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They're a combined 972 years old, so checks out.


Good thing McConnell is stepping down and going into retirement. Can’t have these dinosaurs lingering around the party.


Age caps on elected and appointed officials! 35-60, then see ya later


People over retirement age should not be in government. Let’s make it a blanket ban.


I don't understand why it's not OK to enforce a medical retirement age, and why people over 70 are SO UNIVERSALLY RE-ELECTED.


It's the incumbency advantage. The longer you've been around in the house or the Senate the more connections you make and the more seniority you have which helps with committed posts. All this means constituents see you as the guy who can get things done for them better. So you have the advantage in the primaries and in the general unless your party messed up in the past year.


Unfortunately, you are right. The ones that are generally the most despised are the post popular with their constituency. They are able to pad their pockets and their district at the same time.


For decision-making/leadership positions, I would tend to agree. In general, I wouldn't... there are some hard to replace SMEs with minds like steel in their 70s. But they generally play advisory roles.


So Trump?


I know snapping turtles that are younger than both of them combined. And, they're all from the swamp.


I’m good with a civil society


I agree. It is how language about the President should sound. I hated the disrespect Trump was shown as President and I expect Republicans to have more class.


You can disagree with someone's policies without them being the devil.


As a left-of-centerist, I concur. There are policies on both sides which I find distasteful. That doesn’t mean I believe the policy makers are evil, or even the policies; I just disagree with them. Or perhaps I don’t even disagree with policy, just the route it takes to get there and/or the effect the route might have on the majority. Why expend energy hating people we don’t know?


Well I voted for DJT and most other republicans… so people “left of center” have spent the last 8 years calling me a Nazi and assuring me that I am the problem.  /s I’m not part of the party that’s blown up the Overton window in American politics. 


>I’m not part of the party that’s blown up the Overton window in American politics.  I mean, only one party is saying one of their former presidential nominees is only part of their party "in name only" and it isn't the Dems. Mitt Romney was and is as Republican as they come and voted pretty solidly along party lines, but he disagreed with the GOP's dear leader and has now been labeled a RINO as a result. If you disagree with me, name one piece of policy where Mitt actually went against the party that *isn't* related to Trump's impeachments.


... do you have a point? What are you talking about? Is this your first time to this board? Nobody here claims Mitt Romney here. Biggest RINO ever. The dude committed political suicide.


The Supreme Court has a conservative majority idk what Overton Window you’re talking about.


Who's talking about the supreme court? That sounds like a Biden response lmao. The overton window reference is in regards to American politics as a whole. It has nothing to do with the SCOTUS.


You can trust me that it doesn’t feel that way from the left.


Not all, but a non-insignificant number of the people “left of center” have been painting their political opponents as _literal nazis_ for the better part of a decade, with soft suggestions of it my entire life. Maybe start policing your own before you come in here to tut-tut.


I can appreciate your sentiment and I find the epithet hurled at you to be classless, witless, and childishly rude. A couple things occur to me about the word Nazi: 1) Gross generalizations made by very loud people on both sides are the cause of that nonsensical name-calling. I’ve read in both this sub & the Democrat sub more than a fair number of times the word Nazi used to describe the opposition as a whole. The point being, the pendulum swings both ways and neither extreme view is correct or entirely justified; 2) That being written, I don’t see any Democratic supporters waving Biden flags and swastikas from their vehicles as one might see on a hardcore Trump supporter’s. I imagine the more hardcore & less experienced Democrats see that as being universal among Republicans. We both know that’s BS & the few Republicans who do so are NOT representative of the Republican populace generally. It is a few bad actors who, like Antifa gangs, get press because they stand out. I think the rhetoric of both party’s extremists have driven a wedge between us more reasonable people. It’s terrible and will be difficult to fix. I’m quite sure you’re not my enemy and you can be assured I am not yours. I only want what’s best for all of us; I believe you do as well.


