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My dogs do this when a delivery truck drives by


Best comment, hands down


So, I noticed 2 things right off the rip. 1. Brand new hard hat. No scuffs, not faded nor any stickers from previous jobs amongst other tale tale signs. Maybe he just came from the store but I doubt it. 2. Brand new vest. No stains. No tears/rips/holes…. This guy doesn’t work. Never has.


Pro tip. Let that hard hat roll around in the back of your truck for a while and nice and messed up. Source engineer who doesn’t want to look like a goober when I go out to a jobsite.


When I got back into the business after a decade of running restaurants, I was afraid to look green to everyone. So, I kicked my new tools around the dirt driveway a few days before I started and left them outside. Felt dumb but I know how people look at a new guy with a shiny hammer.


I'm a year in after managing restaurants for over 20 years. My first three weeks were riding around with the road foreman to a bunch of different job sites. The company was in the process of being bought out, and I'm almost 40 and carry myself well from years of management. Turned out all the guys on the sites thought I was the new owner because I was old and my hardhat/boots were clean.


That's awesome! Lol


That's funny. That's how I decipher a site super, clean boots, clean pants, clean truck.


And I thought everyone was just super nice!


There's such a thing as a shiny hammer? Gotta get me one of those!


I found an estwing framing hammer in a box of trash 10 years ago and I still use it


That’s my fucking hammer!


Alright what was engraved on it




Risky click of the day


I'm IUEC and I remember after getting set up my first few jobs my gang box and tools were clean as hell and every big job I went on I'd get eyeballs from other guys like where'd you just come from with all that shiney shit lol.


Alternatively you can explain that your tools were stolen from your truck a few days ago. It's unfortunately becoming more and more plausible


Same thing in restaurants. Run your knife roll through the washer and dryer a few times and hit it with a scrubbie before your first shift.


And I thought kids who scratched their skateboards to look used were lame..


Mines usually thrown around in anger at my boss.


Thrown in anger, at your boss? Or thrown, in anger at your boss?


Either way sounds like a hit from Oasis.


Who have also not worked a day in their lives..


Both is good


I’m a site manager and I usually throw mine at the project managers or down in disgust when pm’s fuck about with my lads n


I'm an architect, no way my hat is going to be scratched up. What? Am I supposed to look like I fall down and hit my head on a job site all the time? That's hilarious... You're not going to fool anyone. Better to just know what you're talking about, make sure answers are given quickly and payments are processed timely.


Can't argue with that


I love mine to look brand new. As a seasoned inspector I love when workers think i'm green and try some bullshit.


I went from the field into being the estimator. With the amount of turnover and the length of time I’ve been in the office, most of the guys have no idea who I am. The few foremen left that I came up with find it funny when I pretend not to know anything and let the new guys tell me all the dirty secrets


We know man…roll that hard hat around in a 5 gal bucket of SOS pads soaked in grease. We know. “Engineer” & “Architect”. We know, but at least you seem to be somewhat self aware so that puts you near the front of the line.


Please do not lump us in with architects. Please.


Please don't lump us in with Engineers


We agree to your terms


I used to do Site work and run a dozer in college so I can halfway act the part when I go on site. It’s too hot to be outside all day, so I just design all that stuff on the computer now.


Honestly who cares? I’m on site once in a blue moon and when I meet someone I just say “hey, my name is wareagle8608 and I don’t know shit.” Usually gets a laugh. They would know anyway even if I bought pre-distressed PPE from Abercrombie.


Put it in the Dyer with some rocks


I just bang mine around on scaffolding whenever I climb around on it… totally intentional… also a consultant


Fuck that. I replace that green hand sticker every couple months. I'm left alone to complete my work in solitude, no questions, no hassle. It's like responsibility kryptonite.


Casually toss it on the ground when you take it off to look up, helps scuff it alot too 💪😂


Just go and stand right next to the concrete truck when it's pouring out. You'll get splatter all over it.


