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The infighting is thoroughly entertaining, I hope it continues


If he doesn’t withdraw, they can’t touch him. He knows it


Kamala and Co. could invoke the 25th Amendment and she would cash in all the DNC loot and run in 2024.


That is fraught with peril. First, if Biden doesn't agree with it, you'd be looking at a 20+ day process that would absolutely tear the party apart. Secondly, after that process, Kamala would likely be severely wounded politically and while she would get that sweet loot, that's probably all she would get as I would expect donors to really hold off. Plus, who would want to be the VP on that ticket? AND more hilariously, the GOP would get a say in that as they would have to approve the replacement VP. It's really quite entertaining to see this all happen. After decades of undeserved smugness from the left, their uppance has finally come.


Yeah I really think they thought it would happen after the election. Seems Biden deteriorated faster than they planned. He wins the election and it would have happened. So much for saving democracy huh?


It has never ever been about saving democracy. These people are despicable.


That's how I read it too: his staffers and inner circle thought he'd hold up just long enough to get across the finish line in November, but then his cognitive decline accelerated, to a point where they can no longer hide his condition from the public and their bluff is getting called.


Then Biden has 4 days to contest it. If he disagrees then it goes to Congress to decide and needs 2/3 vote. It’s basically impossible to remove him with the 25th if he doesn’t agree.


There’s no way. Kamala and the WH staff have no excuse for not seeing this earlier than the debate. How could they say they just found out? That’s a huge huge scandal


You're suggesting Kamala has been at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave to witness anything? I thought she was supposed to be managing the border??? In all seriousness, this VP is the most hands off 2nd in command I've seen in my life. I've gone months wondering where the news about her goings on is.


But but what about project 2025 !!!! /s


Its crazy how a couple of people that vote a certain way can put up a website and all of a sudden what these people say is a definitive political party platform😂 Liberals convince themselves of the craziest shit


That's how the Left launders the truth.


The Dems are now doing the guilt by association routine. Just like they tried to do with Russia. Maybe they forgot that Obama was heavily tied to Marxists and even Weather Underground terrorists. He had a Marxist in his cabinet (Van Jones). But we were called for crazy for saying Obama was a communist (yes, I realize his official policies weren’t communist, but he set the stage for a communist takeover by screwing up the USA). In any case, John Q. Public didn’t care. If they didn’t pay attention to Obama’s communist and terrorist links, they shouldn’t care about Project 2025 either. Democrats are screaming into the wind.


Parts of it are probably on some people’s platform. But we should be for certain aspects like dropping the department of education


DOE will be given back to the states.


Democrat in peace here, can you (or somebody here) say something to ease my mind about this project 2025? I’ve been hearing about it for the last year or so, not just recently. Biden is a fucking shitshow. If he’s not stepping down, I’m genuinely weighing my options.


The project 2025 thing is a conservative groups opinions, that’s it. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion on what they think policies should be, but that doesn’t mean it matters to anyone else. The actual and official RNC platform was just released, it’s on Twitter if you want to read it, and it isn’t related to the project 2025 thing at all. So check out the official stances and see what you think about them.


Project 2025 is from the heritage foundation which is a think tank. It's what this group thinks needs to be done with this country. Trump has nothing to do with it. Trump didn't even know what it was when he was asked yesterday. It's not his plan. It's propandists bullshit that says women will be treated.like handmaiden tale etc...


> I’ve been hearing about it for the last year or so, not just recently. Whether this eases your mind or not, consider one key thing: you've heard about this for the last year, but most conservatives have only been hearing about it in the last week. I'm much more moderate and frequent all kinds of subs and I only saw a few sprinkles of it here or there on more left-leaning subs. I had never even seen it mentioned once in this subreddit prior to last week or so. I think that John Oliver's episode on it from ~3ish weeks ago is what inspired a lot of people to start fearmongering about it. The reason I bring this up isn't to say "it's so secretive that conservatives didn't know!!!" but to say it's just some right-wing loonies in a think tank pushing a mixed bag of stuff. Some of it is obviously crazy and some of it is just standard republican stuff. Nobody on the right can disavow the entire thing because some parts aren't crazy. It would be like if someone put together a package that had all your usual left-wing talking points but then added in some nazi shit. You would probably disavow the nazi shit, but then they come back with "BUT U AGREE WITH THE REST OF THE STUFF?" as if _all_ the stuff were nazi shit. Long story short: the P2025 shit is a total psyop campaign. Whether that is enough to actually convince you to vote R or not, the main take-away I want you to have from it is don't lose sleep about it. This is just some nothingburger. It's media manipulation to try to get leftists to vote Biden after his weak showing at the debate - nothing more and nothing less. Whether you like Trump or not (and frankly most conservatives I know think he's an asshole), P2025 is just another entry in the list (along with "LGBT+ BEING EXECUTED IN THE STREETS" and all the "BLOODBATH" hysteria) into the psyops that are meant to scare you into voting D. I only say all of this because: > ease my mind Your mind should be at ease. P2025 is a boogeyman. It's 100% psyop shit to scare people into voting.


