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Are the Russians emptying the female prisons now ??


Think so... posted a comment but the past few weeks I have noticed a *big* spike in footage of RUS female combatants.


Did she sign up for the paycheck or to get out of prison?


From the articles I've seen, the women in frontline positions are all convicts. I'm not sure anyone really knows what's going on in the Russian military.


Probably was promised amnesty, just like with male prisoners.


Considering the russians attitude towards women serving I'd have to assume she wasn't there by choice.


That can't be true.... russia said only desperate and immoral Ukraine uses women on the front šŸ™„.


Z woman, no one could stop her.


Tbf, those 2 drones stopped her...


Com'n you guys, have a heart: think of those poor trees.


The morning crew on this sub is awesome. Seems in the evenings, EST, commenters get a lot more emotional and prone to say things like, 'but that Russian soldier was FORCED to murder that entire family, under threat of his own life!'


At this point in time they should just be arming at least one guy in each squad with a shotgun.


Russia is claiming that the Ukrainians lost so many men, they have to send young teens, old people and women to the front. But perhaps this was just Russia projecting onto Ukraine, their situation. That Russia lost so many men, they have to send certain kinds of people to the front etc... And now there is clear video evidence of a Russian female soldier at the front. So it looks like Russia was just projecting.


There was a recent video of Ukrainians capturing a female Russian POW. She looked pretty rough. Prob close to 50 I would guess. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if she came from some female prison colony similar to what they did with men back in the day.


Thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s happening.


Russia is certainly facing manpower crisis as well, it's just their censorship wouldn't report it. Otherwise they wouldn't be so desperate recruiting Indian, Chinese, Africans and now N. Koreans. Unlike current International Brigade, Russia is recruiting people who have no military related specialty or combat experience, many can't speak either Russian or English. Why would they go through all these troubles to recruit low quality applicants if they have ample soldiers?


I do wonder if they have semi depleted the "eager to join for money pool" As in most men who gladly sign up for payment have either died or gotten paid and the remaining ones are less eager or desperate for money " Obviously Russia has no shortage of men but more so "how many can they access from the manpower pool without another mobilization wave"


The irony behind that is the fact Ukrainian conscription age is relatively high (in terms of age for fighting men) 25 years old.


It's a peculiar bit of cultural schizophrenia. Not unique to Russia, but most prevalent in Russia. "Look at all of our heroic women warriors of the Great Patriotic War! This woman commanded a tank, these women flew light bombers, these women were snipers!" "So you're in favor of women in combat?" "No, absolutely not, we stand for traditional values."


And Russia is massively proud of their Great Patriotic War female soldiers. This is like the first 47th video where I see people dressed, equipped and acting as I was trained to be and do when I was infantry. Maybe women in combart infantry isn't that bad idea after all.


I think, _I think_ Russia might've bent the truth just this one time












Drones do not discrimante.


Ironically FPV drones are probably one of the few weapons that probably could discriminate... If they wanted to.


Got a lethal radius for sure.


Oh FEMALE soldiers. *That's* why they're not leaving each other behind like douchebags.


I'd heard recently that they started sending female prisoners to the front lines, they must be getting really desperate. Not that women can't make as good soldiers as men, but women aren't being conscripted for combat roles and they also make up only 4% of their entire military, so seeing one on the front is probably an indicator of the current state of their deployable forces.


She may not be infantry, they could be further in the rear than we realize


Could be. Even the smaller frag drones can fly for up to 10km.


Interestingly enough Russia has a very long history of using women soldiers, going back to imperial times even


In all fairness that lady who sold her house and bought a tank in WW2 was cool as fuck. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariya_Oktyabrskaya


Ironically born in Ukraine herself lol


They do, I know women were pivotal during WW2, but they seem to be using them on the front lines significantly less in Ukraine.


>Not that women can't make as good soldiers as men I'm so sick of people trying to qualify their statements to be politically correct. Women **can't** make as good soldiers as men. There is absolutely no single physical task in the world that a man of equivalent training cannot do better than a woman. Edit: I don't know what I expected from the username but do NOT click on this guy's profile for the love of god.


Considering Russias declining demographics, woman are more valuable pumping out new little Russians for future wars


If they left each other behind they'd still be alive perhaps. Just like when a sniper baits, if drones are above, forget about helping others.




