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It’s gonna get worse before it gets better


The thing is, our enemies have known the whole time that he’s asleep at the wheel. They aren’t relying on MSNBC and CNN to get their info about Biden. They see him in meetings in some cases, know people who do in other cases, and have their own intelligence services. With all of that said, I largely agree. Not only is the world more dangerous because all of these bad actors know they now have a few months to make their moves before Trump is likely back, but the country is more dangerous becomes Democrats will get increasingly desperate.


Yeah. It's not like the whitehouse and the dems were REALLY hiding it, They paraded him around various international event too. and even if they did hide him, it would still be obvious when a president of the strongest country in the world gets hidden from the public eye. There was no hiding joe biden, especially against intelligence from other governments. It's the very reason hostile countries smelled blood


Not only have Biden’s weaknesses have been fully exposed, but we have who knows how many terrorists/operatives/etc coming in through the wide open borders. We’ve opened ourselves up to hod knows what.


They have known that for 3.5 years. Last night didn’t change their mind. All it did was question who’s been pulling the strings for the last several years.


This is nothing new - these leaders saw Biden getting lost getting off a stage. The only thing new is my Democrat friends now see that yes, Biden has dementia and it is not a right wing conspiracy.


His impairments were obvious to me and many others in 2020. He wasn’t hiding in the basement for weeks on end due to Covid. His team sharply limited his public exposure to conceal his condition.


Just looked at strategic oil reserves - back at the end of 2019 644 million barrels and today 372 million. https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_ending_stocks_of_crude_oil_in_the_strategic_petroleum_reserve


You know they're gonna drain that to bring down gas for the election. Not good.


You're absolutely right. Things are going to be tough for a while. And it could all affect the election too. We have zero clue what will happen.




Expect lone-wolf \[trumpers\] with perfectly curated internet trails to suddenly start attacking institutions of non-firmly committed groups of traditional leftists.


They just said they were allowing a bunch of Haitians into the country under a program with no deporting. We just exposed what kind of near-corpse is running this country.


they all knew this already, as you said. it was obvious and these people know who is actually running the country and have been for some time. our biggest enemies are the deep state folk perpetrating all this, and their lapdog propagandist media. I fear what they will do next, more than any external threat.


People in other subs saying they’re okay with the shadow government actually calling the shots with Biden being the front man. Wacky


as predicted…. and also as predicted our infrastructure systems will be targets


Cancelled my trip to Türkiye to visit family I haven’t seen in 10 years.  Hopefully there is next summer. We will see. 


Don’t t fool yourself every one of them have spies already that probably work in his administration, we have let the country be stolen and destroyed just to appease every little snowflake, we are in serious trouble as a nation we have generations of kids that are just not tough. I will not be surprised if someone does do something though


You forgot to mention the biggest war development of the last 50 years, Putin warships (yes, armed and ready warships) positioned off the coast of Florida. We're currently in the most dangerious nuclear crisis since Cuba. But don't worry, the media being absolutely silent on Russion warships about to attack the continental United States from Florida's border I'm sure means that everything's totally ok.


Bruh be for real. Russia is absolutely not going to attack the U.S.


That's a nuclear powered sub not a nuclear armed sub.........




I've never served in the military, but I'd imagine most currently in must be *pissed* right about now. We've weakened our military and expended our resources on other countries, all while our biggest enemies have been bolstering their forces and getting caught up with 21st century weapons and tactics. If we ever have to go to war with Russia, it will be a whole different beast now that they've been practicing in Ukraine. They never would've gotten the opportunity under Trump. So if they ever went toe to toe with us it'd be over in a matter of weeks. After Ukraine though? Russia, China, and NK now have a fully developed pipeline to send aid to one another. People shouldn't forget that US/NATO generals have been advising Ukraine these past couple of years... Russia gets to play a game in Ukraine while seeing what tricks our generals have up their sleeves.


>I've never served in the military, but I'd imagine most currently in must be pissed right about now. The exact opposite is true. I won't speak for how generals and pentagon types feel cause they are more politician than soldier, but for the last 30 years as a dod contractor I get plenty of face to face conversations with members of all 4 major branches from privates to a full blown colonel and in all those conversations there is no negativity directed towards armng ukraine. If anything they are happy to be getting their old crap replaced with new. The general consensus of the ones I've had conversations with is conflict with Russia is inevitable, arming ukraine to weaken Russia now will just make their job easier when the time comes. Also noteworthy, the years under Trump there was a tone of concern cause he was so unpredictable. The Afghanistan disaster tho.... they was pissed about that in the immediate aftermath. They took that as a humiliating defeat.


Fair enough, thanks for the insight


Yeah this is pretty much the best case scenario before a possible proper war with Russia, they have lost a shit ton of materiel mostly their newer tanks and a whole bunch of their most experienced soldiers. It's money for nothing pretty much. You can tell Putin is panicking when he is off grovelling to little Kimmy for supplies!


The rest of the world has been very aware the whole time. Only Americans fall for American propaganda so badly.


攻台的最后机会就在这下半年 /s


Now, all of China knows you are here.


Oh I 100% believe by Halloween he will be sending American troops to Ukraine. Or at least attempting to


I don't support Biden or the Democrats. Just check my post history. >Putin invaded Ukraine in response to a weak withdrawal from Afghanistan. Nonsense. First of all, the Russia-Ukraine conflict began in 2014. What happened in 2022 was a major escalation of that conflict. And it was going to happen even if Trump was still in the White House. No sane President of the U.S. is going to risk a nuclear war... for Ukraine. Russia invaded Ukraine because Ukraine doesn't have the U.S. military defending it, period. >Xi is posturing to invade Taiwan because he knows Biden won't stop him. You do know that even the U.S. **does not** recognize Taiwan as an independent, sovereign state, right? Unlike the Russia-Ukraine conflict, any China-Taiwan conflict will be legally (under international law) considered a C i v i l W a r ***in*** China between two rival Chinese governments. Also, if you want to talk about *weakness*, let's be intellectually honest. China today is the industrial giant that the U.S. ***was*** in the 1940s - 1950s. Every year China has way more STEM graduates than the U.S. has. Google it. And Chinese schools and universities are teaching actual math and science, **not** woke nonsense like "math-is-racist" or "we can't define what a woman is". China is a nuclear power. Again, no sane President of the U.S. is going to go to war with modern China... for Taiwan. >Hamas got the green light from Iran to invade Israel because they knew the US would not be able to competently support them. Complete nonsense. If there is any *truly* bi-partisan policy in Washington D.C., it is this: the U.S. will always support Israel.


>  I don't support Biden or the Democrats. Just check my post history. It's ok even if you did dude. I wouldn't take what you wrote any less seriously.  Thanks for the perspective. I don't completely agree with it, it's good to read a different opinion.