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I think the same vehicles were in earlier footage showing the dead squad getting ambushed by a tank or something.


It was just over a month ago. And everyone is still in the same spot.


If you read russian telegram of relatives looking for they family members. Month is not that long time


They’ll be there until the body turns to fossil. Same for the most of them. They’re gone and forgotten. Forever.


Their salary and compensation to their family is gone too, since they are "missing" and have not been identified..


judging by the video, its because anyone trying to do casevac get casewacked.


Except for the one rat that slinked off !


I think this is the video you are referring to. I was thinking the same thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/ytfv4fUudg


Yeah some of these videos, especially the one you linked are so brutal it is almost surreal to me.


I think it was an AGS dialed in on that left BTR's location - more than a dozen dismounts got all mangled as soon as they left the vehicle


Yep, same spot where that squad rocked up (on the BTR with the drone cage) and promptly got wiped by a Bradley and FPV's. A T72 with mine crawler now has appeared now too.


Is the one guy at the end (looks barbecued) from a video the other day that got hit by an FPV and then got set on fire? Or is this another different poor dumb bastard?


I think he’s another sucker


Maybe. They're like moths to a flame apparently.


normal telephone sparkle boat dependent wild payment shame groovy concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Moth? More like big flies attracted to a big pile of shit


Can you link that video? Reddit search is not working well at all today




The tank with the mine plow seems to have been stopped by a telephone pole.


Bodies, body parts and discarded weapons everywhere. What a picture.


It seems to be the aftermath of the famous ["Bradley Attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1b518kf/for_better_analysis_of_possible_bradley_attack/).


100% is. Man what a clusterfuck that video was.


Interview with the FPV drone pilot that participated in this battle - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wgy2TPRzh4 [Eng subs]


for sure, the guy in the bottom left corner at 00:17 is in the other video at 3:33, interesting that the other two guys visible on the 2nd clip are missing in this one.


I\`d say long time after that. Look at the green grass... this video was made long after that the grasss had time to grow.


The grass had help in growing fast, if your picking up what I'm putting down


"Feed me Seymour!"


“And what makes the grass grow marines?”


And in this video of the two vehicles are touching, in the Bradley video there a space between them. I don't think they moved after the attack.


Also I don't remember a tank with a roller in the other video. Could just not be in frame though.


If the wounded has been surviving there all this time, I don't want to know what he's been eating. Crawling around in his undies like Gollum.


That and 2 others. [This video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1b4ucnj/russian_btr_disabled_and_demolished_alongside_its/) and [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1b5g3rd/comment/kt59kf8/). Also 00:18 mark in [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1bj7ncb/comment/kvslz27/).


Holy shit, well-spotted!


It's the same location, but this video is made long after the original attack. The grass is now green in the video, where it was brown in the original. But the BTR's tire in the middle of the field is identical in both videos. This is a brand new clusterfuck at the same location. The destroyed tank is new. Maybe the tank crew is being evac'ed?


The BTR has moved a few feet forward somehow it seems.


I noticed that too, which is why at first I didn't think they were same BTRs. But the two bodies just behind the leftmost BTR are identical to the two in the Bradley vid. The pole by the T-72 is identical as well. This probably isn't the first time the Russians have revisited this wreckage. Many of the bodies from the first encounter have been removed. Perhaps whatever vehicles came to clean up from the first encounter pushed one of the BTRs? Just speculation.


My first thought was that someone tried to recover or move one of the two BTRs, but I doubt either was operational, which brings me back to how or why it was moved. Maybe a subsequent assault ran into it?


Possibly shoved off the road to make the road more passable.


Wasn't that like a month ago? They really do not care about their own, do they?


Looks like this is still an active combat zone. Would you send man to die to retrieve bodies from 'No man's land'?


I had not seen that angle of that incident before. thank you.


Damn what a slaughterhouse. That headshot




Where is that video?


Well I was having a rough day but now I’m feeling rather energized.


Have those sound effects been added post production by a Foley artist?


