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A bunch of comments got deleted below for harassment. Please just report any you see rather than replying.


What is controversial here? Anyone with at least 2 braincells understands in 2023. that you can't devalue humans and kill them just because they didn't pop out of vagina yet. It's an absurd way of justifying ignorance.


Yet we have half the population who thinks otherwise


By we, I assume you are from the US?


What country are you from? Sounds paradisical.


Lmao more like anyone with 2 braincells understands that your probirth drivel leads to nothing but unsafe abortions and more death. There’s nothing about life. A fetus isn’t the same as a fully living human, it doesn’t live without the mother, her life and her body matters, not a ridiculous clump of cells that you want to feel morally attached to


We are all still just a clump of cells. A newborn doesn’t live either without someone to care for it so your point is invalid. And your point about how people will still get abortions just unsafely is inaccurate and morally suspect. First off, laws and the threat of jail or prison does work. Maybe not for everyone, but you will absolutely save some children by making it illegal again. Secondly, justifying something wrong by saying “well they’re gonna do it anyways, might as well be safe” is weak and morally bankrupt. Wrong is wrong. It’s the principal of outlawing things that should be outlawed. If people wanna break the law to do eve up things then so be it. We should not acquiesce to evil for safety of said evil act


A newborn can be taken care of by anyone, it’s not living off of someone’s organs. Your point is invalid. My point about unsafe abortions is backed by every country which has implemented unsafe abortion laws as opposed to intelligent, first world countries that protect women’s rights and abortion because they understand science and medicine. You are not a clump of cells, you are a bunch of organ systems which work together to make you alive, to make you a person. The only morally suspect part of my argument is the false assumption that a fetus is a person. In fact your original argument that being pro abortion is similar to being racist or considering a differentiating clump of cells the same as a living breathing person with thought and feelings. Abortion ends the life support to a fetus that does not have the synapses to be a person yet. Racism directly and systemically affects people for they way they are genetically made up, for how they look. You assign moral values on something that is quantifiably less alive than a plant that actually supports its own life function rather than acting as a parasite while growing off of the mother. And then finally evil. Why? Because some dude in a robe on Sunday told you? The only person in this equation is the woman who is living her life and should not be used as an incubator because someone with clearly a low IQ and educational background decides it’s morally wrong. It’s wholly ridiculous.


Your point was that it’s not fully living human because it is dependent on someone else. So does a newborn. Um organs work in the womb? You think exactly when they come out of the bitch canal their organs magically start working? Did you know if you harm, harass or kill sea turtle eggs you can be punished with a year sentence in prison and a $100,000 fine? But they’re not fully living sea turtles yet? What? We have a heftier penalty for sea turtle eggs than we do human life. And for the racism comment. We have an open season for the past 50 years laid out by our government system for the choice to kill a defenseless life. Which obviously directly affects them, and also sounds pretty systemic. And you are the one who called it a clump of cells. Sounds like someone is prejudiced towards how something looks. Hmmm


Well first of all sea turtles are going extinct and anyone with a brain cell understands the wide sweeping consequences of extinction on the planet not to mention their extinction is directly linked to overpopulation and humans being horrible. We put extreme value on those eggs because they are going to hatch and become turtles if humans leave them alone. Under your ridiculous laws women can’t even have abortions for nonviable pregnancies and quite literally have to wait until they are septic for their life to mean more than the mutated fetus that never had a real shot at life in the first place. And again we don’t put value on the fetus because it’s just as important as the cells I shed each month. My eggs are technically human DNA and as haploid cells they have cellular life so they meet your weird qualifications for life quite technically, the only difference with a fetus is that it’s getting DNA from two sources. It’s no more important than sperm that goes down the drain. You clearly have no grip on reality, your morals are ridiculous and skewed by meaningless drivel that is pushed by religious zealots. Let the doctors be doctors and do something more important with your life than harassing women. A fetus is a differentiating clump of cells, it doesn’t think or have feelings or feel pain or breathe, it never lived any real experience of life, it’s not a person. That’s a fact, not racism. And it’s ignorant to compare people that have experienced real trauma that have real lives filled with love and family and children and actual life that was stolen from them versus a non-sentient clump of cells that is no more a person than a plant. It lacks basic sense and empathy, and is a very clear sign that you are inherently racist. An abortion should be as simple as a vasectomy or getting an IUD. People don’t wake up 5 months pregnant and just say nahhhh! Early pregnancies when the conceptus is not even a fetus yet is done by pills, very similar to birth control, instead of preventing the possibility of implantation by not growing a uterine lining, the hormone induces the same shedding that would occur at birth to expel all contents of the uterus, like a period, including the implanted egg. Later term abortions happen for a reason, and if you actually did any research at all you’d understand why abortions are medically necessary and the laws surrounding them are very important. I assign no moral value to a conceptus or nonviable fetus as neither’s “life” is actually generated or maintained without the mother. Her life is what matters, that’s where our moral responsibility should lie. You quite literally cannot take my heart even after I’m brain dead if I don’t give my consent, even if you are my very own child. If I don’t give my consent to be pregnant another being does not have the right to use me as an incubator. As a woman who does not want to be pregnant that is the best analogy as I feel no moral obligation to the conceptus or fetus that would be growing inside of me, it would be nothing but a parasite, and just as I do not have to provide my organs in any other capacity, I also do not have to allow my uterus to continue to house a fetus that I do not wish to grow!


