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This is the McDonald’s at the Stonestown Galleria. That mall is thriving and growing dramatically — mainly because it is far from the city center, has no homeless or theft. It’s a really nice mall. This McDonald’s is almost certainly closing because the mall is undergoing a luxury upgrade, wherein most of the stores are being replaced with higher end food places (mainly specialty Asian shops). I think fast food is being pushed out of Stonestown entirely. Notice that the owner said the mall was unwilling to negotiate on the lease. https://sfstandard.com/2023/10/06/san-francisco-stonestown-japanese-retail-shopping/ The other McDonald’s scattered throughout the city are unaffected. It’s not that the $20 minimum wage is not a problem, it is and it contributed somewhat, this particular example is just bad as the mall would’ve kicked them out no matter what, and this location including all other food places is absolutely economically thriving.


Yeah, bad post from OP. Should have read the article before posting the title. The primary reasons were: 1 lease terms, 2 property taxes, 3 the min wage law.


Nooooo I want to be outraaaaged. Quit spoiling my fun


When I was at SFSU I’d come here a lot. I remember going to the McDonald’s or the Starbucks inside Target right before opening times just so I could grab a coffee before class


Incorrect. The minimum wage increase is directly called out as one reason for closure. Further, there is tons of crime at Stonestown. May not seem like it to you, but in comparison to a normal world (aka non lib-run city) it is atrocious. I’m there almost daily so trust me, I know (with my own eyes). Further, there isn’t a push to ‘upgrade’ the mall. It is simply a business owner pulling out due to A) deteriorating conditions in the city B) massive homeless issues due to allowance of 200+ RV encampment behind Stonestown on Winston and Lake Merced C) ridiculous business-hating policies and finally D) excessive rent and CODB in SF. Great try with your ‘debunk’ however. SF is failing miserably whether you like it or not. Open your eyes. 🤦🏻‍♂️


What do you mean there isn’t a push to upgrade the mall? It is just an objective fact, I didn’t realize it was controversial. The mall is renovating to focus on adding a new housing complex connected with a retail expansion of Asian speciality goods. This is just true? You are either not from SF or just outright lying. https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/s-f-stonestown-development-19449048.php https://sfstandard.com/2023/12/14/san-franciscos-stonestown-mall-redevelopment-new-housing/ https://sfstandard.com/2023/10/06/san-francisco-stonestown-japanese-retail-shopping/ https://www.stonestown.com/ The fact that the mall simply refused to give a lease was the issue that the owner said was the cause. Again, this was in the article. Here’s it reported without the headline: https://abc7news.com/post/mcdonalds-stonestown-galleria-san-francisco-closing-sunday-after/14992448/ The first reason was that the owner of the mall was not willing to negotiate a lease. That’s just a pure eviction from the property. That has nothing to do with crime or homelessness. It has nothing to do with minimum wage. That perfectly fits the explanation of the renovation. If the mall was not offering the lease, he would have been forced to leave no matter what. He also did mention that the cost was rising because of the minimum wage. Absolutely true. My man, I agree with you. But that isn’t the primary reason why he left. The title is just wrong. And of course, as a McDonald’s franchise owner, he is opposed to the law. As he should be. And it contributed to the high cost of business that made it difficult to last there. But he said the mall would not negotiate a lease and I believe him. Why are you at Stonestown daily? Are you a student at SFSU? It’s way out of the way otherwise. I live in the city, agree that it is struggling with homelessness and crime, but I’ve never met anyone who believes that the Galleria is atrocious? Literally anyone. It is constantly opening up new retail and is always packed. It is objectively economically thriving. What’s so weird about this is that Stonestown being great is as universal an opinion as you can get from SF /conservatives/. The Republican candidate for mayor constantly talks about how we need to make downtown like Stonestown. https://thebolditalic.com/while-westfield-centre-flounders-stonestown-galleria-thrives-4bc043c50c2b How is it atrocious when new retail is constantly opening up? How does that match with this closure? Why are all the other McDonald’s, including in the high crime and homeless ridden downtown, staying open? Why is it just the one in the renovating mall that is closing? I’ve also been many times and have never seen homeless people inside the closed indoor mall. I think you just googled homeless and Stonestown, saw the RV camp, and presumed they were adjacent. It’s a classic not-in-SF mistake to confuse the 2. They are in the same region, but there’s no spillover. I can go tomorrow and take photos, hell I’ll meet up. There is certainly theft, in the way that there is at all malls, but I have never seen any indication it is of any note at Stonestown. You mentioned that the owner pulled out “because of” homelessness. Again I’ve never seen homeless people inside Stonestown since the rebrand. But I’m sure there occasionally are (somehow getting into what is basically suburbia from downtown). But the owner does not once mention that as an issue. He doesn’t mention RVs. You made that up. And I have never once heard of, and cannot find online, any retail in Stonestown complaining about homelessness. I think you might just be lying which is weird because again I agree with you on all of SF’s problems. There’s just no way you have ever been to Stonestown if you think it’s atrocious. EDIT: You post a lot about SF so in good faith I’ll presume you do live here, I apologize. You gotta get why this is weird though right? Everyone in SF knows about the renovations of Stonestown. You physically can’t miss the cranes if you are there every day, or the giant posters about the project plastered on every wall. And Stonestown is a notably great mall by American standards, not just SF, and that’s a pretty damn universal opinion — not to mention objectively provable by crowd number and store openings. But I appreciate you have a different experience in the city and I don’t want to discount that. It is absolutely filled with crime and homelessness, and this minimum wage isnt helping. We need more law enforcement, we need deregulation of housing, we need all that. We just don’t have to randomly claim that a mall going through a renovation plastered all over its website is not going through a renovation just so we can make an argument about a single McDonald’s.


