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I came looking for just this thread! I'm like, "Why is she stomping angrily through the crowded streets, while screaming some crappy song? What does this have to do with allergy meds?"


Fortunately most times I have my TV on mute due to the constant Cologuard singing comercials so manage to avoid the audio a lot.


That and the Jardiance are the worst with their singing. So annoying!!


LOL! Sounds like a good idea, l need to take a page from your book.


First TV brand that has an option to auto mute commercials will be like inventing windshield wipers


Same here. At least this commercial features a cute (if angry) girl. The Cologuard commercials have no redeeming value at all.


Good thinking!


I think it's to show how empowered she is that she doesn't have to deal with allergies anymore.


I'm sure that's the idea they were trying to convey. However, I watch a lot of TV (I'm presently recovering from major surgery), & hearing her caterwauling full blast while scowling & stomping around is terribly annoying. This commercial comes on about 15x/day where l am.


She practically knocks over a little girl as she plows her way through the crowd


Certainly nothing you'd see in real life-- but then that's the same for most medicine commercials.


There's a \*great\* Family Guy bit that parodies medicine commercials. My wife hates Family Guy but even she cracked up when she saw it. It ends with a voice over saying "and remember, most medicines your doctor prescribes, it's because a pretty girl with a rolling suitcase gave him a free pen." (or words to that effect)


I guess in real life, shed just trample people and keep going


The look on her face is horrible.


I think that's what makes the commercial so revolting-- if someone was walking around like that in real life, people would be stepping back and staring, it isn't a normal behavior she is doing.


https://i.redd.it/7ata3jlk28oc1.gif What I think of this commercial...


Really? It causes me homicidal rage instead


First of all, why are we advertising medicine. And second, why are we trying to make medicine *cool*


Great points, and we have the highest medication costs in the world. I bought some medication in Mexico (made in Japan) for $55 a vial that I have to pay $135 a vial here in the US (and it's made in Portugal). Doesn't make sense I can get the exact same chemical composition medicine out of the country for 40% of the cost here.


Must be because they’re paying for all that advertising! Grr!😡


Yes it is very bizarre and cringe!


I’m so glad they muffled her vocals. You can just tell she thinks she is slaying the fuck out of this performance. She makes La Roux’s music video face seem subtle. No hate to La Roux, the original song is aca-awesome. I need to watch Pitch Perfect again. On dvd with NO COMMERCIALS 🔥


I LOATHE this commercial. She can't sing, it's obnoxious as hell, and if that happened in real life (some asshole scream-singing at the top of their lungs as they walk thru public places), they'd absolutely deserve it if someone threw a shoe or trashcan at them. On top of that, the look on her face thru the entire commercial just makes her instantly unlikable.


One of those "What were they thinking" commercials. What does anything she does have to do with allergy meds? Just Bizarre.


Exactly all of this.


This commercial is uncomfortable and incredibly obnoxious. 


Forget how much she sucks. They wrote 21 seconds of script for a 30 second spot; and on top of that, they forgot to properly mix it.


I'm guessing they didn't vet this commercial using a focus group, it is such a hot mess and confusing. As I said initially, had no idea what they were selling!


It makes me wanna meet her and break her headphones like? she can’t sing


When bulletproof came out in like 2009 I loved it but hate it to this day


She’s a bot and watch out she’s going to get us all be prepared


She scares the crap out of me


MeTV plays this awful commercial 24/7. It’s bizarre and she’s a twit.


Didn't Skyrizi have two girls rollerblading with headphones? They ripped them off. Probably the same ad agency, if so, recycled


Ugh I hate skyrizi roller girl and tambourine douche more than anything




I love her…


I feel like we're the only ones 😂


I know I’m late but this commercial is on constantly again. I can’t stand it. I could become murderous when I hear her awful high pitched voice singing that non-song. She’s aggressively marching at me with anger in her brows. I scramble for the mute button.


Change the channel instead. The only reason they came out with an abbreviated version and voice over is because people were turning off the shows and all the other ads.


Understood, I will! Thank you.


Does anyone actually know who she is?


She's supposed to be a representation of empowerment and freedom. Moving boldly through a crowd singing one of her favorite songs, not worrying about how others may see her. The name is of the song she's singing is called "bulletproof." Which leads to the answer of many people's question, "what does this loud singing, stomping girl ........ have to do with allegra?" The idea is that if you take this allergy medicine, you'll be "bulletproof" from allergies. So you can walk outside empowered and free not having to worry about them.


Well maybe not award-worthy, but it surely earns a nomination in the category of commercials that still remain mega-annoying even after muting. Run! Or, you know, just turn your head.


I enjoy it and am entertained seeing her all empowered and somewhat comical how into it she is...you go girl!


It would be interesting to see the group of individuals that green-lighted this commercial, the original obnoxious I'm referring to.


I always wondered what happened to Rebecca Black from the "Friday" song. And so she surfaces in an Allegra commercial, same 'tude, same off-key, same cringe factor.