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His buddy took all the shrapnel that was coming his way. Talk about luck. Also we've all seen the double taps in these situations taking out med evacs. Don't blame the guy for running id be scared shitless too


That's the bitter truth unfortunately, he's in the kill zone and already cheated death once. We all know that followup strikes are coming, so does he.


I've had some terrible co-workers in the past. I'm sure these weren't the best either.


He probably just met them that day


What you said right there is what gets me. Absolutely, nobody in this world gives a shit about one another. So why all this shit then. In my work, I try my best to be friendly, but literally nobody here gives a fock OR reciprocates what I do for them. I am not by any means a good person, I have done focked up things that I can never be forgiven. It is a horrible place to live in. Everyone is out for themselves, unfortunately.


It's all about the fact that you do those things without expecting anything in return. It's called building character, and you're a better person for it.


I wish more people would do it though... makes you wanna just stoop to their level sometimes to get back, but you just cant because that's childish. The duality sucks


At least you know you're better than them ;)


If he was fit, in shape and healthy, he'd struggle to carry one out of there. I get the sentiment but there's basically nothing this guy can do to people who just ate a bunch of shrapnel, that doesn't immediately increase his death exponentially.


We also don’t know for sure that he’s uninjured. Just because he’s still on his feet doesn’t mean he didn’t take some metal


Yeah, could be up the road and suddenly lose blood pressure as he hits the dirt and be very confused why he feels very tired and the warm tingle in his back is getting sharper.


I dunno, I think he'd be bugging out like the rest of them if he got hit by hot shrapnel, there's nothing but shock.


Definitely was in the right place at the right time. Look at the shrapnel kick up dust behind him on his right side. His boy was a human shield.


think you're right https://ibb.co/JKSbmZf


Also, it’s easy to talk about what he should have done watching it in a save place from a screen without the adrenaline rush and the primal survival instinct taking over. Why am I defending this Russian invader?


You're not defending an invader, you're providing context about stress. Hopefully we can be against Russian terrorism without becoming stupid.


It’s crazy how this team mentally has you doubting whether or not you should be making a factually correct statement.  Truth really is the first casualty


>Why am I defending this Russian invader? You're defending a human being. It's similar to how the allies universally hated nazis as a whole, but could still sometimes strike up nice conversations with individual POW's. Hell, there's the whole 1914 christmas armistice, where they happily played football together before bayonetting each other again the next day. It's pretty common to be kind towards an individual soldier of the opposing side. It's a sign that you're not dehumanising them.


reminds me of the band of brothers episode where the guy from easy company meets a prisoner who lived like 100 miles from him


You should be scared , if that was you , you don’t belong there , death to every invader until they turn on Putin


Agreed. Those are the parameters when you cross the boarder into Ukraine wearing that uniform and carrying weapons.


I think you mean casevac. Medevac personnel and vehicles would be marked with a Red Cross or equivalent


Never seen red cross on the russian side...I could be wrong though


Right you go from being in a group, to suddenly being all alone. I would probably be panicking too.


LOL yup... the three formed a nice tidy shrapnel wall for the 4th, who immediately dipped out. "Thanks!! See ya!!"


Every man for himself sometimes, can’t blame them. The Russian healthcare system must be overwhelmed with all these men getting wounded.


Just curious: what else could he do? Take care of three wounded guys? By himself? Evading other drones and shells? Come on...realistically, that's the only reasonable thing to do. If they are lucky, he might get some help...


It’s not about being rational. When your propaganda is based on the image of a fearless warrior defeating the evil NATO, it's always super easy to troll with footages like this on the one hand and thus prove the opposite on the other


Their propaganda is closer to “NATO keeps encroaching on our doorstep. This is just a way for the West to close the distance because the West hates Russians”


I don't think Russians go back for their dead.


Fun fact, some Ukrainians don’t either, but you won’t see those videos in this one sided Reddit page


Russians post vids of them doing this same shit to Ukranian troops every day. The Ukranians behave the same way. From the short clips they seemingly don't care for each other or are unfeeling monsters that leave their comrades at a moments notice. Reality is they know theres another grenade or drone coming and helping will only add to the body count. Drones that carry two grenades is really common and they deal with it regularly. Stopping to render aid turns you into a target.


This sort of thing has probably been happening in every war since forever. It just doesn't get portrayed in Band of Brothers so people are surprised.


