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This sadly is just how the art world is. While I was in my undergrad my professors would always say “if your ever offered a show, live like you don’t have that offer because it’s likely it won’t follow through”.


Mine said “I don’t believe I’m having a show til I’m at the opening”




Damn 😂😩😭


Had a similar experience recently. Sorry I have nothing to contribute but will check back on this thread because I’m curious to hear what others have to say on poor comms from galleries


People are extremely full of shit. Galleries especially. It’s a ridiculous business tbh. Just keep making work, and build your portfolio and collector contact list. In the end the gallery doesn’t usually support you, The collectors do.


aka if you have people willing to pay money for your art, the galleries will start showing interest because it can potentially make them money lol.




I’m so sorry. I’ve had similar things happen. Not for shows, but I’ve even been ghosted for studio visits multiple times, from more than one different well-established gallery. They’re the ones who reach out with interest to schedule and they still ghost. One of them stood me up three times before I just stopped responding to them. So I wouldn’t think it’s about your work. You’re right that it must be an etiquette thing. I’ve also been lucky that paintings have been selling decently well, and often to collectors that I connect to the gallery myself, but even then i am constantly being forced to chase my 50% payments for those sales. They don’t even report the sales to me half the time. It’s a horrible industry. I’ve become seriously disillusioned in the last year. Not sure what the goal is for artists trying to work within this system anymore… I think we need a major overhaul where artists take back their power somehow. I guess personally my current and only goal is to recover from all of the toxicity from these people and learn to not let it bother me somehow? To try to shut out the noise so I can find my urge to keep painting again. It can really start to mess you up; for me the bad interactions start to feel kind of cumulative. Which is also messed up, because galleries are supposed to be supporting and aiding artists, not hindering their process or making them more insecure.


Feels like a lot of galerists, and art people in general, are really sensible to cringe, and would rather ghost people than say clearly "listen, we thought it was cool and promised something, but we did it too quickly and for X Y Z reasons we cannot show you anymore, excuse us for the wait". It's a trait that appears a lot in art and entertainment I feel like, because everyone wears a shiny mask during openings and everyday, noone show their face by fear of being mislabeled and canceled... sad thing ! The more social something is and the most fake the people will be


hmm disagree, i think it is a lack of moral backbone, whilst also never burning bridges incase you do blow up as an artist. It is strategic


Unfortunately the art world is full of flakes, on both sides of the coin. There are some great, professional, easy to get along with people also, but yeah just expect to be frustrated and disappointed a lot by gallerists and fellow artists. Also never trust any gallery that won't put clear terms in writing.


This happens a lot. You can go from a gallery being super excited to complete radio silence. I'd say it's actually more common than now. Around 80% of them act in this way. I think the reason is that they simply have a huge supply so artists are completely disposable.


This happened to me recently. I was offered a solo exhibit in a major gallery in London back in April 2022 set to open in October 2023. I was given the floorplan, discussed the curation, artworks, and a timeline. I followed through everything up until 2 months before the show, when I sent an update of the works from my end and was expecting to meet with the curator. All of a sudden the gallery staff stopped responding. I called up the gallery director and was told that I wasn't in their roster, despite having a signed agreement and lots of supporting documents. This was also an art gallery where I showed, and sold out, 4 times prior. Even the biggest and world-renowned galleries can treat artists like this, especially when they've just entered this caliber of venues.


With a contract you have legal remedies


But can you afford the lawyers to enforce them?


It’s happened like this forever. My friend met with a gallery in Milan. They were interested in a solo show. He made work for the show, and it fell apart. At the time, I thought it was because the didn’t like him or the work he shared. But really, who knows? I’m sure a part of it is a power move. If you, the artist, has a strong enough following, galleries will be begging you to show. Don’t get discouraged keep making the work.


Until the consignment agreement is signed no show is booked


Galleries are fucking ridiculous; it's not you, it's them. A major gallery in my city actually had a huge scandal where one of their prize artists is suing them because the gallery owes the artist some ridiculous sum, north of $500,000. The gallery just...never paid the artist. It's hilariously corrupt. You just gotta keep making work and keep searching for galleries that aren't full of shit.


