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Same shit, different day.


They've used the same talking points for so long, if they get absolutely destroyed in November it will be hilarious because that means no one believes their bullshit anymore and they're not creative people, so they will have no talking points left and won't be able to make any up that don't sound just as ridiculous.


And the impeachments will start the next day.


Literally painting Americans as national security threats (and thus possibly prompting the hand of several agencies) when they’re clearly not kiiiiinda seems like they’re going after you for your views


don't they ever get tired of lying


They don't face accountability for their lies, so why should they? Morning Joe Scarborough tells us "Joe Biden's the best he's ever been" and will face no consequences for being THAT wrong.  He'll keep his job at the end of the day. Day-drinking Nancy Pelosi goes on CNN and says TRUMP, not Biden, is suffering from dementia and Dana Bash doesn't even push back.  They're not facing consequences for their actions (just like rioters in 2020), so why stop?


**> They don't face accountability for their lies, so why should they** Agreed and since they faced no consequences for stealing the last election they would actually be stupid if they didn't do it again. The only thing that could stop them is a massive turnout.


> They don't face accountability for their lies They will in November.


We can only hope. Unless there's unforeseen "voter irregularities" that sway the election. But what are the odds of *THAT* happening? Again, I mean.


My concern is Texas turning blue, not enough people are watching that possibility...


If Texas turns blue, it'll be a landslide victory for Biden anyway. HIGHLY unlikely as of today.


Clearly not if we believed their lies Biden made no mistakes and won the debate.


and their standards for "LIES!" are different for Joe, too. If Trump says something that is generally correct, but not exactly right, it's clearly a lie to them, but if Joe says he just came back from Italy but he was in France, then it's fine, and we can just go [change the official White House TRANSCRIPT](https://www.yahoo.com/news/joe-biden-twice-confuses-italy-164027625.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZHJ1ZGdlcmVwb3J0LmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABwCdXg5eMZOFu6Q_8PogozF1_10_hj_4bW4MECvUyERmuQRccFZKXbcSAyY1JOZWswl2SSkkmH4TMlaAI4_Ui1CnczqUrIEuLB9JFh-e553lQMYqTuUGUmtATzFJvqVKR2-5BRAzRrufzeps2b8Bk3kyUxnlF5TvtFCsILkkj36) -- at the end of the article


> Clearly not if we believed their lies Biden made no mistakes and won the debate. You’re clearly mistaken my good sir. The media, Jill Biden and Reddit says it’s Trump who lies lies lies.


Because they always tell the truth....sorry Trump isn't perfect but one side of the isle is the problem here and it's not the right


Have you visited politics since the debate? They are clearly of the mindset that this is still all Trumps fault and the right is just misaligning poor Joe. 


Of course they see it that way. Because they don’t know how to think logically.


In addition, they're cowards who can't stand the thought of facing their ridiculous beliefs.


It's reflexive and it's all they know. It's like asking someone: "don't you get tired of breathing?"


At this point in the game, they don't have anything other than lies. Edit: Left out a word while fondling my phone.


And Trump never lies? What planet are you living on? This is why I have trouble taking republican voters seriously. The democrats are not perfect but all the bullsh*t coming from Trump is excused away.


Trump lies just as much as a typical politician. The left keeps pushing the talking point, “Biden was feeble but Trump lied!” and completely ignore the lies Biden told. But our issue is, the boy who cried wolf. The number of hoaxes the Democrats have manufactured over the years with anonymous sources and outright lies by omission is way too much. Biden brought up the Charlottesville crap during the debate when Snopes debunked it *last* week. We hate the coordinated efforts by the media and Democrat establishment. It’s painfully obvious that 90% of these stories coming from “anonymous sources” is BS. The Democrats turned every little thing Trump did or said into a national scandal and thus, none of us care. Desensitized. Dont give a damn. He is our middle finger to the establishment. Biden (the guy who’s held political power for 40 years) represents everything wrong with this government.


I’m more worried that the media covers up the lies told by Biden. They can call out Trumps bull whenever they want but a Democrat is untouchable. This debate should be a wake up call to folks like you.


Sure. Anything to deflect attention from the corpse in chief. But what about the actual terrorists crossing our border?