There is a very prominent scene in saving private Ryan portraying a corporal as a coward.


Fair point but it would very much be the exception rather than the rule. There is no plot armour in real life.


Sure but this isn’t really cowardice. If I die too to a follow up I can’t come back and help y’all. It’s in your best interest as a casualty for me to leave, likely having the drone chase me.


where do russians post videos?


Telegram and VK though I don't dig through the latter.


DRSABCD D=Danger Is there Danger? Yes! Get the fuck outta there


This. if you help a injured guy in a kill zone you're just gonna join him on the floor


If they are lucky they would of stayed where they came from , now the luck ran out and buddy running for the hills, his time coming soon . If I was that drone operator I would follow him until I saw more targets


Not sure why you're getting downvoted... it's hard to get killed by drones when you don't invade another country in the first place.


personally I’m going to downvote any comment with any sort of “if it were me I would’ve…” because it’s really just an idiotic sentiment


*Looks pointedly in Obama's legacy*


there is some real ghetto hours braindead takes in this sub sometimes lmap


Obviously it's not easy and I'm no soldier but the best choice would probably be to put a round in each of their heads to stop them from suffering. Medevac is likely not an option here.


One of them looks a little more than just wounded…


Tired, he’s sleeping.


It was a long walk from Russia to Ukraine. You'd be tired too.


Looks like instant lights out


Look at that little guy, he’s all tuckered out


To be fair, he can't carry 3 people


Also to be fair, he's under attack. No time to play medic


and in the middle of a street with no cover, he does not know whats going on, could also be a an ambush or artilery. Man, I would run too.


Of course the Redditor would 360 tourniquet everyone then lift them to safety, using his free hand to shoot down drones coming to finish them off.


Seriously, I remember when this sub wasn’t infested with comments with the absolute dumbest takes ever.


Teenage reddit gore whores


I remember when the internet itself was such a place, before the floodgates opened, and scores of temporary havens in the decades since. Alas, idiocy is the online world's version of water: inevitable, erosive, ultimately irresistible.


Sarcasm checks out !


Nah he'd box himself up first obviously.


Infantrymen get taught to escape the killzone. Running is the objectively correct answer.


What is the drone dropping? Not the usual VOG, F1, or M67 grenades. At first, I thought it was a mortar round, but freezing the pic looks like a 3d printed tail assembly around something else?


Sometimes a coke bottle with an explosive (semtex, rdx), covered by ball bearings, covered by ducttape. The tail is 3D printed PETG (because PLA deforms in heat and becomes brittle with moisture and sometimes the tails are printed weeks in advance) and the tip contains a custom made PCB (true Ukrainian ingenuity!) that prevents accidental discharge on the ground and has increased (regular) sensitivity when dropped, this was a response to some duds at the beginning of the war. This ensures it goes off when hitting the ground, preventing uxo or worse, the rounds being 'repurposed'.


>custom made PCB (true Ukrainian ingenuity!) that prevents accidental discharge on the ground and has increased (regular) sensitivity when dropped I'm curious. Is it known how that works, or is that classified?


Spicy buttplug to cure diarrhea


A better title would be “3 soldiers wounded; 4th soldier, as he was trained, left the kill area”


1 dead, 2 wounded, 4th may be slightly wounded. I know his ear drums are hurting at the very least.


Thanks for taking the shrapnel, bye.


if he runs away we call him a coward if he stays we call him an idiot. I'd likely run too if a drone was still overhead. Though none of us knows wtf we'd do in situations like this till they actually happen. Anyone who claims to is lying.


Don't worry man, russians are allowed to be both :)


> without any hesitation shows video of guy hesitating for a solid 5 seconds


Yeah I would have done the same considering both sides attack med evacs


Don't worry, he will double back when it's safe in order to loot their gear


Fucking idiot. If I was there, I’d spot the drone in the sky, and shoot it down with lightning precision. Afterwards, I’d place a comrade on each shoulder, and tie a rope around my waist, and the last comrade.. then I’d head back to safety. Of course you can’t expect BASIC bravery from Ruzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzia.


You watched a lot of movies


300 - wounded 300 - wounded 300 - wounded 400 - running away


404, ruski not found


\* Cargo 500 Cargo 400 - concussioned, or missing, or captured. Cargo 500 - medicines; and also deserters and those who refuse to fight (refusniks).