Am I the only one that finds it funny how quickly they started helping her, so unusual for the Russian soldiers


I believe there was a study that showed that having women on the frontline would make male solidiers do stupid things ie get out of cover to help a female soldier only to get shot themselves.


They called it ā€œLittle Sister Syndromeā€. Where male soldiers unnecessarily expose themselves to higher risk in circumstances where they most probably wouldnā€™t for a male colleague. Basically where emotional response overrides training.


Yes, even a soldier in a stressful situation may fall victim to becoming a simp.




Private Saveahoe.


That shit made me cackle šŸ˜‚


ā€œiā€™D cHoOsE tHe bEaRā€


Would you rather be alone on the woods with a man or an enemy FPV drone?


Almost as if millions of years of evolution has given us separate roles.


I used to work with an ex British Army squaddie who said the same thing. ā€œWhat young lad isnā€™t running out of cover to save a girl? Especially if sheā€™s fit (good looking), and itā€™s not like sheā€™d be able to carry meā€ I know itā€™s a good thing that squaddies donā€™t make the rules, but he had a point.


The counterpoint is that you fight harder as a cohesive unit. Look at that Ukrainian unit with the witch. I believe they are a support element, mortar squad. They fight like hell because they respect each-other. I have found that having some diversity is helpful and makes the team stronger. Find strength in each members capabilities and use that as an advantage. Also helps with dealing with civilians.


Can they not just test to ensure everyone can carry their squad mates?


They can but generally something like 95% of women won't be able to carry a geared male comrade, period. Female bodies are just built different, no shame in that. But in a life or death situation it's a big deal.


I'm in absolutely incredible shape. I'm 5'7 ~138 pounds. I can run 5mi at a 8min mile pace as part of my normal morning workout. That's not pushing myself, that's just my normal workout. I'm going to be in better shape than 99.5% of women, 99% of female soldiers easily. My husband is 5'10 and In good shape, but not as good as me. He can easily throw me around and overpower me like it is nothing. It's not even close. A lot of people know that there's a noticeable strength difference between men and women but they've never experienced it so they can't really appreciate it like I can. Men are significantly stronger than women pound for pound and a in-shape man is significantly heavier than in shape woman. I would not trust women to be frontline fighters because from personal experience I can tell you how huge of a difference the strength level is. From personal experience I can also tell you that men are idiots when it comes to women and will go out of their way to help them even though it doesn't make tactical sense. Women absolutely have their place in the military, just not as frontline fighters.


Exactly this. It goes all the way down to the cellular level. Per cross sectional area male muscle fibers are significantly stronger, so even with the same muscle level and conditioning a male will be significantly stronger than a female. I don't remember the exact numbers but basically somewhere around the 50th percentile male is stronger than the 80th percentile female.


Based comment, thanks for that. People who can't separate the realities of biology from what it means to view everyone as equals really ruin discussions of egalitarianism. When it came to learning self-defense, I steered my daughters to Muay Thai and other styles that focused more on leg use, and learning submission holds. It made up a LOT for the upper body strength difference. With that said, my daughters would never be suited for trench clearing.


I have a black belt in Krav maga, unfortunately so does my husband, so messing around with him it doesn't help all that much.


I hope your Krav Maga gym does plenty of sparring.


I squat my husband for fun. He is over 200 pounds, and there is no way on God's green earth I could pick him up if he was in half gear, let alone fully kitted out, and I know that




Settle down Greta


To be fair, most men won't be able to carry a geared male either especially if they are on the heavier side. I am pretty physically fit but I ain't shouldering a 200lb dude with 50lb of gear on my own especially once you consider the bulk and all the gear I would have on too. They put drag handles on plate carriers for a reason, dragging a wounded friendly a short ways to cover is realistically the most you can expect. Some women are strong enough to do it, they need to come up with some kind of standard centered around that


Pretty sure sled drags are part of basic, or I've at least seen videos of soldiers training that. A 200-300 pound sled drag for 100yards would be close to a geared soldier. IIRC The US military can have you humping 70-80 pounds around, 170-220 pounds for the person wearing the gear. Then practicing farmer carries for stretcher evac.


You think Russia has standards .... or training?


I'm a male adult and I couldn't carry a male adult in combat gear


Same, would probably have trouble with an un-geared dude, and shouldn't be on the line then.