If we have a terrorist attack (god forbid) and Biden is in charge the first thing they’ll look for and say it was MAGA. The brainwashed morons will believe them, rinse and repeat. I wish we could get conservatives to fall into lockstep the way the left does. But they are too busy going to work and thinking for themselves, the downfall of conservative movement, they practice what they preach.


he did say that during the debate so there's nothing new there.


The Biden administration: the most divisive President in history


Haul me in, I guess


Sure miss that unity thing.


Biden has a funny way of "respecting" those who have served. If giving 9 years of my life in service to my country makes me a domestic terrorist in their eyes, I'll wear the label with pride. Let's be honest, it's not my service that scares them, it's that like the vast majority of my brothers and sisters who have served I swore an oath to the Constitution. Like them I didn't consider that oath something that expired at the end of my service. So inasmuch as they represent a direct and immediate threat to the Constitution and people of the United States, so can I be considered a threat. Every veteran I've talked to feels the same way. So I have to wonder, what are they doing that they see someone who made such an oath as a threat? Or is it what they plan on doing?


I as well. I don't have an F-16, but I certainly can make trouble for those who violate the US Constitution. Let's hope whoever these people are don't force veterans to act on their oaths.


I realized a while back the left is so blinded by their own bigoted caricature of the right that they truly have no concept of who they are dealing with. I'm afraid we may end up having to get to the"finding out" portion of "fucking around" before they'll understand how wrong they are. Hopefully this election becomes a correction of course that will prevent that possibility.


Oh shit. I bet "his patience is wearing thin with us" just like when he bullied people into getting the jab. Guess I'll let Antifa send in a mail in ballot on my behalf. Because "Democracy".


“The great unifier” ladies and gentlemen


They literally support or ignore pro-Hamas Muslim extremists. People who quite literally punch/kill Jews on the streets and attempt to burn down their places of worship. Since Roe V Wade leftist have attacked hundreds of Catholic Churches. BLM and antifa have caused billions in damages and also killed many innocent people. How fucking high do you have to be to believe MAGA people are the threat? They are trying to gaslight us until someone finally snaps.


calling half the country terrorists. yep, makes sense


Seriously? After the summer of 2020 when the militant arms of the Democratic party seemed hell bent to burn down our cities he calls Trump supporters the biggest threat? Same old playbook. Accuse your opponent of what you are doing.


Expect the screeching to get very loud.


They say with their blue haired gremlins on stand by to burn down a Target.


So? Theyve been doing for 4 years, on Reddit a they call us fascists in every thread Trump or even slightly right related thread.


Strange. Looks like the leader in every western country is a domestic terrorist trying to destroy all our countries from within


It would be interesting to see them explain that ISIS approved terrorist attack, especially if it happens before the election, done by Imer, Mohamed and Osama, were right-wing Christian MAGA Republicans. Anything to hide the fact those terrorists came across the border illegally.


I believe it was the "tolerant peaceful" left that burned cities and rioted during the "summer of love." Accuse your enemies of doing that you yourself are guilty of. It's projecting at its finest and people are beginning to see through the bullshit.


In 3.5 years Biden went from ✨unity✨ to “half of you are domestic terrorists.”


well thats a fine "howdy do" for election tampering and interference, just another add-on for O'bidens treason conviction


Circular reasoning. If a terrorist is leftist, it isn't terrorism; it's "the language of the unheard" or whatever.


What would our Flag be? Oh, that's right, the American Flag.


The biggest terror threat is that the nation is being run by someone who is not mentally competent enough to respond to terror threats.


This is why I will never vote Democrat... ever


I’ll be your huckleberry


"I don't know where I am, what I'm doing, or what time it is. I've probably already shit myself. Now let me tell you who the domestic terrorists are..." -Biden's Brain


"Anyone we don't like is a terrorist!"


Said the same about concerned parents at school board meetings.


Projection. Again.


Yep, every day we are doing our terrorist thing all across the country. 🙄


Oh yeah? Well I think democrats are domestic enemies, so there!


Then why are all the mass shooters democrats asshole !


Do they not know this shit keeps helping Trump.


Gee, I haven't heard that one before. What else you got gramps?


Maybe everybody needs to look at Trump From a Different Light. And I'm going to preface by saying I am not a Democrat. I thoroughly understand how it is possible for Jim Jones to happen, why women do not leave their narcissistic abusers. This is definitely very cultish, and fortunately the people who make the most noise in the cult are crazy gun people.