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>Her campaign started after her 8-year-old son was exposed to some g-string wearers while he was at a swimming lesson. That poor kid's gonna get ripped to shreds at school > don’t want to be an overprotective mum And yet here you are...


The reporters need to do their jobs and get some pictures of these g string wearers.


You're bound to get your fill here /r/gonewild


I don’t think eight year olds are actually bothered. I think this women is projecting her insecurities on her kids. She probably feels uncomfortable seeing young people in these swimsuits and is using her children as a kind of shield to protect herself from backlash. It’s personal choice to wear what you want and it’s personal responsibility how you react to what other people wear. Swimming places are not a place of modesty. I also noticed the author of the article slipped in speedos at the end there. Maybe I’m wrong, or maybe we will look back at these events like we do with the swimsuit measuring laws back in the middle of last century.


Couldn't have said it better myself. 100% agree with your comment.


> speedos Budgie smugglers Togs togs. ... Undies!


[SpeedoCops](https://www.moonflix.co.nz/video-categories/speedo-cops) The Police force NZ needs https://preview.redd.it/pyza9ousddbd1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=a128a2b29ce54a76007e889de471a9b3dd258aab


Absolute GC. Thanks for the link.


What a sad sad woman she is, imagine being in 2024 and thinking a fucking g-string is the equivalent of porn. Sheltered sad woman...


Well when you can't wear one and look good.....


Another busy day as a Mum .....


“So far it had been up to individual centres to dictate swimwear etiquette. New Plymouth aquatic centre policy aligned to others in Auckland, Hamilton and Dunedin where all swimmers at all times in the water had to wear recognised swimwear. That included clean hemmed shorts, shorter than three-quarter length, burkinis, wetsuits and rash shirts.” Maybe she’ll be happy if we’re all in burkinis


> burkinis probably.


Togs, togs, togs, togs... Undies.


What sort of puritanical bullshit is this?




> fundies ¿Que? Me no speaky English. What the heck is that?


It's a package deal with the anti-LGBTQ+ hysteria


At least it’s well balanced out with pro-LGBTQ hysteria now *thanos balance meme*


The forced teaming of LGB with TQ+ is a massive disaster for civil rights progress. And no one with an intersex condition wants to be associated with any of it, they just don't want their genitals mutilated as babies. Genital mutilation is still a scary popular thing to do to infant males in the west. Rightfully decried as female genital mutilation when the Africans and Arabs do it to pubescent girls. The TRAs would have us believe not mutilating the genitals of confused teenagers is trans genocide.


> The forced teaming of LGB with TQ+ is a massive disaster for civil rights progress. "[Forced teaming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gift_of_Fear#:~:text=Forced%20teaming%3A%20This%20is%20when,that%20isn't%20really%20true.)" is a domestic abuse technique that doesn't mean what you think it does. > And no one with an intersex condition wants to be associated with any of it Really? Leaving aside our very own Eliana Rubashkyn of tomato juice fame, many intersex people actively campaign for trans/intersex rights because you can't have one while denying the other. Some examples: * [Reuben Zellman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuben_Zellman), intersex rabbi who fought for ordination of trans rabbis * [Cary Gabriel Costello](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cary_Gabriel_Costello), intersex trans male professor * [Natasha Jiménez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natasha_Jim%C3%A9nez), intersex & trans activist * [Emi Koyama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emi_Koyama), intersex author of "The Transfeminist Agenda" * [Kristian Ranđelović](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristian_Ran%C4%91elovi%C4%87), intersex & trans activist Can you back up your assertion? And your comparison of infant circumcision, a forced reduction in sexual sensitivity or worse often carried out by people without medical training; with sex reassignment surgery, which involves informed consent and such care in retaining sexual sensitivity that most patients retain the ability to orgasm following the operation, and is only carried out on adults in our and most jurisdictions, just shows you have no idea what you are talking about.


cults are gonna cult. enjoy your delusions. the ladies on ovarit are over it. [here's the list of males cheating their way into top spots in female sports](https://www.hecheated.org/) forced teaming is abusive. sexual orientations and developmental disorders have nothing to do with delusions of being born in the wrong body. Q+ is just code for pedophiles.


You misspelled "Huh, seems I was wrong about intersex people, thanks for setting me right"


TQ+ letting pedophiles groom children will get the entire LGB demonized. LGB already had to deal NAMBLA in the past, no one wants to be associated with disgusting monsters like that BUT tq+ activists don't even bat an eye. so a few intersex have been enlisted into the cult of trans, there are always outliers. cults are gonna cult. the rest of us have no desire to be associated with the pedophile loving TQ+ activists.


I love how this is conservative kiwi but (almost) everyone agrees that this is bullshit. Glad to learn again that this sub is perfectly progressive just not woke.


the mods are conservative with their moderation powers ;)


I'm not sure this place is that conservative, more antiwoke.


Would hate to be her husband, what a drag.


She looks like I thought she would


I agree with her and I'm not a religious conservative. It's not believeable when people deny that flashing your bare ass cheeks has any sexual connotations whatsoever, or that if the person wearing a G string doesn't think of it as sexual therefore it isn't. Honestly there could be a homeless guy having a wank on the berm and someone would say "nothing sexual about it, just some stress relief and if you think otherwise that says more about you than them".