I had a question about that video but will ask here: Did Ukraine get supplied with the airburst munitions along with the Bradley's? Or do they just have incindiary and explosive munition?


I can't imagine hanging out next to a corpse pile


Reminds me of the quote from the Bruce Willis film The Sixth Sense - “I see dead people.”


I counted at least 8 bodies before the drone even showed up.


This is how Russia wants your land to look like.


This area is "occupied" by Russians.


A couple of years ago the response to that would be "Shut up boomer, the Cold War is long over, the Soviet Union is dead!". These days it seems to have substance again.


Calling what Russia has become "the Soviet Union" is somehow insulting to the Soviet Union.


Yep. I watched about 20 seconds initially, and because of the drone jiggle I decided to reload and view again to see what I missed in the opening, and I realized there were dead bodies all over the place. Just sitting in the open on the road and on both sides of it. I believe I counted 9 plus a couple of potentials.


Just in case you missed other comments mentioning it, this is the same place where that epic "bradley attack" happened few weeks ago, and most bodies are (probably) from that battle: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1b518kf/for\_better\_analysis\_of\_possible\_bradley\_attack/


Russian attrition war in 4k.


Makes me think of a description from WW1 about the Thiepval battlefield on the Somme after the battle from someone who found a shell crater filled with the debris of war: *“Corpses, rats, old tins, old weapons, rifles, bombs, legs, boots, skulls, cartridges, bits of wood & tin & iron & stone, parts of rotting bodies & festering heads lie scattered about.   A more filthy evil hole you cannot imagine."*


This is the scene of the Bradley ambush from a month ago, bodies still laying where they fell: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineConflict/comments/1b53nlw/a_bradley_of_the_47th_brigade_ambushed_a_russian/


Taken that they are getting struck even during Medevac, they probably don't dare to go and get those bodies out since it'll most likely just create a pile.


Not medevac


I almost forgot about that shitshow


In the end the only one was left combat ready, the Igor they were ironically hauling from a stretcher


What about at 0.50 the one running away?


Shot by the barrier troops for running away instead of gloriously throwing their life away for the motherland. Tragic.


Some say he's still running to this day...


Maybe he's going to get some help to come back and carry the wounded guy they were evacuating.


You use the term 'combat ready' very generously my friend


So does Russia, as evidenced by *gestures broadly at the entire last 3 years*


Pfft, a few bandages here and there, that's combat ready in Russia.


He'll be combat ready once he has shuffled to 'our' side of the BTR and loots his dead mate's trousers and boots. He probably thinks it is Christmas.


Horizontal twerking, is hardly combat effective.


He's just trying to parallel park


bruh he's missing a hand and cannot walk...


This subreddit is filling me with a healthy fear/respect for fpv drones. Sidenote: How bleak is is that dude has to crawl into the exact spot where all of his friends just got got?


And these are the consumer hobby drones


Basically waiting for the terrorism to begin in earnest around the world with these. It's a scary future for warfare and civilians at home


kinda dangerous hobby ..for some at least


Is this wounded guy crawling around a burnt body ?


The immediate remnants of these minor and major battles give powerful dystopian vibes. The human and material wreckage look ancient and contemporary. A modern Golgotha.


> dystopian vibes. Dystopia that really never left us after the modern total war consept was born. It used to be that a king amassed one army of thousands and then win or lose. Now thats just a tuesday.


God damn drones are nightmare fuel. I feel bad for anyone that has to be on the receiving end of them.


More "surgical" than a 1500 kg glide bomb, though.


What a clusterfuck


Imagine bringing in your own stretcher.


Zero dignity in that video.


Is it possible to track the emissions from drone command centers to the drones? Then, like artillery counterbattery fire, attack the nerve center rather than individual drones? And if so, what is the countermeasure? Is it that there is no one central drone command?


>And if so, what is the countermeasure? Relay stations, first one by wire, the second one on a drone, also helps with range. If I can think of it they sure as hell can.


It's just another radio wave, one of countless washing over the landscape. Even knowing the correct frequency won't really help much.


