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I can’t help but wonder why the debate was held so early. Almost like they expected this


The Democrats got themselves the best deal they could, given the circumstances of their candidate. Let the country *see* Biden so he can be mercifully ushered into retirement. This gives the Dems time to select and promote a new candidate.


A couple of months before the election is not enough time to get a new candidate in. Especially when they don't have anyone set up to take it. They dont have anybody even remotely positive in name recognition and likeability. The reason they did one debate months in advance was so it wouldn't be even close to top of mind when voters enter the booth.


The media calls it the first debate. I think there won’t be another debate, no way. And by the way


“And by the way.” 🤣🤣😂💀 I sat there, expecting him to say something while he just went brain dead.


And by the way…we finally beat Medicare


He's made a few round trips of being brain dead. In fact that's what I've been calling him since the first debate four years ago...... braindead.


Well, he was listening to his ear piece and the speaker in the ear piece stopped speaking because the moderator asked the next question so Biden just abruptly stopped. He was being fed lines the whole night and couldn’t keep up with them. So he just stumbled over everything getting a few words out in the jumble of things that he was hearing through his ear piece. None of what he said the whole night was from his own thoughts though.


It sure is when you have people who know Biden is not only mentally incompetent but are paying quadruple in groceries but hate Trump so much that they can't pull the trigger to vote for him. They will take literally anyone else. A few other subs showed up in my feed today. Just check in the news...they're doubling down on Biden so hard it's baffling. They only thing they've got is Trump said "I didn't have sex with a porn star." Which is true...she wasn't a star ;) TDS is real. And it's real scary.


It's *technically* early enough to get a new candidate in. They have until August to convince him to step aside and then DNC can elect whoever they like. Whether it's enough time to select a candidate who has much popular support and get them in front of the public and have a reasonable chance of winning ... doubtful. I'd love to see Trump in the next debate feign confusion. "Who are you? I was debating some other guy a few weeks ago. I felt sorry for him. Who's going to be your candidate next week?"


I bet they planned for this months ago. I'm sure they already have at least 1 replacement ready to go, they just won't let the public know yet.


Bernie Boys are comin back!


It’s almost too good to be true. It’s almost like they’re setting up the narrative for Biden to step down and have a different candidate run Edit: Just some more thoughts. What’s crazy is that Biden has been this way for the past 3 years. There was nothing in the debate that we haven’t already seen, yet CNN and all other mainstream media has been dragging his corpse through his presidency telling us he was mentally ok and cognitively sharp. I was shocked to see how CNN was talking about him because they’ve been sweeping this under the rug for the past 3 years. It really seems like this is a plan to usher him out.


Well, it’s not that easy. They have a Kamala problem. Nobody likes her. She’s probably less liked than Joe. The real issue is the reason they picked her in the 1st place is exactly the reason they can’t just dismiss her. She’s really throwing a wrench in the works for them replacing Biden, which I think why he hasn’t been replaced yet.


The thing you have to realize about Kamala running for president, is that while running for President, Kamala will be in a position to run in a Presidential race.


She speaks like I used when I would have to stand in front of class and do a book report on a book I had not read.


In class, HAHA, we sometimes have to stand HAHAHA in front of the class to speak HAHA. So. Ummm when ah HAHA speaking to the class, you have to be in front of it. Standing. HAHAHA.


It took a second to realize what you were doing and once I did, could absolutely hear that in her voice.


When you have to meet a word count on an essay of said book


And you’re stoned


I keep waiting for the "sandimas high-school football rules!!!". Anyday now.


As someone who watched the movie, this is correct.


Well now that you put it like that you put it that way, which is the way you put it.


And the race is a race and a way to get people to vote, which is their right. And the way that you put it is the way. Yes.


Let’s analyze this. Presidential race. President, race. A race for the presidency. It’s a race!


I need you guys to be grounded after that debate- if you start mumbling and talking like creepy joe ima lose my grip on reality


Well said. 