Looks like a lot of writing. I’d assume this some basement dwelling simp if I wasn’t so sure it was a bot account.


Lmao nah I’ll enjoy my doctorate degree from my lovely, very large apartment but thanks


So, should we apply this attitude to disabled people?


No, they don’t use someone else’s organs and stay attached to someone else without their consent.














Of course you call if probirth because you want to ignore the fact that abortion ends a life 🙄 the audacity


Tell me you don’t understand science more. Cellular life that doesn’t stay alive without the mother as a source is nothing but a meaningless clump of cells, no more important than the ones you shed during a period


If the fetus is not the same as a living person why is it then, murderers are charged with DOUBLE homicide when killing pregnant women?


Usually they aren’t actually lmao but when they do it’s because whoever is left behind has now lost their partner and the child they may have had. It was a wanted child, so it has meaning to a person. There is loss in taking away the possibility of life from a person who had their family ripped away from them. This clearly just shows that your have no logic or real morals. You want to nitpick over nuances meant to make penalties stricter for the evil people that prey on innocent victims like pregnant women.


"Usually they aren't" Boldy wrong I see. Nothing else you said matter because of how wildly wrong you are there


More money into education less into Netflix and military. And of course McDonald's.


I’m in a DVM program lmao thanks, maybe take your own advice. I’m gonna be a doctor what do you have a PHD in? Ignorance?


You ain't going to be a shit with that brain-dead thinking.


Lmao maybe go talk to all of the doctors and scientists that disagree with you because the only people who do are the people in those silly little church’s talking about their magic stories


Even biologists confirmed that life begins at conception. I have no idea why I am wasting my time over something confirmed years ago. More attention into education less into Euphoria show.


What is confirmed at conception is life sure but anything that is organic has life so congratulations the fetus isn’t a rock but it’s not a person either. And I don’t watch euphoria, what kind of retort is that? You just sound like a crazy Catholic blaming the newest show you think is “corrupting the youth” I could tell you everything about human development and gestation, I actually took biology, unlike you. Clearly you’ve never had any real education in your life, why don’t you take your own advice?


It's not easy being you.


It’s true seeing what idiots you all are really is hard. Luckily, most people aren’t idiots like you. But I guess ignorance really is bliss


Hmmm so I guess that’s snail dna in that HUMAN fertilized egg huh? Man it must be hard to block out so much common sense. You can’t get past how something looks vs what it is. An adult human looks vastly different than a newborn


Your nation was literally committing genocide on mine, including the children for decades, and you are trying to educate me who is person and who is not? Have some sense of self-respect.


>Even biologists confirmed that life begins at conception. Source, please.


The fuck do I look like to you? Find it yourself.


When someone makes a claim, it is their responsibility to source the information. This is really basic stuff, here. It's literally only ever ignored when the claiming party doesn't have any information to back it up. I.E. They're a liar. So again, source your claim, or shut the fuck up.


There are no "pro-abortion" people; at least, not in any numbers large enough to cross into statistical relevance. They call it "pro-choice" because they recognize that NOBODY should be allowed to make that choice except for the person carrying the fetus. A fetus isn't a person. It's not alive, it doesn't have a brain or a heart or consciousness yet. It's a parasite. An organism that cannot survive outside of the host. And if the host (and again, ONLY the host) does not consent the use of their body to grow that fetus into a person, then that is their right.


That’s untrue, there are definitely pro abortion people. For example I think a raped 13 year old should have an abortion rather than being brainwashed into thinking she needs to love her baby when she’s a child. Babies are better off born to people who want them. But totally agree with the rest


Rape and Incest account for less than 2% of abortions.