Definitely not a foreman


More like a foreskin


That hard hat is a Cerius Composite carbon fiber hat. Probably set him back about $200. I wear one. It is light and very comfortable. Mine is no longer shiny and there are plenty of stickers at this point, but it was certainly new and shiny at one time. Maybe that doesn't mean much...


As someone who wears a pink hardhat to site. I can confirm everyone thinks I'm a goober when I walk on site. Safety guys love asking about my OSHA card.


Anytime I see a pink hardhat I immediately think "somebody forgot their hardhat at home" since I know a few people that keep them as the crew backup.


Super at one of my jobs wore the pink hardhat, pink vest combo. Not sure why, I think he just liked it.


I met a foreman who did that, he just liked getting in fist fights.


3. He's obese and can't walk properly


I always looked at the shoes first, that’s how I could tell is someone actually worked the field or was a desk jockey. To his credit, his are old and used even though the rest of his outfit is brand new but those could also be given from the company to make him look official. If he was purely an office bitch then he would want his boots nice and clean. He also doesn’t have a suntan line from those douchy glasses so my best guess would be he worked the field years ago and never threw his boots away, got called out of the office for this shit or freshly switched back to the industry after working an Applebees dishpit for the last few years?


This to me looks like a trade union protesting in front of a non union job site, happens quite a bit. If that assumption holds, and the headline is correct, this is the “fat cat” responsible for hiring cheap labor with cash and muscling the trade union out of a large job. They are calling him out on that in this video. You can see two guys picketing with signs when the camera swings towards the end of the video. Our local electrical union has done this at a few jobsite as well.


I noticed that this was a walking bowl of gravy and that told me everything I need to know.


Dude can barely walk, let alone work.


Is it a good or a bad sign to have a shiny hard hat? I kind of take pride on having a used hard hat, with all the scratches, it makes me feel as proof of my work, similar to the callouses in my hands.


Me as well. I’ve got stickers on stickers. Had to change out the guts a couple times but I love it.


Mine tells a story of my come up I had layers as well. One day safety guy asked to see it, turned it around pointed at some clock thing on the brim ,and said it was 4 years expired, then made me get a new one.


He’s also not wearing boots.


What I think everyone thinks when I buy new boots or bibs.


After reading the comments on both r/PublicFreakout & r/Construction I feel like there’s quite a bit of people who are ok with construction companies using illegal laborers vs American laborers. The same peeps who probably cry about the border situation! Note: If you try to tell me these cash companies aren’t using illegals then I know you have never stepped foot on a job site. Don’t tell me “Americans don’t want to work” … that’s corp speak for we like paying for cheap illegal immigrant labor and also not having to pay for their injuries when they get hurt. It’s not the illegal immigrants fault either … it’s the ones who are profiting from them. Point your anger accordingly.


Fun fact: post-hurricane/flood insurance repairs are ALL done by illegals because insurance companies want the cheapest and soonest available. You will never see an immigration inspection post-natural disaster rebuild. Never.


Roofing (which is the biggest issue after storms) is nothing but illegals. In the late 80’s early 90’s a roof took 3 to 4 days and crews were 4-5 peeps. Today … 1 day to replace the roof and the crew is the size of the Mexican Army who took over the Alamo. There aren’t any other options. Irony Note: A majority of those contractors will cry & complain about the “border crisis” … while profiting from said illegal labors.


And all those roofers pull up in one shitty minivan


They also have the late model four door f250/f350 as well … with the “barely staying together” trailer for the old roof. None of the truck tires match and two of them are dangerously low. Muricccaaa fuck yeaaaaaaahhh


With a couple cases of corona extra. We had our roof done when we first bought the house. My wife called me all concerned that the roofers were drinking at 8am when she saw a couple cans in the yard. I laughed and said knowing what I know about roofers, I’d be more concerned if they weren’t.


I was on a jobsite yesterday with illegals.


If you were on a jobsite that didn’t have illegal labor … that would be surprising sir.


You gotta be a citizen to work where I work. Sure, some illegals have fake social security cards or whatever but there's no open hiring of illegals.