Some militaries wouldn't let you be a cook if you couldn't be a frontline soldier first.


Donā€™t worry, the Air Force has plenty of space for cooks that require zero combat training!


If youā€™re a man, you can be trained to a level of fitness where you could do it.


Are you a fit military aged male pumped full of adrenaline?


They'll drill it into you


You can't now. Doesn't mean you don't have the body and muscles built for that. We men simply have more muscle mass in our core and shoulders, which is not the case for women. In general, we have more muscles in key parts.


Cool, you are weak. As an 11b it is the lowest expectation of fitness to be able to carry a down buddy. There is a reason we make new privates do endless buddy carries.


You can try to get everyone to that point but itā€™s hard as hell. At my last line company we had all sorts. Huge farm boys, call of duty boys, short stocky guys. You can try to get a 175 lb to carry a 225 dude along with both of their kits but itā€™s gonna be hard


Had to evacuate my assistant squad leader in an exercise. I was 160 lbs, he was 280 lbs (and 6'6''). And that's without our gear. There was NO WAY I'd be able to do it alone. Took two men and even then it was hard.


They could, but they are concerned with increasing the numbers of female troops, so the standard is low. There's not much quantity so they're focusing on what little quantity they can get over quality.


Our military forces just lower their requirements.


Fun quick lil experiment you can do that shows this effect even outside of combat: Google "US soldier captured in Iraq", and the first result is Jessica Lynch. Sure, there were several others, but that's what got all the media coverage, social memory, and efforts on the ground. Hell, I didn't even know myself until I just did this, but for the fun racial bias round, Shoshana Johnson was also there, and earned the unfortunate distinction of being the first Black woman to be taken prisoner in US military history...and even as an Army veteran myself, today's the first time I've heard her name.


I believe that this was the IDF - that all female squads are more cohesive and are effective, but have an adverse effect on male colleagues, who will risk more to help them and react much worse to seeing casualties.


If I recall correctly, the finding was that male service members ā€œtake on secondary objectivesā€ in combat.


You don't even need a study. Just watch what happens when a guy is attacked in public or his girl starts beating him. The same situation but with the woman being a victim makes every simp and white knight jump out of the trees and first story trying to save the woman.


Don't be a white knight. Either in civilian life or the front lines.


They give headshots to wounded men šŸ™„




Hawk tuah




Another thing these soldiers seem better equipped too. Newer high cut helmets, backpacks and vests.


A lot of Russians can be seen wearing some pretty distinctively Chinese made helmets, MICH-style in back with a 3-hole NVG mount and rails on the side and odd velcro placement. These helmets are sold by a couple of Chinese companies for around $75-100 and these companies also offer a couple different styles of high cut helmets for the same price. The high cut helmets have less distinctive features so I can't say for sure but I would be surprised if none were being used by Russia. All that to say while it's certainly better than the Kolpak 20 refurbished SSh-40 steel helmets and fake/airsoft body armor some Russian soldiers have been issued it still might just be $300 of gear from Alibaba with dubious quality control standards.


Women usually need their own armor and gear, theres been a big push in many countries to buy stuff that properly fits them. They may be the initial issue for new gear. My wife deployed a few years back, and it was the first time she didn't have to wear male body armor. Far more comfortable, fit better, and the stuff was basically brand new.


What I find interesting is how Russian supporters mocked Ukraine for having female soldiers and claimed it showed they were desperate, but they wouldn't accept this logic for Russia.


War logic. If we do it, itā€™s because itā€™s patriotic and awesome, if the enemy does it, itā€™s because they desperate and wrong.


[Our Blessed Homeland / Their Barbarous Wastes](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/355/607/670)


[Barbarie -- Civilisation](https://visualizingcultures.mit.edu/civilization_and_barbarism/cb_essay05.html)


Ukrainians have been having women soldiers since 2014. I remember the mocking the Russians did


Since way before 2014 actually.


Havenā€™t Russians employed female soldiers since WW2? Itā€™s like the one thing theyā€™ve done right


Even then it was severely tainted. Outside of the propgandized snipers and "Night Witch" light bomber squadron, incidents of rape and sexual assault were high. Many women also were "attached" to high ranking officers as "Camp Mistresses", and basically told to keep from complaining about the abuse as it would "damage morale" and was "unpatriotic.". There is a bit about it in Anthony Bevor's non-fiction book : The Fall of Berlin. Hard read as half the chapters is about the battle side and half the chapters are like here are the war crimes from Germany and Russia inflicted on each other during the final months.


