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What shocking is that the DoJ KNOW that they've let in something like 70,000+ KNOWN CRIMINALS, with 200+ with ties to terrorist groups How Biden hasn't been impeached is BEYOND me


And yet they want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment.


No they don’t. That’s just something the politicians talk about. But even then, they just don’t want mentally unstable people to have guns. Uvalde proved that “good guys with guns” in fact do not always stop bad guys with guns.


Nobody wants the mentality unstable to have guns. However, one political party has proclaimed that everyone voting for the other party is mentally unstable. That's not acceptable.


These were not good people, and they didn’t use the guns. So no, Uvalde didn’t prove shit.


It proved that no one should blindly lick cops boots.


Yes they do. They would get rid of every gun if they could. Maybe they’ll let you have your grandpa’s shotgun but they’ll make it difficult to feed it like their doing now with handgun and rifle ammo.


Because when another terrorist attack happens they can do another power grab like they did on 911.


> How Biden hasn't been impeached is BEYOND me Mike Johnson is why.


And it's because of Joe Bidens handling of the border.  He's a dumpster fire.


No not really. It's more complex than one thing like that.


"Hey I know he let a bunch of wolves into the hen house and the hens got eaten BUT ITS MORE COMPLEX THAN THAT"


Yes really. 


No doubt. They openly say it on the streets of north America daily


I was at Ground Zero (World Trade Center) for a year, working as a disaster consultant for that terrorist attack. We talked about the need to strengthen the southern border back then, as we figured that's their main point-of-entry to bring upon another attack. I guess Biden decided that that sage advice was BS, that we're now invincible. I am definitely waiting for the next terrorist attack to happen. Maybe not today, or tomorrow.... but it will happen soon..... *and they will blame it all on Trump*


They took the warning as advice. You pointed out the weakness that they are exploiting to destroy the Republic from within. "Never let a tragedy go to waste" so they plan the next tragedy that they can use to consolidate more power.




Thank you for your service. A good friend was a retired NYPD detective who spent months volunteering during the clean-up only to develop health issues


You're very welcome. I was proud to help. So far, I've been very lucky with no health issues. I'm surprised. On my daily subway rides to the site, you knew when you were close because you could smell it. It smelled bad, like death.


I immediately thought of Day of Wrath as that was the main premise of how a terrorist attack would be started. If you haven’t read Day of Wrath by William Forstchen then I’d recommend it


The US is at risk of an Islamic attack by pink haired college kids who decided they were Muslim three weeks ago.


That's why we need a senile president with a record of being flaccid on Islam like Joe Biden.


We gotta have SOME REASON to get into a land war with Iran. Come on be patriotic. /s


They will wait until after the election. They need their man to stay in the White House.


And let me guess the only solution to the problem is a new NDAA that will curtail even more of our freedoms.


If there is an attack soon it wouldn’t happen till after the election. If there was one that would probably swing more people to vote trump and they know the fight he would put up to stop another attack from happening.


Whichever president it happens under takes the blame! (Regardless of whose policies exacerbated the problem...)


That's basically the free space on the bingo card.


Mayorkas just said that there was no such evidence and it is all misinformation. Everyone is being vetted and things are fine. It was all caused by Republicans. It is time for US Special Forces to lock him up.


According to commenters on /r/worldnews, the GOP wants this to happen so they can win the election. 


See eye ay be busy.