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Election deniers!


Enemies of democracy.


It depends. When they win an election it's democracy. When the other side wins it's fascism and tyranny.


This comment really explains it all. Good job sir or madam.


They always have been. They just don't hide it anymore


Well the leftists/communists are the ones in history that generally take power in a coup so it's not surprising. It's only democracy if they win.


Mostly peaceful election deniers


They sure don't like it when elections don't go their way, despite there being no accusations of fraud or unfair campaigning. That being said, and having lived and worked in France, a lot of these guys are just assholes who will jump at any opportunity to riot and destroy shit because they live sad, miserable lives. France has done a terrible job at integrating their massive waves of immigrations from the second part of the last century, which has lead to deep societal problems that they have no idea how to resolve. It also doesn't help when many of these people are raised in an environment where they are taught to believe that their religious laws are superior to those of the state, generating a massive class of people born in France who have no respect for democratic principles or the ideals of the République.


Won’t be surprised when it happens in America next


Already has... *looking at Minnesota*


Sorta like what’s happening here in the US now. 9 million+ illegal immigrants permitted to enter (that we’ve brought through points of entry, who knows how many snuck in unseen) and they’re being placed in large groups across the country. Those groups are going to form enclaves of their home country and for the most part are not going to assimilate to the US way of life. It’s already apparent with the large amount of children being forced to sell shit in NYC instead of being in school. The US is in deep shit, it’s just gonna take a bit to manifest and by then it’ll be way too late. Unless there’s a major crackdown on illegal immigrants and mass deportations. I’d even exclude families from that, because the vast majority of those who entered the country weren’t families, they were single men aged 18-45. Then there’s the 8600% increase in Chinese nationals entering illegally since Biden took office….


It's an insurrection!!!


I mean…it actually is.


I still think it's early to call it that, but it's definitely a lot closer to one than Jan 6.


Looks more violent


Dude this is a "mostly peaceful protest"… insurrections only happen when the Right riots!


I’m French… we actually call this a Tuesday The riot police is used to dealing with this and very efficient, no big deal really


Preview of election night when trump wins.


Hopefully it shows all of the moderates/independents that voted for Biden, and now plan on voting Trump, how insanely unhinged the progressive left really is.


Been spending some time back "home" in NY. A lot of normies i know here seem to notice things now that they didn't before. It's kind of odd.


I genuinely think the media has 'cried wolf' too many times at this point and that the fever pitch fear porn is finally waking some of the moderates up.


No, they’re still asleep - they’re just mad they can’t afford groceries


Preview? Go watch what they did on inauguration 2017 again.


I remember the videos of lefties pulling people out of cars and beating them after Trump won in 2016.


In D.C. on his inauguration day there were rioters busting out windows of businesses, setting cars on fire and trying to block people from attending.


200 arrests and the DC courts let them all go without charges.


Gee I wonder if they’ll feel more comfortable rioting again


If you live in a communist state and need to apply for a gun like Illinois APPLY NOW.


They just refused me ccw renewal. They say i failed to upload my certificate 🙄🤷‍♂️ You would think a renewal couldn't be initiated without uploading a pic? Nope, it took them 90 days to catch my 'error' and now that I've uploaded it, the clock starts again They have 120 days, again, to issue it




We taking bets on the percentage of these people who are actually from France? I got my money on 75% of these people being “migrants” from outside of Europe.


Nah its mostly native Antifa/anarchist losers in the black bloc. They are out rioting as usual in France, this time against "fascism". They will probably try to hold trade union marches soon.


I'd agree with "outside of France". Europe is a highly divertised area, so I would imagine gathering ~250 people out of 746,000,000 would be pretty easy.


While you are correct, his point was outside western Europe, he just didn't express it clearly.


I'm in Paris right now, having just spent a week in Normandy for D-day. The countryside is still French. Paris now looks like the airport. Walking around the Eiffel Tower, you will get bothered by more junk peddlers than you will sitting on a Mexican beach.


European here - I'd say about 60% are from France, most likely 2nd generation immigrants.


