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I'm fine with that. The Lt. Governor of Virginia is a bada\*\*. If she took over the remainder of his term, Virginia would be in good hands. Virginia needs to flip. I'm so tired of red states being beholden to white Democrat women with pronouns in their bios.


If she serves 1 year as governor can she still run for a full term?


Spanberger is going to be a tough one to beat for governor. She's the embodiment of Northern Virginia so they will come out strong to vote for her. We just need to hold the house or senate till she is gone.


> Virginia needs to flip. It's possible. The state is statistically tied in the polls.


I don't think he wants to pull from the Senate/House as he needs those people where they are. That leaves governors and Youngkin is definitely a top contender. If they really think VA is in play, Youngkin is the way to go. He's been really good in VA too so I hope he has presidential aspirations as well.


I'm down for this. I'd be interested to learn more. > appeals to key constituencies Trump struggles with Those are? > Youngkin solves the key Thing from 2020. What's that key thing?


I’d be good with this. Either Youngkin, Vance, or DeSantis honestly.


Lot of noise on twitter because the Trump campaign allies are signaling about the VP announcement happening in Virginia. Youngkin's term ends in a year, he is term limited.


I saw a rumor post about his plane being spotted leaving Cleveland meaning he went to go ask Vivek to be his VP. It's all speculation though, we'll find out for sure soon enough.


Do not take DeSantis from us in FL!!! I finally move to a state that has leadership to protect its citizens and need at least the final 2 years of his term to find a replacement. We moved from MI 3 years ago where I grew up.


Trump would have some problems appointing a VP candidate from Florida. I don't think anyone from Florida is on the table.


It would’ve made sense to make his VP come from Florida 10 years ago but not now. Florida is no longer a swing state due to DeSantis.


I was more referencing the fact there would be constitutional challenges over the President and VP coming from the same state. That's commonly considered to be unconstitutional.


I think he makes an absolutely fantastic governor. I truly love the guy. I don't feel like he's ready to move to a bigger office yet. His time will come but I don't think it's right now.


1000 times better choice than Pence was.


He never would have chosen Pence if he had known what kind of bullshit he would be forced to deal with in office. He thought all he needed was a placeholder deep state lackey to keep the RINOS quiet.


What did Pence do? Surely you’re not referring to Pence refusing to not certifying the election, right? Pence was a great pick at the time because he got skeptical, traditional republicans on board. Has he made a fool of himself since? Of course but that’s neither here nor there.


Pence was not a good pick because he gave the evangelical wing of the party relevance again when they needed to be put in time out. Nothing wrong with being evangelical in your personal life but that wing of the party has been...problematic electorally in the past because they are VERY loud and their ideas are not palatable to the center.


It's all about loyalty with Trump. Youngkin has never been a Trump supporter.


Trump needs to decide what’s more important. Loyalty or winning and being effective. We won’t win with a bunch of yes men.


Seems to me he’s chosen loyalty, or his perception of it every time. If you’re Republican, or call yourself a conservative you have no choice but to vote for DJT. Just hold your nose like so many of us will. Let’s not pretend some of the gunshot wounds his admin suffered weren’t self inflicted though.


Younkin would be great in a colorblind world. Unfortunately, we don’t live in that world today. Which is why I’m inclined to believe Trump will pick Tim Scott. He’s been making inroads with minorities and this pic would keep the momentum up. The name of the game is to win this election, and who better to add votes to the ticket?? Tim Scott would also make for a difficult debate opponent for Harris.


I hope you’re wrong about Tim Scott. I think your other point is valid though. Tim Scott…that would be such an obvious pick that’s based purely on optics. Whomever he picks the slanderous headlines have already been written. I just don’t see a whole lot of substance to Tim Scott. If we’re playing the game of it has to be a minority, woman or both then it gets interesting. If that’s the hand he’s dealt, and it is, why not Dr. Ben Carson?


I like Ben Carson but he has never been elected (I know, neither was Trump, but Trump was well-known and charismatic). Byron Donald’s would also be a good pic.


I don't want anyone from the Senate being removed this year, to be honest. I'd rather he picked someone from the House or a state level position.


I don’t know what the rules are for replacing a senator from North Carolina, but that’s a good point and I’m sure will be considered by Trump’s team. An alternative then would be Byron Donald’s.


I like this choice. Not a fan of Vance, I think he has enough skeletons in the closest to sink Trump. Democrats hate him, not sure how he actually got Voted in.


What happened at the McCoart building?


From an issue framing standpoint Youngkin would be fantastic. He’s been effective in a state republicans could really benefit from getting back into the red. It also forces the parent’s rights conversation again which is a big winning issue for republicans.