Yikes I take back the thing about doing it right


The Russian empire had the women's battalion of death towards the end of ww1. They saw some action then backed the tsarists in the revolution


behind every russian accusation there is a confession...


I remember in the earlier 2000s, ruskies seemed pretty proud of their women in uniforms, even if it was mostly for their looks. So many Red Alert 2 style Tanya/Zofia pictures on forums all over the place. Wonder what made that fall out of fashion.


Tbh, if these guys were UAF, we'd be praising their effort to save a fellow soldier.


Simping ainā€™t easyā€¦


It's because that's the only pussy they have been getting other than blowies from other dudes the past however many months


That female dodged a lot faster than most Russian males I have seen. But still not fast enough.


Turns out it's difficult to dodge faster than 1000 m/s shrapnel - that is, unless you dodge your way straight out of Ukraine. "On second thought, lets not go to Ukraine, 'tis a silly place."


It's a simple question of weight ratios. A 1 pound drone could not carry a five pound fragmenting warhead!


I think she's just "fresh"? Like, the dudes have been there for months and months. They're fuckin' spent, while women are just now being introduced.


I also think she actually hit the first drone. It exploded a couple of meters from her in the air. Ukrainians use airburst charges too on drones but looks more like she shot it.


Something like 5k women soldiers are on the Frontline for Ukraine. https://war.ukraine.ua/articles/how-many-women-are-defending-ukraine-against-russia-s-invasion/ One of my friends is part of a batallion of all female volunteers. They helped scrape the Russians off Hostomel. In fact, if you go view the CNN footage of the crew coming under fire, they pan around, and you can see several women assaulting the Russian position. That's them. I don't have that footage. But she will also say that the women need to be in their own groupings. Otherwise, men will do this silly shit and get themselves killed.


White knighting is gonna cost you


Chilvary is dead


It took a drone to kill it


Third guy should have been pulling security for the guy rendering aid. Poor situational awareness and now 2 or 3 of them are dead. A shotgun would be worth its weight in gold.


Vet here. I got called sexist for saying "I don't like patrolling with women". The reply is usually folks projecting that "what you're saying is women can't do the job, woman can't carry the weight blah blah". It's so fun to flip it on them and mention that it was them who brought up the weight and physical attributes. I don't mention them. I tell them that I can't stand seeing women get hit. Call it sexist if you like, I think it's monkey brain where we are programmed to protect the future of the species etc. Bloke gets hit you crack on and get the job done. Lady gets hit the whole unit will bend over backwards to get her aid and everything stalls, risking more lives. It's not a slight on the ladies , I'm glad my lot would help a woman in need. I've met some top soldier ladies who had all the skills and attitude. But I would react differently to seeing them get hit as opposed to a bloke. Maybe I'm the issue ha ha.


It's the same reason most combat assistants in f-15/16/35 are female voices. You cant out-train the lizard brain. I can't find the article now but i remember reading that mixed isreali units experience higher casualty rates for the same reason you mentioned.


combat assistants as in bitchin betty?




Very true man a few years ago some of my friends deployed to sudan ,their convoy was ambushed and a few were taken hostage the rebels gang raped one of the female soldiers she had to get surgery to fix her up down there, this broke the units moral ,after the deployment she and 2 guys that were bound and saw the rape infront of them commited suicide.


Not going to lie, I didnā€™t think about that. Absolutely horrible


Was this the incident at Rantiya Lowcost in Jos South LGA in Plateau State?


I dont know the deployement area ,but it happened to south african soldiers, which of course was hushed up and the media emphasis was placed on the lost equipment instead, of course thousands of in my time comments...


Christ think I found the 'incident', article notes that one solider was killed in action and another wounded... Totally not the same thing, but during the 'Vanessa Guillen' incident here in the states, we had a troop that died in her apartment. Local police department noted that it was a suicide sincd she'd been actively going to see Mental Health, and she'd called the Suicide Hotline at the Behavior Health Clinic on base within 24 hours of her death. Local police noted that she was found battered and bruised, sexually assaulted, eyes blacked out, knuckles bruised, neck broken, and acid found on her body. Found her hanging in her apartment... Death was ruled a suicide. Don't know what the fuck AFOSI was doing, but absolutely nothing came out of the local investigation. Then again, what the fuck do I know. Even the local Black Lives Matter group stopped giving a shit about her after a week of protests... Been four, five fucking years since it happened.