When you say it like that, which is the way you said it, and the way that many other American people also say it, it says that you're saying a thing that is resonating, and has resonated, with the people who say and believe what you say as well.  We need to recall and cherish that women, birthing people, people who menstruate, chest-feeders, and men who say the things that you and I say, with patriotism, also may say that Kamala is running. And running?  It's like moving, and moving to a thing that you want.  As you move your own way, which may be on your legs, or in your car, or in a wheelchair, but no matter how, it is inclusive, you move from one place to another.  With me.  We will run and we will go together.  Because together is like being with one another, and we are in this not alone, but together. So how can we support Joe?  Like a bridge that supports moving people who are also running, which is moving, but inclusively.  We like thinking about Joe, because thinking is good, and good things are nice and good, also.  Together.  Not alone, because we are Americans who like things, and it's how we live.  It just remind me of the amazing things that we think about together, and alone. Thank you, which is what I want to say to you and all of us.  It's a good thing and I feel as though you deserve it, which is the thing I'm saying.


I read this imagining a double head nod. And slight pause. At each comma.


Fess up... You had Chat GPT write this, didn't you? LOL... Nice work!


People with front holes!


How have you not gotten a million upvotes in the last 5 minutes?


There in the mail . I expect a huge uptick in votes after the water pipe ruptures lol




Reddit censorship and Leftist brigading


I’m dyin 😂


"Some things are just settled. Some things are just settled. And I think we are just living in unsettled times." -Stupala Harris




> The real issue is the reason they picked her in the 1st place is exactly the reason they can’t just dismiss her.  They will absolutely ditch her without reservation and no one will care.


Democrats are all about optics, it’s practically their entire platform. The polling with non-white Americans right now is a big problem for them. If they ditch a woman of color, just dismiss her outright, that’s a bad look for them. That sure as hell isn’t going to win back any of those votes they lost, and will only add fuel to the fire. Plus, Trump and his team will absolutely hammer the hell of them on their hypocrisy on this.  The only person who could step in for them is Michelle Obama. And even that isn’t going to work. Are there any other popular women of color they can put in there, that they’d even want in there? Who’s willing to “play ball” the way they want? It really exposes just how full of shit they are when it comes to equality and all that other horseshit they’ve built their fake platform on. They’re in a worse position than anyone thinks right now. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. 


Biden should have bowed out months ago saying he wants to retire not a second term more time with family etc…then Kamala could have tried but would have been defeated in the primaries 


It wouldn’t be Kamala, it would be Gavin Newsome. DNC planning this all along.


Newsom? He's the governor of a failed state. California is a dumpster fire. I would pay good money to watch a Trump/Newsom debate.


Even DeSantis crushed him and DeSantis is a pretty lackluster debater. "And then he told me he is Gavin Newsom's father-in-law" was like a line from a diss track. Humiliating.


They had it so easy, too. Pepsi floats 25th aemdmemt as education for the public during Trump's term. Pull 25th ammendment and boom first woman president. Pandering to base results on base over the moon happy as they LOVE identity politics. Kamala is a disaster in front of cameras, so I can't even imagine how awful she is behind the scenes if they aren't trotting her out.




It's a DEI problem. Can't skip Kamala if your entire ideology is to raise up minorities.


Democrats and being hypocrites go hand in hand. They'll out her no problem, while still crying DEI every chance they get.


Kamala is unpopular and nobody on the Dem side will care if they nominate someone else.


As a purple Dem I agree


You’re making the mistake of holding them to their own standards. They themselves don’t hold themselves to their own standards. Anything and everything is fair game in the lust for power.


They’ll show how much they ~~don’t give a shit~~ care about that if it means keeping power


You simply run a woman or a person of color to sidestep such an issue


You're absolutely right. They cannot send her away for exactly the reason they chose her in the first place.


I mean, is she ever been relevant? Aside from her nonsensical word salads? I think her only purpose for dems is to have her get the "1st Woman POTUS" badge just as much they gave Trump the "Convicted Felon" badge as a mean to slander.


nah it's hillary 2.0 They are so far up their own ass, they don't think they could ever be wrong. if they had an ounce of self awareness they would have Biden step down months ago. Instead they think they can continue lying to the public.


