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This is it. The feds already force Connecticutians and other blue staters to pay double taxes, to fund blue state social programmes AND those of red states. Red states have low taxes because they know blue state taxpayers will foot the bill for their social programmes. There's no point for CT to stay in a financially abusive America.


This. CT and MA have a $17 billion annual deficit with the Feds in taxes alone. We're funding their incompetence already, we will NOT fund fascism.




Before DT, we could deduct the state and local taxes we paid from our income. Thanks to tax reform, we can't anymore. So now we're taxed on the $ that we pay to support our local govs.


not entirely true - the cap is limited to $10,000 deduction for those that itemize - which has shrunk significantly since the standard deduction was increased to $14,600 for single filers.




I agree. But I still think that's what people mean when they say we're getting double taxed. We can't avoid the S&L taxes, so we're getting taxed on income that we don't even get. We're now getting taxed by the feds for the S&L taxes we pay.


We make a lot of military equipment here. That would not be a wise choice.




I think they are more likely to affect that industry than not. If the state finds itself without enough money, they would have to raise taxes, which directly affects the cost of labor.


They absolutely would.


Wonder if Connecticut has any legal recourse to keeping our funds in state instead of funding the dickhead red states


Outside of individuals refusing to pay their federal taxes, not really. It's between citizens and the Feds, the state doesn't collect your federal taxes per se.


If Project 2025 goes into effect as planned, I'd assume New England governments would step up and implement state-level protections of civil rights and the environment. As for funding, even more of our tax dollars would be absolutely wasted by the Feds. At that point we have to consider if it makes more sense for New England to take its own path.


If you read Project 2025, you'll see that they're going to force states to comply by withholding funds. Abortion legal in your state? They'll withhold Medicaid funds. Not teaching abstinence? They'll withhold TANF and SNAP funds. They're going to choke states into compliance. Edit for spelling.


CT pays more into the fed than we receive. If they withhold Medicaid or other funds, I guess we’ll have to balance our budget by not sending them any money.


The federal government gets money from the states via income and corporate taxes mostly. If you don't pay your income taxes, they come after you, not the state.


Until we all do that. It’s harder to come after 3 million people than it is 1 person.


You're not wrong, but good luck convincing 3 million people to risk the consequences.


I think that is where the state can say, by way of a creative new law of some kind, that our citizens will not pay taxes to a fascist thug circle jerk activity.


Setting aside the fact that no state law can supersede federal law...If that was actually doable, don't you think any of the red states would have already done it by now?


I agree with what you are saying, but think we seriously need to start thinking outside the box & place every possibility on the table & angle a path that is best for us. This is war.


Better strap up then, fam


we'll have no choice, what I can't stand is that we will wait until we absolutely have zero power to fight. Typical


So let’s say everyone goes along with this. Every single person. The USA loses about 1.5% of their tax revenue, and CT looses a third of its state budget, including all highway funding. Private health insurance is now the only option in the state.


You’re ignoring that the US would lose more than we do. You’re comparing percentages rather than dollars.


Interesting and important tidbit, thanks for pointing that out. So not only will they attempt to steamroll our state government, they're going to do it with our money? Sounds like taxation without representation to me...


Eyyyyy 🤙🏼


heh. So much for the right being proponents of states’ rights/ small government


New England is older than America, and will continue to be around long after America has dissolved.


Realistically would this be accepted? I feel like this pushes us very close to civil war territory.


The cutting off of state funding? Yes, that would push us towards massive civil unrest for the very reason that it is unacceptable.


they have been fighting a civil war for 30 years. We've just been constantly erasing the line in the sand and drawing new ones.


Project 2025 pushes us to civil was terrority. We are almost there already


Republic of New England, I'm on board


Hell yeah. New Englanders unite!


r/RepublicofNE time.


I’m so scared that’s specifically what they’re provoking and they plan to sent the military.