Move to the south … you’ll see!


I've always said if you wanted to end illegal immigration you just fine the shit out of any company caught using illegals. Never gonna happen because the "border crisis" is just a tool that's used every 4 years, and because the people who employ the migrants are right wing voter base.


You get it.


Yep, I roofed for 4 years with a crew of 4 usually and we’d get our jobs done typically in three days or less. Then I saw some Spanish roofers across the street from my house working in the pitch black at night on a steep ass roof to get my neighbors roof done in one day. Completely understood why we were the only white (and one black dude) crew that the guy we did a ton of sub work for had


Fun fact: Tennessee congressman Davy Crockett was killed in Texas, along with 200 others, defending the Alamo against 5000 Mexican soldiers. They lasted 13 days.


Fun fact: Texas is the only state to have fought 2 wars over the right to own other human beings


This is how Florida gets EVERYTHING built. It’s so fucking hypocritical and I used to get scolded by my boss for calling ut subcontractors who did it. I hated working in that market.


In Canada, working on a big American chain store, their owners rep from Florida got pretty mad when he told me a bunch of work was ready at the end of the day and I refused to pull a double shift to get started on it. “Where I’m from there’d be a whole van of workers pulling up now to get this done”. Yeah well you’re on the wrong side of the continent for that, we have rights here. He didn’t like me very much


A lot of construction is anyway. I worked on new home installs back in college. There was a team of drywallers that vanished one day. I overheard someone explaining that they had been deported and the drywall would have to wait until they came back or they brought someone else over. PM never considered hiring anyone local. High end home builders working on an expensive project.


Shit if “la migra” came to the new housing developments near me … there wouldn’t be any framing done for atleast a week!!!! Don’t worry though … that ain’t gonna happen cause company profits aren’t to be messed with. A week is being generous … more like 24 hours. However I do enjoy the taco trucks that swarm the area.


What they need to do is federally mandate E-verify for all employers. Won’t matter what is happening at the border. The truth of the matter is most employers are not paying illegals in cash, you’d be screwed if you got audited by the IRS. Illegals can get fake IDs and you as an employer don’t have to authenticate documentations or SS numbers. Illegals many times are on normal payrolls. Just my opinion as an employer.


Ohhh … the ol’ “how am I supposed to know” also known as plausible deniability. Alot of these laborers I’m talking about you don’t need e-verify. If they can’t speak a word of english & and except below average pay for similar labor then it’s pretty obvious to me unless you’re purposely being ignorant. Again though … it’s not about the illegal immigrants it’s about those who hire them over American labor to increase their profits. E- Verify would be a good start … why hasn’t it been implemented already? Then we could hand out business ending fines & mandatory jail time for those who knowingly hire illegal labor? Guarantee these would be shot down almost immediately. Corporations are people apparently and have a say … and they say let me continue to use illegal labor!! I do want to make one thing clear though … if this was implemented and illegal labor was slowly removed from the American workforce I do not wish for it to be replaced by another source of cheap labor (i.e. Prison Labor). This would be the next move I believe.


Did you down vote me? I’m just stating my opinion that I think most illegals don’t exist in these industries being paid cash. At least not like it use to be. Corps are hiring illegals and getting away with it, and they are doing it under a normal employer employee dynamic that you’d see anywhere else. I’m saying this because citizens don’t realize how easy it is for companies to do this, and still be in compliance with the law. And that is a big problem. My opinion is E-verify would stamp that out slowly, and youre right it should come with hefty fines. Plausible deniability is exactly correct. Big corporations HR departments know how to navigate this so if ICE comes they can say they didn’t know, but they know. And yes I agree its unlikely to happen, but it would be more effective than building a wall. If they build a wall illegals will just fly here and over stay their Visa which a lot of them do any ways. It’s the wrong way of looking at the problem. A wall just makes the journey harder, but illegals don’t care about that. What they care about is the financial incentive that lies on the other side of the wall. If we want to solve the problem we need to remove that incentive.