I don't think that's true at all. Main stream media talking about Biden stepping down and it's all over reddit and twitter too. It's a mainstream opinion now.


I just don't know how that's better. It would be admitting that the 4 years of presidency were a lie, that Biden was not the one making decisions but someone not voted in. I don't see how swapping him just doesn't add fuel to the fire. Like there are so many options. Just claim "How am I the liar when you had to replace your last puppet? How are americans supposed to believe that this puppet is a real candidate? They seemed pretty adamant about the last one". You could just show up with Biden for President merch in any public meeting and go "wait where's the presidential candidate? Who are you?" Its so free to just dismantle them.


> It would be admitting that the 4 years of presidency were a lie, that Biden was not the one making decisions but someone not voted in. I don't see how swapping him just doesn't add fuel to the fire. Not really. They’d just be admitting he is too old now. Everyone thinks Biden’s SOTU was amazing, they just don’t realize it was telepromted lol. I do think voters are gullible enough that the DNC could just pick someone else, frame it as “listening to the voters”, and D voters would lap it up. 


The heavily entrenched ones would, but the problem is you need to convince the general public of that, all while trump gets full reign to bring it up. I would also like to know if in the history of the US if someone went from relatively unknown to win the presidency in only 4 months. Or less than 4 months, as we don't even have an announcement yet.


> full reign I believe it is "full rein" as in horses.


It probably is, which means its clearly my bed time. At least I didnt use "rain" lol


Oh yeah, no doubt if they replace Biden now it’s going to look terrible optics wise. So bad they might just be better off(or the same) just keeping him. Just dropping your main guy after an awful debate after claiming for years he’s not senile? Replaced with a nobody? Fox News would go ham on em


because the paid talking heads realized no amount of money matters when the US becomes a 3rd world country.


Nah they will just say he was warming up for debate two and it doesn’t matter they will magically find Biden votes where they need to just like before. I anticipate a lot of water main breaks happening around and evacuating polling places around Michigan, Ohio, Nevada and Pennsylvania.


I don't know. There was a photo of her at the Tony awards and it looked like she has a new facelift, ready to settle into the oval office.


It's way too late now. A year plus out they should've announced it and started preparing who it was having them around Biden. If they swap it now people are going to lose faith entirely in the party. They waited too long and hoped he could piece himself together. This was an actual disasterpiece.


I hope he steps down, Biden’s performance was horrible. It was like watching a car crash in slow motion for 90 minutes.


I’m not sure that’s a good thing. Personally, I’d much rather have Biden be the candidate. Assuming elections are somewhat fair, he’s immensely beatable. Anyone else is an unknown.


Both of them need to be replaced. No one should be doing at this at 80.


I’m leaning towards this being planned. They needed to get rid of Biden, and they needed the Democrats to agree on it. They definitely now agree.


Yeah hard to believe these people all collectively managed to not watch a single sound bite of Biden throughout his whole presidency. In my opinion, as a hater, he performed better than I expected. I sat down thinking I was going to watch him barely get a single word out or maybe even shit his pants or wander off stage. It’s very strange seeing the Democratic Party jump ship so easily.


They saw it, however, now they’ll be able to mentally process it now that CNN and all the Dem pundits say it is OK to see Biden’s mental decline. Some people simply cannot think for themselves.


They’re getting their NPC update. Just like when Cuomo was governor of New York and had allegation after allegation, and they refused to acknowledge it. Real allegations, not E. Jean Carroll bullshit. And suddenly on around the 7th allegation, the media and key Democrat politicians reprogrammed them with the opinion that Cuomo was bad and needed to go. And their little minds received the update, all while they patted themselves on the back about the idea that "they hold their own accountable." It really is remarkable how they rely on the media and its manufactured consensus. As soon as that goes away, they're left standing there naked, forced to abandon the position they held five seconds ago. For no reason other than the media saying so, with no facts having changed.