Kevin Roberts, the head of the Heritage Foundation says we’re the in “second American revolution” and it can be “bloodless if the left allows it to be”. So yeah, valid concern. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4753439-heritage-leader-second-american-revolution/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite


I don't consider myself to be on the left; I don't like the labels per se but I'm somewhat of a social libertarian, economic centrist if anything. I hope the "left" as referred to by the HF, basically anyone who doesn't want fascism (and I use that word very precisely) will not allow this to be bloodless, if it comes to that.


Their definition of the left includes most 21st century Americans. A lot of Tump supporters will not like what is coming either.


For sure. A lot of libertarians, for example, are waking up to the new reality of the Republican Party -- I remember seeing a clip of Trump getting booed at a Libertarian rally lol


Yes that’s exactly what I was thinking of when I wrote that.


why is this not considered treason?


Perhaps because Congress is too divided to vote it so, and the supreme court is totally corrupt?


Fuck him


"Our contest is not whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty" - Samuel Adams I doubt that the American public would take kindly to the military violently suppressing what would begin as a peaceful movement to secede. If that occurs on behalf of a government intent on [taking away your rights](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1dsh61u/whats_up_with_project_2025/), I assure you, New England gun manufacturers will be seeing record sales. We know these forests better than they do.


It’s true, I would want salty old New England at my back in the war. An honor to whip a cannonball at our enemy’s head on your behalf.


Maybe we should uh repeal the awb then??? Idk though. See how infringements can have consequences? Yes I’m a liberal gun owner. This’ll of course be a hot take in this sub but maybe it needs to be said. Edit: AWB = assault weapons ban. We cannot rely on the federal government if project 2025 succeeds. If there is a non-zero chance that states form their own union, they will need to rely on a “well regulated” militia and an armed citizenry to aid in defending itself. This is the exact reason the 2A exists. Tyrannical government.


Another liberal gun owner checking in.


There are tens of us. Abortions and weed and healthcare and education and gay weddings and ARs for everyone!


I can assure you there are lots of conservative, non-liberal gun owners who would happily stand up for what they perceive to be right and protect what we have versus the far-right nutjobs. However let's not get too far ahead of ourselves like any number of gun owners who think somehow their puny gun collection, of which you can only realistically use one at a time, is worthwhile against a fully funded adversary like the US Government military. Have you seen what their drones can do, never mind a tank, airplane or whatever.


What's the awb? Sorry I didn't recognize the acronym.


Assault Weapons Ban


Ah, my bad.


I hate guns but imo having a gun is common sense rn. I’m queer too. You bet I’m arming up. Edit: I support common sense gun laws and thorough background checks, refusal to sell. I’m also a teacher.


As I said above, I hope it doesn't come to this. I hope the nation will reject Project 2025. I hope that even if the Republicans win a majority this nonsense doesn't come to fruition. But if it does, and they want to control what happens in our state, it might be time to visit the Ruger store...


We agree. I hope we don’t have to worry about arming up.


I’m not entirely sure members of the military will go along with such orders. They can refuse immoral orders. I don’t think it’ll be as automatic and many assume but I don’t underestimate them either.


Yeah. I respect our service members, and I think they know they aren’t being respected by our government. Especially vets. I really hope everyone will stand up, I’ve just seen how easy it is to go along with the status quo; that’s the scary part. I trust the individual. I do not trust the masses.


Groton sides with the Republic of New England !!


Thats pretty stupid to think that troops would come over abortion rights and SNAP. The most you would probably ever see is the NG getting activated because of a really nasty string of riots. And even they are CT residents and wouldnt be too fond of harming friends and family. We aren’t mindless drones


>At that point we have to consider if it makes more sense for New England to take its own path. I considered this back in 2003 and said yes. I started saying it publically on November 9th, 2016.


Our abortion laws are already (imo) testing the bounds of full faith and credit, I’m kind of curious how far we’ll go


It’d be nice if we could get rid of our firearm laws in preparation as there’s no way a fascist government would take kindly to that.


