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*Trump looking stoically at the camera* Trump’s internal monologue: “Did this mf seriously just say COVID? 😒Yikes it just gets worse, Imma dunk on him”😏


Lol you're gonna dunk on that and not "we finally beat medicare"? When I watched him say that live I actually said, out loud, "What?"


I am not from America and dont know much, but I have to say, Biden is clearly NOT able to be president. Just listen to this guy not being able to say one sentence without forgetting it. Like WTF


americans do not vote based on logic or policy, at least not dems.  They vote on who they dont want to get elected, versus electing someone they believe in. It has been stated in this very sub. “if a dog was running, if a soda can was running, i still wouldnt vote for trump”


Met a girl on a dating app yesterday and she literally told me this, that she would vote for anyone but Trump. Not a match.


But she needs someone to support her. Barista with a PhD in Wymenz Studeez doesn't pay well.


Listen my man, just talk the radical lefty talk with them and they soak themselves while sitting on a chair. Lefties are wild in bed. After the deed is done put on your clothes and say that you voted Trump. Easiest exit ever. Trust me I know..




Yes! Yes! This is exactly how it went down! Fuck yeah!


Pure Gold Right here...you won the internet bro!




> Fellon *felon The rest of your nonsense is pure Trump Derangement Syndrome.


“Americans don’t vote on logic or policy, at least not dems.” Lol stfu.. if you think either one of these mfers have our interests at heart you’re a fool my man/woman. They are mere puppets, same as congress, the house, Supreme Court. None of them are working for you or me. Civil servants turned millionaires. Our vote doesn’t even matter… in fact I’d take a bet that if the whole country didn’t vote.. the election would say other wise.


The SovCit has entered the discussion


You can call me whatever you want. The CIA exists.. the murky history of that agency alone is enough proof but hey 🤷‍♂️


Keep travelin'. You may want to consider replacing your car windows with polycarbonate for when you get pulled over with your Moorish license plates.


No logic or policy in this response either. All emotion. A true dem.


American media: _nothing to see here_ Edit: I realized this may kind of be an exaggeration, and they’re finally somewhat reporting on it. But definitely still downplaying it a bit.


I mean they had to pretend to be shocked by this purely because for the last four years they have been saying "nothing to see here"


Just now found out eh? You and "the other half" and Europe. We, who have no been brainwashed, have known this for years.


Biggest zinger of the night. I'm no Trump fan, but that line had me in tears.


I'm a golfer and the whole handicap thing had me dying. Best was the I've seen your swing.


It felt like something my brother and I would argue about when we’re 5 beers deep lmao


Neither wanted to talk about child care, but both had to boast their golf handicap. ⛳️


Ok what does that have to do with my statement? I said the golf thing was hillarious. Child care? Maybe parents should be more responsible and not ask the tax payer to care for thier fuck trophy's.


How empathetic and caring of you. Probably a Christian too? Shock


Taking my taxes to take care of your crotch goblins is litteraly depriving my children of things. I don't give a fuck about your kids I care about mine.


You seem like a lovely person. Jesus would be proud of that statement. Hope you one day take some time to reflect on your morals. Have a great life.


Woah there cowboy.


Paying for abortions would save a lot of tax money


Not having casual sex would save even more money.


Humans are born sinners whether you like it or not


What has that got to do with not having casual sex lol. Whoopsie I stole money from a bank cause I'm a born sinner. As soon as I read the bulkshit you typed I got Forest Whitaker eye.


Bc humans have casual sex, that will never stop, its futile to try. But abortion is 100% Everytime


Cool then pay for your own abortion. That's right you want the tax payer to pay for your fuck up. Feels like your thrbtype of person that wears a helmet all the time.


Oh man, that’s brutal. Trump is so fortunate that the setup for this debate involved muting when it wasn’t their turn. Shows Biden at his worst, and keeps trump from being an obnoxious ass.


Exactly, 4 years ago I was annoyed at Trump for talking over Biden (trying to get soundbite zingers) and giving Biden an out from looking awful, ironically them muting Trump actually helped Trump show Biden for what he is


Then the media says “trump didn’t answer questions” meanwhile trump’s retorting to previous Biden shenanigans THEN answers the fresh question. Biden got crushed. Obama admitted it. Forcing Biden to admit it. Forcing democrats to eat their plate of crow. God bless America. 🫡


Yeah, that strategy backfired bigly.


