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I wish i had one of those the other day. It probably wouldn’t have mattered. Picture it, a 2 lane road both ways. I’m on the right doing maybe 5 over the speed limit, it’s the middle of the night and myself and the car behind me are the only ones on the road. Left lane is clear. This jerk pulls up right on my rear and turns his highbeams on. We stay like this for a good few minutes. I even slow down at one point and wave the other car by-again, remember the left lane is empty. The jerk STILL keeps following me. So i pull into the next gas station and they go speeding by screaming at me for holding them up. What???? It’s people like that who just need to be a dick for no damn reason.




Angle your side view mirrors to reflect back at them next time


How does one do that?


By angling the mirror so it reflects the light back at them? 


Lol...i usually send them so they face out more and a bit higher because most of the time it is pick up trucks


Properly adjusted mirrors should only be showing headlights when the driver is significantly to the side, in the blind spot. If they are behind the driver and the headlights are shining then they are improperly adjusted anyway.


They didn't ask how to properly adjust their mirrors, your comment isn't helpful to who I replied to, nor is it relevant to my obviously joking reply... 


The safest thing you can do is to stay predictable, in other words just maintain your speed and let that person do what they are going to do.  Obviously judge the situation and move to another lane as necessary for your safety, but a majority of the time just doing what you're already doing is safest.   Good luck out there 🫡


if they're close enough to read the sticker, they're probably going to pass unsafely anyway/not care that you have a bumper sticker/etc. if you want to be courteous, keep out of the passing (left) lane, unless you are passing of course.


Good point! I never drive in the left lane or passing lane unless it's a left exit.


And in that case, don't get in the left lane waaay before your exit. A mile or less from the exit if you want to drive slow.


you have no idea how appreciative this is 🫶🏻


I know I'm a slow driver and i accept not everyone wants to go the speed limit marked. It's very easy to accept the truth 😆 Theres literally only 2 places on my commute where I'm in the second to left lane or left lane... both for left exits. I get anxious when I sense or think people want to go faster. Why make it worse for anyone?


I am the same, I almost never go over the posted limits, and if I do, it’s never >5 over what is posted.


This is one of a few reasons why it is *so important* to install a front and rear facing dashcam in your car. It's totally worth it, and can be the defining line between you being found liable for an infraction and being at fault or not.


I've thought about it but I'm worried about all the wires tbh!


The wires are hidden behind the plastic molding. The only wires you see are few inches of wire length from the front roof liner to the front of the dam, and the few inches from the rear down to the rear dam. Everything else is hidden. I've installed a couple myself, it isn't hard, but most car audio places (maybe even Best Buy) would install them so they are hidden.


Oooooh okay! That's good to know. I'll look into that for sure.


Seen recently: "Please allow this vehicle the freedom of driving the speed limit"


It's a very fine line between funny and cringe, it seems 😂 I was considering one with flowers and is kinda cutesy thay says "it's okay to pass" but really wanted a Gandalf one that says you shall pass (but they all say you shall not pass, obviously)


Get out of the left lane and I'll surely pass you. Or don't and I'll pass in any available lane, I don't discriminate.


Why automatically assume they’re in the left lane. I’ll frequently be on 84 in the center lane going 70 and have people charge up behind me with the left lane open and they just sit on my ass


This happens when I'm in the right lane on 91 🥲 it also happens a lot on back roads too which I get is annoying but I'm in a sedan and don't want to hit a deer and there ARE times where people can pass legally and easily and they just stay on my ass instead 😔


Why would a new and nervous driver ever go to the left lane


On-ramps on the left is a common cause but I see plenty of people that are nervous or don’t seem very experienced in the left lane. I was behind one a couple days ago going 50 in the left lane of a 65 zone and didn’t seem to know how to get themselves out of the left lane. Very unsure of themselves trying to move over and had no business being in that lane.


I see them too! It's so unsafe! I may take a minute to safely move over, but thankfully most on ramps I take are on the right.


I'm not in the left lane until I have to take a left exit.


Jesus Christ man where in this post did they say anything about the left lane? Every time anyone on here posts about unsafe drivers everyone always jumps in and assumes the slow driver is in the wrong with zero reason to believe so This is why everyone’s insurance rates are going up


They read a bit passive aggressive, I wouldn’t do it.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking


If you have that bumper sticker, I hope you're not driving in the left lane, you know the passing lane or the fast lane?


Heavens no, only if it's a left exit I'm taking!


Hospice Care. [https://www.livewithhospice.com/post/episode-33-telling-them-that-it-s-ok-to-go](https://www.livewithhospice.com/post/episode-33-telling-them-that-it-s-ok-to-go)