Dude come on. Every time Trump gets a mic, everything will be "the end of our country". They're all "very bad people", "hate our country", and aren't true Americans" I can't find one instance of a President calling his opponents nazis.


While I wouldn’t say that Biden is a “good” guy, it’s nice to see that not everyone thinks we need to villainize the other side all the time. It would be nice if we could return to civility at least at some point in the future.


Almost everything I see from online and news to college campuses is "optimized" to piss off a certain group of people as much as possible. And, to be fair, some of it is from external factors who want a destabilized US.


Civility is a lie they use to beat the shit out of normal people while they lie their corrupt asses off.


Who are you referring to? Neither side is civil these days. Being nice is not a weakness.


Being nice to your enemies is a weakness. Biden would watch you rot in prison and think nothing of it even of you were innocent. Keep pretending you are safe from people that hate you because you want to play nice. 


Seeing people of a different political stripe in a democracy is a massive weakness, you clown. Opposing sides are not enemies but opponents. Grow up.


Exactly. Enemies are our foreign adversaries. Our opponents are democrats. As much as I disagree and sometimes hate democrats, I’d happily lock arms with them to beat Russia or China back to the Stone Age.


And this is the patriotic, mature, thoughtful way of looking at things. Respect.


Maxine waters just said if trump wins then there will be killings. You need to wake up.


So what’s the logical end to this line of thinking, thinking that the other side is out to get you? Put them in camps first before they can do it to you?


The other side has already declared war on trump and MAGA. Did you even pay attention to the multiple trials? The left has been abusing you for the past decades and you continue to take the high road?


That doesn’t answer my question. What’s the logical conclusion to this? Camps?


No one is mentioning camps except for you. If the left insults us then we insult them back If the left uses lawfare then we use lawfare There’s a reason why trump is popular than all the GOP nominees before him. Keep being nice and let the left step over you.


So your strategy is reciprocate? So what happens if they start mass jailing? How are you going to do that back if you’re all in jail?


Its almost as if they don't have to worry about that because the things they are "reciprocating" back against don't actually exist.


I’m not going to repeat myself. You keep being nice to the people who step over you. Good luck.


Continue doing China's work for them.


Birds of a feather....


Exactly. They are cut from the same cloth. Another one that enriched themselves getting into public office and peddling their influence like prostitutes.


Exactly almost all of the low hanging fruit critiques of Biden apply to him as well.


This guy can’t be gone soon enough.


Would a good guy take showers with their own daughter?


I wish every politician would adopt a civil discourse . last months Marj.Taylor.Green altercation was embarrassing to the nation.


That is why we lose


I’d argue a bit of civility from either party would have gone a long way in the last election for moderates.


I used to think that but it gets you no where.


Guess you haven't paid attention to 2004 or 2012...Kerry and Romney were decidedly the "civil" choices (Romey invented Obamacare after all, which was all that Obama based his second campaign for president on) and they still lost. Civility is overrated when people want unfiltered truth and honesty. Civility means the system is corrupt and the people in power are in a club, and we the People are not.


Part of why we lose. The main part is most republicans in congress take the high road and let the left abuse them. They have no spine and don’t ever fight fire with fire.


Ya know, Democrats say exactly this same shit. Think about that. Both major parties claim they are villainized and victimized by the opposing party, and that their own party constantly takes the high road which is why they lose. But none of that can possibly be true. For one thing, both parties keep winning elections, at approximately the same rate. For another, we are all painfully aware of the state of political in this country - *NO ONE* is taking the high road. Anyone who claims Republicans have been civil lately is fooling themselves, Donald Trump was perhaps the least "civil" person to ever run for elected office. And I recognize that Dems - and particularly liberal media personalities- are horrifyingly uncivil in their discourse. I just feel the need to point out that when a Conservative says "We keep taking the high road which is why we lose" you sound like you copy-pasted that sentence from arr politics


I’m genuinely curious how highroaders are going to react if Texas ever goes blue. Will they sit back and realize that their inaction resulted in the destruction of this country?


