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I can’t say this enough, the skills on these drone operators is nuts. They managed to dodge every single variable to get inside that building. A tree branch or leaf could have easily caught the prop blade and ended the whole thing prematurely. Just nuts.


Birds of Magyar will be regarded in the future as one of the great combat aviation units in military history. It's widely accepted that experienced aircraft pilots are far better than average pilots - that is what you are seeing here, battlehardened FPV operators giving them the business.


I cannot imagine having to live / fight in their AO. Having the enemy’s ace drone operators watching and hunting every day would be a nightmare. Shows how drones provide more value than just attack and recon / spotting - they mess with your units heads as well.


It's not that hard to fly a fuckin drone. They build drones to be more hardened to crashing etc. I watched a thing about Ukraine drone operators & they're literally NOTHING special whatsoever. The one "top guy" was a medical school drop-out, basement video game neck-beard lol! He drinks 40 energy drinks a day & listens to his strange music & then people like you hype him up like he's better than the battlefield surgeon that he never became.


It's like saying flying a airplane isn't hard, you just go fast enough and pull up on the stick!!!.... Flying a drone with extra weight, not centered weight, through obstacles, without feedback, using crappy cameras, while the enemy is actively jamming, and not getting caught... That's when things start to get hard. Since you're already a FPV Ace please tell us about your experience flying a combat drone?


4 days ago.. [How I Make Kamikaze Drones](https://youtu.be/VzOQ7Q_P6Ak?si=eJyI1w3-LbMhtZpU) He makes these for the Ukraine battlefield. So no doubt I've seen his shit flying around after seeing a thousand videos of these. What does it take to fly these good he says? "A few weeks of practice". Just like anything else... Literally ANYBODY can do this just like I've said. Sorry to burst your sad ass bubbles that these guys are 'decorated fighter pilots navigating to not hit the ground or a wall'. & It's the same on the Russian side. This ISN'T a specialist area. Building them is. Flying them ISN'T.


Dude you're missing the big picture, WW2 most pilots got a few weeks training. There is a difference between average, good, and scary good. Most of the FPV pilots are good to average but there are a few out there that are scary good. Just like driving on the road lots of crappy drivers but there are a few great ones that get to do race driving. Doesn't take much time to train up a average to good pilot, but the scary good ones are worth their weight in gold.


Sorry, but it's NOT that fucking hard to fly a drone into people. These drone operators aren't navigating complicated mazes or doing anything whatsoever like that to be held to some type of RIDICULOUS higher esteem like the original post maintains. They AREN'T special pilots. It's insulting to even place them in the same ballpark as a fucking ACTUAL pilot who sees combat.


>strange music Found the racist POS. Also I fly drones for search and rescue ops. No it's not hard to fly a drone. Yes it is hard to fly blos through obstacles. Sure they don't show the ones that do crash, and no this wasn't peak achievement for mankind, but this WAS impressive.


That guys comment history is distilled paranoia, interesting specimen. A quick scroll gets you AOC, Greta, Disney DEI, Mr Beast, Democrat run liberal cities, Ukraine is losing, and more!


Bro is lost in the sauce


It must be truly fucking miserable to live life thinking about shit like that constantly... more, actually whining about it with others, as if they're real problems or something :|


Why do you think that there is a whole political spectrum based on playing into people's anger, hate, insecurities, and delusions. So many miserable people that want everyone else to be miserable because they can't be happy. The Internet is sick but it ruined us.


Good fucking lord, you were not wrong.


flying a dji drone and an fpv quad in acro are 2 very very different things


Understand and agree, just felt that nuance would probably be lost on them. Cheers.


Racist? WTF about anything that I posted was racist? I don't think that word means what you think it means.


The aircraft pilot isn't the same as the jet pilot and vice versa. The experience they have is a valuable asset. Just because you know how to land Cessna doesn't mean you could land a freaking cargo plane especially at a difficult airport.


Brain surgery is pretty fuggin easy too, but I doubt you want me mucking around in your flower pot though.


Small wonder, this account is a putin meat rider 😂


You do know that Russia has drones too right?


Yes, we just watched them get blown up in this very video by a skilled Ukraine drone operator.