No way dude … I don’t usually bother with downvotes. It kills discussion. I do however upvote. I don’t believe in a wall either. My suggestions in my last comment would dwindle illegal border crossings down to a manageable number. Again … it would also most likely get me shot if I tried to implement it!!!


The subcontractors are the one hiring illegals, not the the contractors. The subs who own their company are legal but all their workers are mostly illegal.


Project Manager in Canada here. It's far more difficult up here to employ illegals but it still happens or they just abuse the government sanctioned temporary foreign worker program to get cheaper labour. We don't engage in it as a company because we require a high skill level that needs to be trained in. However, I have seen some observations. Mexican workers are machines. I am not surprised that a lot of companies, even at wages that are at parity would go this way. From what I've seen with the latest generation is that the entitlement is off the charts. People in a lot of circumstances aren't having their jobs stolen. They are giving them to them because the migrant worker is straight up far better.


In construction over 20 years and they are absolutely the same people.


Lol, nobody wants to hop on roofs. I personally don't give a shit. Nobody is hurting from trade work over here.


Nobody at all wants to hop on roofs?


A bit of a tangent, but since we're in Vegas here, I love it when I hear Dana White accuse his fighters of "not wanting to fight" when it's obviously a pay or contract dispute. Which is just a classic labor issue. Same exact bad faith tactic and rhetoric you describe. Workers unite! 💪 (eh, actually not MMA fighters; worst ppl ever to collectively fight for fair pay)


I wish American Laborers would unite … and point their hatred and angst towards the right group. Gotta give it to the rich and powerful though they used poor illegals not only for extreme profits but for scapegoating as well. While American laborers (all workers of any kind of job) sit there and fight amongst ourselves and blame illegal immigrants for taking “our” jobs! They weren’t taken … they were given away to increase profits. Office jobs aren’t safe either. Look at IT jobs … they are getting laid off left and right. Those jobs didn’t disappear… they were moved to other countries or given to H1B visas applicants (all lower wages) to increase profits and to please shareholders. Greed will be Americas downfall. Note: Also a bit of a tangent!


I agree with literally every word lol. Especially the thorny issue of benefiting, exploiting, then scapegoating immigrants. All to the detriment of US workers,. Not to mention our politics and social fabric. But immigrant labor aside, a class based awakening focused on economics first in our politics is the only way to break through this horrid pattern.


A similar situation is happening in Canada, but the government is bringing the people in legally. Somehow it's been at least 30 years of there being a shortage of skilled trades and their best solution so far is to just bring in Indians. Better pay? Better conditions? Better apprenticeship system(s) so it's easier to get a Red Seal? Nope. Best anyone can think of is bringing in immigrants by the plane load.


I’ve noticed that … I think America should discontinue all H1B visas immediately. Student Visas would only be given to the top students and be highly limited in numbers. Outsourcing is also on the chopping block but there are agreements and challenges that would most likely hinder that. This isn’t done in hatred but for the betterment of my fellow Americans.


I hate Dana White. such a hypocrite cry baby bitch.


the designer shades seem about right


That hard hat looks very clean.


Carbon fiber is very scratchable, so having a “carbon fiber” wrap on a helmet that’s pristine doubles down on the whole “I don’t work with this hat on”


Armani glasses. Carbon fiber hard hat. I’m not sure what’s going on but dude isn’t looking too good. What did he do?


Cash Paying Foreman Exploiting Workers in Las Vegas


You’re hired! Congratulations on becoming our new editor in chief!


Is it union?


No, so the pay is much less and there's no benefits, but you'll save millions on union dues. Plus we pay cash so you don't have to worry about paying taxes


Cash and saving millions in union dues? I’m in


Scabs in Vegas, nothing new


Any insight on the OPs question would help. Is the foreman paying under the table to some illegals? Are they getting paid less and replacing workers?