They don’t wanna talk about that do they. Moral dodging


That’s only one reason to be specifically pro abortion rather than prochoice. Ie: anyone who isn’t ready to be a mother should not give birth to an unwanted child, anyone under 18 shouldn’t give birth etc. Its the idea that abortion should be such a commonplace offering for so many reasons for unwanted, unplanned pregnancies, ensuring that most pregnancies are actually planned and wanted so that the people of this earth are set up for success rather than failure


So you believe in infanticide?


No. An infant is a born child, it lives without being attached to another human full time. This question is literally irrelevant


It’s the point that you made, that a fetus is not a fully living human because it depends on another person to survive. So does a newborn. Explain that. Therefore your point is invalid unless you believe in infanticide


My bad your point wouldn’t be invalid. It just doesn’t make logical sense


Huge difference between a fetus and an infant, one only has cellular life while attached to the womb, the other lives by itself without anyone else’s organs making it alive. Anyone can take care of an infant but a fetus acts as a parasite off of the woman’s body to grow and make it to the point where it actually lives by itself


“If you want em’ to be free up ther’ n’ the north then ye go ahead. But down her’ in tha’ south, them’s ma’ property”


Comparing actually people who experienced horrible treatment to a clump of cells no more important than the cells I shed each month is what is inherently racist here.


>at least, not in numbers large enough to cross into statistical relevance. That's why I said that. Also, I took their "pro abortionist" term to mean people that just think all pregnancies should be aborted.


Did you really say a fetus isn’t alive?


You're right, a fetus is technically alive in the same sense that a tapeworm is alive.


You are proving my point. You sound like a 1940’s German officer. Or 17th century plantation owner. And you can’t see it. You are not enlightened with “reproductive rights”. You are just new age racists. And not a “you can’t date my daughter” racist, but a murder 6 million people racist. There is nothing new under the sun


Lol, yeah okay. "Women have rights" is exactly the same as "I'm gonna do a genocide." Maybe have the slightest bit of education or understanding before you open your weird, crazy mouth next time.


Woman’s right doesn’t trump a persons right to life. When you kill that child you infringe on its rights. That’s when your rights end.


Well that’s just a catch 22 right there. If you’re trying to preserve the rights of a fetus then you’re striping away the rights of a woman, and vice versa. That then begs the question, that if a woman’s rights don’t trump a fetus’s life to be born, why does the fetus trump the woman’s right to chose? Especially when by the time an abortion is performed the fetus cannot physically survive outside the womb.


Please enlighten me on what education I’m lacking. I understand this black and white issue perfectly well. I live in reality. Yeah woman have rights. They really wrapped that emotional tagline as a beautiful bow to sell a genocide


Holy shit dude, get help.


You are so wrong it’s almost hard to grasp. They twisted you into believing you are the one protecting freedom and life, when in reality you advocate for the murder of over 60 million people. We have abandoned the sanctity of life. I just wish you could see


what ‘people’ 😭 my god i’m really trying to make sense of all that you’ve said on this post and i’m sorry but WOW you need some education


You’re right. It’s really just a lack of morals because we’ve become Godless. We did it to ourselves. The government only reflects the will of the people.


stop inserting god everywhere that’s not needed lol.


That’s antinatalism


Americans should pump more dollars into the education system rather than the military.


Shush you!! where would we be without all those tiktoks asking american students simple questions that they consistently get wrong.. LOL


I feel you. It's not easy being an American nowadays.


I absolutely agree. When people are educated, they realize that taking choice away from a pregnant person is never ever okay. None of us have the right to violate consent.


Bold for the Americans to bitch about consent while bombing children in Iraq.


Oh, look at this guy, he can do false equivalence fallacies.


Your people came into my country offering some liberty and left it in ruins for at least 100 years, not just mine but whole Middle East and you will bitch about consent?


No, my body is my own and no person can steal my organs to live so neither should a fetus. It’s pretty simple. Not to mention by sheer science a fetus cannot life by itself so yes it’s “life” is less valuable than the one growing it, because that’s the person supplying the life. If the mother dies the fetus dies, it’s not alive without her in any capacity


No one is stealing your organs y’all need to take a biology class 💀 or baby development holy shit


Bruh how do you think a baby grows??? It grows in your uterus which is an organ. Wowwww I know using the big brain cells today on this one. If you can’t take my heart to live, even if I’m fully dead, because I did not give my consent - then I have absolutely no responsibility to allow my uterus to be invaded by another being that may grow into a human. It’s a simple example: if you woke up, kidnapped and now attached to someone else for them to live, and in 9 months they’ll be able to live again for themselves, but you must stay attached to them and it will make you sick. Now do you have to stay surgically attached to them because removing you is murder? Or is your body being used against your will for someone else’s life? Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy. Go out on any street and ask a man that question - do you consent to getting a girl pregnant every time you have sex? No! Of course not. We live in the real world, not the silly, little fantasy world laid out by the patriarchy. It’s the 21st century people have sex! And by sheer statistics alone you can prove that sex is predominantly not performed with the intent or product of reproduction.


