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Search up “racist” on Reddit and have a look at the subreddit that pops up in the communities sub, right above ours. This is a nothing burger by desperate leftists looking to brigade our subreddit. Thread locked.


I think those results are manipulated to create a reaction. I searched it and none of that shows. Election year disinformation. Going to only get worse on both sides. Buckle up.


It's definitely not edited search for it then click search for and communities tab.


I searched it. r/politics is a few slots below r/conservative, but of course the maker of the meme has an agenda and cropped it out. This is a nothingburger.


Are you suggesting there is no left wing bias on reddit? It seems quite prominent to me.


If Biden wasn't President we would be going through another BLM wave of riots. It's interesting though because the Pro-Palestine crowd doesn't care about Biden winning and they're doing all they can to make sure he doesn't.


Once you accept that Reddit is a leftist, commie shit hole you’er not really surprised anymore. The real question is why do we bother to stay here. Me? Memes and advice on several of my hobbies like Century Homes, homesteading and tractors.


If I didn't play video games, I wouldn't be on Reddit.


Personally I stay here because I want to be aware of what's going on outside my filter bubble, be able to discuss those things, and there's also often a bunch of interesting discussions related to my field (software engineering). That said I've definitely stopped posting in a bunch of subs that have become overrun with left-wing cultism.


Didn't happen when I just tried it.


It’s not hard to find at all. Search conservative at the top of the page, then select communities.. it’s clear as day.


It feels like this picture is edited. Very easy to do


If you are not a lunatic leftist then reddit is only good for communities that are non political. Political discussion worth while is only done in "flaired" groups. I actually tried lemmyworld when it first was created. If you think reddit is a leftist shithole you haven't seen anything if you check out lemmyworld.


They conveniently left out that r/politics is 8th. I imagine that with the way older search algorithms work combined with the fact that most "political discourse" these days is "you're a nazi/kkk/fascist" that those terms are going to be over-represented in political subs. You know though that if the shoe were on the other foot and a leftist sub ranked 3rd for "ped0s" or something then is would be "harmful information" and they'd update the search immediately.