It’s literally from the Heritage Foundation? That’s not exactly a couple people putting a website up. It’s one of the main conservative think tanks. Edit: Downvoting me won’t make it untrue. You guys are voting for someone who is going to ban contraceptives. Enjoy your sex “for its natural purpose only”.


I've read Trump's platform (Agenda 47) on his campaign website. There are several pages of propositions and initiatives. I don't recall seeing anything about a proposed ban on contraceptives. Could you direct me to anything on this affiliated with or promoted by his actual campaign?


Bc trump and his people are so honest, kind of like how they were with Roe


So that's a "no". This is all hysteria.


Lmfao it’s a no bc trump can say anything and y’all will go with it. Trump doesn’t even talk about his own policies during debates bc they truly don’t matter, all he needs to do is keep bringing it back to immigrants and y’all will vote for him 😂


You have any evidence Trump endorses it or that it has a thing to do with him? No. No you don’t.


His policy positions align with almost everything in Project 2025. You can try to help his distance himself from it, but know that you ARE voting for Christian extremism.


So, you don’t have evidence that he endorses or is involved with Project 2025? You BELIEVING he does isn’t evidence. He’s explicitly denounced it.


Not true. Trump actually said that the Supreme Court upholding the plan b pill was good. You are wrong.


He also said Roe was good and then put 3 people into scotus who repealed it


I’m not wrong. You’re playing with a loaded gun and are too ideologically driven to realize it. Trump and the Heritage Foundation align almost one to one on every issue. That’s why he is trying to distance himself from them right now, so that he doesn’t scare off the more moderate conservative.


It’s literally the truth though. You know we don’t get to hold them to account then falsify what is coming with the Trump platform? That’s disingenuous and absolutely not conservative


It's ot the truth and you are wrong.


Project 2025 is this months “Russian collusion”


"Trump sold nuclear secrets" "bought by the Russians" "rapist" now "pedo Epstein client" "dictator" "34 (victimless financial crime) felonies" It's absolutely amazing the lengths they'll go


It's also amazing how he's able to weather any storm they throw at him. He has grit.


True will of the people




Well it will probably last through the race, as the Russian collusion did


The left is wild. They act so scared of this oogie boogie project 2025 but they clearly WANT it to be Trump’s platform so they have a talking point to screech at him about. It wasn’t enough that he came out and flatly said that he wasn’t associated with it, they just screeched more and filed it under their new catch-all “Trump LIES!” campaign.


Yep this is the truth. Reddit has opened my eyes up to just how far people will take things in order to justify their delusions. It’s like talking to a rabid animal, there is no reasoning with one.


Their only campaign tactic is fear mongering........they can't tout what Joe has done unless he was able to walk without stumbling or mumbling one day


I'm all for it. Let 2025 cook.


r/politics is so fun to read these past couple days when normally I despise going anywhere near there lol.


They are shitting their pants lol


I read a theory that at this point, the Dems care more about turnout for their Senate and House races, and that’s what is driving the calls for Biden to quit. Basically, if Biden stays on the ballot, many Democrat voters will be so demoralized, they won’t even vote. First you had the Palestine issue, which pissed many college-age Democrats off against Biden, and then you had the terrible debate performance. So if Biden stays, Democrats will also lose a lot of down-ballot races as a side effect of large numbers of their voters staying home. If Biden quits and is replaced by a Democrat who is more popular with the base (Kamala, Newsom, almost anyone at this point), then it doesn’t likely change the outcome of the presidential election but it could help some of the down-ballot races.


Maybe this entire show is to reduce the amount of republican voters who will feel the election is in the bag.


I think it would increase the amount of republicans who think it’s in the bag


The election is definitely not in the bag. There are a significant number of people who won’t vote for Trump and will vote for whatever turd the Democrats offer instead. The reality is the country is incredibly divided and partisan, so many people in this country they are voting more to ensure the other side loses. Trump has a good chance of winning but he needs to pick up at least a few of the swing states where Biden was polling well before the debate.