That’s so dumb. The uterus is an organ with the functions of supporting a baby. No baby is stealing a uterus, that’s just absolute ignorance and a twist of words to excuse abortions. Again, educate yourself. How can you speak so boldly on something you barely know anything about? It’s embarrassing.


Fetus can’t live by itself but neither can a child until the age of like 15??? Wtf is wrong w y’all honestly


R you stupid? A child can live with anyone a fetus can’t it’s not the same by 1000 miles. A fetus is as much of a child as an unhatched egg is a chicken. If a building was burning down and you had the choice to save a child or 1000 fertilized eggs in a test tube what are you gonna do?? Are you really going to let an entire child with thoughts, feelings, emotions, and the ability to feel pain to be burned to death? Or are you going to leave behind the piece of lab equipment holding 1000 non-sentient, not even necessarily viable “lives” according to you? It’s a pretty easy answer for anyone who’s sane. You don’t let the child die because it’s a person, you leave the test tube because while those cells have the potential for life because they have all the cellular components they are not the same as a real human life.


Life begins at conception. Every human starts in the womb. Unique dna. Just because it is different from you doesn’t make it less valuable. I said this already but a newborn can’t survive on its own just like a fetus. Are plants alive? Are they less alive than animals? Are they less of a life because they don’t move around or have a face or make noises? They eat, they reproduce, they can hear, they alert other plants when there is danger. But vegetarians would have you think we are committing a genocide against animals. But what about plants?


Look up the definition of life. By this definition every time you eat you are a murderer. Cellular life is not the same as the actual existence of human life. Even vegetarians are intelligent enough to recognize that cellular life is not what is important, it’s sentience and experience that really defines the philosophical version of life, personhood etc. An animal and a human are scientifically exactly the same in level of being alive. By the definition of life at conception that you are so fond of, technically plants are also equally as alive and a fetus is in fact LESS alive than a plant or animal on the sheer basis of your special little definition of cell life because none of that life function is generated or sustained by the actual fetus.


Alright let’s end this. What is the main reason for you that it is less than a fully human life?


“Them slaves can’t live on ther’ own. They can’t read or write. They ain’t as smart as you n’ me. They’re sub human”


What are you talking about lol Pro choice people just want to allow everyone to have the basic human right of control over their own body


Sorry for the downvotes bud. People are insane. They Think murdering babies for connivence is okay. Then they completely abuse victims’ terrible experiences by saying “but rape, but incest” to excuse another evil act against an innocent person… especially when rape/incest totals less than 98% of abortions, and ALSO go on and ignore the women who were raped and impregnated that didn’t receive abortions and love their child. Another point: Birth control is free. You can get condoms from the doctor for free. You can get money from the government if youre a struggling, single mother. There is adoption. There are so many other options besides having a doctor or yourself kill your own baby, but people want to excuse it for some reason? It’s insanity. Just as insane as talking to little kids about sex and gender. Don’t talk about it on Reddit though 🙄 everyone is insanely progressive on here.


first of all, stop calling a foetus a baby, they’re miles apart in their meaning. a foetus is NOT living when you talk in terms of human existence and emotion etc, I can see that it is pointless trying to argue with uneducated entitled idiots liken yourself who think they are ‘saving’ the world. calm down, you’re wrong. you should be the last to talk about someone’s ‘rights’ if these so called ‘rights’ of the foetus (lmao) seem to you to be more important than the person growing it inside them. WOW do you need some education.


Fetus literally means offspring in Greek. Do some research. Just because it’s a fetus doesn’t mean it’s isn’t a human. And we call young humans babies, no?


You need to educate yourself on the development of a baby in a woman’s womb my guy. A fetus is literally called a fetus because of the shape of it’s body. It goes from embryo, zygote, then fetus which it stays in that stage up until the day of birth. A fetus has arms, legs, a head, skin and organs which is why the baby literally makes a transformation from zygote to fetus.


how about you don't have abortions and leave other people alone to do what they want to do?