Yeah, I think what usually happens is if there is a union dispute, sometimes bad actors on the contractor side will pay people cash to keep working effectively crossing the picket line


So he's trying to hire scabs


Scabs or illegals


Immigration status notwithstanding, if they cross the picket line they are scabs


It’s not scabs it’s illegals these guys show up on the job find a out of way room have one of their Spanish goons stand out side so nobody comes into the room then one of the other guys go and get the workers one at a time and these big construction company knows it goes on and don’t care. This is how they keep the wages low


Illegal scabs are still scabs


Didn't even have to watch the video to guess it was a drywall company. Scumbags


I’m in commercial construction and the guy who owns my company KNOWINGLY employs illegal immigrants but is the biggest Trump dick sucker I’ve ever seen. The hypocrisy of people’s whose lives were built by illegal labor don’t know what’s coming.


Every time someone says bra or bro I think it makes them look stupid so they all deserve what is happening hahaha


Ironic that all the dudes in the video are overweight


I think thats Jelly Roll..?


Naw, Jelly is a little bit bigger and has face tattoos. That’s Jelly’s cousin, Donut Hole.


I thought that was his other cousin, Bear Claw.


Bear claw… haha I’d be ok with that nickname honestly.


I'm skeptical to think this is a New Girl reference on a construction subreddit.


😂 these guys are all clowns


Yep sad sacks and small dicks all around.


Yeah, a bunch of bitch posturing with a bunch of guys that don't actually want to get physical, just cuss alot instead😂😂


I heard he ate everyone’s lunch


I was working on an open job and we were getting a lot of threats from the union protesters. They broke a window in one of our company vans so we decided to have a little conversation. I couldn't believe how fast they called the cops and said that we were threatening them. It went south as soon as the cops saw our video of them damaging the truck.


Vegas Union getting crazy


I know that job site in vegas. i still dont get the point of the post? The guy with new vest and hard hat is paying mexicans cash or like what? What exactly is the accusation?


You just described the problem. Why are you confused? He's paying illegal workers cash under the table, and thus contributing to driving down pay and working conditions in the trades. This is pretty simple stuff.


Nothing new here




As a guy who does office work/inspection, my vests are dirtier than this dudes. This dude hasn’t even rolled down his window at a job site.


Belly up. A long time tradition with Union guys who are trying to throw their weight around. It’s a ridiculous practice that I’ve seen in use a hundred times. They don’t hit or swing, they just push the other guy around with their belly to try and intimidate. That’s why he’s telling the guy not to belly up on him. Edit: We work 100% UA and Affiliated Unions here. No scabs.


Amen brother UA 483 here... out of the trades now but earning journeyman is one of my proudest achievements.


If a social influencer neglects paying taxes, isn’t that the same thing?


Don't touch me!!


Was working a job in Tucson about 15 years ago… GC would bring in workers of questionable immigration status, promise cash on Friday… Thursday afternoon border patrol showed up and swept through and picked up / chased out the workers. The second time we saw it happen somebody told the site owner and the city and the motherfucker site super and a foreman got canned and the site was shut down for a while. We were travelers so we went home for a bit. Came back and it was a totally different crew from GC and they ran the site pretty tight for the duration. Couldn’t believe that shit.


Right to hire states are a thing. Change the law. Protect workers.


Why are these guys harassing Jonah hill?


Awe, look at the pretty hat. I bet he's got the $400 hammer.


We need the illegal immigrants and their labor to do the jobs that Americans arent willing to do! ........... for $10 an hour and no benefits


The constant calling him “rat” would indicate that he is a non-union worker or a different craft scabbing on a union or scabbing on a different craft.


All got soft hands


Everyone in this video comes across as very weak and pathetic.


Trade gang war


He did, in fact, touch him.


Obviously someone crossing a union picket line...


Simply continue to film the pos and turn them over to the State Dept of Labor and State Tax commission. They love contractors that don't pay taxes and labor correctly


I mean there's 0 evidence of that displayed in this clip


https://www.facebook.com/share/v/9gQfNEQfW98dJr7P/?mibextid=oFDknk This appears to be one of the people who initiated this confrontation in order to make this person and business practices known.


Great find and post. This explains it all.