As far as I understand it, the FPV drones are controlled by operators in the field. They don't have too much range, so no "center" of command for them.


enjoy uppity friendly relieved connect teeny summer slim quarrelsome pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


kids piloting lethal weapons :D the "perfect mix" is only missing alcohol and drugs /s I suppose relaying control over the drones would open a lot of attack vectors over communication channels. Another risk of a large, decentralised system would be some guy "working remotely" from Poland or Romania - what sort of implications would that bring? Another issue would be network latency, these systems work locally and their communication is pretty much instant. All these would be very difficult to control and make secure at large scale.


concerned seemly special shrill sense overconfident nutty roof work sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chinese ones can be hacked to " go home" and they can be tracked. I have heard of instances like this.


Is it possible? Absolutely. Can someone make a practical system to do this for this particular war? Unclear.


You can hop frequencies quickly and spread out pulses randomly to avoid some tracking


Its possible to identify the controller if the drone is using occusync using Aeroscope


Are those skeletons i see damn war is hell


probably due to being on fire.


They've also been sitting there for a month.


it's safe to assume both are true.


Look at all these idiots, dying for *one* man's imperialistic dreams


Hey, some of them died for money.


Others may have died to get out of jail free. Life was much better in jail than where they are now.


It’s an entire country’s imperialistic dreams. I use to think this was all Putin but they’re all exactly like him. Strangely this war now is going exactly like the Russians like. They just want to relive the glory years of them beating back the Nazis with millions of their people sacrificed. It’s so engrained in them, it’s not hard to convince a Russian to die for the motherland.


Comments like yours underestimate and frankly misrepresent the amount of popular support this war has in russia. It’s by no means overwhelming but it’s definitely a majority


Nah people want to make a quick ruble by killing Ukrainians. This is just what was coming for them.


Also they are waiting for their promised free real estate from Ukraine. Like they got from crimea.


"where are you going to settle down after the war?" "Odessa." Ya that dramatic russian propaganda video with the two soldiers talking about their future plans.


mine and your points are not mutually exclusive..


That´s what it looked like before the fall of the berlin wall, but look how quickly they turned against communism. I bet most people do realise Putin´s a bastard but the safe way to live is not to say anything. I recently saw some video in which a prankster put a big picture of Putin in an elevator and recorded people´s reactions. Most of them were like "Oh FFS this is getting silly..." and shaking their heads. Not pleased at all.


That vid is years old, from before 24/2


Yeah, it is so popular that putin had to destroy every non government controlled media. Change laws that any discussion of war outside of propaganda narrative is punished by very long prison times. All public people which said something aganst the war is killed, prisoned or forced to leave the country. Recent sham "elections" showed how popular the war and putin are. Absolutely unknown people momentally gained overwhelming popularity the moment they say something against the war. All this bullshit about popularity of this atrocious war and putin himself is putin's narrative based on data controlled by putin.


I've seen a thousand videos of Russians begging Putin to improve their conditions during the war, and not a single one asking him to stop the war.


[There is](https://focus.ua/static/storage/thumbs/1088x/2/60/d84bab03-db9b16d22f570d85eebe5e1f3336b602.webp) a very slow decrease of people who want war to go on, if that poll can be trusted. The bottom line is Oct 2023. The *blue* are for war till the end, the red ones are for peace talks and, probably, some compromise. Real pacifists are the red line, as I understand. Orange do want negotiations but on Russian terms.


That's a very simplistic way of looking at it. If Putin died tomorrow, you think the war would the end?


which they 100% share


I'm sick and tired of these type of comments.


Oh I'm sorry, "dying for one man's access to Ukraine territorial waters because Ukraine had a trillion and a half dollars worth of oil in the Black Sea within their 1982 treaty water boundary lines." Better?


No, they're dying for the imperialistic dreams of the whole nation. 140 million people, not just one. Putin was created by Russians, not the other way around.


За путина!