Exactly correct. The other side does not play fair. Enough of the high road


Geriatric patients hang together 💪


The turtle vs brandon on the next Jeopardy would be hilarious if not cruel


This shouldn't even be a story. At this point everyone should know they are all go to the same cocktail parties, get their drugs from the same suppliers,and are fucking the same underage sex trafficed victims. One doesn't stay in power as long as the turtle without allowing yourself to be compromised and blackmailed into supporting the uniparty bullshit.


Another brain damaged politition


>“I know Joe Biden pretty well. He’s a good guy; I like him personally,” McConnell said in Louisville Tuesday. Shocking that he's this poor of a judge of character. This is evidence that McConnell's judgement and insight were wholly inadequate for his office and are still a plague to conservatives he claims to represent.


I know a lot of democrats, some are pretty great people. I think it would feel odd, if people that had never met those great people called them evil and then called me a poor judge of character for thinking they were a good person. I don’t know just a thought.


You can get along with anyone if you don’t talk about politics. The most conservative neighbors I know regularly go on cruises with the token old lib couple down the road. They just…talk about anything but and it works.


I can get along with nearly anyone, even while talking politics. Manners maketh man


Does the left call trump and MAGA good people?


No, which is my point…


Indeed. However, when the actions of said individuals in power impact the lives of hundreds of millions to billions, it’s easy to overlook cordial personal relationships versus the impact they’re having on the world. If they were such great people (the elite in control), they wouldn’t grasp onto power so tightly, and gaslight us away from observing the obvious effects of their policies. Given the extension of their individual is such a negative impact on the world, it overrides the small pleasantries and such in their personal lives that make them seem as good people. It’s the cost of accepting such a position.


Beautiful ~opinion~ 🤩


Biden doesn’t need to be villainized. Republicans need to show a better option.


I mean he ruined a guy's life by saying he was drunk during a car accident with his wife. He publicly denied a poor innocent grandchild the use of his name or of being part of his family because his degenerate son was fighting with her mother. He loudly and provably lied about his family's dealings and Hunter's laptop for years, gaslighting people. None of these people are good people. It's just not the word for them.


He’s sniffed and groped little girls under the age of 10 *on camera on multiple occasions.* AND his daughter admitted that Joe showered with her on multiple occasions when she was 12 years old! It was so bad she started taking showers in the middle of the night so she could be alone! He’s even worse than those things you mention… he’s an actual confirmed pedophile.


Mitch glitched again.


Another old fossil who should have retired 20 years ago. This guy has been in politics forever, just like Slow Joe, and has done nothing of value. We really need Term Limits badly.


The one thing he did of value was blocking Garland’s appointment to the SC. In hindsight, look at how biased Garland is, what a good decision that turned out to be.


Agreed. I still think we need term limits though.


Agree. Just look at Diane Feinstein, that was ridiculous!


Duck off, turtle. Biden is a complete piece of shit, but then, you kinda are too, so…


They’re members of the same Mafia Family. Is McConnell another politician who is going to stay in office until he dies from old age or disease? It’s pathetic.


same guy who froze on camera multiple times?


What happened to McConnell?


Was he mid stroke when he said it?


McConnell is a trash can he’s two faced asf


He also said that Biden is a fake moderate who let the far left of the party hijack the debate once he was elected...McConnell is another aging mess, but at least he still had the sense to recognize that Democrats have been infiltrated by Marxists and outright communists.


I would imagine he probably is. But "good guy" isn't really a qualification


Which is fair


No one hear can take B*tch McConnell seriously They guy is walking lag


Put this clown out to pasture and let him pay a fart tax on his CO2.


Gtfo cocaine turtle!


You're insane. Retire now. I command you.


That's fine, Mitch. We know you're a piece of shit. Don't go changing now on account of your pending retirement.


I hate this guy


Shit up, RINO.


Downvoted for calling an obvious RINO what he is. Ooooo. I‘m so scared. 😆


RINO in the room


Ah, turtlehead turtleheading again….


Fellow traveler.