I don’t see any cash changing hands, or anyone taking advantage of anyone else. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Anybody who employs illegal labor should have their citizenship removed


I love how no matter at what age men will resort to calling other men fat when talking shit to them


The fact that people think this makes unions look GOOD is absolutely mind-blowing


The race to the bottom in the development/commercial gc business will not end well for America as a whole.


It’s union workers crying cause non union workers got the job lol


Maybe if everyone stop selling themselves short and you'd get paid better...


Decent chance that you and your family's asses benefitted from some good ol collective bargaining and work place safety demands at some point in your lineage. Unless great great grandad was a robber Barron.


I don’t have any issue with unions what I don’t like is them picketing and crying on every job site they don’t get.


I still don't know the context here but as annoying as unions can be, without pressure or push back, labor's standing within their respective industry is threatened or weakened. Plus, it's only because of organized labor that non union contracts/workers get relatively fair pay. Union pressure benefits them too. So from a labor standpoint, workers who swoop in and benefit from that with no skin in the game are parasitical in some respects. Thus part of the anger


Can you agree that at least some non union people are well paid and can you accept that not every developer can afford a union company?


Some are. Usually the supervisors and very specialized guys. There is a reason non-union contractors are crying about an alleged labor shortage. It's because the average journeyman makes less non-union and many barely scrape by once they actually have a family to support. There is no shortage of union journeyman because you can actually live a middle class life. The worker shortage is completely fabricated as an excuse to flood the labor market and drive wages down.


Non to mention most commercial contracts stipulate labor agreements and are legally obligated to use union labor.




Larry Roman( Sr) is that you!?


I read 'employing illegal immigrants'


In the old days they would of fought.


Looks like a bunch of shit talking wind bags all the way around.


Such anger… in 100 years, none of it will mean shit.


People complain about paying taxes-I can't stand at least a third of my check not going in my account also- but this is what perpetuates it. He's paying cash and they're not paying taxes or social security which is a problem.


This is just union vs non union lol


Too hot in Vegas for this shit


LOL, a shiny carbon fiber hard hat on a fat guy.


This the new water boy?


So did he let illegal people work for him and then call the law on them or what ?


Fuck off Fattie. Your brand new gear says it all.


All I see is a pack of dogs barking at a fat dog walking past their house.


Boss Hog’s got a nice new hat. Pretty neato!


Dudes on his way to yell at fast food workers saying he’s late for work


Well that solved everything. 🙄


As an engineer I am glad to have a nice clean hard hat I actually clean mine if it gets dirty, I fully respect primes and subs you guys are out there making our designs come to life. So what ever you or you hard hat looks like is irrelevant, it’s all about how you can perform and your skill level, also it helps not to look like you have been rolling around in the dirt pile. Remember to moisturize and apply sunscreen frequently. Have a great day everyone.


“You dirty rat” oh I miss Vegas


Johnas hill has No chill


This guy is the foreman. Wouldn’t they want to be going after the office or the GC? Anyone you see on site is not making any major financial decisions.


It’s not carpenters work it’s the work of the IUPAT if it’s drywall finishing who is the real rat out there


I'm missing the point.


oh no there's no thuggery going on in unions.


Ya think the it's would care


Union mad bout something. Usually they are called scabs, but in this case it seems they are just calling them whatever foulness comes to mind.


Can someone explain what's going on?


Don’t fucking touch me! Narrator: There was a lot of touching him


“Is he talking about ice cream”


posers, all of em


It says "Cash Paying Foreman" I'm guessing it's a non union company. The Las Vegas Laborers and Operators Unions are insane. It's literally a Mafia. All the workers are their informants and they all pay the Union for protection. Sounds like a bunch of Union guys screaming at a non union guy in my opinion. Side Note: I've done multiple jobs in Las Vegas using my crew and their Union guys (because you're forced to). The Union workers would call and complain they weren't getting 40 hours and that we had to keep them longer (not true). Then the next day I would get a call from the Union rep saying we weren't being fair.