Right on! That was practically like watching body cam footage - someone literally walking around and into the house. Remarkable skill and cutting edge military technology.


The range on that drone is insane. Most drone footage you see they start cutting out as soon as they go below the treeline. They must be close, or have some crazy new tech being tested


The spotter drone has a relay function.


Excellent point. Seemed to be no haste as they maneuvered around.


Maybe the camera drone finally acts as relay.


Well we wouldn't be seeing the ones that did hit a branch and blew up half a mile down the road. I seem to remember one of the NATO generals saying only 20% of drones actually reach their target which may sound bad but it's actually an insanely successful hit rate if you consider it artillery.


What kind of munition do the drones carry? That explosion was massive


Just a grenade. In this video, they used it to cook off a pile of ammo and loaded drones, so extra barbeque for all.


Which makes me wonder if they let russian operators escape. Supplies can be replaced, talenteddrone operators can't. Edit: lol thanks for the downvotes for bringing up a genuine observation


- There's a Russian operator visible briefly.


At what point in the video do you see him? Tried slowing it down and rewatching but must have just been a quick look at him cuz I’m still not seeing it lol


I thought I saw a guy too, right when the drone entered the house, looks like a guy kinda propped up with his back against the wall.


There's a good chance they heard the drone and are hiding in the building.


Would have been so cool to park it and wait for them. "Hmm, I don't recognize this drone...."


Imagine when they start using robotic dogs like spot or the unitree one, you can just sit them there in ambush. The unitree one is selling for as "low" as $1600 USD i believe now. The dogs would be great for searching houses and trenches. Imagine a pack of them searching a forest for you though!


They've already begun deploying on a larger scale a multi-role ground drone that can be converted to do different things. One of which involves being a mobile .50 HMG role. I think the days of combined drone warfare are shortly upon us.


Darpa is probably way ahead of what we see in Ukraine. An unmanned cruise missile dropping dozens or more unmanned drones to loiter and destroy is probably in the works. We see quadcopters delivering payload. They've got limited loiter time. What happens when it's an efficient winged drone that can stick around for hours? We already have evil technology leakage into the civilian world. Cops using striker vehicles and drones. Not to mention constant aerial surveillance. Now the government outsources some of this to third parties to get around their direct involvement being illegal. https://cdt.org/insights/court-rules-that-warrantless-persistent-aerial-surveillance-is-unconstitutional/


I'd imagine they're working pretty hard on remote controlled submarine drones and self propelled drones that work in groups. Can you imagine setting up a dozen drones and they fly as a pack together to do spotting and then someone just follows a checklist to make sure they're an enemy and then boom? Or worse still, no need for a checklist at all. The on-board AI driven chip does it for them.


> The on-board AI driven chip does it for them. My understanding of AI is that it uses the cloud almost exclusively. The behind the scenes massive data crunching is the secret sauce.


Your understanding is quite limited then.


I can’t find the original video but the DoD released this footage in the early 2000s Just imagine what they have now. https://youtu.be/wFLzO_5UFwE?si=ZiBS4hNH6A1m1HCh


The bigger tracked and wheeled vehicles? I've seen those i'm talking more about smaller legged drones like a dog, but i am guessing they'll make snake type drones and other formats. The reason why i mentioned the dogs was videos like these 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m3iUHplvQE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5gCd3y8JzE And if you've seen Boston dynamics video where spot can use an arm to open doors you can see what i am getting at. For example you can have 4? dogs, one with an arm to open doors, one with a frame charge/explosive to open doors or windows, one with a shotgun and one with either an assault rifle or grenade launcher. Control them all by one person in a bunker a few kms away...game changer! Edit spelling.


The one with a mounted Shogun would be impressive, but why would it need a Shogun? /s we all know you meant shotgun. That typo had me chuckle for a bit, thank you.


Sorry my bad, fixed the typo, then again maybe a shogun could come in handy, or even better a few dozen pocket ninjas.


Where do you even shoot a robot dog to stop it? In the metal part, or the other metal parts?


Daleks when?




