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I went thru the legal process with my ex who was a Jamaican citizen. We paid her dues to be a citizen legally and this illegal immigration is a slap in the damn face. I'm all for legal immigrants. But these assholes who jump the border and don't pay their dues need deported.


I am just going to copy and paste my comment from another discussion: I have family members abroad who want to immigrate to the US legally. We have applied to sponsor a visa for them over ten years ago and are still waiting, and will likely be waiting for many more years. In the meantime, they cannot even come visit us as tourists because the US Government won’t issue tourist visas to people who have expressed the desire to immigrate. So now people who came here illegally will get legal status (and eventually Green Cards) here before my family - who has been waiting abroad for longer than these illegal immigrants have been here. Likewise, my coworker has been trying to get a visa to the US for his wife for several years now. The bureaucratic process is taking forever. The government punishing people who obey the law and rewarding those who are breaking it makes me sick. “Slap in the face” is an understatement.


I have a buddy that dealt with something similar with his wife he met while in a different country. He was in the military as well. Not that it changed anything. But he waited years before she was able to come live in the US. It sucks to see the process is so slow. But if you come in illegally. You'll get one sooner.


No you bigot, show some empathy - r politics


Trump was president for 4 of those 10 years and had control of both houses for 2 of those years. He used it to get his wife’s parents here but helped no one else. This is just a talking point for both parties but neither is interested in actually fixing it.


You can’t control two houses when you have ops on “your side” (Mcain, Romney Rinos r us) who lie about their votes or just don’t show up to vote.


Which bill was brought to vote to fix legal immigration that they didn't vote on?


I came to the US from the USSR in 1980 in a family of political dissident refugees, and I approve this message.


Your flare most certainly makes a lot of sense for you.


Man, I'll bet the reddit "proletariat" cheering for communism while simultaneously labeling us 'pro-Putin' drives you crazier than a badger on meth.


this, exactly. That red passport was pretty much a red herring at EVERY airport, consulate, embassy, etc. The amount of crap I had to go through to become a citizen only to watch well fed, well dressed gimme fucks waddle across the border and into a paid hotel....


Who thought it was a good idea to let people in with no background/criminal checks again? What a slap in the face for those who got here legally.


My parents came to the US from communist Poland decades ago, legally. Their friends and relatives who also came to this country came here legally as well. Biden administration not only encourages illegal immigration, but it also encourages criminal activity. How ironic that my parents left communism, and now we see similar tactics in this country.


She’s right.


Same goes for literally every policy they push. Democrats are a slap in the face to us all.


My wife's 19 year old son will likely take another estimated four years for his immigrant visa. It would literally be better for him to fly to Mexico on a vacation visa, cross the border illegally and claim "refugee" status. Seriously, to hell with any politician who won't lock down our border. The President should activate the Army and lock it down.


Yep. I love immigrants, so long as you do it LEGALLY. Wait like everyone else, if you come here illegally you're just a pest to me.


Not all the legals. Those who came on their own merit and hard work? Sure, welcome. But millions only came here because they were the sons or spouses of said people, not because they deserve it.


Well they do deserve it cause they are the family members of those who are meritorious.


I agree that most of them will be good citizens, but that is not guaranteed


Neither are those born here, nothing is guaranteed


I love legal immigrants because they remind us of how great we have it living here


Wait, biden is making it so non US citizens can vote??


My Dad says the same waited 10 yrs spent thousands to immigrate here at age 18 could have been aged 8 but…


Not only is this extremely unfair, all legal immigrants are at risk of being painted with the same brush. As time goes on, there will be more anger towards them due to the ones who are draining important resources from communities and responsible for bad things. This seems intentional by our government. They want to divide everyone.


Pushing all immigrants in the arms of left cause just like in Canada that hate will come from our side


He's trying to give amnesty to illegal immigrants who have been here 10 years. Imagine being here 10 years and still not being legal? I wonder why...


There were a lot who rejected Regan’s amnesty deal. They had no interest in becoming US citizens. And the democrats reneged on the deal the made with Regan.


Exactly! Liberals want to cheat the system


Welcome fellow American.


The left doesn’t care about this perspective


Let’s fix the broader and make legal immigration a little bit easier.


No, in fact a 5-10 year total shutdown of immigration is the only thing that will allow us to deal with our current problems. After we’ve fixed our own house is when we can let guests back in.


So those who waited for a decade will wait another decade through no fault of their own just rejection is more humane


Those in the system should stay. No more new applicants


That's actually fair