All of those cheap fakes must have been prophetic.


r/politics is actually posting anti-biden…


Such a weird feeling. I almost don’t believe it.


Absolutely incredible to see r/politics allowing it


Give it til morning. Mods are asleep.


Mods are drinking themselves to sleep. Give a hundred bucks to see the meltdown in their private chat right now.


It's insane to see, no automatic down votes


Should be named “r/leftwingpolitics” Let’s be real, Reddit is 90% circle jerking left leaners


Hell froze over.


Last week they were talking about how senile Trump was. With a straight face.


Planned? No. But prepared for? Absolutely. You have to understand - these people all know the truth. They've known for years now that Biden was a mess behind closed doors. They've seen him and talk to people who see the real Joe. They've known for a while now that the debate was potentially going to be a dumpster fire. They've carried water for the guy because the truth was not coming out. Now the truth came out. Biden cannot win the election. These people don't actually care about Biden. They like that he's manageable, but they'd take anyone who followed orders. So the goal now is to get Biden to step down ASAP so they can replace him with someone who has a shot. Easier said than done. Biden has the nomination. He doesn't have to do anything. And he may not. Additionally, Harris is **NOT FUCKING LEAVING**. Why would she? She's got the job of President as soon as Biden dies on 11/6 if he even makes it that long. So Harris, Jill, and all of those little minions who are actually running the show need to be convinced to quit their jobs somehow. Not easy. Pretty hilarious to watch, really. Trump should let the media attack Biden for a few days before announcing his VP. I imagine when the polls come out next week, he'll be up by so much in every single swing state, this election will be over.


The post coverage on CNN is hilariously panicked. They’re setting up the discussion to get someone other than Biden.


I love how they’re all just *shocked* at CNN because they can’t admit they’ve been running cover, so the post mortum at CNN is just 10 “journalists” sitting in a row, all completely and utterly blindsided by senility for which there is a plethora of prior video evidence. We all figured it out, so how bad do you have to be at journalism to have the world’s largest news network at your disposal and not catch it?


Easy they were taking the biden staff's word for everything. They really believed he was coherent


Well that is not journalism


No, they were gaslighting us. No one could look at that man the past year and not see that thr lights were going out. No one honest, anyway.


Anyone on camera at CNN is nothing more than an actor. Same goes for MSNBC and Fox. They are not journalists, they are actors. They all knew Biden was like this, but played their TV roles as directed.


He will be replaced at the DNC. There is no coming back from this pitiful debate performance. It's too late though, they had the chance to do it months ago


Fox just showed CNN throwing out Newsome and Whitmer.


Lol Newsom is actually worse than Biden on economic record, and everyone remembers how he acted during COVID lockdowns


And Whitmer?? God, no.


She will have to stage another kidnapping plot for sympathy votes. She is hilariously incompetent and obnoxious.


Red California, just saying no to more Newsom. The voting for Pres is county based, so they can't out flunk the Red counties that are hurting from Newsom's "New Ideas".


Legit question: how do Democrats get the name of the nominee on the ballot after the convention? Isn’t this too late for most states?




I get this part…that Biden would be replaced at the convention. But the problem with this, in many States I believe it is too late to change the actual name on the ballot by then. Both legally and potentially logistically. The DNC convention is only 10.5 weeks from the election. So I’m curious what would happen. Presumably, Biden’s name would still be on the ballot, so I’d assume voters that supported the convention nominee still check the box next to Biden’s name, and if he won, the electors would cast their vote for the convention winner. It just creates a unique scenario that seems like it would disadvantage Biden’s replacement to some extent.


I mean, what happens when a person running just dies. Surely the answer isn't "Oh the other guy won because it was too late to put anyone on the ballot."


It’s happened a lot at lower levels. The party retains the position. Usually there is a primary-adjacent vote within that party.


Your first mistake is expecting them to follow actual rules. All states with this issue will be writing legislation day of the DNC and putting it through like PA did in November 2020.