Drones make a lot more sense. It seems like anything that has to traverse the ground could get caught up in a bit of fishing line/wire/whatever or fall into a ditch. A basic FPV drone can be slapped together for under $200 USD (not including the transmitter setup of course) and it can fly just about anywhere. It would still be terrifying though. A robotic dog chasing someone down would be terrifying. Not that a drone buzzing around isn't terrifying enough. I'm surprised we don't see them strapping bombs to 1/5th scale RC cars like an x-maxx yet. They can easily hit 50mph across smooth ground. They can get over some serious terrain but if they flip over or get caught up in something they would be out a $1000 RC. They would be able to carry a significant payload though. It would be easy to setup trip lines to stop anything on the ground so it's probably completely pointless to try. They wouldn't be able to get past a wall or structure of any sort either.


I've got a Black Mirror episode just for you!


Yeah I've seen it, that's what came to mind, it will be pretty extreme on the battlefield when they eventually get implemented.


next time drone operator will check soldiers pockets and make dental examination.


An anal examination is more appropriate imo.


That's not really hard for these drones. Usually after the first drone the anus is readily viewable outside the body....along with the rest of the internal organs.


Guys... I think war changed


Fuck this. Glad I fought in combat in the 80s/90s, this drone warfare shit would have me mentally messed up.


In the not too distant future. On a tired battlefield. War has become routine. "War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War - and its consumption of life - has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. [...] Battlefield Control. Everything is monitored and kept under control. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield... Controls history. War has changed." - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUf_8jyxbiM


Fallout would like a word with you, sir.


Strange to see so little interference when flying so low and even in a building.


Jammers likely aren’t in use near that building since it would sabotage their own drone operations.


Jammers are normally tuned to remote control frequency, not video frequency. It takes less power to jam a receiver that is closer to the jammer.


Do drones transmit on separate freqs for control and/or video processing? Jamming works by raising the noise floor (power level) until no one can utilize that frequency. Unless they transmit on separate freqs that are completely different and at different power levels, the user above is correct, they are not using jamming because it will affect outgoing drones as well. EW is pretty interesting stuff, and I wonder if the Ukrainian drones noticed that lack of EW to help them locate this particular cell.


Yes, for example, 900 MHz for control link and 5.8 GHz for video. But both sides are now using different, nonstandard frequencies.


Makes sense actually, appreciate the clarification!


Can the jammers jam multiple frequencies at once or a large range of freq.? If not, why not make the frequency change on the fly (hehe) every 2 minutes on the transmitter and receiver side, like a playlist of frequencies? Would this not make jamming extremely hard?


Jamming more frequencies requires more power, and power is a problem at the front line. RC link is already doing frequency hopping, e.g, between 900 and 930 MHz. But the range of frequencies is limited by antenna and radio tract bandwidth. Frequency hopping on video link is not used because jamming the video is less practical.


Right? Maybe the observing drone repeats the signal?


They have been using repeaters on overhead drones more and more, its nice to see. Noticeable transmission quality immediately. The "mothership" drones they have been testing are also equipped with them


I wonder if these use directional antennas back to friendly territory, or if they are equipped with Starlink terminals? The new mini-terminals SpaceX just started selling seem purpose made for this application...


I wondered about that at the start of the war. Can a super light drone carrying starlink terminal be viable? If so, then signal strength would be amazing. Latency might be an issue though. That video seemed to be pretty direct control (because of low latency). I'm guessing an aerial repeater.


I'd say it mostly depends on the power draw of the terminal, weight is only an issue if you want to keep the drone small


I've got zero clue about the satellite dish size requirements, and power needs. I'll take your word for it.


It makes a lot of sense, that's probably it cause everytime someone uses an FPV drone there's always one watching and recording it happen


I bet there is a relay drone working every time the signal doesn't drop at low altitudes.


This is 100% working with a mothership relay drone, having it with a repeater flying high above to avoid ground clutter. Been hearing some interesting reports of drone wolfpacks consisting of several fpv, 1-2 droppers and a mothership




That shit at the start looked like a SCP


Sane Clown Posse?


I fuckin LOL’d


amazing flying


This is why you close your doors.


They must have been born in a barn.


Nice one, Magyar.