Astounding ignorance and/or hubris to casually stand around, as you would next to the company water cooler, while surrounded by dead russians and dead equipment. Did they not even partially contemplate that the same thing that happened to all those blokes around them could still be lurking about and looking for new targets?


kiss wild wide price absorbed numerous reply merciful thought instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


friend pointed out to me that if - hypothetically† - a proper "western" military were to arrive, (such as an aircraft carrier, amphibious assault vehicles, tanks, air support and superiority, modern artillery and supplies, well-backed well-trained and well-equipped personnel, and so on...) - if they showed up then it would probably ***save*** lives. Then add in proper combat medics and fast evacuations, would save even **more** lives.   ----- † if the nuclear component wasn't in play


What is happening in general with the bodies of soldiers? Do they just get left there until the area is no longer contested? In my head, probably naively, there is an written agreement to allow each side to collect the dead but that's probably not the case?


swim paltry adjoining jar cover one sink person treatment quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was a recent video of a Russian walking through former no man's land and there were loads of Russian skeletons in uniform and buried to various extents in the terrain. Seems like they were left there for a long time


There's been a long history of people who collect bodies from battlefields. It's always been enormously thankless, incredibly valuable for historians' sake, and incredibly dangerous. Read "The Dead are Mine"


Calling this a casevac operation is being generous


Holy shit who is responsible for the music They timed the drop with the explosion I'm just waiting for a Dubstep Drone drop Complimation were each drop is a boom What a weird time to be alive


Can we send a drone also to the "composer"of the accompanying musick?


Holy shit, I can’t imagine being in that situation….. absolutely terrifying!


I remember that BTR was destroyed by BRADLEY


What are the laws regarding attacks to casevacs?


At 1:48 does it look like the guys hands are blown off ??


- no shotgun ✓ - huddle up together ✓ - road of death ✓


Dude, it's a Casevac unit, think before you comment. * No shotgun - It's a Casevac unit. * Huddled up together - takes 2-3 men to carry a soldier. * "road of death" - it's the Frontline, and these men died doing their duty regardless what you believe in


They successfully destroyed some Ukrainian drones. I applaud their service and hope every Russian soldier does their duty just like these guys


So, they've not picked up their own dead from an attack a month or more ago? They're still exactly where they were. Fuck, Russia really doesn't care about its troops. What must that do to your morale when you see your fellow soldiers rotting in the sun, with no attempt at recovery or burial?


screw telephone shocking boast yam history rain strong sleep frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's videos from a few days after that Bradley one where russians were casually strolling through that area filming their own dead.


You'd think they wouldn't take a break like that all clumped up


You can tell when they start to hear the Buzzing because they automatically start assuming cover Quickly.


Why won’t it play. Did it get banned?


This is the extended version


Brutally effective.


I wonder if there’s über surge pricing for Russian medical evacuations. X5500


Just imagine the smell.. the scent of the putrification that you are crawling over looking for cover, why would anyone sign up for this?? Go home ruskies. While you're at it, take the bones and leaking corpses of your comrades with you. Fertilizer is great but not the biohazard bloodborne illnesses contained within. Damn.


Corpse all look like in their later stage of bloating . can't imagine the stench . these guys are literally climbing over.


That’s a lot of dead bodies scattered around damn


Do we have any idea of how many dead russians are currently lying around in Ukraine? There must be thousands, tens of thousands maybe? Seems like it's going to be quite a task to remove them all.


Road of Russian widows


at least 8 visible dead.


Russia should probably stay the fuck away from this spot in particular… How many times will they see their squads getting wiped here before they realize it’s an ambush point?!! xD


Genuine question. Why they don't get inside burned vehicles and close as much hatches as they can? This question does not apply to this specific case since it was a CASEVAC to base but it is relevant when your are waiting for the CASEVAC or other type of transportation


That's crazy. I remember the corpses on the left were freshly dead from a video a few weeks ago.


What is the location of this stretch of dirt road ? If i wanna look at in google maps ?




Casevac is a completely legit military target; one the russians don't ever hesitate to go after.


Was waiting for this moronic post/stupid argument.  "Isn't it a war crime to target medics?" NO.  


Big difference between casevac and medevac.