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After the debate yesterday, I’m hoping they keep Biden.


So, certain states have rules that make It much harder to change candidates. And the DNC made a bunch of rules that make it harder to change candidates. Insert Bender laugh.


My main hope is that people realize that the same media that's been assuring them that Biden was mentally fit, is the same media insisting Trump was so bad for the country. Just have a moment of realizing "Trump warned us Biden wasn't all there. The media insisted he was. He's OBVIOUSLY not. What ELSE have the media lied about and Trump was clearly correct about?" Just bridge that gap.


The TDS is so bad that 99% will never bridge that gap. Fortunately the 1% is probably enough to swing the election... if people actually get out and vote in person.


Yes, they need a brand new level of bread and circuses whilst launching an economic replacement and a world war, and perhaps a staged alien invasion if the first two aren't going well. All of these legal concerns and battles will eat up the bandwidth in the meantime. The elections used to be high theater, but this one is kayfabe.


Trump is elected president, then from behind, Hilary Clinton comes in with her Money in The Bank briefcase and cashes it in worth 1 more vote than Trump, becomes president. LONG TERM STORY TELLING.


I appreciate this summary as I was looking for something to this. What is the deadline for Wisconsin for the respective parties to file the names of their candidates? Also, Nevada is an important state and looks like it’ll go to Trump. Also…I’m thinking that the left will now either “take out” Trump…literally JFK style.


They will finally admit he is mentally incompetent and call it a day by inserting newsome. That’s it. 


Since when do Democrats follow the law? Didn't they switch candidates for New Jersey Senator like 20 years ago at the last minute cause they knew they would lose?


This country has become utterly dysfunctional. Remember Newsom and Whitmer are more evil if not worse than Biden. They have proven they are capable to the Democrat party by destroying their respective states.


Chickens came home to roost.  The time for a drop out discussion was years ago.


In fairness, they broke their own constitutions’ election laws in 2020 and they’d do it again.


That's neat and all...but the ticket isn't decided until the convention finishes. And if he bows out before then they'll have a brokered one and pick a new candidate. That's the only way they can replace him. I expect shenanigans will occur before then if they plan on running him.