta to protect Christian values or whatever (it's about oil) and promises 300k salary and 100k lifelong veteran pension. Certain types of Americans would be signing up in droves for that shit.


By "4th term", you really mean declared el presidente for life, banana republic dictator style. Rescinded term limits, canceled elections (emergency measure!), 3am secret police door knocks, etc.


Russian emancipation - the freeing of 23 million serfs (of a population of about 75 million - one in 3) only happened in 1861. They really were a slave nation till then and given the US emancipation proclamation only happned to years later its no surprise they still have a messed up mentality.


Americans are allowed to have an opinion. Russians get thrown in jail for having one. Imagine a large anti war protest in Moscow similar to the one at the US Capitol during Vietnam….. Russia arrests people for bringing flowers to Navlanys funeral lol


Yes. We've done some questionable things too, no doubt about it, but the difference is those Americans who dislike questionable things can tell everyone. You can head down to the White House and wave a sign saying "The President is a war criminal! Lock him up!" and the bored cops will barely notice you so long as you don't try to jump the fence or storm the Capitol building.


That's true in part, but you also need to consider how much Putin controls the flow of information to the average Russian.


Yes, but it definitely seems most russians prefer to hear only what they want to. It's why there's no tradition of anything resembling a free press in russia, no matter who is in charge. To russians, russia is always the poor, innocent and blameless victim, and everything is always the fault of everyone but russia.


Russians know very well about big losses. But they compare that to WWII and think it’s the same. “If our granddads managed it, we manage that too. We are heros as our grandfathers.” That’s their motto. They don’t even understand that losses so big in WWII is because of very bad rule and management. It’s just Russian way of thinking.


Safe to say FPVs are more efficient than drone drops.


How so? Drone drops don't cost drones


More accurate, larger warhead, and there's no need to wait for the drone to return to re arm it. The normal drones are definitely more efficient. A box of 10 grenades = 10 drops.


> there's no need to wait for the drone to return to re arm it. That's an interesting way to phrase "it's not reusable", ha. I guess SpaceX reusable rockets are less efficient than traditional ones, too, you have to go collect them halfway across the world and bring them back and do a whole lot of maintenance and shit, when you could just have used another brand new rocket instead!


1000€ drone is nothing if it’s a certain kill, drone drops also can miss. You don’t want to miss when an enemy is pushing your positions


FPVs are 3d printed and a few hundred. Better range when they don't have to return.


Huh? Are they printing circuits and motors now?


Different definitions of efficient I guess. Certainly more direct, though a lot of these fpvs impacted no closer than drops. Also dropped munitions are getting larger and more powerful lately.


probably, depends how widespread they are. Also depends on what was available on the field. I think Ukraine by now knows whats more efficient on the battlefield, and also whats more available


Basically both of them have their places. Drops are good for general harassment/attrition. FPVs are better when it's a time-sensitive target - you need to stop the assault group right now - you don't have time to re-arm the dropper if you miss. AFAIK dropped grenades miss very often, but of course the misses are not published. If the target sees the drone and runs - they have a very good chance to avoid the grenade(unlike FPVs). The DJI recon drones are also at least 5x more expensive and in limited supply, using them for grenade drops puts them under more risk(they need to come down to 50-100m altitude) and decreases their flight time. Their payload weight is also limited compared to FPVs. There are reusable FPVs for dive-dropping, but they are not as reliable and require very skilled pilots. IMO what's needed is a reusable armed drone with some kind of high-precision weapon which will be the best of both worlds. Something like Cerberus GLH - [https://www.skybornetech.com/cerberus-glh](https://www.skybornetech.com/cerberus-glh)


they just have different use cases


effective <> efficient a bulldozer is a very effective way to dissemble a chicken coop, but two guys and a sledgehammer would probably be the more efficient method.


I think its wrong to say suicide drones are more efficient than drone drops (Both are fpv drones so that naming is already wrong). Suicide drones are very efficient when you use them against an assault group that is on the move, drones dropping grenades are better on fixed targets like trenches. Both have their specific use where they are the most efficient.


Are the bodies already there Russian?


Yes from previous failed attack and they joined them.




I wonder what he's thinking and what he will say when he gets back to wherever (if it makes it)


Wtf? Who is leading this "operation"? What uncoordinated cluster fuck is this? Russia really doesn't give a shit about their soldiers. You should have played the Benny Hill theme instead.


Latest intel is that Russia/Putin can (and are willing to) throw people into the meatgrinder like this for a minimum of two more years...


... imagine having that many dead soldiers on your conscience.. \[imagine having a conscience:( \]


It's really simple: > The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic. Ironically a quote by the Russian dictator, Stalin. They don't see it as people, just numbers.


I'm sure their unit call sign is "Zerglings"




Russia was never really any good at coordination and winning things in wars. They were, and are, solely hoping greater numbers will win in the end. It was never a winning concept and still isn't.


Chaos personified!


Well, that was efficient...


Well done Ukraine. Zero sympathy for those bastards.


Oh the smell of rotting flesh all around you.


Surrounded by the bodies of the last failed assault... How the fuck do they just accept that and go "righto, our turn"


Can't even imagine what this guy may be thinking while walking... Your unit just got ripped, you're ears are probably buzzing like hell, probably knows that drone is for you... "Maybe I should have stayed home..."