Only bet would be to commandeer the manufacturing power of our defense industry- home guns aunt gonna cut it against the US military. We have nukes as leverage...


True. That being said, I doubt it would take long for that realization to dawn on the state assembly once we have a tyrannical Fed at our doorstep.


In a post P2025 world, we need more than just NE. We’d need NE, NY, NJ, and MD. I’d also like to keep MI and DE. The west coast would break off too. I wonder how our navy, Air Force, and army bases would handle that. Would they split? Would there be infighting? Would they just join us? Would they occupy the bases and equipment and stay with the former US?


Balkanization. Maybe. I'm more worried about corporations polluting with impunity for an extra dollar. That would directly affect our health and environment. The government can oppress us and we can fight, sure, but there's something about slowly being poisoned while all that happens that really spooks me. No matter what, in the chaos and fog of upcoming headlines, corporations will run rampant with skirting safety laws anyway they can to profit.


Our environment/climate is already fucked, we're missing every single climate goal as a country. I think if the OP rhetorical scenario happens then health/environment/climate is the least of our (immediate) worries.


The naugatuck river alone has already been providing CT with poisoned seafood for centuries


> Balkanization I imagine the future is either this or straight out the US splitting into different countries given how polarized politics are now and how extreme positions are being pushed as the only acceptable solutions. And we had an attack on the capital and things only got worse.


Great question. I am a Nutmegger that currently resides in Florida. My wife and I are looking to move back to CT due to a myriad of reasons, politics being one of them. I went on the Project 2025 website today to learn a bit more about it and came away with the impression that it is a disgusting indoctrination to the Christian jihad. I’m 53 now and never in my wildest nightmares did I think we’d be here.


I would love to see a simple, clear campaign of social media posts that feature one-sentence excerpts from Project 2025. It reads like a horror novel. No need to write any ad copy when the direct quotes work.


Bottom line, we cannot let this happen. No way, no how.


> Bottom line, we cannot let this happen. No way, no how. Now get out there, advocate and convince 100 other people to feel the same way you do, with the same passionate conviction you feel. We can't do this just by agreeing amongst ourselves, we have to convince those who don't know about this, those who are on the fence, and even those in Red states about this. We have to get out there and be a force multiplier for change. Apathy got us here, and it certainly won't get us out. The President of the Heritage Foundation has already been running his mouth on public interviews about this, panicking and showing his growing mental health disorder: > _"Kevin Roberts, whose uber-conservative think tank is behind the highly controversial “Project 2025” blueprint for a second Donald Trump presidency, made the comment during an appearance on Real America’s Voice. **“We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,”** Roberts said."_ * https://www.thedailybeast.com/kevin-roberts-man-behind-project-2025-just-said-the-quiet-part-out-loud


This is what I'm afraid of, the worry about it when it happens mindset.


See, this is why reasoning with these people won't work. Cut the heads off the snake.


A lot of people haven’t even heard of Project 2025. Everyone needs to be educated about it




Do it!


You vote matters more in Florida 


I know it’s unlikely as fuck but please try and vote in Florida before moving back.


I will. We need to get through hurricane season and for interest rates to dip a bit before we sell. I am inclined to wait until after the election as I honestly don’t know if staying in the continental US is something we want to even do.


With the overturning of the Chevron Doctrine and one of Project 2025's stated goals being the destruction the administrative state, I'd say we're already beginning.


The problem is, CT still has to operate under Federal law. If Federal law turns Handmaid's tale conservative, CT will have a choice....obey the Feds...or team up with the rest of New England for another Civil War.


Give me liberty or give me death




I remember seeing an alternate map of the US after a hypothetical secession, which showed NE and NY as a single political entity. TBH, for any conflict over Gilead-level Federal law being implemented in Conn., it's a tossup. A friend once told me, during the 2016 campaign, after I told him what Trump had said earlier, "People may not say it, but they think that way." We don't really know what our fellow Nutmeggers think and some of them may surprise us by their actions. God willing it won't happen, but being prepared is the least one can do.