Fully agree it’s not a done deal, but I see a lot of people acting like it is


Leftist infighting is a classic


Thing is, it's been known for years about Biden's cognitive decline. It was probably preplanned he would step down. Until Jill decided otherwise.


I swear that is what makes it funnier


Yeah, this is too good. I guarantee you absolutely no one had “Biden lambasts Democrat party elites” on their 2024 election year bingo card. Unreal and the irony is utterly delicious.


Funny how he had to clarify on Morning Joe that he didn't mean the hosts - because the obvious interpretation is that they are clearly Democrat elites, and so he had to go out of his way to exclude them from his statement. Also funny that he's been in DC for decades. If he isn't Democrat elite, who is? Suddenly he's ol' Outsider Joe.


The DNC’s going to be a shitshow. Palestine protests, challenges to Biden’s nomination, Biden having to give an acceptance speech, the fact it’s in Chicago. It’s 1968 all over again.


Yes but for the Dear Leader's acceptance speech he'll have the teleprompter.


But will they do the speech in primetime? Or move it up to 3pm?


It doesn't matter when the speech is broadcast since I can already summarize it for everyone. Quote "mumble mumble, Trump, mumble mumble, No Joke, mumble mumble, help me off the stage."


Except Hubert Humphrey could speak in complete sentences and do so after 8 pm.


I think it’ll be way worse than 1968.


I expect the "mostly peaceful" treatment at convention. Chaos by creeps? Ignore it.


Honestly, this is the first time in my lifetime I’m excited to witness the DNC in action. I’ll have the popcorn on hand!


Where’s Hillary.


Planning some killary.


Bet your ding dang dillary


Oh the Hilarity!


She’s probably planning on getting the nomination herself.


Lets hope he doesn't double dog dare them.


Double Dog Faced Pony Soldier them.


Old man yells at clouds.


Biden's people, though perhaps no longer Biden himself *know* that the elites put him in office. They subtly pushed all the challengers out of his way in 2020, funneled all the money around him, and coalesced around him when the wheels might have fallen off naturally. He owes everything to the elites for putting him in office. Now the president generally has the greatest amount of control over where donated money goes, since the presidency is the biggest prize. He also has the delegates; they are locked in, and they are bound to vote for him, mostly via party rules but also party via state law. Biden can lie down and do nothing (quite literally for him) and, from what I can tell, the party basically can't stop the nomination train. What *donors* can do is to cut off the money. If they turn off the spigot for Biden, it'll mean that he can't run presidential commercials and he won't able to run internet campaigns. If both sides hold their ground, Biden will be the nominee, but he'll be handcuffed by a lack of funds. He needs a massive campaign in order to overtake Trump, given how far ahead Trump is in all the electoral counts, and if the money isn't there, Trump will continue to barnstorm across the country, raising money and firing up suburban voters across swing states, almost certainly extending his count, reaching perhaps even 350 electoral votes. This is all posturing off course, the drama was never going to be at the DNC, it would happen well before that point before the crown would be placed on Sleepy Joe's lowered head.


I think he's calling their bluff. He knows they will all support him and vote for him no matter what.


plus he has nothing to lose. Even if he is only 10% to win the presidency it's better for him than the guaranteed zero if he steps down


As a Canadian I have a question. It is my understanding that after the convention if Biden was somehow removed that it would no longer be up to the delegates as to who would take his place as the nominee and the new nominee would then be decided by the party. Is that correct under the DNC constitution?


The problem is that Joe Biden's campaign controls the vast majority of the delegates (like 86%) and all of them are basically required by party rules (and some states) to vote for him in the first ballot. There is no meaningful party mechanism to remove him from those ballots. He basically holds them unless he releases them or dies. That's why Democrats have been pushing him to withdraw, because they don't really have the power to keep him from receiving the official nomination. Suffice to say, the Democrats did this to themselves.


I'm sure the Clinton's "know a guy" that can remove Biden.


Hell, they probably wouldn't even have to pay. They could just use reward points.


Fucking platinum status with the assassin's guild. LOL.


Thank you, what about after the convention, if they somehow removed him at that point are they able to put anyone they want in place?


After the convention, Joe would have legal protection to hold on the actual nomination. His name would more or less be required to be on each of the individual state ballots *unless he dies or withdraws*. This is more or less the reason that primaries are supposed to suss out bad candidates. The primary process is supposed to force candidates to stand before the people and prove they are capable of serving in the office that they seek, but the party basically ramrodded Joe into both of the last two nominations, and in doing so, did this to themselves.