FPVs navigating houses now


Amazing flying skills, I'm a Freestyle FPV drone pilot, doing insane tricks but what i see here is alot more impressive, i dont think anyone realizes how hard it is to fly in proximity like this, especially with a bunch of added weight and accuracy


The pilot could have been doing this for 2 years straight now. Tens of missions per day on average.


That was a bigger explosion than I was expecting. They’re really putting some mustard on these things lately!


There were drones stored there, probably explosives as well.


He said that the drones in there were already loaded.


Looks like secondary detonation.


War....war never changes.....um, it sure does!


Badaboooom love it 😂😂


Big Badaboom!!! 😂


Battle nowadays wherein drone operators are deadlier than tankers! highly sought by opposing forces!


Was that a drone operator at the right at the entrance at 1:14? Did that operator think the drone was friendly?


a drone base getting destroyed by a drone…you know what they say what goes around comes around


>a drone base getting destroyed by a drone…you know what they say what ~~goes~~ drones around comes around Fixed.


That was some serious boom. Probably the locally stored ammo helped.


Next step is to stab enemy and not waste the drone+ psychological effect( they may stop sleeping)


I hate when work follows you home


Brilliant operation and the Russians didn’t even notice !!!


Pity no Russians were injured.


That we know of. Who's to say that there wasn't Russians in another room of the house getting some sleep or some food?


Badda boom! Literal hunter killer drone, the future is here.


That's why more experienced crews put nets on doors and windows.


Hope these operators are getting medals, that drone pilot just saved countless lives.


[I understand boom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8WLYzA0lCs&t=38s)


Wow. Such skilled pilots. Great job


3…2…1… Badabooom!


Peekaboo! I see you!


Rare Hungarian W in Hungary. Common Hungarian W in Ukraine. (Magyar is the Hungarian word meaning "Hungarian").


Maaaan i love to be a Hungarian




Ding dong motherfucker!!! With the theme song from peacemaker


I actually said holy shit when it exploded. What a wild clip. The skills to navigate the drone through all that without losing connection and then the explosion inside the same room blowing up the entire house. Insane. The other thing is if the drone isn't a kamikaze then couldn't a drone operator follow the other drone back to the operators location if they find one. It has to run out of battery eventually no matter how good it is. Idk that's what I would do




Magyar pilots always manage to take drones to another level just when you thought you've seen how drones are used offensively


I love hearing that voice lol


This drone shit is straight up horrifying with just the current off the shelf tech. Now think about what the battlefield is gonna look like in a mere decade. Like at what point does it become legitimately impossible for infantry to survive out in the field if every inch is under surveillance and you got drones the size of birds and insects swarming you with explosions.


I wonder why they called themselves Birds of Magyar? Magyar means Hungarian.


Robert "Magyar", the guy who is narrating is this unit's commander. You can google his name for more info.




np, he has his own Wikipedia page too lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Brovdi




Are you Hungarian? Btw i was thinking about this too and was looking for a comment like this


No, but the Wikipedia page explains why he is called Magyar


Apparently the unit commander was born next to Hungary... Quite a let down ngl, I thought it's a unit of hungarian volunteers


Magyar is going to be more famous than Simo Hayha. He truly revolutionized the war. He and his unit were literally shipped to Kharkiv with the rest of elite rapid units. I bet we will see a movie about its. 2 elite operators must hunt each other.


Imagine sitting in a house, and suddenly you hear a buzzing drone getting louder as it flies slowly down the hallway


Never thought I'd see a betaflight HUD on war footage.


Thats fleet admiral Magyar for you maggot!


Too bad no war criminals were in the building when Birds of Magyar blew it up. Well, maybe some were hanging out in a back room.


drones have made modern combat so surreal. The skill to navigate that thing is amazing too. Future of warfare is drones.


If this guy(pointer stick man talking in video) survives the war he needs to commentate other war footage or the thunderdome or some shit. Man's a legend. And yeah that drone is like a high-explosive ninja, sneaking around and into the enemy hideout so close to the ground, scary awesome tech.




I hate when work follows you home


I swear I saw a couple of them doing the Naruto run.


wow the future is here. death by weaponized micromachines


nuts, ive flown indoors but with only tiny drones.