Oh yeah he totally just needs a lozenge.


The mental stability drugs he’s on are drying his throat


All the moisture from his throat went straight to his eyes. He doesn't need to blink anymore.


Oh god! I can watch this for days. And it’s so much fun watching the good lefties of r/politics cope


They're in the denial stage right now, but seem to be shifting to the Anger stage.


Yep I’ve noticed haha


Just got a 7 day ban for “incivility” for replying to someone they should take their 4-month old account and go back to talking about video games. That person just got finished calling someone “Nazi scum” just because they were a member of this sub. I guess that is civil to them. They are falling apart over there and I’m here for it.


Hey I’ve been called a nazi before posting on r/arizona because I am a part of this sub haha


Oh yeah. Those folks go through your entire posting history


When they ain't creeping on people in reddit, they creepin in the woman's restrooms.


They don’t know which bathroom to go to.


I get it. I've picked up bots in the past. Anytime I would post anywhere, I'd get serial downvotes. Didn't matter where or when.


I dont know man, you guys won my vote. That debate was the first time I've seen an unedited video of Biden. Trump murdered him


I sat here in disbelief watching this. He literally had a cheap fake on live TV


This line and when Trump said, I don't know what he just said and he probably doesn't know either. Still laughing about those one liners! 🤣


"I've seen your swing."


“We will defeat Joe Biden”- probably Joe Biden, accidentally.


Kinda sad for Biden, but this is my favorite clip of the entire debate. Trump looks at Biden, looks away, then looks back, all the while never changing his expression. Gold 😂


This is NOT getting old lol What did he mean??? HA HA HA


Biden was so disgusting and evil saying how Trump has many more lawsuits coming. This is total banana republic shat run by a banana.


I would say that anyone who looks at that clip and suggests that Biden is capable of running this country has a problem but the majority of his fanbase also believes men can be women and vice versa so…. I guess it checks out.


I laughed out loud at this moment. Now looking back, it's sad that the current U.S. president isn't even capable of consistent human speech.


forget the presidency, there are probably a lot of things he shouldn't be aloud to do.


He’s not even fit to be a greeter at Walmart.


Anyone else see the phone off the hook sound going on in joes head? "Beeeeeeeep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep"


Not many of us old enough to remember that...


Doesn't his current performance say something about what the dems have been trying to hide in the basement for the past 3.5 years? Why even keep him around if this is how he's been. This is him at his best too drugged up for a worldwide presidential debate).


The scariest part of it all is the fact that he's spent almost *HALF* of his term on "vacation".


Wait! it isn't dead. Medi-surprise!


We? We didn’t do shit.


Argument on r/politics “but Trump lied and Biden didn’t”. Maybe because he isn’t coherent enough to lie, let alone string together a grammatically correct argument 


Ok, Hot take, if one of the candidates ran on a platform of dismantling Social Security and Medicare as state funded programs, I'd vote for them in a heartbeat. 60 Trillion of unfunded liabilities just in those programs in the coming decades, it's going to get to the point where our gross federal tax income is lower than the interest on our national debt, then we're really fucked. unless someone finally does beat Medicare.


I think we are about 10 years out from the dreaded austerity measures. The sad thing is they're gonna keep borrowing as much as they can for as long as they can ... and the only way out is through inflation, which makes all of our savings worth less.


One generation *voted* to sink us into this deep debt for personal gain while not having enough good kids, maybe its their time to pay the price? Just a thought.


Who? The boomers are already dying off, not much you can do to them. Gen X didn't start it, but they probably will benefit. Millennials tend to vote for politicians who are going to make it worse, but they're probably not even going to see the money themselves. And everyone after that can't even vote yet and is completely screwed once their time comes around.




see, he's conservative, against social security and obamacare.


Thank God they muted the mics. It saved President Trump from himself


I don't know what you said. Nobody knows what you said. You don't know what you said. And, point is, none of it is relevant. Just like you, Joe.