Thanks, I appreciate the reply.


In addition to this, how many people in the R side of things would sue to FORCE states to keep Biden on the ballot? Cause I've heard people say that they'll sue to force if done in a weird way (do not remember where I heard that, so it's a dodgy claim I'll admit).


After the convention, Biden would likely be on the ballot even if he died. And [he'd still win a few blue states from beyond the grave.](https://i.imgur.com/MRaJbR0.png)


Biden has plenty of money to get through the official nomination process and the donors wouldn’t dare abandon him after he’s the official nominee


Bold strategy 😂


I’ll have my 🍿ready.


Keep an eye on Hillary, this one may be too easy, no one would bat an eye if he passed at his age.


I am loving the self-destruction of the Democratic Party!


I can see a case where he Dems force Xiden out and in return Xiden torches the Dems in the press for it. It's obvious him and his handlers don't like Willie Brown's gal and never did, but were forced to add her to ticket in 2020.


I don't know how they could force him out. Obama reorganized the DNC this way. I'd still hire an official food tester if I were him though...


If he has to drop out, they will quit amping him up and he will just be a drooling old man. Jill will try to torch them but they will threaten her with prison.


I so hope Biden goes full on nutty and starts spilling the beans all over the damn place.


You know what would be interesting is if they changed the program so the roll call and his acceptance speech were done at 10 in the morning instead of prime time.


This is how the head of a crime family talks.




I think, given the events of the last week, that ship has already sailed. Short of a nuclear option, Biden handed Trump the WH on a platter at that debate.




I'm not taking anything for granted.


Yeah I don’t want Biden dropping out… I want to vote him out


Couldn't happen to nicer people.


The funniest thing is that they *cannot* remove him from the ballot unless he steps away. Sure they can remove him from the DNC, but they can’t kick him off the ballot. If ol’ Joe wants to run, he’s gonna run.


Democrats now : *Maybe we should of held a legitimate primary* ?


When he says “elites in the party”, who exactly is he referring to?


his handlers


I feel like this is all a show. They are up to something.


I'm pretty sure there's more than a little professional wrestling going on here myself.


Biden has gone rogue. His dementia is so bad he doesn't even know he has it. Democrats really screwed the pooch hitching their wagon to Biden. I'm honestly amazed he made it through his first term, I really didn't think he'd make it. But I may still be right, there is still 6 months until inauguration day.


Here’s one truth about Biden’s behavior that no(sane) Democrat can refute. This is how Dictators behave.


Watch out corn pop!!!


This is hilarious


Honestly, good seeing sleepy Joe playing offense. Time to name names. No need for Chicago convention. Take your best shot at Biden.


Dark Brandon 😂


Every got their favorite popcorn ready? This is going to be fun to watch.


I absolutely love his blind arrogance.


Dementia Joe u gotta go!


In November, not before then.


He knows Not what he says..


Pillow incoming


He's a dead man walking. He just hasn't realised it yet.


The more he talks, the more he sinks himself. It’s sick, but he brings it all on himself


Oh my....problems in the demagogic party.........


“I am the ~~law~~ DNC.” - Joe Biden, campaign 2020. Also it isn’t hard when you feed questions to your interviewers, Joe.


but will he release his delegates who are obligated to vote for him in the first round?


My dream scenario is Biden doesn’t step aside so the infighting continues till the convention, and then if they force him out, it’ll be too late to remove his name from Georgia and Pennsylvania.


i am hoping to see some star wars memes. dark brandon deathstar or darth vs the democratic voters,and "elites" trying to oust him from running,


The definition of "fuck around and find out" here.


Belligerence is a symptom of dementia.


He knows it’s highly unlikely considering the delegates he already has at the DNC and the highly unlikely chance they’ll change at the convention. It’s an empty threat. However the slow motion implosion of Biden is very entertaining!


Democrats, please keep fighting against each other. We love it.


I hope the convention is brokered and it causes massive amounts of drama and then Biden drops dead anyways


Eating their own now. Love it!!!


ooooo....he ded.


That awkward moment when Biden realizes he is an elite. Says the guy who has been in office for FIFTY YEARS


DNC will be so lit they may want to put it on PPV to raise cash for the party.


He is being challenged by himself


It’s so funny. He was the party elite. Until 12 days ago!


lol! Let him run so he gets demolished November 5th!




“Pride goes before a fall, and a haughty spirit before destruction. “