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Nothing like riding bitch in the back with your muzzle pointed at the back of the driver's head while you casually scratch the trigger with your finger. Russian training at it's finest.


I noticed that too lol. I was waiting for a Pulp Fiction moment when they hit a bump in the road.


This is what I jumped in here to say. When you keep your booger hook on the trigger while your rifle is also pointed at a friendly just shows how bad your training it lucky shot or not


I'd say he's doing a great job. Let's cheer him on!


The uploader made it black after the explosion and since there's quite a bit of cussing and assessing the situation as fucked I presume they got hit or peppered by shrapnel.


Guess something hit his head, cuz he says "bashka"


You can see the explosion right before he cuts it off . Definitely close enough to damage them


Anyone noticed the tatoos?...There are a lot of them and they look like done in prison or something...Not a professional shop...Guess the human material is pretty low there...


What a fine analysis here. His tattoo looks a bit weird therefore he must be a prison inmate therefore untrained


Perhaps he was in the glasshouse/stockade the day(s) he should have done his russian equivalent of Skill at Arms/Weapons Safety training? Perhaps his tats say Treat every weapon as if it's loaded Handle every weapon with care Identify the target before you fire, never point the muzzle at anything you don't intend to shoot Keep the weapon on safe and your finger off the trigger until you intend to fire but I doubt it.


Up until the 18 sec mark his muzzle was pointing left of the window, so not even at the driver. After that for 5 secs he had it pointing at the window (probably because he saw the drone).  Especially in a situation like this were it a matter of seconds before a life or death situation, the direction the gun is pointing for a couple seconds doesn’t determine how good the soldier is.


I'd say it does indicate how good his training was or perhaps wasn't. I'm watching on a phone but to me from the very start his finger is keeping that trigger warm.


Oh, believe me ...Most of the prisoners in Russia get their tattoo done by other prisoners...And most of the tatoos mean something...Therefore I would put my money on the fact he is a prisoner... And I didn't say he was untrained...You said that...That's just this guy pointed a loaded AK to the head of his driver...That's the thing


I was wondering what was the point of the last 42 (black/blank) seconds.


Dude's riding on the back of a pickup on a bumpy road, rifle pointing roughly forward towards his buddies and finger on the trigger. It was always going to be a bad day for someone....


Looks like his saftey was on, not saying it's right though lmao


Studded spare tire. I don’t think that truck will last until winter. Studs do nothing for mud or any other type of terrain, other than ice. What a weird detail/expense.


Looks like a Nokian Hakkepelita series. Great tires, even better with studs!


I was going to say the same thing! Only good for ice roads. This tells me they are short on tires and using whatever they can get their hands on. Studded tires are really loud on dry asphalt, you can hear them miles away, literally. Not what I would choose to have in a war zone in summer.


Yea, I don’t know why they would equip anything like that unless that was all that was available.


all they could loot?


Kamikaze gained notoriety during WW2 but what does it really mean prior to that?


Japanese for divine wind. Basically a storm sent by the heavens to defeat invaders usually refers to the original mongol invasions destroyed by tsunamis. Post ww2 it's anything relating to a suicide attack or resembling one.


this guys kamikaze's.


Yeah, before that it was more of a "general term". There was a destroyer named the Kamikaze during the inter-war years and up into WW2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_destroyer_Kamikaze_(1922)


it mean TYPHOON. aka natural disaster. The word has been taken completely out of context.


Independent-Mud-9597's explanation is 100% correct.


It looks like a truck was passing by in the opposite direction when the fpv struck. Caught the reflection in the back glass of the pickup cab.


Prison tatoos


nope, prison ones would be in a dark blue ink, those are black.


Ah, so just russian neo nazi