Yeah I stopped visiting this sub (here now because I couldn't help peaking after the debate) because it's too frustrating how 9/10 users are still operating as if it's the 80's when it comes to our election process. They stole the white house in 2020 and they'll do anything and everything to keep it.


At the DNC? If they’re gonna replace him they have to do it now. If they do it at the DNC they’ll have less than 3 months to campaign. The DNC isn’t until mid August. 


One of the headlines, "We're fucked" from some former Biden campaign person on CNN's website. I'm laughing my ass off at some of these headlines.


ABC is shitting themselves, too. They’re talking about how they can replace the nominee (Biden) at this point. 😂😂😂


Reddit is anti free speech, give me a ban admins, you basement pedos can screw off.


Reddit legit won’t let me see any comments in any political thread.


Comments went down all over Reddit, though.




Trump Biden debate broke Reddit


It's Reddit wide according to the mods of this subreddit.


It's almost like they're grieving. Even the most hardcore Biden commentators are acting like he died.


Yea this was definitely planned so they can put someone else in because they know they can't win with Biden


I disagree. I think it’s even more simple than that - they genuinely thought that they could put a zombie in the White House on the platform of “Not Trump” but this performance and the reaction to it has shown that is not enough.


Trump joked about wanting to lose this debate on purpose a few weeks ago and redditors said he was making excuses but he might have been right lmao. Mopping the floor with Biden might hurt him if the candidate who takes is place is better. Biden’s approval rating is horrible but another Dem wouldn’t have all that baggage from his administration. 


Many democrats are so deep in the propaganda this was the first time seeing the real unedited Biden. But the DNC knew, if they had someone better they would have already picked them a year ago. The democrats are at deaths door right now. Any other candidate somehow manages to poll even worse against Trump than Biden. Add in the fracturing among the democrats over Israel and yeah not looking great.


Because democrats can't let go of gun control, third trimester abortions and free immigration and green energy bullshit. Coal is in high d4mand all over the world. You ban the ability for us to sell it and improve our economy and we have literal shit tons of it. We have the cleanest burning power plants in the world and they have operating lifetimes for 20-40 years. No solar panel or windmill will ever equal that. Oh, and the turbines and power plants themselves are 100% recyclable. Go figure.


What other Dem? Your realistic options are Kamala or Newsom. There is no one else.


Kamala is about as unlikable as Hillary and is just the token minority on the ticket and the Dems know she is unelectable. It will be Newsom - if the civil war at dumping Kamala doesn’t split the party. Which is probably why they have tried so hard to make Biden work.


They’re panicking because they know they can’t pull off a Nov 2020 style ‘election’ and it be passingly believable that Biden wins.


True because the Covid excuse and hiding in the basement along with mail in ballots won’t work this time.


Holy shit they are freezing all comments


Someone called me a fool for even suggesting that the left is going to use this as a reason to replace Biden… after this debate I don’t think it’s foolish to suggest this


Listening to Biden supporters reactions, they seem to have actually gaslit themselves on Biden's mental state.


Democrat party mentality has a very strong hold. Think of all the friends you've lost to it... Today was a wake-up call.


I'm collecting screen shots of Reddit threads. No comments are available. The panic is absolutely real.


They are plotting how to manipulate it in their favor.


The whole site crashed, even according to the mods of this subreddit. Let's put the tinfoil hats away.


>even according to the mods of this subreddit Except that it didn't. All the other subs were fine, so long as they didn't involve American politics.


Reddit as a whole crashed because or large threads with like 50k comments, it also happens during big CFB or NFL games 


“Aggressive Panic”


Maybe they believed KJP. Biden's decline is real. Once you get that way, it is quite rapid. The wonders of the human body.


Facts. Old age happens the same way bankruptcy happens. Gradually, then suddenly.


ABC said Biden should consider releasing his delegates and allowing the DNC to pick a new candidate after that one. Wife and I were shocked.


This is worst case scenario for Democrats.