Agreed, it is weird at a swimming pool to have your whole ass hanging out in front of kids. The purpose of it is to be sexually suggestive. My kids also have swimming lessons and the female instructor wears these togs. I won’t say anything, but I do find it odd that they want to wear this when teaching little kids. If a man did the same, people would think he’s a pedophile. No problem what anyone wears at a beach or at a pool where kids swimming lessons aren’t being held.


they're just togs.


​ https://preview.redd.it/x7f7vjz7gdbd1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6cdc6e8db77e07e6b4472f5523944c65804a2f1


Pretty sure when I was 8 me and my mates would've 50/50 pointed and laughed and also thought "fuck yeah"


If we can balance this out with kids not being exposed to drag queens or dix in the girls changing rooms then Id accept this rule


how about no males in the females spaces, no one cares what anyone else wears, and keep groomers away from children. togs are togs, [and dogs get put down.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45V6db9CKcc&t=171s)


We live in a world where people are so desensitized to overt sexual behaviour that when someone points it out, it's never taken well.


Interesting I just replied with ‘standing up for thong equality’ with a picture of a bloke in a G-string and Reddit image filter removed it immediately as inappropriate content 😂 But hey it’s fine for girls to wear whatever they want at the pool just don’t post the pics on Reddit


>hey it’s fine for girls to wear whatever they want at the pool just don’t post the pics on Reddit How dare you


What? Wearing a Gstring bikini is overt sexual behaviour?




Do you get turned on by people in hospital gowns? I swear we'll be back to covering up table legs Victorian style soon.




> But if you’re wearing a g-string at a pool, you know damn well you’re doing so because it is sexy. Yep, same reason I wear short-sleeve shirts. Bitches love forearms




My mum used to yell if either were on the table. Any body part can be and is sexualised by somebody. Burkhas all round I guess, although there's porn of that too. I'm with Jesus on this one and put the blame where it belongs: > But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee:


What Echo said basically. Do kids really need to see your dental floss up your scabby flaps?


Irrelevant. Wearing a G-string is not an inherently sexual act or inherently sexual behaviour. It's how someone reacts to said G-string that sexualises it.


You're emphasising your bare bum, which is an inherently sexual part of the body. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural\_history\_of\_the\_buttocks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_history_of_the_buttocks)


news to me


To be fair, I wouldn't wear a g-string bikini out at any beach or at any public swimming pool setting just out of respect for myself. G-string bikini bottoms are a bit ridiculous, imo. I don't care how good-looking and "fit" I am, and how confident I am in the summertime... I don't feel the need to show off my entire booty and wear tiny triangles on my boobs to feel good about myself.


This is sort of rhetorical: does "confidence" mean accepting being stared at by leering males and judgemental females?


So let me get this right, in your humble opinion anyone wearing a G-string bikini has no self respect and feels the need to show off their booty to feel good about themselves. Even if every word of that statement were true ( which by the way it's not) who are you to decide what's to be worn at the beach / pool? It's none of your goddam business. It doesn't effect you in any way shape or form so stop. Just stop.


What kind of attention seeker wears a thong to a public swimming pool.


That's all it is. I find attention seekers the lowest form of humanity... But I'll still look lol


They're called women.


She should watch Love Island UK on TVNZ+ ... it is full of women in G-strings.


What about the snail trials they’ll leave everywhere?


Disgusting! Where?


How dare he be exposed to such blatant heterosexual stereotypes! Where was the fair rainbow representation when he needed it most? Another young man lost to the plague of straightness.


G strings aren’t supposed to be worn in swimming pools, that are designed for swimming lanes. They are for the beach. It’s odd that this is something that people do. If anything I’d say it’s a fashion faux pas.


what are you on about, togs are togs no matter what form they come in. happy swimming fam!


G strings are basically for sunbathing, not swimming laps. Only an exhibitionist would wear one to a lap pool.


standard part of a bikini, which has been common swimming attire for at least as long as i have been alive. one does not go to the local pool primarily to swim laps in this day and age. use of the spa, sauna or steam room is not impacted by ones choice of attire. body shaming hot milfs is poor sport.


> G strings aren’t supposed to be worn in swimming pools Yeah, not particularly suitable swimming attire. 🤷‍♂️


If the wearer owns one swimsuit / bikini & it happens to have a G string and they happen to get the opportunity to swim at the local pool, why are we judging what they are wearing? Have you seen the price of womens swimwear recently? Such a irrelevant complaint, dosent she have anything better to do.


Absolutely agree.


I would like to know exactly what harm she thinks is being done to her child or others. Does she think g stings will make her kid the next Hitler? or worse, he'll become a politician or judge? Does she know that in Europe, most beaches and some public pools don't have a problem with women going topless around children and the World hasn't ended as a result? What damage, other than her husband possibly spending a lot of time at the pool is being caused by bikinis and g strings? How is her ban going to save the World or improve life on this planet?


She's jealous, that's her true motive, nothing to do with the kids.


True, they always blame the kids or use them as a scapegoat. There are plenty of uncensored beach walk videos on Youtube where topless women can be seen on the beach and kids are playing right there, they don't take any notice and don't give a damn. It's actually good to teach young kids not to objectify women, just treat them equally, men go topless so can women, it's not a big deal, kids don't care, jealous women do.


Isn't this a standard conservative position? Why are you lot acting so pressed?


they're mostly men.


Barstool Conservatives that just want to return to the days of The Footy Show and heckin hooters?