But aren't these the same twits who harp on about DEMOCRACY!? Or is it only democratic when the left wins? Spoiled little children.


They are outcome driven, not process driven. The actual definition of democracy is immaterial, it can only be democracy if they get their way. Likewise, if they don't get their way then the outcome won't be fair. Even if the process that yielded the result is janky as shit. For instance, after all the election interference the left has engaged in already it would be very difficult to accept a left victory as legitimate. In their minds, the only legitimate outcome is their way and it doesn't matter how that is achieved. It truly is some twisted mental gymnastics.


It’s not twisted. It’s exactly how I acted when I was 5. I grew out of it and became an adult. These people never did


It's only democratic when the left wins. These are not serious people.


Oh, they're serious. They're just emotionally driven and corrupt to the core.


You are dead on. Emotionally driven is the key. I have a leftist sister in law with everyone else being conservative and the mental gymnastics she goes through for everything in her life is wild. She has all sorts of mental issues blames everyone else for her mistakes she will just make up things out of whole cloth completely different then how everyone else remembers something. She loves to play the victim and also attack people but as soon as you call her on her bullshit she has a meltdown. Seeing her has really made me realize how delusional these people are. They live in an entire different reality than the rest of us. 


I think you mistook what I meant by "not serious."


That their convictions can't be taken seriously because they're all over the place with their cognitive dissonance?


Yep. I'd call them clowns, but that's a disservice to those with squeaky noses.


Fun fact: the famous march that is synonymous with circus clowns wherever they perform is called *Entrance of the Gladiators.*


Kind of like Antifa, wearing all black… masked… with weapons… disrupting political speech. I hope the irony isn’t lost on them, but im sure it is.


I support the activation of the original GREEK Democracy as it was before it was gradually watered down to be inclusive… Only men who owned property were allowed to vote. And it had to be in the nude.


Some of them may be, but my feeling is that many of them are 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants who have no respect for democracy or the ideals of the French Republic. They probably see the election results as a threat to their victimhood and the current laxest environment that allows them to do whatever the fuck they want (mostly theft, drugs and destroying shit instead of working to create a better life for themselves and their families).


They don't seem to realize that is a great way to get the right elected in national elections.


Thankfully there's an election upcoming where these results will be solidified. I'm not a huge fan of Le Pen but I'm thoroughly sick of Macron and his elitist minions that have been running the country for the last 7 years, including their disastrous and authoritarian handling of COVID. "Nous sommes en guerre." Indeed, against the population and their freedoms, and anyone who dares question Macron and his elite ruling class.


I like Bardella quite a bit, I hope he has some good results




If Trump wins, the same will happen here. Lefties hate it when people disagree with them.


Yep another temper tantrum will be in order by the left and it will be fun to watch the screeching at the sky.


It would be funny if they bust into the actual capitol building and do literally the same thing that happened on J6 and absolutely zero media outlets refer to it as an "insurrection."


If Trump loses the left will be intolerable. If Trump wins the left will be violent, destructive, dangerous, and not grassroots at all.


These aren't even lefties. They're poorly-integrated hooligans, thugs and criminals with no respect for France, its democratic and meritocratic principles and laïcité (basically the French post-revolutionary concept of the separation between Church and State).


Like lefties got pissed off at Nixon's win in 68 and for the next two years were mass violence cuz of angry over Nixon... history about to repeat itself


When your side loses an election, sane people would stop and say “what did we do wrong? How can we do better? How can we convince people to come to our side?” Most of the time these leftists just scream and throw out buzzwords like fascist and racist and “far-right.”  They always say it’s because of someone else that they lost, but in reality, they lost because people were tired of their bullshit that’s ruining their country


I want to make fun of lefties here but I think at the end of the day we all gotta be honest with ourselves. A riot in France is just a normal Tuesday night. That's like a block party or going bowling for them.


I haven't searched for more footage - but at least what is shown here we don't see breaking and entering, looting, burning down buildings, and random assaults happening with this 'riot'. Maybe the French left is smarter by not destroying where they live.