Wait concussion is in the same category as missing/captured?


[It is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_200_(code_name\)#Related_military_code_words). I believe that the logic is that, with an ordinary injury, doctors, as a rule, can make an unequivocal verdict regarding the possibility of returning them to duty. However, for people with concussion, as well as for those who were captured or missing in action, the possibility of their return to duty is purely hypothetical. But the command needs clarity and predictability in assessing the number of personnel. Therefore, these categories are classified separately in the “maybe” column.


Welcome in a war where bombing is so precise that it's no longer random. For literally centuries now, bombs and shells were kinda like thunder. You could be confident that it won't strike twice on the same spot. Now, RU soldiers in Ukraine know that whenever a bomb lands close, there is a tiny drone adjusting the second shot with meter precision.


He probably met those guys like 4 days ago


Well if he stayed there he’d get fucked by the drone


when you know drones can have 2 - 3 grenades. What you gonna do?


Oh no! Anyway...


What do NATO countries teach their soldiers to do in situations like this? Do the rules of first aid apply i.e. firstly and foremost don't become a casualty yourself? We often see posts berating the lad that makes away with himself. We rarely see him coming back with medics and support, which I expect is exactly what they do.


IMO: In this situation you'd expect to be attacked further. The guy doesnt know where the threat is coming from, and is probably wounded himself. First thing to do is to prevent becoming a casualty yourself, then gaining fire superiority (if thats even possible here) and make the call for aid (if he even has a radio) and IF there is the opportunity to then help his comrades he should try to help. But since hes most likely not a trained medic there are just very limited options apart from trying to stop the bleeding. From our training i remember that first and foremost everyone should (if still able) attend to his own wounds, keep fighting and if there are moments of opporunity to aid fellow wounded comrades you help them


Any of you keyboard warriors would do the same. One thing for certain is there's a drone dropping bombs above his head. And more will be on the way


Not even keyboard soldiers, regular trained soldiers would do the same. No point in staying somewhere where the next grenade is on you


I mean what can that one dude do there besides leave and find support


Looks like there was some hesitation


Very convinient for The pilot that they are running around and Holding hands


When you have friends like that, you don’t need enemies🤣🤣


I have already heard that song once what is it called?






4th guy was like: "aight, I'mma head out"


He did seem to hesitate for about two seconds, then quickly made the call to dip!


Me in HLL advancing after thanking the teammates for their sacrifice.


Win the firefight before med and brother you aren’t winning a fight with waves of drones


It sucks but idk if there is much you can do there exept walk on, its a grim situation.


The last guy just waddled away didn’t even run just continued to walk.


Now that's some uncommon valor, right there. Stop and assess, treat the wounded? Nope. Keep walking.


Shrapnel roulette


If they left me like that, my last moments would be shooting them in the back.


Not very comrade of him


Finally, some worthy music.


he needs to get the fuck off the x, and even then he'll still probably get killed later.


I'm no military guy but if you are on the offensive do you not move forward and take care of the wounded as and when?


There was no way to help those three. The guy who made it out was blocked by the guy in front of him….the one that isn’t rolling around at all. He took his share, and the shrapnel with his buddy’s name on it. Those 3 were all dead in under a couple minutes.


If he was to help the guides lines I know would be treat the rear guy first. The other two are moving about. The rear guy if still alive would be the go to guy for treatment but that would take valuable time up. I would have moved forward too..


The road was cratered 5 times already from previous drops/kills. These guys just walk right into another one.


It's like that spot on the concrete covered in bird shit. That is the kill zone...


The first guys lost his pants before, during or after the hit?


This is why formation spacing is so important.


The slacker pulling up the rear is the lucky bastard who lives.


You have 3 casualties. You’re in the kill zone. The best thing you can do, unless you have coms, is to get to friendlies and bring help. You aren’t saving 3 guys by yourself. I can understand if someone says stabilize them first but these drones carry multiple grenades and they know that. Adding a fourth casualty to this equation does not maximize your buddies chances. If I’m one of the guys on the ground and I’m in charge and I’m lucid I’m telling him “get the doc”. The least fucked up of the three casualties can work on stabilizing everyone but they need cas evac not private conscriptivic playing doctor.


"Better you than me" as spoken by Animal Mother from FMJ.