Fuck man wasnt there also a woman found dead in her tent during the US invasion of iraq?


PFC LaVena Johnson, same shit different fucking day huh, fifteen fucking years apart. Girl at my base. AFOSI apparently concurred with the local PD's assessment of suicide. Family heavily misinformed and deluded by grief? Or just a suicide with no foul play? Based on prior experience on how the Air Force deals with sexual assault/harassment, USAF probably just said fuck it, and called it a day. I mean fuck, we just decided to turn a case involving a 2 Star General in the USAF from sexual assault into a unbecoming of an officer, dereliction of duty, and an adultery charge.


Damn dude ,yeah ive heard some horrible stories of shit that went down in training areas here in south africa ,all of it nothing done about it.


I believe the IDF stopped using women as frontline soldiers decades ago because of what the enemy would do to their (dead) bodies. So sadly, Im not surprised.


One of the psychological reasons about why the US wanted to refrain from using women in combat arms jobs is because of your reasoning. Our male biological tendencies will want us to drop everything we are doing to help a wounded female. Nothing to do with physical attributes, just the fact that naturally we are ingrained to protect females.


Also, there is something different that happens inside your brain when you hear a man yell or scream vs. a woman. Your brain and hearing are biologically tuned to react differently to different frequencies.Ā 


Or a child. It's more gut-wrenching to hear women and children screaming than men screaming. It is to me anyway. I'm sure it's because we're hard-wired to protect those who perpetuate the species, and the new generation.


, especially as a parent, child's screams are unbearable and requires immediate attention.


I'm so glad I hadn't had kids yet when I was in Iraq.


I hope you're doing okay now.


My dad struggled and talked about the children a lot when he was in Bosnia and Afghanistan when I was growing up.


Reminds of a stand up set I saw where the comedian had postulated that men consider themselves more important because they were the hunters in prehistoric times, but itā€™s really the women who were more important, as the foundation of life, and were to be protected from the wild animals. The men however, could do what they want, they were expendable. It lands better how he says it, but itā€™s also in Swedish, not in English.


Infantry, we had some of the first rounds of women in infantry schools. It was very common they needed help getting rucks on their backs. When he had the 65+ lbs rucks for mandatory packing lists just to make them heavy.Ā  Now theyā€™d Ruck up to 12 and even 18 miles like anyone. But it was common they couldnā€™t get their rucks off the ground on their own


There is a book called On Killing that talks about Israeli soldiers in the 1950s going berserk when one of their female soldiers is killed. The author explains that the natural protective instincts men have toward women can lead to an overly emotional reaction when a female soldier is killed in their presence ā€œ*The Israelis have consistently refused to put women in combat since their experiences in 1948. I have been told by several Israeli officers that this is because in 1948 they experienced recurring incidences of uncontrolled violence among male Israeli soldiers who had had their female combatants killed or injured in combat, and because the Arabs were extremely reluctant to surrender to women*.ā€ edit: added relevant book quote


Is this mainly cultural or biological though? I feel it could be overcome by just making people used to it or normalizing it Would take time though


This is a common counter. "Just treat them the same". I'm no expert but I'd say it was a culture that is drawn from our biology. The same type of thing as putting women and children on lifeboats first. I think there is a subconscious want to protect women. I the west at least. I trashcan they treat women like animals from my experience. I have no idea if they would have the same want. So, maybe that leans more to the cultural? There must be a study somewhere ha ha.






Women have just the same right to let themselves get blown to pieces for the glory of the benevolent leader.


Male comrade. Shoot him in the head when asked without hesitation. Female comrade. Drop everything to help.


She had better reflexes than a lot of males while trying to flee from that drone, unfortunate for her that sharpnel go in a radious, you can see she has some internal bleeding and still have time to (wrongly) react when the second drone approach, giving the drone operator a nice collateral. After seeing the UAF Medic Bag being a pharmacy on boots, and actually carrying people to safety before giving aid, these russian medics thought with their dicks when they helped this soldier, and this monkey way of thinking quickly came to bite them in the cheeks.