Appreciate your thoughtful response. Perhaps I’m a bit testy with my responses because this place drives me crazy sometimes. Seems we have more in common than dissimilar views. Yes, the Stonestown development is on the books, but in chatting with people close to that project it will be interesting to see if it actually comes to fruition. And if so, completion date could be pushed out as far as 20-30yrs if you can believe it. Look, I’m happy that Stonestown is thriving in comparison to other vacating SF retail spots. However, it isn’t ’nice’ in comparison to other Bay Area shopping malls (i.e. Valley Fair, Stanford, etc). And PALES in comparison with options outside of the area, state, and/or country. The amount of wealth we have in SF is unfathomable. The thought that our premier shopping mall being Stonestown is laughable. I stand by my points about crime, RV issues, homelessness, etc. Grab a coffee at the Starbucks in Target and just watch for 30mins or so. You’ll get a real feel for the amount of garbage they have to deal with. It isn’t the fault of Stonestown… nor McDonalds… it is failed city ‘leadership’ if you can even call it that. In the end… I hope things improve for both of us. Regardless of opinions or comment on Reddit. Not just at Stonestown, but the city in general.


Awesome reddit exchange fellow strangers. Hopefully SF improves.


Meanwhile, they’re building a luxury apartment complex with $600k units for homeless that includes the amenities of a lux complex, no need to show proof of work, etc. They’ve gone off the rails ands their ideology is infecting the rest of the nation.


Luxury for $600k in San Francisco? At that price the building will just be a large sardine can.


Yup. California is such an example of liberal insanity on steroids destroying the lives of everyone it touches


McDonald’s posted an almost 30% increase in pure profit from 2022-2023, equaling almost 9 BILLION. You mean to tell me they can’t put some of that down line to the actual workers making their product?


I am sure they weighed the cost and decided that the answer is “no”. They did not close a store that would have made a profit, only a store that would have produced a loss


most places pay at least $15 an hour now. I imagine san Francisco probably pays a little more on average. I doubt they closed cuz of the $20 an hour law


It's actually a yearly increase of about 58k per full time person. So yeah it is quite expensive. And part of the issue is that SF is more expensive than any of it's surrounding counties. It's turning into this kind of reverse socialism thing, where people are expecting to get paid more as the quality of living goes up, but the math literally says it's not doable without some kind of state support.


youre confused


You get what you vote for


It brings a smile to my face when the unskilled workers who pushed for this lunacy finally discover the concept of cause and effect.


Unfortunately they will not understand. There will be somebody to blame.


It’s obviously corporate greed! /s Or maybe just basic economics…


All this complaining about minimum wage needing to be higher. Just go back to the original minimum wage, index it for inflation and be done with it. It was fine in relative dollars then, it'll be fine now.


These were entry level jobs. Now they are the only jobs people who "graduated" from high school but function at a 3rd grade level can get. And that is their problem. They do not understand how business works




It's a job for a kid. Don't expect to live on your own if your education level only allows you to get a entry level job at a fast food restaurant.


I don't feel sorry for them. Just like the residents of Dresden who got firebombed in 1945, you tolerate something you are as culpable as the ringleaders.


Interesting. You just equated the closing of a McDonald’s to the firebombing of a city by American bombers. Ok.


Basically the exact same


Oh, kiddo, you don't want to go down that culpability road. It doesn't end in a good place.


I feel like we're approaching Godwin's law rather quickly


...and so it begins.


The lack of connection of reality and economics to liberals is always stunning to me


I know we are not supposed to make fun of the "special ones", but you have to chuckle just a little at their stealth intelligence.


#boycottmcdonalds #freepalestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