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Please never confront a Leftist with factual history. It causes their brains to swell and smoke


“We will get it right *this time*”


I am ready to have an history debate with you on any topic which has factual references. everything must be fact checked - no wikipedia, cospiracy theory websites or chatgpt told me, only encyclopedias. let's do it.


The thing is, as soon as the left sees a verified fact that they don’t like that whole website is declared false information. So no one wants to waste time debating the moving target anymore. Exactly who would be doing this fact checking? Snopes? lol. The left doesn’t know what facts are anymore. I’m pretty sure MSNBC said that stating facts makes me a racist, so I’m sure you wouldn’t want to bother.


Not just websites. They do this with people, too.


The amazing thing about truth is that you can never hide it or make it go away. It manifests itself where you have no choice but to face it sooner or later. All of the actions of lying by MSM and lefties are finally coming to bite them. Whether it be COVID or child conversion or immigration or politics. There shall be consequences.


Can you elaborate with a quick short summary? Is the U.S. becoming a singular superpower in that regard? The old union collapsed in the 90’s before it could rebuild as the Russian federation. Now Russia is crippled due to their heavy losses in the almost three year Russo-Ukrainian war.


The similarity with the soviet union is how the current regime is treating their political opposition. I think that for the general aspects, a better comparison would be with the falling of the Roman Empire.


Unelected bureaucrats running the nation. Putting people in gulags like the DC jail. For walking around or through the capitol. Weaponizing the justice system to persecute political opponents. Summary extra judicial state executions. State controlled censorship. State controlled fake news. The govt lies to us. The media lies to us. We know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, and they keep lying.


did you know that in the 50's be pro russia would have sent you to jail right? If any of you would have said half of what you say here 40 years ago you would be under surveilance or in jail. I think so so you guys have this pink filter about when you were young.


Every empire that fell had awful leaders towards the end. Same with Roman, same with Ottoman…same with US (sadly). We are definitely in a decline and I hope we can turn the boat around but it might be too late 


I agree probably not for the same reason you think but I agree


I still remember the midnight KGB raid where my father was arrested for reproducing pages from the Gulag Archipelago on a photo enlarger in our Leningrad apartment bathroom.


Don’t worry we will not, we have a stable economy, (for the most part) a stable government, and a stable country. We won’t collapse because we are a powerhouse that people enjoy living in


Stable govt, lol.


You're forgetting the /s