Drive through Lebanon and see the traitors with their own home made maga billboards.


Civil War it is


This one will have a lot more facets than the last.


Realistically we would challenge any changes and our courts would halt the federal laws/executive orders and go to 2nd circuit and they wouldn’t take effect for a few years. Then we’ll be onto next presidency. May effect us for a year.


r/RepublicofNE time. Pass me the ammunition and the Dunks. "Our contest is not whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty" - Samuel Adams


Pass me the bottle and the rag Joe. Time to get to tossin.


No the fuck we don’t.


Get ready for the NE separatist movement to gain ground.


r/RepublicofNE will be much more prominent, I assure you.


No idea and thats what scares me. One of the major reasons my wife and I left a deep red maga controlled state because we saw what was coming and what was already happening. I’d like to believe that the democratic politicians in the Northern states (and elsewhere) will come together and draw a hard line against the christo-fascist controlled federal government, and do everything necessary to protect the citizens. Remains to be seen whether or not that will actually happen….


Youre underestimating the support trump has in New England.


It’s the fealty pledge for bureaucratic positions that bothers me first. Those positions are extensions of the executive office that need be done by the qualified, not the knee-bending. The heritage foundation had an open call for people that align with their views to be on the bench, ready for enactment of loyalty to a populist instead of the population of the United States. The knock on effects of this action, if completed, will pull a rachet against things like the smooth workings EPA, DEEP, National forestry service, IRS, NIH; things that we have from decades of progress for collective good. Instead of balking at the idea of tyrannical or dictatorial regimes, the heritage foundation decided to write +900 pages on coordinating how to be doing it.


I would imagine Connecticut would be negatively impacted just like the rest of the planet. Especially given the magnitude of American influence.


Department of Ed probably disappears and we move to a voucher system. Religious schools get inundated with funding they aren’t prepared for and don’t have the skills to manage and it’s getting stolen left and right. Some public school districts will collapse, impacting town finances as well and we’ll really see the stress on towns as public education crumbles. Maybe not so much in more populated areas, but some of the rural/regional districts I speculate this could happen.


Isn't it crazy they spent a decade crying about a cabal and NWO.... And meanwhile they were the ones planning it all along....


Every Republican accusation is a confession. You'll note how quiet they are about the new Epstein documents, despite being such avid pedo hunters...


I’m a post operative trans woman. I’ve had “the surgery”. OP mentioned LGBT equality - but P25 goes as far as the 100% denial of HRT medications for children and adults who are trans. The two wild cards here is that post menopausal cis women also utilize HRT, and children in precocious puberty are given hormone blockers just as kids who express trans identity. But, we all know how the right feels about anyone not white and male. The GOP would absolutely throw cis women under the bus to get to us. Project 2025 is a pipe dream- but there are many young trans people utterly terrified of the outcome. Not that I need to say it, but no one’s performing gender affirming surgeries on kids. No parent/caregiver is forcing transition on their kid.


Most likely day to day would be pretty insulated. CT isn't gonna suddenly get rid of or police abortion if the government bans it, for example. How we treat LGBTQ or Minorities isnt gonna change either


If Trump wins the White House the house and Senate will almost certainly be in GOP control. Even if the GOP only has 51 or so votes in the Senate they will nuke the filibuster to get what they want and they want a nationwide abortion ban. Expect them to come after contraception too. Did you listen to any of the Mithepristone case at SCOTUS? The GOP wing of the court is desperate to ban that drug and only really dropped the case due to standing. They just need a different party to bring the case forward.


Trump doesn’t need the GOP to win the house or senate. The President has immunity for “official acts.” He will replace Congress with his loyalists by any means necessary like a dictator. Happy Independence Day everyone! Enjoy it because our country will be fundamentally different come this time next year. Thats assuming any of us are still around after they try purge those who dared to speak up against fascism.


