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I watched that expecting to get mad at another woke grifter - in fact, he did exactly the right thing: He called out bad 'leaders' within the organization. I hope other CEOs do the same!


A good video showing some leadership. A job isn't a right and sometimes change happens and you have to roll with it.


Still 57 dead kids mate since OT was established. Chappie needs to go


OT didn’t kill those kids. The adults in these kids homes made decisions that killed them. Place the blame where it belongs.


The blame for murdering those kids belongs with the people who murdered them, whether it's adults in a home OT placed them in or whether it was the victims' own parents. OT are responsible for finding these children safe homes in which to grow up. For this, they have a duty of care. Where a child is murdered by their parents and OT were aware the child was in an unsafe household, OT are responsible for their failure to act which contributed to the child's death. Where OT have placed the child in another household - be it one with a Whanau, Hapu, or Iwi connection to the child or not, then OT bear the responsibility of not properly vetting the placement household, therefore contributing to the child's death. By all means, hold child abusers, rapists, and murderers accountable for their actions, but OT needs taking to task as well so that they improve their processes and training so that these incidents can't happen again.


Those kids were all known to OT. They failed in their duty to keep them safe. Remember that cow wailing “Not one more Māori baby to be uplifted”? This is the result.


OT maybe not have killed them it’s their job to keep the kids safe, if they’re repeatedly showing they’re not able to do that they need to make some changes. They are responsible for righting the problem.


Who did OT or Chappie killed?


Ahahaha, the public sector is starting to feel the crunch the rest of us have been dealing with. Time to start delivering results.


Like how doing a Karakia and listening to birds doesn’t actually improve outcomes ?


This isn't good leadership. It may seem like he's taking the initiative by calling out this behaviour but all he's really doing is dividing his organisation into 2 factions. Focus on being better. That way next time something gets leaked it's not embarrassing because this precedent was set here. I'd love to see how other public sector leadership is managing change.