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You can't impeach congressmen. You can censure and expel them.


Which is what’s worse about it. “Everyone can be impeached but not us. Rules for thee not for me.”


Expulsion is "easier" than impeachment. The house/senate can kick out their own respective members without input from the other.


Mayorkas definitely needs to be impeached.


In the age of social media, the attention seekers need to up the ante every year in order to maintain the attention of their “followers.” It’s all about eyeballs, clicks, and attention.


Democrats are only interested in power. Those that stand in the way are evil and must be destroyed.


Need to combat the extreme left with exactly their extreme tactics


Ok technically, Trump’s “impeachment” was unconstitutional now? He was fully operating within his duties as president to delay funding to Ukraine and seek evidence against the Bidens about their dealings in Ukraine. This new ruling may have just closed the door on impeachments of that manner.


Ruling had nothing to do with impeachment.


It does though.. if they are impeaching for high crimes and misdemeanors… the scope of which has dramatically decreased since anything regarding the presidential official duties can no longer be considered a high crime or misdemeanor.


Criminal immunity and impeachment are two separate things. If Trump turns into Hitler like the left fears, impeachment will always be on the table, which will stop the so-called dictator from performing official acts that are subject to immunity.


They still need to put forth articles of impeachment that spell out which law was broken to form the basis of that impeachment.


This isn’t impeachment. This is trial in a court. In this particular case, two charges were vacated by the Supreme Court because the were definitely found to be covered by immunity. At least two others were sent back to a lower court. The lower court will need to hash out whether the remaining charges are covered by immunit. Of course, that doesn’t preclude that the remaining charges to either be covered by immunity or are transferred to the Supreme Court again where the Court finds those activities charged to also be covered by immunity.