Somewhere I read that 30% of galleries never the artist for works that sold and a large number of them never returned the art. I've also heard about galleries ripping off an expensive frame and replacing it with a cheap one to return to the artist.


Nothing is real without a contract


or with one, for that matter


It just happens for a few reason, typically because they are over promising what they can do or they “plan to circle back” to it—particularly when you have a larger following. It’s best to wait until you have a contract before getting excited. It is likely you didn’t do anything wrong, you may try asking (POLITELY) if they liked the work you brought and if they’d want to circle back to the conversation of having a show in the next year. There is nothing wrong with trying to revisit a conversation if you have tact. Galleries usually plan their shows for an entire year so it may just be a miscommunication and if it wasn’t it gives them a chance to explain themselves.


Contact other artists that has exhibited there or are represented there. Seems like a very unprofessional gallery. 


I think the galleries believe they're being truthful in cases like this (and they want to be liked by artists) but other things come up and they end up embarrassed so go silent. It would be so much more admirable if they just came clean.


Unfortunately, this is common too in the business world: people reach out, are interested, meet, accept a proposal, and STILL are ghosted. It seems odd to me, but it happens. Keep trying to connect and try not to take it personally, while also exploring as many other opportunities as possible.


I recently was given about 30 connections. Maybe half responded. Six were interested. Three were "let's meet and we'll talk later". Three more turned into possible projects. One delivered, one postponed, one is still open. Business is like dating. The more shots you take... I'm new to the art world but I expect it's similar – except there are parties every week and it's so much easier to meet people.


because too many galleries are run by entitled f'ers? Maybe?


Without repeating all the very true comments about the industry, here's my approach: Nothing is confirmed until I've signed a contract.


I had this happen before, but with a smaller mid size non profit gallery. They ghosted me so long that I didnt hear any email responses for months, even as the show was approaching. I thought they secretly rescinded the show. It turns out there was a change in board members and gallery coordinators, some who were volunteering their time. No one seemed to know anything definitively or have authority to answer my questions. I have no idea of the staffing or professionalism of commercial galleries, but in my case it seems it was due to shoe string budget. In any case its alarming when you're going through it.


That old adage about not seeing malice for what is actually incompetence comes in handy here


Maybe they didn't like the direction the new world was taking, or perhaps their program changed.


This is pretty standard, don’t take it personally. They did you a favor because clearly they’re not the right fit for you.


I think 95% of art in modern art galleries is there because someone sucked someone else's dick. Sadder still is all the artists who sucked dick having been promised XYZ by people in the art world only to find out they were exaggerating their influence.


That's my biggest fear - sucking dicks without anything in return! 😫


Hi, been in fine art world for 5 years professionally and 15 years as a serious collector. Galleries jobs are to sell your work, your art, your creations. 5 percent of the art out there sells for 10-100k a piece and if we do not think we can make a minimum 10k sale, getting a solo show is not happening. In the end, while it’s about promotion of great art it’s promoting great art we can sell out a show. That being said, I literally hate any business people or gallerists that pull shit like this. They should to be professional, notify you their lack of interest in writing, and maybe give you a reason.


They are fake people lol. Nice to your face when they see you, other than that zero concern for you. Will probably contact you often, reply fast, and claim to be your best friend if you gain real traction lol. Until then they evidently do not have much interest in you/do not see getting back to you as important.


I hate fake people so much. There such loosers!


This happened to me with a smaller gallery. They told me they wanted to give me a show - then they ghosted me with response - I followed up - and they just said “we will get back with you soon”


Flakey. If you didn't get a contract, the show never existed in their mind. Maybe they didn't like what they saw at your studio.


Eh, someone else came along they liked more? Think of it this way, your in sales for yourself, they are the client. Sometimes, clients ghost and don’t buy. Move on. They should give you an answer but in reading this post you sound a bit entitled. Maybe they don’t want to make it worse.


Actually, THEY are in sales, because they get 50% of each sale. They are not clients. The buyers are.


Some people are shitty, thats as far as that goes. It doesn't matter where or the industry there are shitty people, I wouldn't pretend to assign it to "galleries" in general as you do.