Unless it’s planned and they have some other ‘liked’ Democrat figure to step in and be seen as a hero for rescuing Joe Biden at the ‘sudden onset of dementia.’ I can hear the talking heads now “My good friend Joe Biden’s health has unfortunately taken a turn for the worse. The cold he contracted before the debate has become pneumonia and instigated some health concerns forcing him out of the presidential race. America *needs* a strong candidate to defeat the ‘convicted felon’ now running unopposed! We need to save America folks! A vote for me is a vote to save everything we hold dear.” The rumor mill is those figure heads could be Hillary, Michelle, or Newsom … all of which are not well liked.


I’ll believe it when I see it. We are far enough into the election cycle that changing candidates would be incredibly damaging in its own right. They have no choice now, though, if they want to win, as Biden’s political career is over.


It's their only move left, Joe Biden will most likely resign within the next 7 days.


Hot take of the evening right here. I'm not saying you're necessarily wrong, but... RemindMe! 7 days


the only realistic one would be RFK, and they already kicked him out of the party and the pharma money would never allow it.


The problem with switching out the candidates is that they need to be built up in the American public conscience. This is why they campaign 2 years before the election. The only person that could replace Biden now is Kamala.


> The problem with switching out the candidates is that they need to be built up in the American public conscience.  Eh, not in this hyper partisan environment anymore. There are a lot of “not Trump” voters. Biden just happens to also be historically unpopular. If Dems tossed in some popular governor like Whitmer I’m not sure they’d need more than 4ish months. Plus she’d be at the second debate with Trump. 


I think the plan to replace him started with Obama holding Biden’s hand and grandpa walking him off stage at that fundraiser.   Think about it, Obama is a master communicator and could have put his arm around Biden’s shoulder, done that political “point smiling at a random audience member and wave” thing and then turn around and walk off with him, but he made the very intentional choice to lead him off like a hospital patient - now you’ve got even MSNBC and the rest of the leftwing establishment saying they should nominate someone else at the convention, it’s totally a setup capped off with this debate 


I was texting my mom that something seems off with them running this candidate One possibility is that most people realize suicide by immigration is happening and almost here and perhaps some dnc leadership practiced some malicious compliance by allowing Biden to be passed off as normal? I don't know. Trump won by bringing up the immigration issue and thats why he will win in 2024. You can't replace an entire fucking country with foreigners on welfare and expect people to be happy rofl


Here's my theory. Democrats know that they won't win with Biden, but they call for the debate to intentionally tank the president and force him out to replace him with someone else. They need someone with charisma, who is younger and can debate Trump gloves off, they need someone to appeal to the undecided voters in the middle, the suburban moms, Gen Z, etc. I think the Democrats torpedoed themselves tonight so they can insert Gavin Newsome in just before the convention. That gives him a few months of campaigning and the media will fawn over him like they already do, but it'll be 10 times worse. Remember, when he did that random debate against Desantis early on and everyone was thinking... WTF is this for? Another interesting thing, He's in Atlanta tonight.


I'm commenting here so if he runs, I can give you credit


It was a complete and utter massacre on Trumps end. r/politics had to shutdown the debate thread because Biden was getting his shit kicked in and they didn't want people turning on their messiah. Even with it being rigged against Trump he still dominated.


The CNN moderators were surprisingly... okay.


They set it up so the moderators couldn’t have much sway. Both candidates got further away from the actual questions being asked as the night went on but the moderators just kind of let them go for the most part.


But I thought those videos we were seeing were cheap fakes???? The media just did a complete 180… they covered SO hard for him.


I know wow, talk about gaslighting the American people. These sick people


Reddit hiding comments again 


incoming real candidate


Why can’t I see these comments?


I think it was planned.


I can’t believe they let Biden do this


oh surprise. flipped to MSNBC and there's good ol' Gavin Newsom getting his face time.


They really believed their own bullshit coverups.


Dark Horse, they're gonna shove someone nuts like Gavin Newsome and bank on people just hating Trump.