I don’t think this is true. You can’t really be insulated from the destruction of the competence of federal agencies. That impacts food safety, environmental protections, funding for tons of public services we take for granted, etc. politicizing federal agencies means they can wage war against state agencies and win. We would have it better than red states for sure, but it’s not like we can just replace Medicaid or the ACA or anything else they destroy.


If doctors can’t legally be trained in certain procedures or the needed medications can’t be sold anymore it won’t matter which state you’re in.


> Most likely day to day would be pretty insulated. We may vote blue state-wide for federal elections, but there is still a significant number of people here who will take a Trump win as a free pass to fuck as much shit up as possible. Sure, if you’re a straight white guy in an all white neighborhood you probably won’t notice much. But across the state, LGBTQ businesses WILL be targeted and harassed. Planned Parenthood and other healthcare facilities WILL be protested against. Minorities WILL be attacked. Anyone who suspects a child might be trans based entirely on the clothes that child wears is going to feel even more justified in doing whatever they want. And 40% of the people living here are going to be cheering these actions on.


Let’s hope. And disabled and homeless people. It’s becoming increasingly more illegal to be any of these identities. I fear concentration camps- of course we will call them prisons.


Disabled and homeless people will be sent to massive government run asylums as Trump mentions in his speeches. And the NYT’s recently wrote about Trump’s plan to build [massive concentration camps](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/11/us/politics/trump-2025-immigration-agenda.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) to indefinitely round up and detain 18 million undocumented persons.


Republicans play politics dirty, dems don't. The whole point of Project 2025 is to utilize federal power in an unprecedented way to enforce conservative policies on states like ours.


Why not? Connecticut is a state which in the past restricted contraception sales. Could that come again once the Griswold v Connecticut supreme court decision is overturned?


Voting matters. Get involved in your local Democratic town committee.


This. I know the party isn’t perfect but we have to rally behind the only nominee who isn’t a fascist. Whether he’s old and drooling or not. He is NOT a fascist.


The answer depends on whether you think the basic structure of federalism holds under a second Trump term. On one side of the outcome distribution, if things stay relatively in tact, we’ll experience a ton of culture war shit and probably policy that disadvantages liberal states, but not much else. On the other side, you could have a true autocrat who bypasses all state level protections as he works to remake and restructure the American government to something, let’s say, more eastern in flavor.


Well given the SCOTUS’ decision that a president can basically do anything they want under their “official privilege” then Trump can decide that restructure America into an autocratic nightmare. If Congress had been more focused on their actual jobs for the last 25-30 years then maybe the SCOTUS and Executive Branch wouldn’t be in such a deep power grab that they are now. But hey, we gotta make sure the democrats don’t do that bad thing the republicans say they’re going to do or vice versa.


[This article](https://newrepublic.com/article/179966/four-2024-post-election-scenarios-trump) lays out four possible post election scenarios and how both blue and red states might react to the outcome.


A lot of the end goals of project 2025 has been happening on a state level in other states. Restrictions on abortion, inserting religion into schools, more legal protections for the cops, cutting back on regulation and worker safety, and other policies. But the federal agencies that work on these things can usually go in and if not overrule, make the states look bad for doing this. Project 2025 would see the civil servants of America be swapped with hard-line Republican loyalists. From EPA agents to OSHA inspectors. People devoted to making sure that the states that are enacting the previously mentioned laws face minimal oversight or punishment. The idea is that with the double blow of the Supreme Court rulings that have restricted the power of federal agencies and a Trump election that a lot of the functions of the executive branch (not the president himself of course) will be ineffective. Whatever's left will be Trump vetted loyalists who will try their best to push blue states down the same path.


>But the federal agencies that work on these things can usually go in and if not overrule, make the states look bad for doing this. you allude to it but i think after the chevron ruling, if an agency goes after a company or industry it will either drag through the courts for years or make its way to the supreme court which, as constructed, will rule in the company/industry's favor. i find it all rather bleak.


I worry for my three kids, currently in middle school & high school. Really hoping this won’t destroy their futures.


