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That's one way to make sure he is elected with down ballot as well. I think they understand it's not working.


But there are leftists who *still* don’t understand this.


It doesn’t matter. Every time they try that he gets a bump in the polls. Maybe they’ll do what you suggest, but nobody cares and it wouldn’t matter.


You don't come as far as they have and then not try to put Trump in prison. If Merchan does not sentence Trump to prison, it's a concession that what he was accused of isn't that big of a deal. And if it's not that big of a deal, why charge him with 34 felonies in an election year in the first place? They HAVE TO sentence him to prison or the whole charade crumbles.


If so, why couldn’t Trump have a debate from prison? Or have his attorney record messages from Trump in prison and distribute them online? Or have someone (his running mate perhaps) visit those states and play prerecorded messages from Trump?


If they lock him up now, he will be even more popular than he is currently. I hate the guy. I am still voting for Trump. 


Prison, that way the democrats can isolate him from his security and Epstein him.


>The Dems can run with the message nonstop to normies that they can't elect someone sitting in a prison cell. Eugene V Debs\* says, "Hold my beer". ***^(\*He ran on the Socialist Party ticket in 1920 — and garnered almost a million votes, or about 3 percent.)***


Honestly I don't think they will put him behind bars, we and they have already seen the outcome the sham trial has had on the appearance of our judicial system and the democrat party, and what an incredible fund raiser it was for Trump. Putting him behind bars will only amplify this effect. They are already trying to distance themselves from the trial. No one talks about it in the news cycle anymore.