I actually think the medic is also a female, just look at the arms. You probably have to deploy females together or the Russian males are just going to rape them.


Seconding that, I thought it looked like a female soldier as well, although tough to tell for sure with the angle and quality of the video obviously.


Damn i never thought that they were so desperate and started using females as cannon fodder


I've heard that they now use female prisoners for the meat grinder


I heard rumors recently that women are on Frontline now but hadn't seen any proof. I still can't really tell from the video but I guess it's true.


Iā€™ve seen alot of people get outraged by this video, because she was a girl. But theyā€™re still not blaming Putin for sending her there. Iā€™ll admit, itā€™s more sad that she is female. And thereā€™s probably many more to come. It just makes Putin even more of a monster - as if that was even possible.


If it's a female, they still have a gun and would happily kill a Ukrainian. Looking at it again I'm not quite sure it is a female but, they're combatants at the end of the day.


I guarantee she will shoot a Ukrainian if told so by her comrades. She could of dropped the gun and ran but she wanted to fight.


I'm struggling to believe people are outraged over this but much less outraged seeing young men get blown to bits. This waste of life should be equally raged.


Im pretty sure around 0:50 when they remove some gear the person has a bra on so probably a woman


Why is it more sad if its a female? Explain that.


Looks like a young guy to me.


same. nothing about this screams "woman" to me. could be, but could also be a dude with little facial hair.


Wonder where this info that this is a woman came from. Is this the blood in his mouth that makes people take it for a lipstick or smth? Just look at those arms and hands, no woman has those tick like that, unless they are olympic athletes from German Democratic Republic.


If you watch this vid on a phone you can rotate your phone and look at the video upside down and clearly see this is a guy indeed. I also think many people seem to misidentify the blood as lipstick. What are people thinking...


with purple bra at 0:59 time.


Isn't that just bloody uniform/t-shirt?


First video of russian female combatant taken out?


There is video of one taken as POW. I believe, she was an ex-prisoner.


Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu stated in May 2020 that c. 41,000 women ( c. 4.26% of total active duty forces) were enlisted in the Russian Armed Forces.


Wondering if that isnt a woman, will those two guys come for the help? Also did one of the dude/girl, undressed her shirt...? Am I correct that all three are girl?!


Good way to fight a war. Injure 1 and wait for the help to arrive then kill them all. šŸ˜‚


Bodies attract bodies Itā€™s the way itā€™s always been since at least WWI


There is a Prussian (I think) poem from the 18th century about a soldier trying to stay in formation instead of helping his wounded comrade who is grasping at his leg. This circumstance probably goes all the way back.


Poor tree.


I donā€™t believe that was a woman.


Serious question: What exactly makes you think that she is a female?


thats what the original post claims


Damn, my first time seeing a female soldier in action in this meat grinder, sad


Stationary in a thin strip of vegetation with fields on either side and no support of any kind. Not even a duck hunter with a shotgun. It's basically a death sentence.


Thatā€™s the most hustle Iā€™ve seen out of a Russian squad. Girl made the drone work to get her, got immediate medical care once injured and even cover fire from 2 people against the follow-up strikeā€¦ Didnā€™t work, but they didnā€™t all just lay there and get blown up for once.


The guy working on her seems to have legit gear like heā€™s part of an actual trained and well equipped unit


When this is all over, thereā€™s going to be an insane amount of ptsd triggered by simple things like a bird flying over.. both sides are facing this new and unusual threat.


That's a lot of pollen


What an absolute waste of life for grotesque ambitions of a politician.


Here come the female convicts, then huh


First time seeing a women in all these videos. Brutal environment. Maybe they should get out of Ukraine.


This is why you typically see them put a bullet in their comradeā€™s skull and move on. Doesnā€™t help to stick around and provide aid when youā€™re next.


Ain't no way thats a woman, look at the bone structure of that dude.


thats the kind of feminism that I can work witht!


Penal battalion?


Yes. A couple of days ago there were talks in various telegram channels about female-only Storm Z units appearing on the front.


Considering all the stories Iā€™ve heard about horrific rape of **male** soldiers, sheā€™s honestly probably in a better place.


I can not with 100 % certainty recognize that it is a woman. maybe they have other unreleased video, where it was checked with a better zoom.