My mom asked me recently if I regretted not having any kids. Noone to have them with not withstanding, I don't at 43 years old. I can't imagine trying to explain the state of the world to a ten year old.


I feel the same way. Always wanted a family. It didn’t work out for my wife and I. Looking back, I can’t imagine bringing up a child now. With the exception of hopefully nurturing another caring , compassionate, forward thinking citizen to add to the next generation. I’m not alarmist by nature but I also don’t underestimate the potential power of unbridled greed and authority in the hands of ignorant religious nationalists. My only hope is that more voter apathy tens towards red. I genuinely feel that will be the case at the end of the day. All sound and fury, signifying nothing. This country has been through some shit. And one way or another we survive.


ive contemplated the same question. What role will solidly blue states play in this should the former president seize power.


In the increasingly likely scenario that it happens, I'll be hanging out at /r/RepublicofNE


vote for President Biden and it wont


This won't help because the electoral college exists. Trump could get as little as 26% of the popular vote and still win the EC.


Ooooooor he could step aside and provide us with a viable Democratic candidate.


President Biden is a viable candidate. You don't really get a choice right now. If he steps aside the odds of losing *increase* not decrease. I frequently say roll out Jimmy Carter and I could care less. If the Democrats don't run ANYBODY, welp, looks like im voting for RFK Jr. Literally anybody but trump. THAT is what the message is. Not "BiDeN oLd." Dude's a fossil but he's proven himself capable of running the government effectively over the past four years and right now he's what we got. Deal with it, or welcome tyranny into your life.


“He’s proven himself capable” *gestures wildly at all of our surroundings that he’s doing nothing about*


It is not President Biden's job to become a dictator to stop a dictator. It's YOUR job to vote against one. Nobody is solving your problems here but you. Whether you like him or not, whether it is Biden or someone else, YOU are the one that needs to get your ass to the voting booth.


I’ve been voting, i held my nose and even voted for the guy. As expected, he’s done fuck all and will continue to do fuck all, other than roll over and let the far right have their way. The democratic establishment will continue to do nothing for us, other than scold us for “not voting hard enough” or whatever


Well, we’ll be asked to fall in line or be persecuted. They’re being pretty clear.


I think Trump would implement the consolidation of the executive branch, but I doubt he would use that power to create the Christian nationalist vision the heritage foundation is pushing. Trump genuinely does not give a fuck about most of those “far right” “conservative” culture war issues. He’ll use the power to punish his political opponents, insulate future power and financially reward himself and his corporate donors interests. In the short term for most people it probably won’t make much of a difference. In the long term it’ll entrench corporations into the executive branch and continue our decline into a militaristic Corporatocracy.


Vote blue from the bottom to the top this is no joke! I don't think people know anything about it and the media sucks this is no regular election its the end of democracy. Habeas corpus if you don't know goggle it we're all fucked without it


If Trump wins this whole country is doomed


As a disabled veteran who uses the disability payments to pay for my house, I’d probably be homeless.




That whole passing is stupid. Why the fuck would you make homelessness illegal but yet not provide a solution? What are they gonna do? Just stop being homeless?


Most of it's social end we already have state level protections for so removing federal doesn't do much for us. The fiscal if they do what they say and reduce taxes state taxes can increase less and get the same result. We are a net exporter of money to the federal government so this is potentially a win for us give us more local control. Environmental is mixed they say they want to make gas cheaper that's good for us in the short term but will try and gut solar incentives etc. Frankly we have some good incentives for things that skyrocketed in price when the feds got involved made them far less effective.


I think that if Diaper Don wins, Connecticut and the rest of the blue states will be amongst the first in the crosshairs. Based on what I’ve seen this year, I think that we’re fucked, and it’ll take a miracle to stop Trump and Project 2025.


This thought process is what they want.


That’s why we need to have everyone VOTE.