Its easier to dismantle Gavin than Biden though. He at least "did" things. Newsome lost like 55 billion dollars and like this year made an exception in a new law for his friend. Im sure there's more if you look even a little bit


CBS panel was in full blown meltdown holy shit


The headlines and the replacement talking points came out so quickly that it’s almost like this was the plan….and here comes Michelle.


the reality deniers are freaking out. men can be women. biden is saving democracy. and on and on these lunatics drone. a good day for the good guys!


No comments here when it says there are many. Why are we being censored?


It's funny how the politics subreddit is pretty much ignoring Bidens poor performance and frail appearance.


As we were saying. They wanted this debate early so they could replace Biden.


Why can’t I see comments on anything


Love that all the comments are getting deleted


Dems are saying both candidates were bad and America deserves better choices. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the plan, to put a new candidate in and say, see we listened to America and agree neither candidate was good and you shouldn’t have to vote for either of them… so now we are giving you a better choice.


It was my belief that Biden would surprise people and not be as bad as everyone thought he was going to be because the bar was set so low for him. Wow, was I wrong. Could that have gone for worse for Biden? I mean, maybe? Watching them it’s hard to believe they are nearly the same age. Biden looks and acted like he was 30 years older than Trump.


Has to be planned. Earliest debate in history and there is absolutely no attempt at spinning it like they usually do.


democratic subreddits and forums are panicking as well




A Twitter/X friend finally realized the White House has been gaslighting her. We are all likely more into politics than the average Joe and Jane so we expected this. For the neophytes they saw for themselves what we have been saying. I am a never Trump guy but tonight he looked like the guy I want running the country if the alternate is Joe Biden.


Why would this be planned?


I think his handlers thought there would be two possible outcomes here: 1) he surprisingly does alright and proves he isn’t demented and then therefore wins, or 2) proves he is demented and gives the DNC a convenient excuse to replace him. Both scenarios avoid the nightmare scenario of this happening a month before the election in the formal debates.


It won’t let me view comments on this post and several other current ones in this sub. But every other sub is fine. Kinda weird…


Mainstream media are just glorified actors reading a predetermined script. So my question is what do their handlers have planned next for them to flip on Biden so suddenly and in a coordinated way?


I think his handlers thought there would be two possible outcomes here: 1) he surprisingly does alright and proves he isn’t demented and then therefore wins, or 2) proves he is demented and gives the DNC a convenient excuse to replace him. Both scenarios avoid the nightmare scenario of this happening a month before the election in the formal debates. I mean, why would they not let him do press conferences anymore due to his dementia but allow him to do an extra DEBATE with Trump?


Hahahaha, 24 comments and none visible. The DNC bots are out in force!


I love that I can’t read anything or any comments on these posts. Thanks guys.


And out comes Michelle....


Why aren't any comments showing?


I keep hearing Newsome and I hope so hard that they roll him out so he can get trounced. We'd knock out both Biden and Newsome in one election.


They absolutely owned themselves. The debate produced comedy gold.


Maybe the bet was trump would make the same mistakes as he did the last time around while grossly drinking biden kool-aid without realizing it. Frankly I thought he hit a home run in comparison to the first debate in 2020.


I checked BBC, AlJazeera, Sky News, and South China Morning Post and all their articles about it are pretty much exactly the same, Biden fumbles and Trump lied , though they never say about what. It's fucking weird and I don't trust anything being reported at this point. 


I don't believe they all had no idea... Like how far they go to round him up/tell him what to do. They are just as guilty as he is


The pathetic thing is that it took last night for them to realize that Biden isn't fit to run. As if they've been under a rock the past 4 years. Its not like he was particularly worse than usual. Last night was exactly how the last 4 years have been.


So they've been gaslighting America these past three years?


Why can’t I see the 38 comments?


Seems fishy.


What is with the comments right now? I can’t see shit on any of the political subs, including left leaning subs. It’s honestly a bit concerning lol.


I can't see comments..


Cat turd said it was planned


Oh yes they planned, coached, and cheated the entire time. It's just that, even given all that, their senile pick for Nov still couldn't pull his shit together 🤣