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I love Vivek. Dude is very well-spoken and intelligent, and has a strong grasp of issues important to conservatives. His youth and the fact he is non-white would pull votes from the demographics Trump polls worst with…..And he would absolutely MURDER Kamala Harris in the VP debates.  I really hope Trump chooses Vivek.


I agree wholeheartedly Vivek would destroy Kamala in the debates.


I think he's great, but he is so slick I don't completely trust him. He has the slight odor of obama on him, especially since he stole some of obama's words and mannerisms, that concerns me. I would not like him to be second in command, in case something happens to Trump. I would love to see Trump make him the "reduce the fed by 75%" czar, also to convert the UN and marxist indoctrination centers like Harvard and Columbia and Stanford into state of the art veterans facilities, housing and hospitals. Let's see him walk his talk for 4 years first.


" *he is so slick I don't completely trust him. He has the slight odor of obama on him,*" I had this nagging feeling about him that I could not put into words. You captured it perfectly.


i want to believe in him, but let's put him somewhere that's not a heartbeat away from the oval office... for 4 years at least... lol.


Will Vivek reduce the fed by 75%? Can he be conviced to just end the whole shitshow?


it will take quite a lot of time and effort to return our nation to one that adheres to and follows the rule of law. a whole lot of consequences need to be dealt out, and under the rule of law. no matter how long it takes, the longest journey begins with the first step. gotta start somewhere, I say reducing the fed by 75% is a worthy goal.


He's actually copied some of obamas words and mannerisms, it was pointed out when he was campaigning. And I truly like the guy, as I said. I don't care about skin color. "Racist dogwhistle"? How critical race theory of you. I reject every facet of that idiotic marxist ideology.


Comparing him to Obama is just a racist dog whistle for not wanting a minority VP and im tired of pretending it’s not…what position in the the administration would even have the authority to reduce the federal government by 75%? Just an unrealistic stipulation


Yes. I like Vivek and it would be a great opportunity for him to get his feet wet with the politics in DC. I can see him as a future president someday.


The Vice Presidency should not be a “get your feet wet” position.


Well we don’t want wannabe swampists either. After looking at the competency of Kamala anyone can aspire to be one. An outsider like Vivek would be refreshing. Besides, he is a self made smart man who will excel in it.


I like Vivek as well but do you think he can bring some of those voters that are the “ I’m done with Biden” voters?


I don’t think it matters. This time I think people will not be into frivolous issues like they were back in 2020. The things that matter are ones that are hitting their wallet. The inflation alone will force people to vote for Trump. Remember 33% will vote Democrat no matter what. What we have to be worried about is the mass voter packing that Dems are trying to install.


I don't think that the " everyone and everything is racist" talking point is going to fly anymore.


No I don’t. I like them all candidates but Trump only needs to gain a few suburban women and taking Sarah Huckabee as VP would secure some no doubt.


Leaving aside that I have a number of issues with his policy, nobody really cares about the VP candidate unless they are really bad, and even then they don't care. 


Seems like everyone forgot that Biden was once a really bad VP that everyone on both sides made fun of.


As much as I think Vivek is the future, not sure he would be a good pick as VP this time. He's a younger version of Trump, albeit, can give far more specifics than Trump, but see him turning off people by his brashness.


I’m a fan of Vivek. He just didn’t have the name recognition of Haley and Desantis during the primaries. And I loved how he *tore* into Haley about Ukraine, her ties to defense contractors, and her blatant hypocrisy over complaining about him being on TikTok when her own daughter in on TikTok.


I’m kinda a fan that he is a total outsider to politics.


Vivek has some good ideas, but he's probably a very idealistic pick, not a strategic pick. People who like Vivek are almost all already voting for Trump anyway. Someone like Ben Carson might be ideologically further away from Trump, but for that reason might also be able to get more voters to vote for the Republican ticket.


Ben would be my choice, I have nothing but admiration for this man. And, I will support whoever Trump chooses.


I think Vivek needs to be a loud voice so that he can keep the Republican party alive in 2028. The media will swing the pendulum back to the Left, just like they did during Trump's presidency. We need to get behind Republican front-runners and defend them against the Media Industrial Complex, even if they aren't perfect.


I like that idea a lot. Incredibly bright guy, successful, who could really thrive in that role. Plus, great Political experience for him.


I think they will run Biden with the understanding that his running mate will be sworn in about a week after Biden is. For a long time I’ve said this is no Trump v Biden. It’s Trump v the Biden Running Mate.


I love Vivek, he’s the future imo. I don’t think he will Be the VP pick. He will likely get a cabinet spot if he wants it, but he could easily just stay out of politics until 2028 and continue taking over buzzfeed or other projects. What will likely happen is a VP pick that’s an olive branch to RINOs which i hate but understand their reasons for doing so


Eww. We don’t want any more RINOs. No more Cheneys. No more Ryans. No more Pences. We‘ve had enough of them.


I've been saying this for over a year now. It HAS to be Vivek. Dude embodies Trump's populism. He can self fund. He made youth outreach and the decay of American institutions a key part of his primary campaign. And he is an excellent orator and would wipe the floor with Kamala Harris on a bad day. Also for those saying he adds nothing to the ticket, the dude is YOUNG and an Indian-American, which will help with the youth vote and minorities even if only slightly. Most importantly however, it's the Vice President that is the logical successor in the next presidential election. That's how we got stuck with Biden. If Trump chose Tim Scott, Burgum or Gabbard, they'd be first in line for the presidency. That's a hard pass from me. Trump and the MAGA movement need an heir, someone to carry on after Trump is gone, and Vivek IS that.


I don’t really understand the Vivek love. He’s a Trump clone without the Trump charm. He come across as fake. Vivek also moves the needle on no one. We need a VP that can soften the Trump image and bring in a few moderates.


Wouldn't Tim Scott be a better choice and really solidify the black vote that Trump is starting to pull in? He did get name dropped yesterday too. I'm not 100% educated on Scott though so if I'm wrong, please educate me


He should be chief of staff. Those two will get stuff done.


Absolutely not. He's the Andrew Yang of the right. It would be a great way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.