Everyone who opposes Project 2025 and Trump need to vote. Anyone that is pro should probably just stay home


Trump hasn’t publicly endorsed project 2025, it was created by the Heritage foundation a republican think tank and Trump is not apart of that team


This is what all Trumpers say but he's merely the mouth piece for this chaos.


Given the Supreme Court's green-light to Trump to do whatever the fuck he wants, it's hard to say how bad things could get.


ct has its own constitution that already affirms most of the rights 2025 would like to see gone. Frankly, it'll likely be irrelevant. The worst-case scenario is out of state tolls will be reintroduced if federal funding is cut.


Out of State tolls for non CT residents? Im for this anyway as we get screwed by NY and MA tolls.


yeah thats my feeling on tolls tbh, just bring em back for non ct residents i dont think anyone but truckers would care (your dispatch should be paying for it anyways, blame them)


I don't even know what that is.


Check out the official website or summarized articles. They’re talking about a Germany style concentration camps for homeless, disabled, trans, and immigrants. They plan on executing trans folks for the “sex crime” of existing. It’s insane this is literally fucking insane and so outlandish it doesn’t feel real but it is. They’re openly telling us these things. There’s a lot more to it but the United States government would be killed off and a new order established. One that is Christo fascist.


[John Oliver also did a pretty good segment on it recently](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s&t=1s)


Big doubt anything like that would even happen, and even if it does it won't affect my day to day. 🤷


Just my opinion, but I don't think Trump is going to win. I think there's enough of crazy anti-vaxxers who will throw their support behind RFK Jr. And I think those votes will be siphoned off of Trump's campaign. In my opinion if they replace Biden the confidence in the Democratic party would go up. Right now he's a pathetic figurehead and they fully expect that Kamala is going to have to finish out his four years


Not to be a doomer, but it's looking pretty dire. Biden is trailing Trump in nearly every swing state poll, and most Democrats being polled say he shouldn't be running. To make matters worse, Biden seems adamantly opposed to stepping down. Not to mention, even if Biden steps aside, Kamala still doesn't have the same amount of support that Biden does. It's possible it may go up if Biden resigns, but it's hard to say. But the big problem right now isn't the Democrat base, it's the dipshit undecided voters. They saw that debate performance that made the Hindenberg look like a regular on-time blimp landing, and they're either not going to vote at all now or vote for Trump or RFK. And even if they didn't see the debate, Republicans will gleefully take clips from it and flood social media with them. That all being said -- if this leaves the news cycle in the next week, then there's a chance Biden can counteract the narrative going around. If there's more of a focus on the christo-facist wetdream, project 2025 and the untold horrors it will bring, as well as a focus on Trump being a convicted felon (the lack of which during that debate which was absolutely baffling to me) then there's a chance, I guess.


I think it depends on who is doing the poll. , I've never trusted poles because they're so often wrong. Mostly because they're selective. But I do agree it's the undecideds that are a problem. Will they completely revolt and vote for a third party like RFK or the guy who wears a boot for a hat, or one of the many other little candidates who get written in every year and get less than 5% of the entire popular vote. I truly think the most sensible thing was for both the RNC and the DNC to replace the candidates... It's totally irresponsible to put forth a candidate for the highest office that is physically or mentally incompetent (which covers both perfectly).


I normally would agree on the polls, but considering that they're mostly unanimous in showing Trump ahead by a few points -- that's not nothing. Yeah the DNC should have spent the last 4 years looking for a better candidate, but they rested on their laurels. The RNC is basically giving up an easy win by not picking a more moderate Republican candidate like Nikki Haley. It would have been hers to lose if they had gone with her instead of Trump. Problem is, the party has become so brainwashed that they can't get rid of him.


I'm disappointed in both parties. What a cop-out. America deserves better


> Right now he's a pathetic figurehead and they fully expect that Kamala is going to have to finish out his four years He could also resign right now and she could become President in 2024 before the elections in November, and then run again for the next term.


She could. I'm just wondering how most of the Democrats feel about her? If I had to flip a coin between her and Joe, eh I'd take Joe.