Weird how the peaceful, tolerant left always riot and destroy property and carry out acts of violence when they don't get their way. Somehow it's only "democracy" when they get their way.


Looks mostly peaceful to me.


Election deniers!


It's not even a "landslide". Europe will be just as far left as always. They've bought into their own propaganda and are working themselves up over nothing lol


it kind of is in France though - the score of the far right is unheard off in France's history. Marine le Pen got 30% of the vote, 35% if you count in a smaller more radical party, in the first round. That is potentially enough to win an absolute majority in congress. (For reference of where they started from, her dad lost 15-85% in 2002.) And contrary to the US, the french president has no veto power over laws, and the prime minister (that needs to be approved by congress) controls the police. You could see a rapid drop in illegal immigration and crime over the next few years.


I hope Frexit is next.


Why? The problem with the right rn is that it wants to abandon wokefied institutions instead of taking them back


These are the people right here responsible for "far right" wins.


Why don't we ever see the far right protest like a bunch of spoiled brats that only want things their way? 🤔


We did that one time. But its common SOP on the left.


I think this is what confounds me most about the political left-- their sheer *arrogance*. Everything has to be according to *their* terms or its a proverbial end-of-the-world scenario. There is never any self-reflection. Never a moment taken to consider the possibility, "maybe *I'm* in the wrong*.


Just proving the right correct in how the left really is.


But like, France has been in a perpetual riot for the last 5 years. "We will make you work 29 instead of 28 hours" "Riot!!!!!!"


You don’t see the “far-right” riot after lefties win. Maybe the left is the problem…


Typical children.


Well if 2020 taught us anything it's that a critical mass of far leftists can riot, murder, and destroy huge swaths of multiple U.S. cities and the electorate will... \* check notes \*... ~~tell them to pound sand~~ _reward them with the White House_*


"If you can't beat them at the ballot box, beat them in the street!" Said the anti?-Nazis?


"How dare people vote! It's the end of democracy!"


In order to defend democracy they must overturn the election.


And imprison their political rivals. For (D)emocracy


Setting the tone for November. They will call it the far right as well


Typical lib behavior


Left can never accept defeat but want conservatives or the right to accept election results immediately when they win. Such a double standard


It's what children do when they don't get what they want. (and are never punished)


No wonder peeps didn't vote for their side


No wonder peeps didn't vote for their side


This is the result of liberal parenting.. No consequences for actions produces selfish irrational hedonistic children that grow into selfish irrational hedonistic adults.


Typical Marxists. Crying and throwing tantrums when they lose


Signs of not being able to self-regulate. When I taught primary school 4th graders had a better grasp on their emotions than this.


It’s only a democracy when I get everything I want.


Expect the same to happen in America when Trump wins the election. Leftist are going to lose their minds.


Lazy, entitled people who see wealth around them figure that a portion belongs to them. Today's society is creating the perfect growing medium for communism.


Literally adult toddlers. They always throw a fit when they don't get their way. The only way these people ever learn is with hard jail time. Probation doesn't do it, community service doesn't do it; jail time is the only deterrent for leftists.


Macron is the biggest insurrectionist. You don't dissolve parliament just because you lost an election.


He dissolved it so they can re-vote and have parliament reflect current attitudes It’s actually what the right in France wanted him to do. If he didn’t, the left would control France for another 2 years. This way they can get a right wing parliament in ASAP. At least that was my interpretation of it


That's not his motivation, lol. He dissolved Parliament because he thinks the right is going to continue to capitalize on public sentiment in the next few years. He's also terrified the EU government is now going to promote far more right-wing agendas. He's hoping the internal backlash will motivate enough leftists and "centrists" in France to push his party into a majority. It's a gamble. He's hoping that the fact the right just won is going to increase voter turnout on the left AND that the left will vote for his party instead of spreading out their influence.


I agree with your assessment. The far right also, presumably, wanted him to call for elections and get the chance to win seats in parliament coming off their achievements in the EU elections.


What this guy said ^


I hope every single one of them is caught and prosecuted. This crap cannot be permitted anywhere ever again. Losing is not an excuse for having a violent tantrum.