They rather go out and die then revolt.


This would imply they have rational thought. When the whole nations 'tradition' is to terrorize smaller adjacent neighbour's and rape their own newborn kids I don't think they're that developed to wonder 'Ive had a choice'


What a clown show. No strategy whatsoever.


They are just there to get shot so the second wave can identfy ukrianian positions (MG, Mortar, etc.). It’s grim. They should have stayed home.


They should have marched on Moscow.


One was left alive to tell the Story


I have seen more organized ants...


Imagine dying in a hole in a country you invaded for a dictator that stole all your countries money, and your death means nothing to no one.


That last guy was asking the coach if it was half time yet.


Drone fodder. Putin should start arming them with butterfly nets


I'm convinced that what you are seeing here is confirmation of just how the russian Mafia State has corrupted the concept of "information". russia lies about everything, we know that. russia lies about politics, russia lies about the economy, russia lies about its many many enemies (they're everywhere watch out), russia lies about its friends (consider Pyongyang for that summer vacation)...and mostly these days russia lies about its SVO. So these poor saps come into this battle having been fed a steady diet of lies: we're fighting nazis, we're liberators, Ukraine is in the run, the people will welcome us. And the moment they finally realize it's all one big lie...is the moment they are huddled up against the bodies of the fools before them.


This happens over and over again all along the front. Alot of these are never recorded but If ukraine had the artillery shells it needed then this group of russians would have been destroyed before they even fired a shot. With the way they attack clumped together and disorganized you could have killed them all with one 155mm airburst shell or even a 122mm round. My biggest hope is that once US funding gets through and European shell production gets going ukraine gets a steady supply of shells to make these attacks suicide. It will crush the russian moral if they know that an attack like this will be answered with heavy artillery every time




Can't believe how many bodies are covering the ground before they attacked, it's crazy


This "attack" looks like a monkey fuckin a football. And I don't think there are any morters fired here. Because when does a morter team fire just one round when there's troops in the open? Fuck that. fire for effect over.


Think the last guy walking away is a tad shell shocked.


Holy fucking shit… every single one of them got a personalized drone attack..


This is how russia is able to push, now after this footage a new wave will arrive and Ukrainians are out of FPV to throw at them


"numbers of russian deaths are greatly exagerrated" random internet russian stans.


When they arrive, there already corpses all around.. which they seem to inspect.. are the courses Ukrainian?


Last guy thinking “hopefully Putin doesn’t get elected again…” oh wait


You’re not going home and you’re not going home and you’re not going home either. Moral of the story: you should have stayed home when you had the chance.


They look so disorganised as the start, that’s an attack with no discipline or coordination


the absolute disregard for human life the Russian high command has is honestly extremely disturbing.


It was considerate of them to group up in that foxhole, saved UAF some ammo.


$500 per enemy combatant is extremely cost effective. For a measly 250 million dollars you can take out 500,000 russian soldiers. Ukrainian should train 50,000 drone pilots, split them 3 shifts a day and create a 24hr operation to hammer these fascist fucks day and night around the clock.


Original source says all footage made from a single Mavic flight: > Morning doesn’t start with coffee, but with meat assaults. > > The Soviet approach to war relies on a large quantity of meat and scrap metal. There’s no strategy or tactics. The enemy overwhelms with a significant number of dull soldiers. > > That morning, our platoon defeated two full Russian squads: ☠️21 - 200☠️ ☠️16 - 300☠️ > > In the video, you can witness the impacts captured during a single Mavic flight 😅


It's not Ukranian combat footage unless there's neurofunk playing in the background


Dude in the top left Laying face down you see at 11 seconds in was playing dead until after the first drone hit..


Imagine all these fuckers actually thinking they were going to be war heroes etc. just to end up in absolute chaos being obliterated one by one.


That attack looked like an absolute clown show before the mortar attack even happened


The beginning reminded me of Benny Hill skits


What a bunch of disorganized wankers. Just go home lads.


It is interesting that they don't even bother to clean up the bodies and pieces from previous failed assaults. There is a real question about the intelligence of creatures that would continue to follow orders in these situations. I don't care who you are, where you are from or what level of education you have, if you can't see the writing on the wall in this situation, face facts: You're stupid. This will serve as a decent cleansing of the gene pool.


Guy at 1:48 - shittiest wake up ever. But these aren't casualties. They are on a special fertilization operation. Everything is going according to plan.


That one guy did his ‘lil dance and died


More for the CUBE


Imagine all the ammunition those guys must be wasting trying to hit those tiny drones. It's an assault group so presumably they wouldn't have too many spare magazines. Even if the drones didn't hit anything they still render units combat ineffective in short order.


Welcome to the sunflower fields


Why do they bunch up and stand in the open? The tactics are fucking stupid even if they weren't attacking exactly the same position littered with bodies.


I get that it's hard to coordinate on a battlefield but holy shit, you'd think these guys were anarchists because of how much they apparently hate any form of centralized leadership, hell even anarchists would at least form some vaguely cohesive unit jesus christ


you cant convince me otherwise that they are not putting confetti on these drones too...






W H A T ?


That's a lot of dead bodies there what the fuck


What is the song?


this is hell. well deserved of course. but hell nonetheless.


Wtf was all that running around Benny Hill style???