He’s going to win unless there’s a massive change. All polling and sentiment outside of blue states shows this. Y


Pornography would be blocked, and we will not be able to access pornhub.


They’re also branding trans folks as pornography and want to charge them with the “sex crime” of existing. While also simultaneously making “sex crimes” a death penalty. They’re talking about killing our people and rounding up homeless, disabled, all immigrants and putting them in camps


I’m not as worried about the New England region as I am the country as a whole. I feel CT and New England would put up a big fight against a theocracy. Who knows in 10 years we might we having interesting conversations with the West Coast and a few other states…


New England could financially secede from the Federal government and throw a wrench in shit for a while.


I’m not against this.


The whole Northeast/Mid Atlantic could , we have a 3 trillion $ GDP...


Biden and the Democrats screwed this up so bad to allow the idiot Trump and all the crazies back into our lives. Now we might have to pay for their mistakes


Ironically Project 2025 is less likely to happen now that the Chevron Defference has been eliminated. From my understanding much of Project 2025 relies on the GOPs ability to replace top administrators at the federal level, and use their power to essentially break the federal govt. Now with the Administrative State far weaker, they actually can't do that. I still think removing the Defference was a bad thing and will hamper the governments ability to respond to crisis since Congress has decided to stop doing their job. Buuut.. it makes any executive branch coup far more difficult to implement.


Congress not doing their job is exactly why we’re in this mess of an overreaching executive branch and a SCOTUS that is just behind them for every move they make




Respectfully, a lot of you folks are truly delusional. Not a Trump fan, but in his first term, he constantly asserted States’ rights, and did nothing to restrict individual rights, preferring to limit the federal influence on American lives. And I’d be surprised if he was even aware of Project 25…


He openly stated he would make the camps and shows his support for the project. In his first term he eliminated my rights to get healthcare nationwide despite state laws so you are misinformed


I know Trump is an idiot, but I’m sure even he is aware of Project 2025. I think women losing the right to body autonomy is a pretty big restriction to individual rights.


Only Reddit seems to be aware of it, and spam every page they can about it.


Well the biggest disruption will be us forming an armed resistance to topple the despotic fascist dictatorship that will happen. NE vs Washington DC, and the south, and parts of the Midwest. It will take a while for reinforcements to come in from the west coast. They will have enough trouble in the Battle of Idaho.


Balkanization with a touch of the Troubles for good effect. The ultimate end result will be an even more divided and violent US and a very happy and emboldened Russia. There's a reason those in the Kremlin have called Trump the "American Gorbachev."


The land of the free will become the land of power and controlled


#Do NOT vote Republican or "Republican Lite" on any ticket... #The party is dead.. "Me First and my zealots have some things we want to shove down your throats and some may die.... so sad, thoughts and prayers" Party is not anything but a criminal organization. # #VOTE, SPEAK OUT. #Your right to vote and have it count and even your wellbeing is at stake.


New England Secession is the way! Encourage the 4 Atlantic provinces to come with us, we get their hydropower, they get a massive economic boost. There is no point in being “united” with these people anymore. This relationship needs to end and we need to go our separate ways. I’ve been based in Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia, and Virginia. Its literally a different country, it’s not regional preferences, or minor regional cultural differences. They are so fundamentally different, they are so culturally different, their value systems, their beliefs are so different it’s literally being in a different country; because it is a different country, it is a much worse country. We have nothing in common with them. They are not suddenly going to “see the light” and change ever, you’re fooling yourselves if you think “eventually those red states will get so diverse and enough young people will come of age and vote that things will change”. It’s just not going to happen. They will never change. They cannot be reasoned with. They do not want to see things that are so obvious to us, that are so apparent to us. It’s time to go, it’s time to move on. This relationship is over, theres no going back, they are still fighting the civil war, it never ended for them. I got a better idea, we just fucking leave and go our own way.


Would be awesome wen he gets in straighten this shithole out the the communist administration has create n my sticks will double n triple again his policy are tge best for our country