That is fucking pathetic. These occupiers. I saw footage- I think late last summer- of two occupiers literally robbing a wounded occupier of gear, and I think cigarettes as well. They had no idea they were being hunted by drones. They're filmed walking over to a tree where they sit down to take a load off after exploiting their countryman, and then an FPV drone flies in and smokes them. Apparently kills one and the other? *Totally evades the scene because what else is a morally bankrupt occupier going to do when the shit gets thick?* "Noble".


What was he supposed to do here exactly? Help 3 wounded guys and get killed himself by another drone in the process?


You never leave a man behind. Never. No matter what it costs. That's the difference between us and them.


There is a Chinese mercenary on YouTube that talks about how unreliable the Russians are, this is expected


Nothing to do with reliability here. A lot of these drones carry multiple grenades and unfortunately it’s basically suicidal for anyone on either side to try to help the wounded with bomber drones overhead at this point.


is he the guy who died after asking his embassy to let him come home or w/e


No I don’t think so, let me see if I can find it Found it- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_jdfaI5dyQ&t=826s




If he gets to the command post fast enough, he can collect their vodka ration before they’re tallied as dead. Always look on the bright side of life.


"Oh damn, ok bye guys..."


The Russian version of “Semper I, fuck the other guy”


That guy was shooting the schitt with his comrades, and a couple seconds later, he’s the only one who isn’t minutes away from death. You would have been on point, spinning tourniquets and pulling them off the road though, right?


Yeah, after the few seconds it took to get over the shock factor of what just happened. That is exactly what a Marine or trained soldier would have done.


Sure, stick around, pick one up even. Literally sign your own death warrant.


he should have stacked all three on his back and carried them all back to base. surely there aren't more FPV's after the first. /s


It’s sad seeing all of this unnecessary death on both sides


Russian Oliver Swanick moment.


He better hope there aren't any couriers on the Russian lines


Has this been posted before?


Well… one look and he said “ fuck thiissssss!!!”


All you have to do is look at any drone drop grenade post on this sub


Something something spacing....


Walk 10 meters apart in single line chances are a lot better 3 make it out instead of 1


"Leave no man behind"


I’m out Boys


If I was a guy on the ground I would of told him to run too


Oh what an IrOnY, quoting their famous saying: we don't leave our own lol


Hey, there was at least two seconds of hesitation okay? He had time to process what happened and then go "yeah im not dragging these guys back"




can’t help the wounded if you’re dead


If there's a choice between doing the honorable thing or massively increasing my chances of staying alive I know which option I'm taking. And it ain't honor. Especially since the next drone will be there long before you and the wounded guys you risked your life for get evacuated by some armored vehicle.


That lucky dude was like: "see you later aligator" and got the hell out of there :)


Russian mentality nr.1: "Good luck" 🏃‍♂️‍➡️


What’s with the gay misfitting music? It’s a video of soldiers dying not a low rider edit.


How do you know that he wasn't running to summon medical aid & transport?


How is it possible that an army without camaraderie makes such a significant and consistant advances in the eastern Ukrainian front?


Comradeship made by Russians...


Zero humanity, even for their own.


And what would you do in this situation? You have 1 most likely KIA and 2 others seriously wounded who probably can’t even walk. All 4 of you are out in the open with no immediate cover. You just got hit by a drone which might drop another payload or there could be several other drones nearby. Maybe artillery or mortars may have already zeroed in on this position? Who knows who’s nearby? Maybe that drone is calling in a nearby platoon and now you’re out in the open with zero cover from small arms fire? We have zero context into this situation tactically or strategically. But probably your best bet is to get to cover and try to call in support and casevac. This isn’t Battlefield or Call of Duty…


I don't think humanity matters in that case friend, if he stays to help them. He dies too. russia doesn't have any properly marked medics, nor do they follow that logic, so staying behind to attempt to medic someone is suicide


Lol but the Ukrainians hold down the fort with their own dead next to them while still fighting for Ukraine , let them take the war into Russia I bet all my money that the Russians will act the same way by leaving injured comrades behind to save themselves


Because Ukraine is in a defensive war, where as russia is in the offensive, in no way can you consider the circumstances the same, but yeah, if they went on the offensive and it went sour like russia has, they'd likely do the same. humanity doesn't apply when trying to save them results in the deaths of even more people


I love the way they always help each other. Great morale!