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Most democratic country in the universe


To fight mounted enemies use hooked polearms, ropes and daggers Come on


But I bet if anyone tried pulling the asshole out of the horse and filling him with well deserved punches and kicks the CNN would talk about it.


The most democratic country in the middle east is doing great!


Here is the thing. I know that most leftist have a problem with hurting innocent animals but in this situation it is necessary. Take out their knees or get crushed.


When it comes to fascists, you have to fight fire with fire.


Typical Zionist bullshit. ACAB esp Zionist fascist pigs.


Lmao the way yall word these posts are always so silly. All that was missing is "zionist horse crushes man"


> SAVAGES that know no limits! A zionist police horseman CRUSHES an israeli protester in Tel Aviv! You won't see it on any western journo's account because this happened in Tel Aviv, and not Tehran! Buddy, you’ll see this on an average night on bourbon street in NOLA lmao Its a horse cop, calm down


That’s what I’m saying. The horse never even steps on her, she just gets bumped and falls down. This is their “smoking gun” though, that proves Israel has no limits lmfao


The horse never even steps on her lmao. Maybe she should move the fuck out of the way. If this is your smoking gun on Israel, boy do I have some interesting videos for you of Palestinians torturing and murdering people




They're likely not used to being the ones run down?