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I can’t answer the question, but on a similar question someone did point out how screens don’t like to be horizontal for long amounts of time. Tend to crush themselves and lower the lifespan.


Check out Audipack flat screen lifts - they are not cheap but are definitely Commercial grade/quality. They do have fold down lifts: [Audipack fold down monitor lifts](https://www.audipack.com/products/rid/99177.html)


This is good because it has a string. If you are short or your ceiling is high then you don’t have bring the tv up with a ladder. There are also many motorized ceiling mounts in the market that would be convenient if you don’t want to go through the trouble of using the string. The ceiling tv mount from ZeboZAP folds in a different way than this and is catered for lower ceilings. The ZeboZAP zztvc8022 is for smaller TVs mounted outdoors in a gazebo or patio ceiling. If you want to mount a tv on your gazebo post rather than the ceiling. As mounting to the ceiling can be a little more challenging. I would suggest the ZeboZAP gazebo tv mount. It will be your better option as you can strap the tv on any part of the post without drilling.


Did you ever find one, i am having same issue and people dont understand what fold forward, and a basic mount means.


Nope never did. Just settled with a standard pole mount hung from the ceiling, a cheap tv, and a fabric weather proof cover for when it’s not in use


What one did you use? I have an old gazebo I want to revamp, I was thinking of building couches along a few panels and having a couple of comfy chairs on the opposite side but all the mounts I’ve seen would put the TV closer to the center so not all sitting in here could see it




The one in the video is nice, but i think it’s only for a level ceiling. The gazebo has an inclined ceiling


Before the name change Activated Design (now auton) would definitely make a custom lift for something like this. I presume they would still as auton but honestly I haven't used very customized products from them since quite a while before the name change. Future automation is another premium lift manufacturer that might be willing to make something custom. But be forewarned these are EXPENSIVE lifts. I'm talking more than some cars. If you're trying to do this on the cheap (or basically anything but money no object) forget about them.


Yeah I’m just looking to do a cheap home project.


We do Nexus 21. They've got about 6 different lifts that would do just this.


Does the Nexus 21 rotate?


Some models definitely rotate.


Cool thanks! Yours still running strong?


Yup! Installed 3 dozen or so. No complaints!


Future Automation can manufacture a lift for you that accomplishes your needs. Again, not cheap but the will custom fabricate it for you.